Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 182 The Mouth

Another two months later, seeing the wedding day getting closer, Lu Xining couldn't help becoming nervous, and often practiced how to enter the arena by herself in the room.

And now, she's doing it too.She paced back and forth, looking at herself in the mirror, her smile, her posture.I just want to be [-]%.

Yun Moqian opened the door and came in and saw this scene. He smiled and took the man's hand gently so that people could meet his eyes, and then said softly: "Whether you are poor or rich, healthy or dead, you will be Would you like to be with me for the rest of your life and grow old together?"

Lu Xining was a little surprised when he was stopped by someone and said such a sentence, and then he looked at the person fixedly. "Let's talk now...the sense of ceremony will be gone..."

The man hugged him gently, "I just want to hear you say that."

The girl smiled, asked people to let go and took out a small note from her pocket, "Look~"

Yun Moqian took the note suspiciously and opened it, only to find that it was the note written by the girl who was poisoned and unconscious at that time and put a ring on herself, "I do, I do."

The man looked at the woman with a smile, and saw Lu Xining's playful face, "This is what I mean, I will say it with my mouth after half a month."

Yun Moqian gently cupped the face and kissed it, then the collarbone, and then the neck...

The woman stopped immediately, and then gently pushed the man away, "Be careful, this is not good for prenatal education."

Yun Moqian rubbed the center of his brows, ever since this girl became pregnant, he has acted like a monk...

"Then what is a good prenatal education?" Yun Moqian gently put his arms around the man's waist, and then stroked the man's stomach, making the girl laugh out loud.

Lu Xining thought for a while, then walked to the side of the stereo and turned it on, a romantic song rang in the room, then Lu Xining walked back in front of the person and wrapped his arms around his waist, "This is how it should be, prenatal education."

The man was hugged by the waist, looked at the man with a serious face, smiled helplessly, took the man's hand away and then counterattacked, hugged the man's waist and interlocked his fingers, and started a romantic waltz. Because the room is very large, he can dance with confidence .

Lu Xining suddenly remembered Su Jingchen's invitation to dance before, so she said with great interest, "Last time, at Ji Ying's dance party, Su Jingchen even invited me to dance!"

Sure enough, the man's face turned dark, and the hands holding the man's waist couldn't help but tighten, imagining how the two of them danced, and wanted to tear Su Jingchen to pieces right now! "So... you two had a great time dancing."

Hearing the man's obvious smell of jealousy, Lu Xining smiled happily, "No, I told him that I don't know how to dance, and then I left... Wasn't I fighting with you at that time, turn around Just bumped into you."

Yun Moqian looked at the woman's skillful dance steps, how could it be possible that she didn't know how to dance?From a glance, it was obvious that the little girl was playing Su Jingchen around.Suddenly thinking of the mysterious relationship between Su Jingchen and Lu Xining still makes Yun Moqian's heart itch.

The woman who was dancing felt that the man's steps were a little messy, and she also knew that she had just mentioned Su Jingchen, and he was struggling with something in his heart.The woman gently tiptoed and kissed the man's chin.

"I don't know the relationship between Su Jingchen and me and my mother, but I don't want to get entangled. I just know that the name of the person I love is Yun Moqian, and I am his wife." Lu Xining stopped dancing and went Looking at people like this, the expression is serious and affectionate.

Suddenly stunned by the little woman's affectionate confession, she could only smile softly, and then kissed the person lightly. Lu Xining closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.

I only heard the man leaning on his shoulder and asking in a low voice: "My wife... am I going to be a monk for ten months?"

Lu Xining smiled and blushed a little, and then lay on the bed like this. "Actually...I checked it out's not impossible...but it's just a little dangerous..."

At the beginning, the man's eyes seemed to light up when he heard the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence put out the fire like cold water... "It's not dangerous."

The woman let out a low oh, and then suddenly thought of something, blushing and looking at the man.He said softly, "Then... where's the mouth?"

As soon as the man heard this, he hurriedly got out of bed. Lu Xining thought he was going to the bathroom to take a cold shower again, so she curled her lips. Unexpectedly... Yun Moqian went to the door and locked it, then went back to the bed, pulled manpower.

He fixedly looked at this shy person. "Really?"

Lu Xining was suddenly questioned innocently, she was just joking... Seeing the man almost breaking through his reason, she could only nod her head shyly.

In an instant, Lu Xining was terribly subdued, and for some reason, no one knocked on the door today, let alone disturbed... Lu Xining was tossed like this until noon.

When Lu Xining was washing in the bathroom, she looked dissatisfied at this man who was completely satisfied. "My mouth is sour..."

The man felt a little distressed when he heard it, and held the man's hand, "Well, I won't do it next time. It's not an example."

Wei Wei blushed and changed her clothes, then opened the door and went downstairs with others.Ye Moran looked at the two of them a little strangely.

"Miss, are you on fire, your lips are a little red, ask Mr. Yaluo to prepare some green tea for you later." Ye Moran casually flipped through the magazine, but this unintentional remark made Lu Xining popular Face, my lips are red, but it's not because I'm angry...but...

Glaring at the man at the side, he saw the man sitting on the sofa with someone smiling, and then picked up a book to read. The bored Lu Xining leaned over to see what he was reading. It turned out to be... Pregnancy Notes matter.

Lu Xining twitched the corners of her mouth... This man is really about to become his nanny, he has to take him with him everywhere, he takes him back to the company, he takes him back to the old house, even if he goes to socialize, he still has to stay in Oujingcheng Arlo is always by his side.

As if he was afraid that he would be kidnapped in the next second...

Yaluo brought a bowl of fish soup. Yesterday Lu Xining praised the fish soup for its freshness, so today he made another fish soup to nourish his body.Unexpectedly... As soon as Lu Xining saw the bowl of fish soup and smelled it, she wanted to vomit, the nutritionist hurriedly took away the fish soup next door and opened the window to ventilate.

Yun Moqian frowned and was patted on the back, and Yaluo hurried to bring warm water. The mood of this pregnant woman has been changing and her diet has also changed every day...

Gulu gulu drank a glass of water and it was much better.She smiled shyly at Yalo, she has always liked to eat Yalo's she wants to eat it but can't eat it...I want to vomit when I see these fishy and greasy food...

It's been almost three months, and it will be much better by then...

"By the way, husband, Bellotto's wedding dress will be sent to Dilingwan the day after tomorrow. I haven't told anyone about my move to Oujingcheng. Can you help me get it then?" Lu Xining suddenly remembered the past few days. He looked at the man coquettishly when he received the email.

Yun Moqian naturally followed her and understood the reason why the woman didn't tell. Who knows if any of the reporters who came to interview would attack the child or Lu Xining?

If there is, then punish the Nine Clans!

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