Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 325 Surprise at home? !

Back home, Tang Wanying got out of the car and received a call from the company. She hurriedly drove back. Tang Wanying watched the car leave slowly and felt a little empty. She wanted to ask Let's talk about Du Xin's situation...

After all, they are brothers and sisters, so it would be better to ask about the basic situation and come up with a plan, but Du Teng is so busy, and I am too embarrassed to hold him back... Wouldn't I be the culprit if I lose some big contract later?
Then he shook his head helplessly, took the bag, turned around and walked into the villa to prepare the documents for tomorrow, so that he could hand over the work to Du Xin, and he could raise the baby with peace of mind. As for Nanling, he will go to the civil affairs department the day after tomorrow. This should be the last time I will meet Nan Ling.

As soon as she entered the villa, she found it was pitch black. Tang Wanying panicked and yelled, but no one responded to her. At this time, the woman's heart sank to the bottom of the sea. Withdraw it!Is this... asking the servants to leave in advance?Looking at the empty place with some disappointment, why did he become himself again so quickly...

Thinking that going on like this was not a solution, he groped to find the switch of the ceiling light strip, and when he turned it on, he found that all the sofas, tables and chairs had left their original positions, as if he was worried that he would bump into it?

But there was a sound of footsteps, and everyone ran out from the two stairs, with joyful smiles on their faces, and the young servant even hurried down the stairs to hold Tang Wanying's hands who were still in shock, warming her hands. Tang Wanying's heart was warmed up before she realized that she was about to speak...


Everyone said in unison with smiles on their faces: "Miss Tang, congratulations! Welcome home!"

Tang Wanying was taken aback for a moment, and then she noticed something strange about the villa. She pointed lightly at the decorations on the wall and the cake held by an older maid, she was a little surprised and speechless, no wonder I want to turn off the lights because I don’t want to see these things myself!

"These things are gifts from us and a simple celebration banquet for you. I heard that you finally dumped that scumbag today. We watched the live broadcast. It was so annoying! Fortunately, the child was saved! Unexpectedly The rich Young Master Nan is actually that sentimental man!" The young man and the sisters met each other's eyes, and the expressions on their faces were exactly the same, they were all dissatisfied with Tang Wanying and displeased with Nan Ling, and Nan Ling's appearance was actually inherited from Chen Ruyuan,
Moreover, everyone knew how Chen Ruyuan treated Tang Wanying on weekdays, and she really did anything for her grandson!

But only Tang Wanying knew that Chen Ruyuan was kind to her in a certain way. At the beginning, she couldn't wait to have a child, so that Nan Ling would pay more attention to herself. Chen Ruyuan also strongly supported her, and 5 million yuan was also She didn't feel bad at all, it was because she protected herself that Nan Ling didn't reprimand her anymore.

So Tang Wanying only attacked Nan Ling's cheating, and she didn't want to talk too much about Chen Ruyuan. She still had a clear distinction between good and evil, so she didn't reprimand Chen Ruyuan and Nan Xiangmin too much in today's court.

Thinking about Tang Wanying's thoughts, everyone looked left and right before saying, "Miss Tang, isn't Mr. Du with you? He sent us a message just now." The foot arranged everything, and moved the tables and chairs to switch on the lights for safety.

And the woman who heard this finally knew why Du Teng ran away in a hurry, probably because she was afraid of being surrounded by so many women!It's kind of funny after thinking about it.

No wonder I saw his expression so strange just now, it turned out that I already knew what it looked like in the villa, these people were all mysterious, just to hide it from me and give such a big surprise!

Tang Wanying laughed as she thought about it. Seeing that she was so happy, everyone felt happy. The fear of standing at the door just now was wiped away, and all that was left was joy. Then she looked at the cake in the servant's hand. Some gluttons, just went to Diling Bay and only ate some biscuits, and drank bitter medicine...I really want to eat some desserts.

Seeing the yearning look of the woman, she also smiled and said relaxedly: "It's just that pregnant women can't eat too much cream, so the cake isn't made too big."

The older servant put the cake on the table, then brought a plate, cut a piece of the cake, put it on the plate, and handed the cake to the woman.

Tang Wanying looked at the cake in a daze, and when she heard the word "pregnant woman", she remembered that she had something serious to say, and suddenly she didn't know how to tell them that she was going to Lingjing Kingdom. These people have been with her for a long time, From the beginning of pregnancy vomiting to the subsequent good appetite, they were all arranged by themselves. At the beginning, only the older servants took care of her. Later, Lu Xining wanted to send a few young people to come over to talk to her and liven up the atmosphere. .

That's why these maids she trusts come over, there are six of them, old and young...

The lady just said that if you want to bring a servant to accompany you, you can do it, but... all six of you should not be allowed to follow, after all, Ya Luo, Ye Moran, Ye Tian, ​​Fu Huaijun, all three of them are going together. Even if there is only one Arlo, it is more than enough to take care of Lu Xining and herself. If they all follow, it may cause unnecessary trouble...

Seeing her embarrassed look, the servants thought that Tang Wanying felt sick when she saw the cream, so they hurriedly took the cake aside, and someone quickly poured a glass of boiled water and handed it to someone, "Miss Tang, are you okay? Do you want to vomit?" gone?"

Tang Wanying waved her hand, drank the glass of water to calm herself down, asked everyone to sit down, and said solemnly: "I just went to Diling Bay, and the lady told me that she was going to go to another place to raise her baby." I am going to go with her until she gives birth. Ms. Lu said that I can take one or two people with me. You have been with me for a long time. I want to take two people there, and the others will stay in the villa. "

Everyone fell silent. In fact, they were all scattered in the manor villas of the Bellotto family. Some of them even came to Y City for the first time. The instructions they received were to take good care of the owner of this villa. At first they thought It was Lu Xining, I didn't expect it to be Tang Wanying, but everyone could only stay here obediently after receiving Lu Xining's instructions.

Everyone knew Tang Wanying's identity from the beginning to the end, Nan Ling's wife, the suspect who attacked Lu Xining at the wedding, so in fact, the dog's eyes were low, and everyone thought she would take care of her for a few days at most and kicked her out, but The next time they received news from Mr. Yaluo was to take care of Ms. Tang for a long time, which made them stunned... I didn't expect that Ms. Tang would forgive her...

But what I didn't expect was today's court. It turned out that Tang Wanying had such a tragic marriage, so everyone changed their minds and decided to hold a celebration banquet for her.

Looking at the big belly, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, but they didn't expect Tang Wanying to leave now, and everyone felt a sense of emptiness in their hearts, and they only brought two people... who would they take with them? ?
Tang Wanying looked at everyone's faces, and then made a difficult decision, "Let Ahua and Xiaoqian follow this time, and the rest of you can choose to leave, or you can choose to stay and manage the villa. If you want to leave, do it now make a decision."

Ahua and Xiaoqian who were named were both servants who took care of Tang Wanying at the beginning, one was older and the other was young, both of them had a good relationship with Tang Wanying, and they were also very handy with things in the villa, including taking care of Lu Xining It's also a habit, so letting the two of them follow can also relieve Arlo's burden and pressure.

Ah Hua is very capable, she is very clear about the diet and mood of the pregnant woman, so Tang Wanying hardly has to think about what to eat tonight at home.

The two people who were named were very excited, but some people felt disappointed. They looked at each other and discussed in a low voice whether to leave. Tang Wanying looked at the whispering people and sat down on the sofa, and said with a smile: "I want to leave. You can leave, I can pay your wages immediately, I understand you."

But soon someone shouted loudly: "I won't leave! At the beginning, the order given by the lady was to take good care of Miss Tang and keep the villa tidy. Now, although Miss Tang is leaving, the villa is still there, and the order of the lady has not been abandoned. Isn't it! It's nothing if we leave!"

The living room was quiet for a while after saying this, and everyone began to vote one after another. Everyone was willing to stay and continue to take care of the safety and cleanliness of the villa. Tang Wanying was stunned, then slowly laughed, and then approved everyone , ordered the next work.

After that, I called Ahua and Xiaoqian to go upstairs, and the rest of the people left to tidy up the decorations downstairs and divide the cake.

"Let me tell you, I can't tell you the destination for this time. I will tell you when I get on the plane, so you just need to pack some belongings and clothes." Tang Wanying closed the door and faced the two people Said, the serious expression on the face also made the two women stunned and then nodded quickly. The less they know, the better.

This is what Lu Xining ordered Tang Wanying to do. Although Ah Hua and Xiaoqian were sent and trusted by Lu Xining, but if they were bought off, they would unknowingly announce their itinerary in advance. I'm afraid that the people who know are Li Chang and Fang Min...

Tang Wanying didn't know who Li Chang and Fang Min were, but she only knew that since Lu Xining gave her orders, she should follow suit.

After arranging for these two people, Tang Wanying lay on the bed and rested. She was so tired today that she didn't have much time to have a good rest. After finishing the lawsuit, she went to Dilingwan, and Nan Ling came to her again. After listening to the instructions, he finally returned home and arranged for manpower.

She finally knew how hard Lu Xining had been. Even though she looked glamorous, she still had to deal with work and personnel affairs when she returned home, and she was not managing a small company as small as Ai Cu, but a company as big as Bellotto. Enterprises, there are more things to deal with...

But what she didn't know was that most of Lu Xining's work was handed over to Yaluo. In fact, Yaluo was the one who worked the hardest behind the scenes, but he didn't say anything, didn't ask for credit, and just stood behind silently. Lu Xining just solved things that she didn't want to intervene in.

If she knew... the person Tang Wanying really admired and felt sorry for should be Arlo.

After 15 minutes, Tang Wanying started to do it all at once, and then drank the water next to her, thinking that she shouldn't think so much. If others can do so much work when they are pregnant, so can she!
As she thought about it, she cheered herself up, picked up the computer on the table, and started to look at the work that would be handed over to Du Xin tomorrow. These tasks were done by herself in the later stage, and there were some finishing tasks left. She thought Du Xin should be able to manageable.

The reason why Ai Cu didn't go bankrupt before Tang Wanying was also due to Du Xin, because she has been holding on and running the property, so she didn't end up closing down.

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