"Xiao Chen, did a supercar run past you just now?"

Su Xiaoyun also called Chen Feifei who was on duty tonight. She had already decided to chase after her, so naturally she wanted to report it.

"Yes, it was too fast! I didn't even have a chance to start the car and it ran away."

Fade Chen on the other end of the phone was still turning on the ignition. When he saw it, there was no way to stop him. He got into the car immediately, but the car disappeared before even the key was inserted.

"It's okay. I'm chasing it right now. I'll report the route to you. You can contact the Shao team so that he won't be afraid to come over."

Su Xiaoyun felt that it was better to be on the safe side in everything, or else he and Wu Sheng acted alone, and it was very likely to mess up, besides, who knew if there were any guns on the other side.

"Brother, there is a car following us all the time!"

Cao Yong said excitedly at this time, he just took a sip of the white powder, and now it is time to go up, seeing a car chasing after him, his first reaction was excitement.

"It's probably some blind kid from a rich family who made him!"

Cao Hu also sucked the white powder in Cao Yong's hand, naturally he was a bit over the top, otherwise the speed of the car would not have reached 240, and under the stimulation of the white powder, he naturally wanted to do something big.

"Okay! Leave it to me! Ahahaha!"

Cao Yong took out a pistol from his arms, opened the skylight, stood up unsteadily and took aim, and then there were several bangs.

"not good!"

Wu Sheng also saw the pistol in Cao Yong's hand with sharp eyes, and immediately hit the steering wheel quickly, which directly made Cao Yong empty several shots.

"They have guns, why should we keep chasing them?"

Wu Sheng also asked Su Xiaoyun tentatively, but his speed did not decrease at all and he kept following the car without a license plate, of course it was swaying from side to side.


Su Xiaoyun gritted her teeth and said this. Naturally, she didn't want Wu Sheng to get involved, but if Wu Sheng got out of the car now, the car would naturally disappear.

"Huh? I didn't hit a single shot! Wow! The opponent is so powerful!"

Cao Yong squeezed the trigger vigorously, but found that there was no movement. After thinking for a while, he realized that his magazine was empty, and he returned to the car.

"Again, this time I don't believe I can't beat them!"

After Cao Yong finished loading the magazine, he stood up again and started aiming.

"Hold on tight, don't let him keep shooting like this!"

Wu Sheng shouted loudly to Su Xiaoyun, he knew that if Cao Yong kept shooting, they would be shot sooner or later, now he had to find a way to mess with him.

Wu Sheng directly raised the car speed to 260. This was the first time he tried such a fast speed. The Wrangler also directly hit the modified Ferrari.

This collision directly knocked off the gun in Cao Yong's hand, but the two cars were also thrown away because of the law of conservation of momentum.

The two cars spun crazily on the road. Fortunately, there were almost no vehicles leaving in the middle of the night, so no secondary damage was caused. This collision also completely scrapped the two cars.

The Ferrari was directly stuck on the protective belt, and Wu Sheng's Wrangler had a flat tire. Fortunately, after the last incident, Sui Shaoyun upgraded the vehicle in all aspects.

The Wrangler rolled over, but all the cars were equipped with all-round airbags, so Wu Sheng and Su Xiaoyun were not seriously injured.

"Ah...! I'm going to kill you!"

When Cao Hu saw Cao Yong who was half paralyzed, he also angrily took out two pistols from his arms, and frantically attacked Wu Sheng's herdsman.

"Get out!"

Wu Sheng tried that the sunroof could still be opened, so he opened the sunroof and let Su Xiaoyun go out first. After all, the longer someone stays in the car, the more dangerous it is.

"Bang bang bang!" There were several gunshots in succession, and Wu Sheng also heard the sound of fire, and immediately kicked Su Xiaoyun out, and then he climbed out with difficulty.

"Come out! Come out!"

Cao Hu also refused to listen and shot at the shepherd. He is now in a state of madness.

"What to do, if you go out now, you will die, if you don't go out, you will die!"

Wu Sheng had already seen that the car was on fire. If he went out and there was no cover around, it would be equivalent to directly facing Cao Hu's muzzle.

"Hang on, I have already sent the location, I believe they will arrive soon."

When Su Xiaoyun called Fade Chen, he also turned on location sharing, so as long as he can last for a while, support will arrive.

"I told you not to come out, right?"

Cao Hu took out a grenade from his pocket, pulled the tab, and threw it towards the shepherd. The grenade also happened to be thrown beside Wu Sheng.


Wu Sheng subconsciously thought of this word, knowing that the car was about to explode, plus the power of this grenade, it was naturally no small matter.

Just as Wu Sheng ran a few steps, he was stunned by the explosion. When he became a little conscious, he was dragged away by Cao Hu again.

And he didn't have any strength at all, he couldn't even raise his hands, he tilted his head and didn't see Su Xiaoyun's figure, so he was relieved, he thought that Su Xiaoyun might have been blown to another place.

Finally, Cao Hu dragged Wu Sheng to the front of a pool of muddy meat, and then kicked Wu Sheng's head fiercely with his feet. This kick also made Wu Sheng wake up a little bit.

But still in a state of being unable to use force, Cao Hu took out a knife, gently scratched Wu Sheng's cheek, and then licked the blade with his tongue.

"You killed my brother! I want you to be buried with me. Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. I will torture you with one knife after another until all your blood is drained!"

After Cao Hu finished speaking, he threw a knife and fork in Wu Sheng's hand. Wu Sheng sat up immediately in pain, but before he got up, Cao Hu pushed him to the ground, and received a heavy blow to the back of the head. .

"Let me tell you, the more you struggle, the happier I will be! Hahahaha!" Cao Hu even ran to Wu Sheng's ear and said.

Wu Sheng could naturally hear what Cao Hu was saying, but he was still in a dizzy state, feeling like he was conscious but unable to control his body.

He could feel the pain in his hand, but he couldn't control his body, he could only watch Cao Hu torture his body.

"Crack! Another hand!"

Cao Hu aimed at Wu Sheng's right hand and struck again with a knife and fork. The severe pain made Wu Sheng almost faint from the pain, but Cao Hu cleverly punched Wu Sheng hard in the abdomen.

"I said, I won't let you die so easily! Try it?"

When Cao Hu said this, his face was also grim. He licked the blood on the tip of the knife, and then put the knife near Wu Sheng's mouth, signaling Wu Sheng to taste it too.

Then Cao Hu continued to wreak havoc on Wu Sheng's body, and Wu Sheng's face became paler and paler. He had already started to lose a lot of blood, and he would die completely in less than 2 minutes.

Wu Sheng's consciousness became more and more blurred. He saw Cao Hu put the knife in front of his eyes, closed his eyes, and completely lost consciousness.

"Am I dead?"

Wu Sheng was talking into the endless void, and he saw his body slowly disappearing.

"Not dead, but according to the current situation, it will be soon!" The boss's rough voice came from the void.

"Is this the feeling of death? I have been pursuing this feeling for a long time, but now when I am preparing to live well, I am greeted with such a feeling, which is a bit ridiculous."

There was a wry smile on Wu Sheng's face. During the hardest period of his life without a voice, he could not wish to die. Now that his life has improved, he has ushered in death. This is very similar to the story in the novel. The plot is the same.

"However, my life is actually quite satisfying. At least I can speak, and I can make my sister and parents live a better life. That's enough."

Wu Sheng thought about it for a while, but he didn't have any regrets. He did everything he should do.

"I just can't see my sister getting married, and I can't take care of my parents' retirement!"

These two are the only remaining wishes, but he believes that his sister Wu Ran will take good care of his parents.

"Boss, I am grateful for having you in this life!"

After Wu Sheng finished speaking, he in the smoky state also completely disappeared.

"Wu Sheng, wake up! You can't sleep! You can't die!"

In the real world, Su Xiaoyun slapped Wu Sheng's face crazily. Wu Sheng's blood had already flowed all over the place, his face was so pale that it couldn't be more pale, and even his breathing had stopped.

"Smelly woman!"

Cao Hu touched his head, just when he was about to kill Wu Sheng with a stab, Su Xiaoyun came out of nowhere and kicked him directly.

Cao Hu stood up and rushed directly towards Su Xiaoyun. His knife was kicked to nowhere, and the bullets in the pistol were also exhausted. Now he could only fight with Su Xiaoyun.

"Go to hell!"

When Su Xiaoyun saw Cao Hu who was attacking her, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, and he punched Cao Hu violently. Cao Hu was choked to death and had no power to fight back.

"a ha ha ha!"

Cao Hu was beaten to pieces by Su Xiaoyun, and he also lay on the ground, completely unconscious. He looked at Wu Sheng, who was already a corpse, and closed his eyes contentedly.

"You can't die, you can't die!"

Su Xiaoyun's tears fell from the corners of his eyes, Wu Sheng had completely lost his heartbeat response, even though she kept doing cardio resuscitation, Wu Sheng still didn't respond at all.

"Battery, battery!"

At this time, Su Xiaoyun remembered that in a movie she had seen before, someone used a car battery to make a simple pacemaker that could activate the beating of the heart.

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