Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 322 Decoction

On the contrary, Nan Xiangmin calmed down a lot. He raised his head and looked at his expressionless son. He also knew that no one could change what this brat decided, so he said slowly, "Why did you make this decision? There are other reasons. Intend?"

Nan Ling met her father's eyes, feeling cold, then stood up and looked at the photo frame on the cabinet, family portrait... wedding photo... childhood photo... Tang Wanying was smiling happily in that wedding photo. A bright smile, but I don't know when she stopped smiling...

It seems that it started with the 5 million yuan matter...I have been scolding her all the time, thinking that this woman is ambitious, for the sake of peace...But now he knows that Tang Wanying just wants a child, and this child is the only one It can guarantee her a happy life...

So she accepted Lu Xining's proposal without hesitation, sued herself, and filed a divorce lawsuit with herself. Judging from her reaction today, she probably didn't know that Song Xiao would appear... Her only bargaining chip was Ai Cu and that one-sided talk.

As soon as Nan Ling thought of this, he closed his eyes in pain and put down the frame of the wedding photo. He decided not to pay attention to these things. They were all different things, and there was no result after thinking about it.

Turning her back to her parents, Chen Ruyuan stared at the man's back with wet red eyes, as if what happened today was a dream, "I owe her too much, whether it's her husband's status or her lover's." I owe her my identity, even my father's identity, and now this child belongs to her and lives with her.

Nan Ling felt that as long as the child recognized him as the father, and as long as Tang Wanying allowed herself to meet the child, nothing else mattered, and she would be safer by Lu Xining's side... At least she would be accompanied by someone during the pregnancy test she...

After Nan Ling finished speaking, the living room remained silent. Nan Xiangmin thought for a long time, sighed, stood up and was about to go upstairs, leaving behind Chen Ruyuan who was still sitting on the ground, shouting: "Is that so! Husband! Our grandson... grandson... son, you can't be so cruel!"

She couldn't accept that Tang Wanying wanted to take the child away... The most important thing is that the child will not come back to Nan's family in the future, and his surname is not Nan... She only has this son, Nan Ling!If you don't even have this only little grandson...

Even if Nan Ling went outside as a bachelor, he would only be spurned. There would be no wealthy daughters coming to his door. If he found a girl from an ordinary family, it would only ruin their reputation and make things worse.

Nan Xiangmin sighed. This is what he has been doing repeatedly for so many days. From the moment the lawyer's letter arrived at home, he knew that the debts for so many years had to be repaid, but this sigh was the only thing he could do. Well...Let them solve the young people's affairs by themselves, and Nan Ling's crimes are not entirely the fault of his son and mother. As an old man, he actually made things like this, which is even more wrong.

Back then, if what happened to Lu Xining had happened, he would have dragged Nan Ling over to the Lu family and kowtowed to apologize. This way, the little girl would not be sent away and treated inhumanly, and she would not hate Nan Ling so much. home.

In the end, maybe things wouldn't turn out like this. Although I blamed Chen Ruyuan for doting on the child and turning Nan Ling into an irresponsible look today, why didn't I?Nan Xiangmin smiled wryly, and knew that there was nothing he could do about it, so he could only walk upstairs slowly.

"Let's just leave it like this. If the trouble continues, maybe we won't even see the children in the future. Nan Ling, you did the right thing. We really owe those two children a lot." Walking to the stairs, Nan Xiangmin said This passage not only gave Nan Ling confidence, but also gave Chen Ruyuan some comfort. At least Lu Xining hadn't killed them all... Willing to give them visitation rights.

Nan Ling didn't answer, just turned his back to him, and heard his father's heavy footsteps gradually weakening, and finally disappeared. He knew that even if his father didn't say anything, he was deeply disappointed in his son, so he was so calm... In the past, maybe I will give myself a few big mouths...

Even when Lu Xining had an accident, when he was drunk, he vaguely talked about drugging, and his father made him kneel all night. In order not to discredit the Nan family, he didn't explain it to the society. The family punished a bit.

Chen Ruyuan sat on the ground and cried, she was far from being reconciled, why did this happen!If it weren't for this incident, I would still be able to keep Tang Wanying's child born every day, and now everything is gone...

The man still couldn't bear to see his mother like this, so he took a deep breath and walked over. Unexpectedly, Chen Ruyuan would be so angry when she saw him. She bullied Lu Xining since she was a child, and she still doesn't stop when she grows up!This is to piss yourself off!
He beat and scolded him, but Nan Ling also accepted these attacks silently, because he had to bear these attacks. Apart from his parents, there were also the ridicule from relatives, the coldness of friends, and the cruelty of society. It is even more tragic and shocking to hit the body.

On the morning when he woke up with Song Xiao, he made countless mental preparations for himself. At that time, he couldn't say a word when he saw Song Xiao, and even felt that this time he and Lu Xining had finally achieved a good result, and the raw rice was cooked. …

But he didn't expect that the woman who walked in today was a counterfeiter. This shock still made him sad for a long time before he felt that the last light in his heart had finally gone out, and all hope was gone.

"Why do I have a son like you! How... how can you do this! You are going to cut off the back of the parents! Cut off the back of the Nan family! How can you talk to your grandpa if you want your parents to close their eyes and go underground?" They said! Said that you messed around outside, and in the end, the family was unlucky, and even the only grandson couldn’t follow our last name?!”

A big man in Nanling couldn't help but his eyes turned red when he heard these words. He knew how important this surname was to his mother, and how she would have the face to face the past elders of the Nan family... He just said that in the car There were also countless times of regrets during the meeting, and I wanted to turn around immediately and tell Tang Wanying what I just said in a moment of heat,

But he can't regret it!This is the last compensation and gift for Tang Wanying. If you regret it now... maybe you won't even see your son in the future...Lu Xining may arrange Ai Cuo to other cities in other countries, but Nan Ling can only live forever. Hiding here, now all the rumors on the Internet are about today's courts,
He could only comfort the woman in front of him. Even if the Nan family is in decline today... In two days, the news should change its title and become "The Nan Family Falls"... It's just that these news come and go fast, Everyone chatted as a topic after dinner, and after two days, the mothers-in-law and mothers changed the topic again.

Wasn't the news about Lu Xining the same way back then, Lu Zongze spent a lot of money to stop the flow of news, but he Nanling has nothing now, so let the news spread everywhere.

Sitting in the garden, Tang Wanying flicked through today's news boredly. Most of them were from today's court. The photos on them were all of Lu Xining, Song Xiao and herself. It's in a trance... I can't tell which is which. If it weren't for the clothes and aura, I would be a little at a loss.

Lu Xining took a sip of scented tea, she didn't even bother to read today's news, it must be another unnutritious topic written by those big-mouthed reporters, a burst of bitter taste spread into her nose, Lu Xining acted cleverly, and quickly looked up Looking at it, it turns out that Yaluo is coming from afar, and there are still a few steps away.

Ya Luo saw that Lu Xining had put down his teacup and was about to tiptoe away along the grass, and Yun Moqian who was beside him squinted his eyes to stop him.

"What? Where? Playing bug hide-and-seek?"

"Yaluo brought the soup... that's really bitter... don't you think? It's a hell on earth!" Lu Xining pitifully pointed to the tray in Yaluo's hand. There were three bowls of food floating on it bitterness.

These are the herbs that Ye Moran said were sent by the patriarch. They are used by everyone in Diling Bay to nourish their bodies. Women replenish blood energy and men replenish energy. Every time Lu Xining drinks this soup, he has psychological shadows. Move again.

At the beginning, Yaluo was afraid that these unknown herbs would backfire, so after two weeks of drinking, Qin Xihe sent someone to check on Lu Xining. Fortunately, these herbs were not wasted. These soups really made Lu Xi Ning's body is stronger, and there is no sign of drowsiness on weekdays. Even the doctor said that the child is developing very healthy. It is all due to the meditation and recuperation during this period of time and the efficacy of herbs. After Yalo knows, he continues to cook medicine for Lu Suning drinking,
But it was because of this herb that Lu Xining would run away every time he saw it.

Although Yun Moqian looked at people with distressed looks, he still made people sit down obediently. Every time Lu Xining took medicine, he would accompany others to drink a bowl to set a demonstration and example. Even Ye Mo They all drank it, since it was good for the child and mother, they had to swallow it no matter how hard it was, and seeing Lu Xining's face getting more and more rosy, Yun Moqian also ruthlessly gulped down Lu Xining.

Yaluo took the tray and put down the medicinal soup in his hand, and looked at Lu Xining, who was caught in the hand and pinching his nose, with some dissatisfaction, "Miss, these herbs are expensive, and no one else wants them. The patriarch sent them to you specially. To come here, Dr. Ye has chosen for a long time, but you hide every time, even in the basement, if it weren't for Mr. Yun, I really don't know where to find you!"

Indeed, every time when Lu Xining arrived at that time, he would run to hide and disappear. No one could find him, so he could only quickly call Yun Moqian who occasionally went out to do errands, but when Yun Moqian came back, there was no sign of him. You can pick Lu Xining back from somewhere within 10 minutes, and sometimes it's like playing hide and seek, the grass in the garden, the basement, the piano room...

So every time this time came, Yaluo had to order Yu and Lin to watch over Lu Xining and lock him in the room until he finished drinking the soup.

Tang Wanying laughed out loud when she heard Lu Xining's embarrassing deeds and her painful face. Everyone stared at her, which made the woman feel uncomfortable, and even felt a little hot on her face, "What's wrong... Look at me…"

There was a few seconds of silence in the air, and Yaluo took the lead to pick up a bowl of black soup and put it in front of Tang Wanying, then said with a smile: "Miss Tang, I have prepared for you, and I will send some for Du in a few days. Mister will bring you there to mend your body."

Tang Wanying couldn't help frowning because of the thick and smelly medicinal soup, but seeing Lu Xining looking at her so expectantly, she could only bite the bullet, picked up the medicinal soup, and drank it with her head up. Going on, she only felt that these bitter medicines made people sick, Tang Wanying clenched her fists tightly and calmed down the feeling of wanting to vomit.

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