Ye Tian nodded indifferently. His lady shot and shot a lot of people. I think that when Miss W was fighting every day, she was sometimes the commander, sometimes a military adviser, and sometimes a sniper. The world was turned upside down, and the thought of it made people shudder. No one knew how Lu Xining survived the high-intensity combat during that time.

But for Lu Xining, the less they know, the luckier they are, because there are still a few remnants of forces around the world. Lu Xining and Ya Luo have been observing whether the rebel forces have rebounded...

After thinking about it, I felt that Ting Wu's words were a bit wrong!how?Shot him twice and fell in love because of hatred?Goosebumps all over his body just thinking about it, bah!Can anyone see their ladies?It was an honor to meet him!Still want to make a request?

Ting Wu was thoughtful. People say that heroes meet on narrow roads. People who can shoot and injure themselves accurately in the dark forest at a distance must not be idle people. I am also more and more curious about what Lu Xining is like. Many people, although they have seen it on TV, feel that it must not be that simple!
On TV, she often snuggled up next to men, she was very petite, so everyone in the castle said that the title of Mr. Lu was just for nothing, and that Lu Xining was just a weak pregnant woman. She lost everything in her current life, this is the master's plan, and no matter what they want, the master can conjure them up like a magic trick, which is very magical, which is why the master has so many believers, because the master Respond to every request, eat enough and live warmly, so everyone is willing to follow her...

But the only thing is that the master's temper is unpredictable, and he often loses his temper with his subordinates. Fortunately, he is the second in command by the master's side, so he is not used as a toy by the master to vent his anger.

After thinking for a while, and then looking at the rope on his body, he also knew that it would be extremely difficult to escape from this manor. It's no wonder that my mouth is dry, and I wake up yelling after sleeping for so long.

"Okay, I'm not making trouble, but it's okay to give me some water, right? You can't even satisfy the patient's request? I've been in a coma for so long and I feel uncomfortable with something stuffed in my mouth just now. I want to drink It's fine to saliva, okay?"

Ye Moran also nodded when he heard it. As a medical staff, he still knows that water is the source of life. In addition, this guy is a shot patient who is bedridden. If he does not drink water and eat, his body will not be able to hold on. Yes, he went out to pour water, and after instructing the assistant to give him a full-body examination, only Ye Tian was left looking at the man on the bed.

"What kind of person is your lady?" The man looked at Ye Tian who was sending the message, maybe the young lady who sent it to them also knew a truth on the battlefield: know the enemy and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles, first find out the enemy's information , There is always no harm to oneself, and one can know the enemy's weaknesses from it, some are things, some are people, as long as you know her weaknesses, then nothing is difficult.

Although I am obedient and obedient now, it is only limited to the situation where I am tied up and have nothing to do. When my ability recovers, I can at least know a little bit of this woman's weakness and benefit from it or continue my mission!

Ye Tian, ​​who was sending a message, heard people asking this question and thought that this guy was really out of hatred, so he glanced at the person lightly, thinking to himself what kind of onion you are, a guy with such a low force value and still Such a stinky fart, how can he be worthy of Lu Xining, and Yun Moqian will blow him away in a second, right?

After thinking about it for a while, he looked at the tied-up man sarcastically and said, "Don't think about my young lady, she is a famous girl, I advise you to give up your thoughts, and you can't offend Yun Moqian, he always You can fly away with just one finger, even Yaluo can't beat you, do you think you are really capable?"

Hearing people say this, Ting Wu laughed loudly on the bed, "It's so funny, I'm thinking of her? A woman's idea? I promise I won't think of falling in love with her in this life. It's really too funny, and a person like her will not have real happiness, she will only use money to solve all problems, and she also wants to lay hands on our master, who does she think she is?"

Ye Moran, who came back from pouring water, heard Ting Wu's words at the door, rolled his eyes and walked in, money?Well, the young lady of their family is indeed rich and willful, but who is going to do anything to Li Chang, it is obvious that she is going to frame the young lady time and time again, do you have to tolerate it?
It's a pity that what the lady wants is to live, and she just sent a message saying that she must be sober and able to speak, maybe considering whether she will use medicine to make this person stupid...

Ye Tian, ​​who wanted to feed water with a spoon when anyone came in, didn't want a woman to feed this arrogant guy with water. He felt that Ye Moran, let alone touching him, felt dirty even by looking at him, so he took the water glass on his own initiative. During the process of feeding people water, Ting Wu choked on several times, causing the man on the bed to swear at him after drinking the water, making him cough on the bed, with tears in the corners of his eyes. Yetian suddenly felt better, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

But Ye Moran's actions and expressions are very clear in Ye Moran's eyes. The woman also knew that he did it on purpose and did not stop her. The young lady just said that he couldn't be killed or fooled, but she didn't say that he couldn't be tortured. Besides, how could things like this be considered torture?At best it was a child's prank.

Ye Moran acquiesced to Ye Tian's behavior, but looked at Ting Wu's scolding appearance, and felt that this man's extra words were polluting the place, so he picked up the tranquilizer on the side, as long as he put the medicine in, it can be used Yes, very convenient.

The gloomy atmosphere and the glowing needle in his hand made the man shut his mouth obediently. It was funny to stuff those ugly words into his mouth just now. He himself knew that too many tranquilizers should not be injected. There was once someone who disobeyed the master’s arrangement, so the master injected too many sedatives and let that person die, and I also tried to inject sedatives to people before, causing the person to foam at the mouth and finally died. Telling him that the woman in a white coat in front of him is by no means an angel in white, but an emissary from hell!
Speaking of those players who died, it was only then that everyone knew that the master they admired was a lunatic and a moody person. Some people would leave secretly, and the low-level subordinates did not know what happened to those people. Wu knew the fate of those poor people, which is why Ting Wu admired Li Chang, because she was powerful enough to do many things well.

And I don't know why the master keeps hiding his whereabouts, and no one can detect where he goes. Even when he sneaked into Lu Xining's office in W country, no one knew, only Ting Wu knew.

So I have been following the powerful people until last night, when I was shot twice by someone. At that time, I realized that there are people outside the sky, and there is a sky outside the sky. Accurately aiming at oneself in the dark night is like a wild beast accurately catching its prey, and there are many threats.

And after looking at the relationship between these people these days, it is not like the relationship between himself and the master, who is submissive and faces the risk of being brushed down and replaced at any time. However, after observing last night, he found that the relationship between them It's close and intimate, it's not like a master-servant relationship, even though they call Lu Xining Miss, the atmosphere is like family, and someone will even come to inform them to come over for dinner...

And he and the master...the master has to go to training to eat, and there is no chance to chat or eat together, but they are different, the bond between them is not comparable to any ordinary person... Is this also Lu Xining's magic power?He had heard about Lu Xining's magic power long ago, because his master also had it, but he had never seen Lu Xining himself, so he didn't know whether she was strong or weak.

"Doctor Ye! Xiao Ba's arm is hurt!" Suddenly a voice came from outside, Ye Moran frowned and ordered Ye Tian to watch him and walked out. Ting Wu tried hard to raise his head to look at the people outside Who it is, but he can't see anything, trying to stretch his neck like a tortoise with all four feet in the sky.

After a while, I heard the ping-pong-pong sound of the utensils outside, and after a while, I heard the voice of a man thanking him. Ye Moran took off his gloves and walked in. He saw Ting Wu's look of seeking knowledge, and raised his eyebrows without making a sound. Throwing the gloves into the trash can and stretching. Fortunately, the assistant came recently, otherwise the overnight training in the prison would have made me sometimes not even have a good night's sleep.

"Xiao Ba is injured?" Seeing people coming in, Ye Tian also moved a chair for people to sit down, and then asked about the situation of the wounded just now. He yelled at the injury, which caused headaches for the seniors, so they could only formulate a gentle training plan for him.

Ye Moran thought about the wound just now, gestured, and there was a mouthful, a little blood, just disinfect it and put on a band-aid, but Xiao Ba, who fainted at the sight of blood, insisted on coming, so it seemed it's that serious...

Ye Tian smiled helplessly after hearing this, thinking that if Ye Moran went to Ou Jingcheng in the future and left this little assistant behind, he wouldn't be able to deal with these elders...would he just scare the little assistant and pack it up and go home?

Seeing how the two were chatting, Ting Wu angrily hit the bed with his fist, trying to attract their attention, but Ye Tian and Ye Moran just glanced at him and continued chatting with a smile, not caring at all. Just now the man smashed the bed and creaked,
This scene frustrates Tingwu very much. He is praised to the sky by his master, and everyone calls himself Master Ting, Mr. Ting Geting. Why is he so aggrieved here?Shouldn't it be to defend yourself layer by layer?Why did he send a couple in love in front of him?

Is this a new tactic?
Drowsiness struck, Tingwu closed his eyes weakly, even though the effect of the tranquilizer just passed, his body was still working hard, he had to sleep for a while...

The two chatting and laughing people also silently lowered the volume, but Ye Tian still asked Ye Moran to go to sleep for a while, and came to look at the man himself, and it was already midnight after checking the time, Ye Moran couldn't refuse, because I am also tired. I have to deal with this big man after working hard all day. If Lu Xining hadn't arranged for Ye Tian to come over, I don't know if I could stand it...

Relying on the little assistant who is not familiar with the pharmacy, he can only organize the herbs by himself.Moreover, some medicines were specially brought out by my grandfather from the Ye family's traditional Chinese medicine hospital, saying that they were for Lu Xining to strengthen her body. She knew that it hadn't been long since she woke up from a coma and became pregnant. How could her body cope with it? Production?You'll be so weak that you'll pass out.

But I am really tired too, I should do these things tomorrow, after thinking about it, I got up and went to lie down on another hospital bed to rest, Ye Tian looked at Ting Wu on the bed, and silently clicked his tongue in his heart, Then I thought that Lu Xining and Yun Moqian didn't know what to do tonight. The atmosphere was so tense during dinner just now, but Di Ling Bay should be razed to the ground if these two big Buddhas fought...

And there is no news from Ya Luo in the house and Fu Huaijun who is guarding in the prison, which means that it should be safe there, at least the couple haven't made a fuss to the point of using cannons...

And what they didn't expect was that with Yun Moqian's eloquent speaking skills, Lu Xining had been coaxed into submission. Although the woman still held grudges in her heart, her body was still very honest and she was sleeping soundly while hugging her very.

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