Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 330 Qi Jin Becomes a Bloody Gardenia

Looking at the blood all over his shirt like blooming flowers on the other side, Qi Jin felt that he was a newly completed work of art, and he even wanted to pick up the paintbrush again to guide the blood flow, to draw those blood Drawn as a gardenia...

Her favorite...Gardenias...

"Miss are are finally see, here are all the things I prepared for you, after so many years of painting, I can finally let you you think it is beautiful...I remember you drawing It's also pretty, right?" Qi Jin ignored the gunshot wound on her body, and just wanted to tell Lu Xining about her masterpiece,
With tears in his eyes, he pointed at the portrait in the studio with the last of his strength. The one in the middle is a sketch of Lu Xining wearing a wedding dress. The person in the painting is smiling beautifully, just like the real person .

Lu Xining was taken aback for a moment before turning her head to look at these portraits. She was too hasty to pay attention to Tang Wanying when she came in just now... I didn't expect that there were so many mysteries in this house. Letting Yun Moqian directly send someone to drive the helicopter over, so as not to cause any big surprise, otherwise Qi Jin would have left long ago after climbing these stairs and searching for these rooms.

As soon as Yaluo found the location, he found a small plane heading towards Qi's house, and immediately reported to Lu Xining that the woman couldn't sit still, and said that if Yun Moqian didn't take her there, he would drive there by himself!
Yun Moqian was so frightened that he hurriedly arranged a plane to pretend to be the plane that came to pick up Qi Jin. Fortunately, he happened to meet Qi Jin.

Regardless of Ye Tian's dissuasion, the woman walked to Qi Jin's side. The beautiful black leather shoes were in front of her. Qi Jin wanted to say something, but a black hole was aimed at him like this, which made the man startled, and slowly lifted his It was only at the beginning that Lu Xining was pointing a pistol at him, with a cold expression on his face, making Qi Jin instantly forget what she was about to say just now.

"What's your relationship with Li Chang? Why are you the legal representative of Ai Cu?" Women are no longer willing to play word games with such dirty and disgusting people one by one, and Qi Jin laughed because of her straightforward attitude. I like Lu Xining's appearance, and if he wants to know something, he will force others, but this appearance is now threatening his life.

In the end, I even lost my child's temper, but it was very bad..."You kiss me, and I will tell you everything, or you can take a photo with me in that red dress, and I will tell you, how about it? How good deal~"

Within two seconds, his back was attacked again, Yun Moqian couldn't bear someone talking to his wife like this, the person who covets him is still a pervert!The man's leather shoes stomped on the man's back, gnashing his teeth, wanting to trample him to death.

However, if this guy is trampled to death, Lu Xining's question will not be answered, so let's trample him to death later...

"Cough cough cough... Master Yun is really cruel..." Qi Jin coughed twice, although he said Yun Moqian, but his eyes never left Lu Xining for a second, as if those feet just now were Yun Mo Qian Qian gave him a few light slaps, he would rather let Lu Xining slap him a few times.

Yun Moqian was about to lose his temper, and wanted to mend his feet, but was held tightly by Lu Xining. In order not to hurt Ren'er's stomach, the man had no choice but to let go, but his eyes were still fixed on the chuckling Qi Jin, as if eyes can kill people.

"Husband, husband, there is no proof!" Lu Xining hurriedly called her husband twice, and finally calmed Yun Moqian. The man could only stand and look at Qi Jin, but he was still quite satisfied with Lu Xi. Ning called her husband in front of so many people, usually only when the two of them were alone together, and at most would only be called Mo Qian in front of others.

Qi Jin looked at Lu Xining's appearance and smiled lowly. It was obvious that his life was passing, but he still had the illusion that Lu Xining was protecting order not to get hurt...he didn't hesitate to lower his status.

But Qi Jin also knew that this was just self-consolation. How could Lu Xining protect him...just to get the answer she wanted, but he still wanted to get a little bit of warmth from her...even if this It doesn't matter if the warmth hides deception...

Yun Moqian didn't make any more moves, but stood aside, he wished he could have a cigarette for him now, but Lu Xining was here, so she couldn't let her see him smoking, because she said that at that time.

It's more about the feeling of being betrayed. He regards Qi Jin as one of his few friends, and even entrusts him with matters as important as the wedding dress. He didn't expect this guy to play tricks on the wedding dress. Ying's child was removed, and the poison on the wedding dress was also intended to kill Lu Xining's child. He and Lu Xining had heard these words a long time ago, and he couldn't deny them.

Lu Xining looked at the man curled up on the ground with a mocking expression on his face. Sure enough, he was too soft-hearted before, otherwise he would not have provoked Qi Jin's extremism... That was the first time I saw Qi Jin , Seeing his intimate behavior towards her, Lu Xining thought it was a foreign way of greeting and didn't think much about it, but she didn't realize that this was what he had planned for a long time.

"If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have given you that breakfast." Lu Xining looked at the man in disgust, and wanted to kick him a few times like Yun Moqian... If he didn't have this pity on the street at that time Guys, maybe it wouldn't happen today.

Hearing this, Qi Jin burst out laughing, not knowing whether it was the pain in his chest or the pain in his heart, he burst into tears while laughing, but the tears streaming down his face did not arouse any pity from anyone present, Qi Jin thought In such a cold winter, those warm hands were extended to him, and that clever back made him believe that in this life, it could only be her.

Obviously I have worked so hard, became a designer, and gained everyone's appreciation, but Yun Moqian took the lead,
That organization gave me the best poison in the world so that I could have a chance to kill Lu Xining. I even wanted to die with Lu Xining, but I still couldn't bear it, so I just used a small dose of poison in the end. , just want to kill the child in the woman's stomach.

After that, she kidnapped Ren'er, conceived her own child, and finally gave birth to it. This is the only thing in this world that cannot be changed.

It's so hard that I'm really...too weak...

I knew I couldn't be so soft-hearted at the beginning...

"Let me ask again, how did you become Ai Cu's legal representative?" Lu Xining asked this question again, even if Qi Jin was going to die, he had to fulfill his last use value.

Qi Jin stopped laughing, and stared blankly at the helicopter, with mixed feelings in her heart, and couldn't tell what it was like. It turns out that even a helicopter can be dispatched at will, and even the gunshots outside can't be heard now. Without any movement, is this the ability of the two strongest people in the world?
He knew that his current life was passing by little by little, but he didn't feel the pain in his shoulder at all, and he just wanted to eat the most common toast bread a few years ago again.

Because looking at Lu Xining's face, he could still think of that desolate street a few years ago, when an unknown beggar in simple clothes took over a bread lady who had a bright smile.

"I...One day I received an invitation from an organization, saying that they could let me be with you, except for Yun Moqian, they have poison..." Qi Jin thought about that letter At the beginning, I was completely hopeless, thinking that I would have nothing to do with Lu Xining in this life, but until the letter came, I felt that there might be another chance to have hope again.

Lu Xining squinted her eyes when she heard it, and Yun Moqian nodded thoughtfully beside her, so Qi Jin was able to travel around the world to see exhibitions when she didn't have any income from works. It is the ability of the organization in his mouth.

Does the woman think that Qi Jin is indirectly answering that Ai Cu is that organization?
Knowing the eyes of people seeking knowledge, and Qi Jin didn't want to answer people, he silently turned his mind to the side and stopped looking at Lu Xining and the others. Lu Xining stopped it.

"Do you like me?" Lu Xining's sudden question shocked the man, and after repeated hesitation, he could only nod his head, "I like it, I like it so much, otherwise he wouldn't do these things.

Lu Xining looked at every portrait in the studio. Although Qi Jin's way of courtship was wrong, as a designer and an amateur painter, she could also feel the love in these portraits of men. They were painted with their lives .

Yun Moqian looked at the woman silently, but he still couldn't figure out what Lu Xining meant. This would undoubtedly poke Qi Jin's heart.

The woman slowly squatted down, so Qi Jin turned her back to the man, while Lu Xining said with a smile: "Like, it is a very good and happy emotion, not a kind of exploitation, I can do it for Yun Mo Qian can do anything, including having children, and he can do anything for me, and we are both very happy."

Simply and rudely said that I don't like you, so I won't have children for you, Qi Jin didn't make a sound for a long time, and Ye Tian, ​​who was standing a little further away and still holding Tang Wanying, thought that the man had passed away.

But only Lu Xining knew that Qi Jin was still alive, he was just thinking, the man's body was up and down, and after a while he said slowly: "I know that person's name is Li Chang, but I don't have much relationship with her. I have nothing to do with it, there is still some poison left in the mail, and the package information is still in the drawer. I don’t know the rest. I am only responsible for the operation of the company. Master Yun has enemies, next time it might not be as simple as poison and fire."

After hearing this, Fu Huaijun hurriedly went to the desk drawer to look around, and finally found a few bottles of poison and a piece of yellowed paper in it, but he could vaguely see the address on it. Fu Huai took the phone immediately. Take a photo and send it to Arlo.

After watching this series of actions, Lu Xining asked Fu Huaijun to come over and bring Qi Jin back. He was afraid that some things would require his cooperation, and it seemed that this organization had to investigate carefully, such as whether the powerful nobles had recently Any windfall, or news of disappearance.

"I like you... I really like you... That piece of bread is delicious... And... I'm sorry..." Qi Jin's voice fell into the woman's ears in a moderate voice, but gradually her breath faded, Qi Jin Just like that, he died with his eyes open and tears streaming down his face.

Fu Huaijun was standing beside the person, the hand he just stretched out froze in the air and then slowly retracted, he lost blood and died... and Qi Jin's heart was also dead...

There was no expression on Yun Moqian's face. Later, people from the Yun family will have to come over and wipe off fingerprints and all proofs of presence. Qi Jin's final cause of death will only be suicide, trapped by love. The portraits in the studio are enough to illustrate all this. At that time, the society will only condemn Qi Jin, and Qi Jin has no family or relatives. He was an orphan since he was a child, and his current brilliant reputation is self-made, but this studio will also cause him to lose it overnight.

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