Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 295 Purchase

"After my investigation, I found out that Li Chang had been in contact with Xian Jiu'er before. I didn't take it seriously at first, but when I officially found out it was when Fu Huaiwen passed away. At that time, you were in a cold war with me. I I did some research on this matter. When I first investigated Xian Jiu'er's background, I found out that she seemed to have some business dealings with Li Chang. I found it strange and continued to investigate.

Although there must be a connection between everyone, I was more on guard against Li Chang, only to find out that the room that Xian Jiuer opened at the hotel next to the W country palace was given to her by Li Chang, and I immediately took Li Chang's The old nest was stabbed.I thought that Xian Jiu'er might calm down for a while, but I didn't expect that Li Chang was still not afraid of death. "

Yun Moqian closed his eyes and thought about it. He didn't dare to think about how he survived the time when Lu Xining was in a coma. He was troubled, looked forward to, and... afraid every day.Fortunately, this incident has passed, Xian Jiu'er died, but because of Lu Xining's pregnancy, I put Li Chang's matter aside, thinking that if this guy blows up a garden by himself, it might calm down for a while. think…

As long as someone hurts Lu Xining, even if he felt guilty towards her in the past, he will die without hesitation to get rid of this guy, not to mention that this person has hurt Lu Xining and the child now, it is even more unforgivable!

"The poisonous needle that Xian Jiuer used in the handover ceremony was saved by Lin Yizhun afterwards, and I only had time to look at it after I brought you back to Y City. I knew it was a product of Yun's when I saw it that night. , Long Shen has a habit of writing a word "Shen" on the back of the product, which means it is a patent, so I knew at a glance that the poisonous needle is a product of Yun's, but it is not difficult to track down the buyer, because Yun Only the children of rich families or the superiors of the country can buy things from the family, and they will not be distributed at will. After all, they are things that hurt people, so we have to do a good job of registering customers, even if the people who buy them are people under Li Chang, We also followed the clues to find the mastermind behind the scenes."

After listening to it, Lu Xining answered first: "So the person who bought it was Lin Shiyi, that is, Li Chang, right! Then she gave it to Xian Jiuer! In this case, someone else bought the needle, and Xian Jiuer bought the poison." Forget it, she can leave it clean!" Thinking about it, I feel a little scary, and then I remembered that when Wu Jun was chasing Xian Jiu'er, she lost it in the middle, maybe it was at that time that Xian Jiu'er was taken away by Li Chang's men. Walk away and give her the modus operandi.

Xian Jiuer, who was supposed to be on her own chessboard, should be the next move, but because of Li Chang's change, Xian Jiuer regained her confidence, because she knew that this poison would definitely hurt Lu Xining or what Lu Xining had done. The person I love, so I killed the earl...pretending to be the earl and entering the venue...finally...making Yun Moqian unconscious.

What she didn't even expect was that Yun Moqian would pounce on Lu Xining to block the flying poisonous needle, thus losing the chance to escape, and also losing Li Chang's protection, because she hurt Li Chang the most. The person she loves, the person she wants the most, Li Chang's ultimate goal is to make Lu Xining kneel in front of her, repent on behalf of her mother, and then kill her in one fell swoop, so that Yun Moqian will never forget, never forget to point out The most important thing is that Li Chang can't be forgotten, she will be the most special person in Yun Moqian's heart!

Thinking about Li Chang's tricks, Lu Xining shuddered, and the man was shaken by her great wit, then laughed and nodded his forehead, making the little woman pout, very cute , Yun Moqian knew what she was thinking, so he rubbed her head to comfort the servant, everything was over, everything happened, it was his physical instinct to rush forward at the first time, because he was already in love to the bone, so a little I don't regret it either.

"At that time, she used her real name when she bought it, which was Li Chang, but I didn't know Li Chang's name at the time, so I exploited it layer by layer, and even went to meet Xian Jiu'er, and only then did I know this clue, and the reason why Li Chang I don't use Lu Xiyao's name, I guess the reason is..." The reason is not clear, Lu Xining and Lu Xiyao have such similar names, even ordinary people would have fantasies, let alone Yun Moqian?

Moreover, Li Chang bought this poisonous needle before Xian Jiu'er made a move, so it is not so easy to track down Li Chang's name. All identities seem to be locked up, and finally he went out to track it down for a long time, only to find out that it was him. Lin Shiyi, who was in debt before.

In addition, because of the need to take care of Lu Xining, he arranged for people to go to Lin Shiyi to warn them heavily. After all, he didn't want to kill her. He thought that this woman was just targeting her life for revenge on the Yun family. She thought that she had been running for Lu Xining's life from the beginning to the end, and that she stayed at Yun's house when she was a child just to realize her dream of taking pictures together, but what she never expected was that Lin Shiqing was so cruel that she erased all her memories and let her They became the strangest strangers...

Lu Xining also knew these reasons, but she remained silent for a while. She knew that Yun Moqian heard Li Chang's name again when she heard it for the first time, and saw the image left by her mother's magic again. That time, at that time, it was the first time Lu Xining heard this name, and it was also the second time Yun Moqian heard this name, but at that time Yun Moqian didn't know about the grudge between Li Chang and Lu Xining...

I didn't expect that everything would be united so smoothly, and the couple fell into silence. Lu Xining immediately felt that everything was easy to understand. Simply put, what Li Chang wanted now was someone from Yun Moqian, and Lu Xi Ning's life, that's why he tried his best to arrange all the traps.

The woman thought about it and raised her head to continue asking the next question. This is what she really wants to know. How did these two people get to know each other again and even get in touch? "Then... how did you meet Lin Shiyi before? Didn't you say that she was in a car accident, and even the body couldn't be found, how did she survive..."

A little girl who doesn't understand anything, has no relatives or friends, disappeared on the road, suspected to have fallen off a mountain, and even her body was never found.Or is it that there are other nobles behind Li Chang to help?
What is the purpose of that person?Or just kindly saved people and didn't ask too many things?All kinds of suspicions made her look at Yun Moqian, wanting to get the man's answer.

This is the question I am most curious about. Why do people who are clearly dead appear again?

In the end, there are only two self-defined answers in my mind, one is to fake death, and the other is that someone saved her and then gave her another life, but this will only make the fire of revenge in Li Chang's heart more intense. Burning, one wrong move, one wrong move, she has already moved the wrong piece, Lu Xining can check her in just a few moves, and the game is over.

Yun Moqian thought carefully that the time he saw that girl again was three months after the car accident, and he called himself out with a phone call, and he knew that she only called himself in a soft and waxy voice Brother Qian's little sister, every time she called herself that, Yun Moqian would have a headache, maybe it was because of the sequelae left by Lin Shiqing after erasing her memory.

If there were no mistakes in reasoning back then, Li Chang, as Lin Shiqing's adopted daughter, might have introduced her to her childhood self because she wanted to make her life happier in the future, so as to shorten the distance between the two. After the incident, Lin Shiqing was afraid that Li Chang would harm Yun Moqian and the Yun family, and even Lu Xining in the end, so she could only erase everyone's memory, and then entrusted Lu Xining to the young Lin Yizhun at that time, and told her to He had to separate the fates of Lu Xining and Yun Moqian.

Although... Yun Moqian still can't find the reason why Lin Shiqing did this, but now that he and Lu Xining are together, many things have indeed happened... and caused many people's dissatisfaction...

According to Li Chang's various behaviors in her own home, now that I think about it, on the premise that Li Chang has not forgotten all of this, she lived in her own home like this, called this name, and kept getting close to herself, maybe it was to wake up his memory. memory.It's a pity that she hasn't succeeded yet, and Yun Feisi couldn't help but want to drive her out of the house. Although she didn't succeed, she managed to recall her memory back to the days when she was humiliated on the small islands around Lingjing Country...

"She contacted me suddenly within three and a half months of her death. She said at the time that her going was very simple, and she hoped that I would compensate her and give her 10 yuan a month so that she could maintain her living expenses and do business. "Yun Moqian said calmly and used his mobile phone to call up the transfer records of the past few years, clearly writing the monthly transfers of the past few years, and the fund transaction did not end until Fu Huaiwen died.

Presumably this is one of the prices Li Chang paid, which is to stop her cash flow, but she has not interrogated Li Chang's business, and now she has to wait for Ting Wu to wake up and interrogate again...

Lu Xining was silent for a while, but she understood the request for monetary compensation. She knew why Li Chang did this, because if her soul and spirit couldn't be tied to this man, she could decide that she had something to do with this man , such as money transactions.

The man realized that this might be the couple relationship that Lu Xining was talking about, just like giving a little tip to the girls in Wangchun Tower, he looked at Lu Xining who was not in a good mood and said quickly: "Honey, I thought our family owed you She has a lot. You said that what my dad did made her feel psychologically disturbed, so I gave her some money as compensation. I have nothing to do with her. I will arrange a place for her when I come out. Other than that, nothing happened."

Yun Moqian's words were firm, and Lu Xining also subconsciously nodded to the person, and then fell silent. Yun Moqian touched the person's head, "So...can you delay the action until after you give birth? I'm really afraid that something will happen. If something happens to you, my life will be over, I will go wherever you go, including hell and heaven, since we cannot escape fate, then we will fall into this vortex together."

It was the first time that Lu Xining saw someone so scared, she knew that Yun Moqian's words were not joking, so she hugged the man's waist and rubbed her into his arms, and then whispered her gratitude.Yun Moqian hugged the person in his arms tightly, he could understand how his mother felt when she lost her daughter, when he temporarily lost Lu Xining three years ago, it was like losing his soul all day long , It wasn't until the Lu family asked about Lu Xining's whereabouts that he quickly and quietly went to country W. The moment he saw the person, he felt his soul come back.

Although when I saw her, I was grateful, but also reluctant, and even more distressed...

The two hugged each other for a long time before Lu Xining asked in a muffled voice: "Does our mother know...the fact that Li Chang is still alive...will you tell her? Or are we going to hide this matter for the rest of our lives?"

After hearing the muffled voice, Yun Moqian quickly let him go, then shook his head lightly, "I don't know, I don't want Mom to be stimulated again, if one day Li Chang loses his nerve again and suddenly commits suicide and leaves, After all, the crazy person is our mother. In addition, Li Chang must accept the punishment of the law. I have sent people to guard my parents and Long Shen. Over the years, there have been people guarding secretly. I am afraid that Li Chang will not keep his promise to them. do something."

In order not to let people find out, the money I transferred was all my own earned money, and I didn't touch the family's money at all, so as to prevent my mother from doubting and worrying about whether I owed debts outside, so I need to pay every day. There is such a sum of expenses every month,

Lu Xining also nodded, and decided to guard this secret with Yun Moqian. Ye Qingyi's feelings come first, which she can understand. After all, Ye Qingyi loved Lin Shiyi so much... When she left, she didn't cry at the funeral , not because she was relieved, but because there was no need to cry anymore. How sad is this mother?

I can understand it, after all, she has been a mother for a while before, lost her child, and tried to lose her mind. Every night, she dreamed that her child was smiling and calling her mother...

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