Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 284 Ring

Suddenly remembered the reason why I hated Lu Xining, it was because of Nan Ling before, so I looked down on Lu Xining, even hated her, hated why she destroyed my family, because I lost the [-] million in a mess, and Lu Xining returned with a full reward ,

And why?Since she is beautiful enough, because she is rich, because she has Master Yun's support, and because she can win the favor of the public, why can't Tang Wanying get it?
This was what she had always thought, so she used Nan Ling's cousin to cause Nan Ling a loss of 5 million yuan. She admitted that she felt a little revenge in her heart, but it was true that she wanted a child to consolidate her position.It's a pity that in the end, he still didn't consolidate his position. Instead, he wanted the child to have no father.

But until today, Lu Xining has arranged for her properly, eating and drinking directly in front of her, sending an extra set of clothes to her when Bellotto's new clothes come out, and even the baby products are meticulous... As if treating his own sisters, how could Du Teng, a big man, understand these things, and the maids never mentioned it, and the products they delivered were all high-end goods, so it was obvious at a glance that it was prepared by Lu Xining.

Maybe Lu Xining is not as venomous as Nan Xiao said, because he got to know her too one-sidedly, thinking that she is a high-ranking young lady, but on the contrary, every time he comes to Dilingwan tea party, he treats her with harsh words …

"By the way, Ms. Tang, how is your health recently? Although winter is over, the temperature has been rising recently, pay attention to heatstroke prevention." Lu Xining remembered that Tang Wanying was pregnant around those days, so she sent some baby products every now and then In the past, looking at her plump body and ruddy face, she knew that those people took good care of her and didn't give her small shoes.

Tang Wanying escaped from the past when she was asked about her pregnancy. She touched her stomach with a smile. This time, the smile was no longer showing off, but a smile that a mother should have. From time to time, she would read the little knowledge about pregnant women that the maid sent her, which is considered to know in advance, but the maid told her not to worry too much after giving birth. Lu Xining contacted the confinement center and hospital early, The whole process is arranged without any flaws and mistakes.

"Miss Lu, the person you sent is very kind and considerate, so when the doctor came to check, he also said that the child is developing well." Tang Wanying's eyes were filled with gratitude and warmth when she thought of this,
After hearing this answer, Lu Xining nodded in satisfaction. Tang Wanying is considered a guest here. Even if she has done something wrong before, she is a guest if she sits here drinking tea with herself. It's a little unreasonable, and...she's not a bad person, she doesn't snatch her lover away like Lu Zhiyue, and then stomp her hard, Tang Wanying is just a normal love, but the love partner It was just a mistake.

Ya Luo stepped forward to pour another cup of tea for someone, Tang Wanying was a little nervous. Although these people didn't speak ill of her when she came last time, she always remembered the eyes...that kind of coldness, just like Yun Moqian , but she knew that the attitude and eyes of these servants towards Lu Xining were as warm as looking at their own family members, and it was also the kind of affection Tang Wanying had never felt since she was a child.

"Lu, Miss Lu...I apologize for what I did before..." The woman's eyes dodged, she could only stare at the boiling hot tea in the cup, she didn't even dare to glance at the cookies next to her, her heart was full of Ashamed, ever since she lived in the house arranged by Lu Xining, whenever she thought about posting photos and scaring cats, she couldn't sleep and even had nightmares all the time. It was really psychological and physical torture, but she didn't Dare to say, because she can probably guess what others will say.

That is: deserve it.

But the woman on the opposite side didn't reply for a long time, Tang Wanying closed her eyes and felt that she must be finished this time, she would definitely be thrown out... Slightly raised her head and glanced at the man, the nervousness and fear on her face all changed. Surprised, Lu Xining ate a cookie as if nothing had happened, and Arlo, who was still pouring tea with him, praised how delicious the cookie was today...

"Miss, don't eat too much."

"Yeah, I know, don't be so wordy."

"If you do this again, I will ask Mr. Yun to come over, and then you will stop talking about me."

"Don't, don't, I will die today if he comes, and I will never be able to eat the cookies you made, don't you think it's a pity?"

"I don't think..."

Tang Wanying looked at the scene of the two of them talking back and forth in front of her, and she didn't know what to say, she turned her head and wiped her hands and said, "Miss Tang, what are you talking about? What have you done? Wasn’t someone else involved in the wedding? Or was it you who did it? If that’s the case, I’ll reconsider filing a case with the Public Security Bureau, after all, it took me a lot of effort to get you out.”

Several questions came one after another, making Tang Wanying stunned like a few bullets in her body. She didn't understand Lu Xining's intention... But when she heard the question about the wedding accident later on, she hurriedly explained: "What happened to the wedding?" It's really not me! I, I don't know about that cloak..."

What happened at the wedding that day also made her very puzzled. Who was going to kill her?When she was in the police station, she even thought about whether it was Lu Xining's self-directed and self-acting to make her lose face, but then she thought, if Lu Xining had more ways to torture herself, why would she use her own child as a bargaining chip?Because she was really weak when she collapsed in the toilet at that time, she didn't look like acting at all...

"Miss Tang, I know it's not you. If it were you, you wouldn't be sitting here drinking tea with me today. I heard that the tea made by the sheriff of City Y is delicious every time..." I didn't know, so I laughed They laughed, which made Tang Wanying laugh too. The two girls smiled brightly. The flowers in the greenhouse in winter moved outside early. The fragrance of the flowers filled the entire Diling Bay, making people feel refreshed.

Tang Wanying smiled and shed tears, Lu Xining skillfully handed a tissue to someone, Tang Wanying looked at the wedding ring on her hand, and slowly took it off.Looking at the flower field around him, "This wedding ring... was bought by me and Nan Ling, and it's time to finish it now. See if you can let me bury it here, as a little secret between us, and also on behalf of me. Let's start from here, okay?"

Lu Xining spread his hands and asked someone to go to the tool room next to him to get a shovel and handed it to someone, "You can bury it here, and bury it deeper, if I see it later, I will feel sick, and it will not be good for my prenatal education If you need help, just say it."

The nausea she was referring to was not Tang Wanying, but Nan Ling. Now she would feel disgusted whenever she saw Nan Ling's things. The thing she hated the most in her life was a scumbag, a complete scumbag, suffocating. Lu Zhiyue, Tang Wanying, which one of them didn't break his heart, but he still swaggered in and out of Y City every day like an innocent boy who had nothing happened, and swore that he would make the first court hearing in two days' time. The girls of City Y broke their dreams again!
After hearing this, Tang Wanying smiled and took the shovel in someone's hand. It was so heavy that it made people feel a little more real. She squatted next to the flower field with the shovel and found a place without flowers, and then started digging, removing the ring on her hand. Throw it down, then gently bury it, and finally knock it hard, it seems that this force can break the ring and break the bad memory.

Knocking on the woman, she squatted down and began to cry. Those who didn't know it thought she had hit her hand, and the tears dripped onto the ground. She didn't know how long she cried before Lu Xining said, "Don't cry, put me It’s not good if the flowers are flooded, or I’ll bring you a pot to catch them, this flower field takes longer than Luo’s meal time, so it’s very tiring.”

The woman squatting on the ground laughed through her tears, then wiped the tears on her face with the handkerchief in her bag, and then sat back to her seat and drank a sip of tea.

"Walnut eyes." Lu Xining complained softly, and put a piece of cake on someone's plate. Tang Wanying pretended not to hear it, picked up a fork and ate it. The sweet cake and smooth cream were delicious. People are much happier.

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