Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 291 Adopted Daughter

Yun Moqian was also a little frightened, because he had never seen Lu Xining's eyes like this, as if he was facing a big enemy. Then he remembered that it might be the same when she was frightened in country W three years ago. Putting down work and hiding from the family, he went to Country W just to find her, but he met her in a rented house in a dilapidated alley. Of course, he watched her from a distance in the car just in case he didn't scare her. into the house.

Maybe she had just lost her most beloved child at that time, she was so emaciated that her hair was loose around her waist, no one would believe that she was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, and everyone would think that she was a miserable woman.

Yun Moqian was sitting in the car but couldn't do anything that could help her, because the old man hadn't died yet, which meant he couldn't break the agreement. If he did... Lu Xining would only be hurt!

At that time, the only thought in my heart was not to hurt her, so I entrusted Lin Yizhun, the Lin family who had the holy power at that time.But it was a coincidence that the moment Lin Yizhun saw Lu Xining, he immediately recognized that it was His Royal Highness Princess who was far away in Lingjing Kingdom, that is, his aunt, Lin Shiqing's daughter, but it was a pity that Lu Xining Before Ning met Lin Yizhun, she was taken to a room by the people Mo Yuxue and her daughter were looking for, and they beat and scolded them. When they found them again, they were covered in bruises and even suffered from severe night blindness...

When she brought her back to the Lin family, Lin Yizhun took good care of her. If it wasn't for Su Nan, all the servants in the Lin family thought that Lu Xining was the real young mistress. Fortunately, Su Nan already knew the ins and outs of the matter. The two also knew that Yun Moqian liked Lu Xining very much, so they went to treat Lu Xining.

But Lin Yizhun knew what Lin Shiqing did back then, so he tried his best to prevent Lu Xining from returning to City Y. After all, he would meet a certain man as soon as he went back, but Lu Xining insisted on going back at that time. It can't be stopped, and it should be fate to develop into what it is today.

Returning to the scene in front of him, the man supported the man's shoulders and looked at the woman's body slowly relaxing and her original eyes. Yun Moqian concluded that she didn't hate herself, but was just a conditioned reflex because she was too fascinated. was scared.

"So it was scared me..." Lu Xining muttered and sat on the chair, staring blankly at the photo on the table and fell into deep thought again. Yun Moqian sat across from him without any ink marks.But he still didn't think it was enough, so he moved a chair and sat next to him. If it wasn't for this woman who was still angry, he would have wanted to pull her into his arms and hug her directly, otherwise he was afraid that she would suddenly get up and leave him...

To be honest, ever since he found Lu Xining, he felt very insecure every day, because his love for Lu Xining was already deep in his bones, and every time something happened to her, he wanted to beat himself to death. It should be me, not her, who should have been unconscious for so many months after being poisoned...

Lu Xining glanced at the man next to him who looked like a loyal dog, and seemed to be asking if you didn't understand, but she curled her lips and still didn't say it. It would not be good for her if the war between the two of them broke out later, and she also I believe that if the little guy in her stomach is really smart, she doesn't like the two of them quarreling. After all, she doesn't want to quarrel with him. In many cases of divorce, couples quarrel too much, and all their shortcomings are revealed, so they get divorced...

Yun Moqian lightly picked up the photo on the table and stared at it for a while. It was brought back from Lingjing Kingdom. Looking at Lin Shiqing's and Lu Xining's almost similar cheeks, he remembered that if Li Chang stood beside him, he would How abrupt, so if Lin Shiqing erased all the memories back then, it means that all the photos with Li Chang disappeared...except for the one owned by Lin Yizhun...

Lu Xining looked out the window with her chin in her hands, then stretched her waist, ignoring the photo of the person beside her looking at her and her mother so affectionately.There seems to be such a wall between the two of them, and every time they fight coldly, this wall must be broken by Yun Moqian, so Lu Xining can lose his temper and fight with others for no reason...

Because he remembers very clearly, the night before the big wedding, he returned home after sending Lu Xining back to Diling Bay. This was the first time in his memory that Ye Qingyi chatted so seriously. One word at a time, Ye Qingyi said that night: "Mo Qian, you are a man, and my mother has always been very reassuring of you so she didn't interfere with you too much, but it's different now, you are getting married and already have children, if you and When your daughter-in-law quarrels, you must lower your head to know? Because she has endured the hardships of October for you and endured your father's request, she is the person you should protect most."

This was the first time he saw his mother so seriously in so many years. Since that incident, his mother seemed to be hiding her emotions, always like a child, very excited and happy about everything, Only Yun Moqian loves her very much, she is the one who has endured all the pain...

Therefore, Yun Moqian would be obedient to Ye Qingyi's requests and advice from before, and would never say anything more, because this was the only thing he could give to his mother, including Yun Longshen, because this was Yun Moqian's teaching, The eldest brother is like a father, he will always use his life experience to educate Yun Longshen.

So this wall, if Lu Xining doesn't break it, then Yun Moqian will break it, because they are husband and wife, because Lu Xining is his favorite person, and he has followed the teachings since childhood, and Ye Qingyi's teachings have always been in his heart .

"Honey, I want to tell you something. I know you have something to ask, but I'll give you the answer." Yun Moqian took his hand, and the strong touch made Lu Xining also turn her head. I know, tonight is what the two of them have to face together, and this is the first time that I can understand his past in a fair way.

She used to think that one day she would know about his past, but she didn't expect it to be because of Li Chang. In this way, do I still thank her?Using this method to let myself understand the person next to me, I am still a little speechless...

Seeing people respond to his firm eyes, Yun Moqian sighed lightly and said: "Do you still remember that there was a photo of me holding a girl in my arms? In the end, it was blown up on the Internet, and that girl said it was me The one picked up by my mother was called Lin Shiyi, she was my mother's own daughter-in-law, but she died in a car accident, remember?"

The guy behind this incident finally pointed to Tang Wanying. He originally wanted to directly blame the Nan family for the source, but in the end he was stopped by Lu Xining, who also made the Yun family go crazy. No one knows how much money and methods were used to suppress such a big news a few years ago, and no one knows who is behind the scenes to release this matter. Yunlong only found out after investigating Tang Wanying All the clues have been cut off, there is no other way than interrogating Tang Wanying directly...

But at that time, Yun Moqian already had some thoughts and conjectures in his heart, but he didn't say it out, because the day the incident was revealed was also the day he received another happy event about the explosion, so he put it behind him... 
After listening to people talking about it, Lu Xining remembered that the day the news was revealed was the day when she was found out to be pregnant. After she came back and got her household registration book, she was misunderstood by Yun Moqian and thought she was going to break up. He was so frightened that his entire leg was shaking. Relentless, in the end he called Yun's house directly to tell Ye Qingyi to get the household registration book ready so that the two of them could get married tomorrow.

Lu Xining thought for a while and then nodded towards the person, thinking that the photos on the Internet that day actually only had one-third of her face, but the woman had an obvious feature, that is, the face on the face that was leaked from the photo. There was a scar under the neck, which seemed to be a knife wound, but Lu Xining did not, so the media reporters quickly concluded that this was not Yun Moqian's girlfriend, Lu Xining, but that Ya Luo and the others immediately hid it from Lu Xi after they found out. Ning's reason.

Lu Xining was also a little angry that day, but she also felt that Yun Moqian was honest, and had reported this incident to herself a long time ago. After seeing the photo, she was more calm, and then wanted to go back to him and ask him to hug her I, I didn't expect to have a little baby~ I still like to talk about it.

Yun Moqian took out the photo album that Yunlongshen just sent from his back, Lu Xining was a little dumbfounded, why didn't he find this thing just now?The man smiled and opened it slowly, and saw a photo of the three of them together. Yun Moqian stood in the middle, and the girl and Yun Longshen stood on both sides.Lu Xining stared at it for a long time before suddenly realizing that this... Lin Shiyi is... Li Chang...

Although there are some differences with Yaluo's portrait, there is not much difference with Lin Yizhun's one, especially the pair of eyes, one pair, very obvious... This is undoubted evidence... That is to say, Yaluo's portrait There is nothing wrong, Li Chang did not deliberately disguise his features and looks!
When the man saw that people wanted to talk but couldn't speak, he also knew that she knew the root of the matter, so he stopped playing around in circles with others. "Well, this is Li Chang, that is, Lu Xiyao. She is also a girl adopted by my mother. Only you and the Yun family know about this."

Lu Xining couldn't accept it for a while, but wanted to confirm again and again, so she took the photo that Lin Yizhun brought last time and compared it with Yun Moqian's photo. No matter how you look at it, the knife marks on the neck and face are the same Yes... Although the atmosphere and face have changed slightly after growing up, the eyes can't lie.

The woman slowed down and raised her head to look at the man. Her eyes were full of confusion and doubts. She still couldn't accept this matter. She didn't expect that the fate between her mother and this child could be related to Yun Moqian. Could it be true? Is it fated?And now she is actually with Yun Moqian... Is this also a difficulty that I need to break through?How did God arrange it?She couldn't see the way more and more clearly...

If our mother hadn't erased our memories, Yun Moqian wouldn't have failed to recognize Li Chang when he saw her again at that time. Maybe things would turn around, but it was too late, and there was a possibility that the two There will be love between people, so the one who is with Yun Moqian today is not necessarily herself, but Li Chang. She suddenly understands why Li Chang hates herself and her mother so much... It is because she replaced Li Chang s position…

"My mother liked her very much at the time. I told you about this, but my father was not. After all, Li Chang has no background, no idea where she came from, and nothing, so she will not become the daughter-in-law of the Yun family, let alone She won't be my wife or Long Shen's, because what the Yun family values ​​most is status,"

Yun Moqian said calmly, his mind was full of Li Chang's big black eyes, he hadn't remembered her for a long time, but it didn't mean Li Chang had forgotten him, so she always remembered, and in order to please Ye Qingyi The reason is to let Yun Moqian take care of himself more, but at that time, he only wanted to rescue the Yun family who was in dire straits, and then wait for the old man to die quickly so that he could take control of the power and sit in the Yun family's seat. highest point.

It's a pity, maybe I value the company too much and don't have time to accompany my family, so after everything happened that night, the trajectory changed, and my mother never mentioned the name Lin Shiyi again, as if this person had never been in the The Yun Family appeared.

It all started when Yun Feisi could no longer look down on Ye Qingyi and always took care of Lin Shiyi as a daughter or even a pre-determined daughter-in-law. Mo Qian's progress and climbing in the mall,
Until one night when the Yun family was going to a party, Ye Qingyi also brought Lin Shiyi with her, the reason being that she could only get used to it when she saw big scenes. Lin Shiyi was drunk and sent to a room...everything else changed,

Everything has collapsed since then...Lin Shiyi is no longer the little girl...Because Yun Feisi is also because of Yun Moqian, and because of the darkness of the Yun family...

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