I can't be rushing

Chapter 99 The Incompetent Web Writer

Wu Sheng put Wu Tao at the place where he lived, and then drove out to drive around. He asked Wu Wu Tao to figure out what he wanted, and he went to the Bund and sat down.

This is not the first time he has come here. Whenever he feels melancholy, he always chooses to come here. This place always makes him feel very peaceful. The weather in February is still a bit cold.

He touched the star pendant on his chest and remembered the boss's rough voice. In the blink of an eye, he had become someone else's boss. It was precisely because of the boss that he hoped that Wu Tao and others would go on the right path. .

Wu Sheng just lay on the beach all morning, and he finished the novel. His style is really not suitable for Shuangwen's style. His half-hearted writing style makes people uncomfortable to read.

After he told the editor, the editor agreed with him to cut it, but now he is more worried about what type of novel he should write. Both novels were written based on his own experiences.

So he can get a lot of reading, but now let him write a novel that has nothing to do with his life, it is indeed a bit embarrassing, he thought about it, and decided to try to write about the business circle or work type.

But Wu Sheng himself couldn't accept it, so he decided to write a novel about business. Although the subject matter might be relatively unpopular, he could guarantee the quality.

He has also thought about the next few novels, but he is currently in the magic city and has not been to Lingxi City, so he has no way to start working on the two novels he has already conceived. Now he can only write this one about the business district.

He knew that writing this novel might lose some fans, but there is no better subject for him to write at present, but the current problem is that he has to learn some professional knowledge.

And in the whole magic city, he thought that there was only one person with knowledge in this area, and that was Xia Ruhua. Although it might disturb her, Wu Sheng decided to go and have a look.

"Mr. Xia is in a meeting. Sir, why don't you go and tell Mr. Xia to sit down and wait for a while."

The little girl at the front desk didn't stop her when she saw it was Wu Sheng. Wu Sheng was also a regular visitor here and would come here three or four days a month.

At first, the young lady at the front desk thought Wu Sheng was a dubious person when she saw Wu Sheng's clothes, but after seeing how much Xia Ruhua respected Wu Sheng, she also understood that Wu Sheng's status must be very noble.

Wu Sheng felt that he had come very early, but he didn't expect Xia Ruhua to come earlier. He arrived at Xia Ruhua's company at 08:30 after breakfast, thinking that Xia Ruhua, as the boss, should not have arrived yet.

But it looked like Xia Ruhua had probably arrived on time. He couldn't help but feel envious when he looked at Xia Ruhua's huge office. It was bigger than his previous rental house.

He also inquired about the housing prices here in Shanghai, which was about 5 yuan per square meter, and it was still in the suburbs, tens of kilometers away from the city.

For a company like Xiangxia Ruhua located in a mainstream CBD area, the annual rent for this floor alone costs tens of millions, which made Wu Sheng lament the gap between the rich and the poor.

Wu Sheng sat on Xia Ruhua's office chair, then moved to the side of the bed, looking at the scenery outside the window, he felt that this is how successful people should sit quietly in the office and give advice.

Wu Sheng has a lot of things he wants to know about Xia Ruhua. He also wants to start a company or something in the future, and let people turn his novels into comics, so that there will be no middlemen to make money.

There are also stock prices and so on. He doesn't understand these things. Of course he can learn through the mall, but his recent novels are not very popular, so naturally he didn't earn much points.

Moreover, it is too wasteful to use points to do it. It is better to learn from Xia Ruhua for an hour first and then go to do it, so that you can go directly to the advanced level.

Besides, he has no intention of learning this profession now. He only needs to have a general understanding of the knowledge, so that when he writes novels, he will feel professional to his readers.

"Why do you have time to come here?"

Xia Ruhua still has a headache after just finishing the meeting. The Xia Parents and Elders Association has been slowly restricting her recently, and her rights are not as strong as before.

Some people trusted by the Presbyterian Church have also been placed in the company, which makes it a bit difficult for her to implement the plan. Now she can only show off to prevent the company from losing money.

The company's recent continuous losses have attracted the attention of the Presbyterian Council. Although the reason is that the Jiang family has invaded the market too quickly, for the Presbyterian Council, they do not want to hear these reasons.

They only care about whether the company can make a profit. If not, then a new leader will be needed to lead the company. For them, that's it. Just throw away the useless things.

"Just passing by, I want to ask you some questions by the way!"

"Ask me some questions? Are there any other questions that can stop you?"

Xia Ruhua felt that Wu Sheng might be in trouble, but there was nothing she could do about it. Wu Sheng had been handling this kind of matter before, and she had never set foot in this field.

"It's not about that, it's about some business issues."

"A business question? Do you want to start a company too?"

"No, no, I just wanted to write about this subject recently."

"Why, you, a web writer, are finally willing to concentrate on writing novels?"

Xia Ruhua also joked that she hadn't read Wu Sheng's coded novels since Wu Sheng came to Shanghai for so long, although Wu Sheng's novels were updated every day.

However, in Xia Ruhua's view, Wu Sheng typed more or less casually. A writer who didn't see him typing 24 hours a day could be a good writer. Of course, he wasn't a good writer.

"Emmm, I just finished the previous one, and I want to start a new one, but there is no suitable subject matter at the moment, so I just want to write something about business, so that you can give me some advice."

Wu Sheng's identity as a non-professional writer has been confirmed, but he has never coded in the real world, and he has coded all in the dimension space.

This also brought an illusion to the people around him, that is, as an online writer, Wu Sheng does other things every day except not writing novels.

"Ask if you have any questions, but I'm not very knowledgeable, so I can barely answer some of your questions."

"It's all newcomers' questions, and you have a high probability of being able to answer them."

Then Wu Sheng asked all the doubts he had. Xia Ruhua also answered Wu Sheng carefully. Of course, relying on Wu Sheng's memory, he didn't write it down in a small notebook.

"It's already noon? Does time go by so quickly?"

After Wu Sheng asked some common questions, he found that it was already 11:30, and it was already time to eat. I have to say that the work meals at Xia Ruhua Company are quite good.

He was lucky enough to eat here once before, and the quality was no worse than the food he had at the restaurant he opened in Xia Ruhua before, and the portion here was also very generous, completely enough for him to eat.

"Are there any questions? Let's ask after dinner."

Xia Ruhua didn't expect time to pass so quickly. She felt that Wu Sheng had only asked a few questions, but by the time she realized it, it was already noon.

"Yes, I happen to be hungry!"

Wu Sheng and Xia Ruhua came to the cafeteria together. After seeing it, the employees consciously gave way to the two of them. Everyone knew that the two of them stayed in the office all morning.

Even though she didn't make any overly intimate gestures, everyone could see that Xia Ruhua looked very happy, which was why they didn't bother her all morning.

"The chef in your cafeteria is pretty good. Every time I come here, I want to eat three big bowls. But if you, the boss, hadn't brought it here, I would have to pay a lot of money."

Wu Sheng simply ordered all the dishes he could order, and they all came in small plates. For Wu Sheng, this was a piece of cake, and he didn't even bother to finish it.

However, the chef's stir-fried food is more appetizing, and just the smell of it makes people want to eat. This reminds Wu Sheng of the time when he was on the construction site, and he wolfed down the food as soon as it was time to eat.

"You like to come to eat, next time I will give you a special certificate, as long as you come to eat if you have nothing to do."

Xia Ruhua was also a little happy to see that Wu Sheng liked her canteen so much. She had heard people say before that if you want to win a man's heart, you have to win his stomach first.

Now it seems that this statement is not false at all. If Wu Sheng can come every day, she doesn't mind having dinner with Wu Sheng every day.

"That's so embarrassing!"

Of course, Wu Sheng was happy. Although this is the company's cafeteria, it is also open to the outside world, but it just needs money, and a few hundred dollars is not much.

"You slow down!"

Xia Ruhua watched Wu Sheng start to gobble it up because she was afraid that Wu Sheng would choke, so she couldn't help but care about it, but all this naturally changed in the eyes of others.

"I can't help it, mainly because it smells too good!"

Wu Sheng also couldn't stop. The habit he developed when he was in Syria was to always finish eating quickly, otherwise no one would know if he would die in the next second.

However, this habit changed a lot after Wu Sheng returned to China, but he couldn't control it when he encountered such delicious food.


Xia Ruhua personally poured water for Wu Sheng, which undoubtedly shocked the people in the company even more. Now in their eyes, Wu Sheng and Xia Ruhua were like a couple.

"Thank you! I'm full! Why didn't you eat?"

Wu Sheng was indeed a little choked, but fortunately Xia Ruhua delivered water in time. After drinking the water, Wu Sheng touched his belly to confirm that he was really full, but when he saw that Xia Ruhua still had a mouthful on his plate Doubts arose without moving.

"Nothing, I'm eating now, can you stop looking at me?"

Of course Xia Ruhua was not used to being stared at while eating, not to mention that the person in front of her was Wu Sheng, which made her a little shy.

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