Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 315 Song Xiao Appears Again

The people next to them all joined in the jokes. Everyone knows how magical the hot spring in Diling Bay is. How many capitalists want to soak in this hot spring, but they don’t have any chance or consent... And some time ago, the young grandmother of the Nan family had a car accident. Maybe it was because of this incident that they went to the hot springs, and this family even made false accusations against others... It's too shameless.

Did they think that Tang Wanying did something to the old Nan family couple?I didn't expect the daughter-in-law to be so arrogant and domineering after spending 20 yuan, and [-] yuan was deducted from the dowry. Why is a prosperous family like the Nan family still not satisfied?

Some rich ladies and wives were all amazed. Fortunately, they or their daughters did not "climb" to the Nan family. It is not difficult for me to suffer this kind of punishment now. It is really hard for this child of the Tang family... and now I have to hand it over The child in the womb, this Nan family is really too cruel.

Nan Ling's face turned pale when he heard the comments from people who were closer to him. He didn't expect that the 5 million yuan that Lu Xining wanted to give back to them a while ago is now in the account, and they are blocked to death.

Although the 5 million yuan is a trivial matter to Lu Xining and Yun Moqian... But to people like them, it is a toothache.But now that they have returned the 5 million yuan, they have no way to blame them anymore, and even if others scold them in turn, they can only bite them into pieces and swallow them in their stomachs.

After the judge listened to it and confirmed that the transfer record was correct, he nodded his head in agreement with the other lawyer’s point of view. The Nan’s lawyer gritted his teeth with hatred, and then sat back in his seat, thinking about what to do next. In fact, he himself I also know that today's battle is very difficult, and there is no chance of winning at all...

The members of the Nan family thought in unanimous agreement that the transfer would not arrive sooner or later, why did it come now?This is really even God helping Tang Wanying.

"Miss Tang, where are your testimony and documents?" The judge turned over and looked at Tang Wanying, who bit her lip nervously, then looked at Lu Xining, who was stared at Er also felt that the hand he held just now was being held in reverse, and then rubbed, revealing a little uneasiness.

Lu Xining, who smiled knowingly, touched the palm of the person in turn, and hit Tang Wanying's heart as if to encourage her. She sighed, stood up, then let go of Lu Xining's hand, and slowly walked up the Before, Chen Ruyuan had been invited back to sit down, and Tang Wanying calmly walked over to the witness seat.

The judge nodded to the person, indicating that the person could start talking. Tang Wanying spoke slowly, her voice was soft, and she was no longer pretentious. She no longer imitated Lu Xining's posture, but lowered her posture.

"I'm Tang Wanying, Nan Ling's...ex-wife." When it comes to ex-wife, Nan Ling's face turns pale. I didn't expect Tang Wanying to be so straightforward. She hasn't got the divorce certificate or finished the lawsuit. , has already separated the relationship between the two of them, how much loathing and loathing of himself is this, that they can't wait to get rid of him?
Chen Ruyuan just wanted to stand up and swear at people without shame, but she was pressed down by the security personnel before she could run out to swear. The stern atmosphere and the eyes of the people were all over her, so she could only twist her shoulders She shook off those people's hands and shut her mouth, because she knew that if she stood up again, she would be kicked out mercilessly.

Tang Wanying looked at Lu Xining and the lawyer, and continued with firm eyes after gaining trust, "My ex-husband, Nan Ling, was unfaithful and unrighteous when we were husband and wife. The person next to the pillow already has me, but I still have other women in my heart!"

Hearing this, Nan Xiangmin stood up unbearably. In his eyes, the reputation of the family is the most important thing!What this woman is saying now is slandering at all!slander!

The man stood up and before the security personnel could react, he opened his mouth and said loudly: "Tang Wanying! You are slandering! You are slandering! Why did our Nan family treat you badly! How did Nan Ling treat you badly!" There was no sound, even the members of the Tang family wanted to shrink into the ground. Tang Ankang never thought that his youngest daughter would speak so boldly. Where did the former Tang Wanying who was neither humble nor overbearing and had no self-confidence go?
It disappeared for such a period of time, how come the whole person has been reborn?It's so hard... this is just her skin?Underneath this layer of skin is it difficult to wrap a real manipulator?
The whimsical idea made him unable to move his eyes away, and wanted to find out, but he heard the sound of hammer bang bang bang...

Tang Wanying heard the man's roar and did not answer, but smiled at her father-in-law. The judge couldn't stand it anymore and slammed the table, "Silence! Please don't interrupt others, or please get out of the court." Nan Xiang After hearing this, Nan Ling helped Min Min to sit back, and then he could only sigh deeply. It was so rare that Tang Wanying had seen the news that was intended to reconcile the relationship between the couple, but it was buried in her heart. ?
The judge looked at Tang Wanying, and said solemnly, fairly and justly: "Miss Tang, what evidence do you and your lawyer have to prove that Mr. Nan Ling cheated and was unfaithful in marriage?"

This question came to Tang Wanying's point, and she bit her lip and continued: "That time, after Nan Ling and I quarreled, I saw a news on TV that Nan Ling and a woman The news of entering and leaving the hotel..."

Nan Xiangmin closed his eyes, as if he had expected it long ago. Sure enough, Tang Wanying saw the news one step ahead of him, but she didn't make a fuss, and there was nothing unusual about her. That's why he thought that as long as the news was released quickly After suppressing it, everything was quiet and peaceful. Unexpectedly, this kind of forbearance became one of the elements of her lawsuit today.

Speaking of this, the people in the auditorium were boiling again. Some of them had indeed heard the news, but seeing that the Nan family was willing to spend a large sum of money to stop the spread of the news, it meant that they didn't want to cause trouble. Big, everyone tacitly didn't mention it again. After all, they are all famous people, and they have business dealings with each other.

"Where's the evidence?" What the court needs to look at is evidence, whether it's a photo or a video, it's evidence in court. Tang Wanying's words are unsubstantiated. Apart from seeing it with her own eyes, what the court needs is someone who can prove Nan Ling's cheating. evidence.

Tang Wanying was shocked, she didn't know what to do, she didn't tell Lu Xining about this before, she just said it when she was excited, how should she make things right now?Difficult to play the emotional card?But I can see that this is not going to work...

At this time, Tang Wanying seemed to see the small door of the courtroom she had just entered opened, and then heard the noisy courtroom quiet down because of one person's words, which were very intimidating words.

"To shut up."

The hall was as quiet as a still pool of water. At some point, Lu Xining stood up and walked to the small door, and let someone walk in. Everyone saw... they were all shocked and speechless.

This woman who came exactly the same as Lu Xining!Except for the temperament, the whole face is exactly the same!When did the Lu family have twin daughters? !What's the matter? !
Sitting opposite, Nan Ling looked at the two identical Lu Xining, his expression changed suddenly, he could only grit his teeth and shake his shoulders...Why this guy...It turned out that everything was a hole...Lu Xining knew that he must will jump!
The judge was also stunned. After calming down for a while, he still maintained his professionalism and asked, "Miss Lu, who is she? You should know that you can't bring anyone in at random in the courtroom."

Lu Xining, who was named, smiled and nodded. For a moment, everyone couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake, "Of course I know, the one standing next to me is Song Xiao. The person who spread the word that I hang out with other men, we reconciled after that incident, and let her talk about Mr. Nan and Miss Tang herself. I think she will know more about this matter than me. matter."

Nan Ling felt restless when he heard this, he wanted to stand up but didn't know how to defend himself after standing up, while Nan Xiangmin saw the situation and knew that both father and son had fallen into the spider web carefully woven by Lu Xining, Unable to escape, I didn't expect this 20-year-old girl to be so thoughtful.

After hearing this, the judge nodded and agreed. After all, this woman named Song Fen was the key witness, and her relationship with Nan Ling was self-evident, and everyone knew it.

The hall was as quiet as ice, and everyone held their breaths watching the two identical women standing together, only Yun Moqian and Ye Tian smiled, and Ye Tian said with interest: "It's much worse than our young lady. "Yun Moqian didn't answer, but he agreed with the man [-]% in his heart.

At the beginning when Lu Xining gave Song Xiao a sum of money to live in other places, Yun Moqian knew that Lu Xining must have some plan waiting to be implemented, so he kept Song Xiao's face. As for the reward for seducing Nan Ling, it could be paid later No worries about food and clothing, this condition can be said to make Song Xiao very satisfied.

After seeing Lu Xining's eyes, Song Xiao picked up the mobile phone in her bag and walked towards Tang Wanying, standing next to the person and said, "I am Song Xiao, we have resolved the personal grievances with Miss Lu a while ago, I met Mr. Nan Ling was at the bar. I was so drunk that night that I didn’t remember anything. He kindly said he would take me to a nearby hotel to have a rest. I saw his kind face and accepted it. I didn’t expect...he drank himself too. me..." At this point, she couldn't continue, and those who listened could understand that the two had a relationship, and if this happened, Nan Ling was having an affair within marriage.

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