Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 28 Bomb

Lu Xining slowly walked up to the stage, while Yun Moqian sat below the stage and looked at the girl with doting eyes.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bellotto."

Lu Zongze had an ugly face,
This girl...doesn't she even want her last name?

A reporter stood up.

"May I ask if Miss Bellotto's other name is Lu Xining?"


The people below began to whisper.

"May I ask what is the relationship between Miss Lu Xining and the Lu family? Since they both have the surname Lu, are you celebrating Miss Lu Zhiyue's engagement banquet today as friends or in some capacity?"

"The relationship between me and the Lu family... I am the eldest daughter of Lu Zongze. I have lived and worked hard in country W all year round. Some time ago, my family in country W gave Mr. Lu a sum of alimony, thanking him for his education over the years. .And I am the daughter who was concealed back then."

Explosive information spread among the crowd.

"No way... the Lu family can also take the money?"

"But I heard that the Lu family picked up a wild girl back then, so maybe..."

Everyone stared at Lu Xining on the stage again.

Lu Xining raised her eyebrows, indicating that this was expected.Continue to speak:
"After my mother died, my father married Aunt Mo in order to give me more education and maternal love, and Aunt Mo also brought a person to accompany me, who is today's bride, Lu Zhiyue."

Lu Xining's red eyes affected the mood of everyone present.

When Yunlong heard that the two of them were coming to the wedding, he quickly followed him, walked in and sat next to his brother, complaining:

"Tsk tsk, sister-in-law's acting skills are really good, it's a pity not to enter the entertainment industry."

Yun Moqian didn't answer, but kept staring at Lu Xining.

Before the media could recover, Lu Xining continued:

"At the beginning... I made a marriage contract with Master Nan, but when I was sent to country W by Mr. Lu, I found out that the person Master Nan likes is not me, but my sister, and my sister also loves Master Nan. , I just knew... I can't ruin the happiness of the two of them, so I'm here today, and I wish them a happy marriage for a hundred years and a baby boy soon."

What a kind, understanding sister!
The media even whispered insults to Lu Zhiyue as a vixen.Seduce my brother-in-law.

"Sister! How can you say that about me!" Lu Zhiyue stood up with red eyes and accused her.

"Zhiyue, I treat you like my own sister, why do you want to kill me!"

After speaking, Lu Xining squatted on the ground and cried loudly. Only from Yun Moqian's angle could he see the girl's small smile.

The pot exploded on the spot.

"Pain, pain to kill? The most poisonous woman's heart!"

"Yes, Miss Lu is so beautiful! How could I meet such a younger sister!"

"Poor education! You really are a wild girl!"

Lu Zhiyue quickly pointed to Lu Xining.

"She lied! Lu Xining! Show me the evidence! Don't spout blood if you don't have evidence!"

Lu Xining was waiting for these words, pretending to be pitiful and looking at the domineering Lu Zhiyue.

"Is that the evidence? Okay, sister." Lu Xining took out her phone, opened a document, and started playing an audio.

Lu Zhiyue knew... something was wrong.

"Hey, hurry up and do it."

"you sure?"

"Don't you want Lu Xining?"

"Of course."

"I just want status, that woman, you can do whatever you want."


After the audio was played, the voice was indeed Lu Zhiyue's.

Lu Zhiyue trembled angrily and looked at Lu Xining, but Lu Xining was calm, as if everything was under control.

"You vicious woman..."

"To each other." Lu Xining replied softly.

This audio file was sent to him by Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian, ​​as if the world had evaporated, no longer appeared.

Lu Zhiyue froze for a moment, no wonder Lu Xining didn't die, it turned out that it was... did she deal with that person... that man surnamed Ye.

Lu Xining stood up.Still shed tears.

"Zhiyue, I have treated you well. I have also given money to the Lu family, and I have canceled the engagement. Why are you treating me like this!"

Lu Zhiyue was so angry that she picked up the fruit knife next to her and wanted to stab it.

"You! Bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

"you wanna die."

When Yun Longshen was about to ask his elder brother to save the scene, he realized that Yun Moqian had already gone to the stage, grabbed Lu Zhiyue's wrist and threw her to the ground.

Lu Zhiyue didn't have the strength to get up anymore, but Lu Xining was still the same as when she came, elegant and noble, like a born princess.

"An ugly duckling is an ugly duckling. The Nan family wants such a daughter-in-law. They must be crazy about money."

"That's right! At first, I thought Lu Zhiyue was nice, at least he was sensible and polite, but I didn't expect that."

"People don't look good."

But Lu Zhiyue still didn't give up.

"Do you know what kind of person this woman is! Back then..."

Lu Xining, who was standing behind Yun Moqian, frowned and waved her finger. Lu Zhiyue couldn't speak for a moment, as if her mouth was sewn shut.

Lu Zhiyue was shocked, how could it be!I want to talk!Why can't I say it!Why!Could it be...

When Lu Zongze saw people and wanted to tell about Lu Xining's scandal in Y City back then, he stepped forward with a livid face and slapped Lu Zhiyue across the face.

"You are a poisonous woman! My Lu family treats you well! How can you do this!"

"Dad! Not me! You trust me, trust me!"

From the beginning to the end, Lu Xining watched the whole scene behind Yun Moqian, and didn't feel sorry for the Lu family and Lu Zhiyue.

After all, poor people must have something to hate.

Yun Moqian turned his head to look at Lu Xining.

"Let's go back?"

Lu Xining nodded, and left with Yun Moqian.

The Nan family couple dragged Nan Ling and had already left the venue.Obviously, today's embarrassment is complete, Chen Ruyuan cried in the car how to look up in front of noble women in the future.And Nanzhangyuan smoked one cigarette at a time.

Only Nan Ling has been in the shock of one blockbuster bomb after another.

A man in the corner held up a red wine and looked at everything in front of him.And an attendant next to the man was inexplicably excited:
"Fourth Master, I found it. It must be her."

The man looked at the direction where Lu Xining left and the crystal bracelet on Lu Xining's hand, and curled his lips.


"Fourth Master, what should we do? Are we going to take His Highness back?"

"Don't worry, she has a different identity now, and there will always be a chance."

"But... the magic power in your Highness's body is very unstable..."

"decide as things go."


The two disappeared in the air, leaving only the reporters taking pictures in the hall, Lu Zongze who was angry and embarrassed, and mother and daughter Mo Yuxue who were embracing and crying.

Lin Yizhun watched the news on TV and smiled with satisfaction, this was a pretty good mess.

Lin Yizhun glanced at a corner that the camera caught for a moment. Although it was only for a moment, Lin Yizhun frowned, because the man sitting in the corner... was a bit tricky.

"Have you found this place yet... Heh... I have to think of a way."

Sure enough, entrusting Lu Xining to Yun Moqian was the last solution, only Yun Moqian could protect this girl.

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