Mrs. Yun is a boss

Chapter 112 Mysterious Man

Everyone was extremely surprised, no matter how much they thought about it, it would be a tie. Xian Jiu'er clicked her tongue softly, with an unhappy expression on her face.

It's the same Bertram, if he can come to me, the ending will be different!If I knew it earlier, I would have to use violence to make him obey me!

But what I am most afraid of now are those who have been bribed. If something unexpected happens... Maybe I really have to pack up and get out...

Lu Xining glanced at the still vacant seat, feeling that there was no possibility, and then said slowly, "Since the result of the vote is like this, Miss Xian, what do you think?"

Respecting the game and respecting the opponent, Lu Xining silently added a few points in his heart.

Xian Jiu'er stood up, thinking of the old king, and suddenly thought of a way, that is to make Lu Xining a target of public criticism. "I want to see my father! I haven't seen him since I came back! I want to see him! Only he can make the choice in this situation!"

Lu Xining frowned, and refused: "Your Majesty the King is unconscious, and the doctor said not to disturb you."

The old king is indeed in a coma now, I'm afraid Xian Jiu'er will play tricks secretly, and then all the faults will be attributed to himself or his brother.

"Did you do something behind your back! Did you make the king..." Xian Jiu'er's eyes turned red, as if she had been wronged by the world, as if the old king's illness was caused by Lu Xining.

Everyone looked at Lu Xining in surprise when they heard Xian Jiu'er's words, as if she was the culprit, Yaluo stood up with frowns. "Miss Xian Jiu'er, please don't talk nonsense."

This voice brought everyone back to their senses, they could only look at Xian Jiu'er who was a little embarrassed.

Xian Jiu'er also realized that she had said some outrageous words, she didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only stand there.

When the situation was tense, a sound of pushing the door broke the deadlock, and a man walked in with a folder in his hand.The man wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a suit, with a meticulous look.

"Hello, Ms. Lu, I'm here to deliver the documents for my master. He said it must be handed over to you, fair and open." The man handed the documents to Lu Xining.

Lu Xining didn't take it, but asked suspiciously: "Documents? May I ask who your master is..." Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't help asking.

The visitor smiled slightly at the person, "My master is No. 17 princes and ministers. He is busy and can't come here. Let me bring you the document. He said that it contains today's answer." Lu Xining hesitated After receiving the document, I saw the person salute slightly, then closed the door and left.

The whole process did not take more than 5 minutes... It was as if... It was premeditated... Could it be that this person is an invisible person?
Among them, the Earl of Bertram couldn't help coughing when he saw that everyone was sluggish in their positions. "Miss Lu, take a look at that document. Since that adult wrote in person, there must be something."

Lu Xining also nodded, and couldn't stop feeling nervous. This mysterious person...whose camp is he it brother...or Xian Jiu'er.

When I opened the folder, I saw only one piece of paper.The above content also surprised Xian Jiuer, and Huang Liang's dream came to nothing.

[Elected: Lin Yizhun. 】

And there was that person's scribbled handwriting on it. The lawyer took it over and repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the signature, and then proved that the ticket was valid!The situation was completely reversed, nine to eight!Lin Yizhun was successfully elected!
Lu Xining personally took the piece of paper and put it into the ballot box to show fairness. Everyone on Lu Xining's side stood up and applauded. Lu Xining responded with a smile on her face.

And now not only Xian Jiu'er's face is extremely ugly, but even the princes, ministers and nobles who have been bribed are trembling, it's all over now...

Xian Jiu'er was so angry that she turned around and left, Lu Xining cast a glance and ignored her, but she wanted to see what Xian Jiu'er was going to do!But with her, huh...

Lu Xining looked at those bribed people expressionlessly, and said coldly while sitting on a chair: "From today onwards, all those who have received Xian Jiu'er's gift will be dismissed from the palace! If you dare to make trouble outside Make a fuss, and prepare to go to the guillotine!"

These people walked out dejectedly with their heads down, and Lu Xining also specially asked for a body search in order not to take away any items in the palace, not even a single rice!
Lu Xijing quietly looked at the signature on that piece of paper and there were some... familiar, as if I had seen this signature somewhere...

A person floated in Lu Xining's mind, and she quickly shook her head to let her ridiculous idea go away.

Earl Bertram walked up to Lu Xining, saluted, and then said, "Congratulations, Miss Lu."

Lu Xining reacted and smiled at him.The Earl of Bertram can be said to be the general of this battle. "Thank you, Earl Bertram. If it wasn't for you, I would have lost this game."

"I just see everything clearly. Don't you know who is more suitable for me?" Bertram shrugged. Xian Jiu'er's childlike behavior is not suitable at all. Bertram exchanged pleasantries with Lu Xining for two more times. Before leaving, the rest of the people left one after another seeing that everything was a foregone conclusion.

Lu Xining and Ya Luo finally walked out the door. After confirming that there was no one around, Ya Luo followed Lu Xining through the winding corridors. If you didn't follow carefully, you might get lost. The way I came up with in this palace.

Until you come to a door, the door is simple, just like an ordinary servant's room, and no one will notice it. If it weren't for the important person Lu Xining in front of this door, some people might still think that It's a utility room.

But this room is very important.

Lu Xining knocked on the door and opened it to go in. She saw a white-haired old man lying on the bed. It was the old king. He was infusion, but he was unconscious.

Ye Moran stood by the bed and shook his head at Lu Xining.Lu Xining took the old king's pulse and found that everything was normal.I just didn't wake up for some reason.According to the judgment of the doctor in the palace, he has been in a coma for nearly a month.

"Haven't found the source yet?" Lu Xining looked at Ye Moran who was buried in the medical code, and frowned.

Ye Moran sighed and put down the materials in his hands. He has almost turned over the medical books these days... and he couldn't find a suitable reason... Even using detoxification decoction has no effect.

Lu Xining thought about it for a while and suddenly remembered Qin Xihe who was far away in country Y...but she was worried about Ye Moran's last state... "Moran, or call...Qin Xihe over?"

Ye Moran pursed her lips, is good to have a helper and someone who can share experience and ideas, and Qin Xihe's techniques and ideas are also really good...a partner who can cooperate.Wei Wei nodded in response, "Okay."

Ye Tian was beside him with blue veins twitching, he had no problem calling a female doctor, so why call him a man!Doesn't Ye Moran pay the most attention to her work this time?If I want to give a hand next to me, I can be said for a long time...

Lu Xining nodded when she heard it, she felt relieved and called Qin Xihe without considering how she felt in the restaurant last time.

Qin Xihe received a call from Lu Xining right after his surgery. After Lu Xining briefly explained the situation, Qin Xihe agreed to go to Country W immediately.

The main reason was that after hearing about Yun Moqian and Lu Xining's long-distance relationship, he suddenly became interested and wanted to anger Yun Moqian.

Lu Xining hung up the phone with peace of mind, and then looked at the old man on the bed, who had given her a tea set in high spirits before going back to City Y last time... Why now...

Lu Xining sighed, and cast a barrier around the people, in case someone wanted to harm the old king, and arranged another manpower.

Although there are people from the prison on standby 24 hours a day, as the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place, that's why the old king was placed in this kind of place.

But... this kind of place, if you want to find it, is extremely easy, I hope I can last a little longer.

Lu Xining's phone rang, and after looking at it, it turned out that it was Yun Moqian's call.Lu Xining picked it up and lowered the volume of her voice, as if doing something bad secretly, then slowly opened the door and walked out.

"Hello?" Lu Xining whispered hello,

This volume made Yun Moqian frown, what was he doing... After thinking about it, he said, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing, a mysterious person gave me a vote today, and then everything turned around." Lu Xining remembered the last vote today, and became more and more interested in this mysterious person.

"Really?" Yun Moqian smiled slightly, then tapped his fingers on the table.

"That's right, but I want to see who he is." Lu Xining opened the door and took a look inside.

Lu Xining looked at Ye Tian who was diligently pouring water next to Ye Moran, and then remembered that there was still Xian Jiuer who hadn't dealt with it, so she hurriedly prevaricated with Yun Moqian and hung up the phone.

Yun Moqian, who was hung up on the phone, frowned and sat alone in the office. Why does it feel that the little girl has become more and more perfunctory recently... Why is the long-distance relationship so hard...

After Lu Xining hung up the phone, she called Ye Tian over to arrange tasks for others. Although Ye Tian was reluctant to leave this place, she obediently replied, "Yetian, I want you to monitor Xian Jiu'er's current actions. Just tell me what she does."

"Okay, miss, then I'm leaving." Ye Tian dragged himself to the door, then curled his lips and turned to look at Ye Moran.

Ye Moran looked at Yetian indifferently, as if he would never come back again, "Well, be careful all the way."

Ye Tian immediately left disappointed, Lu Xining looked at the man's back and shook his head.Since the last kidnapping incident, Ye Tian has inexplicably matured and grown up a lot.

It seems... the blood is worth it... although it hurts...

Ye Moran looked at the unconscious old king on the bed and felt sorry, then raised her head and said to Lu Xining, "Miss, I'm here, you should go back and rest too, you've been busy for a long time, I heard that the results there just now are very good ,Congratulations."

"Well, then I'll go first, press the siren if something happens, and I will come right away, thanks for your hard work."

"Okay, got it." Lu Xining nodded before leaving with Ya Luo, and stretched on the road, as if he had just gone for a walk, there was no clue, the servants on the road greeted him one after another, thinking they were people Went to the garden to rest for a while.

And now Yun Moqian is frantically rushing to work in order to quickly end the long-distance relationship and has ordered Du Teng and Yun Longshen to do the work for tomorrow, and he has to go back to country W to see the woman he loves the most, I'm afraid...she is in country W Some people who fawn on her will give some gifts, such as men...

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