"You...you...how can you be a girl."

After being kissed by Ye Xiaoling, Wu Sheng was momentarily at a loss for words. The first time he was careless, but the second time he was kissed by Ye Xiaoling.

"Who told you to kiss me first? This is a courtesy to me!"

Ye Xiaoling turned into the more agile look before. She could tell that what Wu Sheng said just now was true, so she couldn't help but kissed Wu Sheng.

Her heart was about to jump out of her throat just now, but she finally mustered up the courage to kiss her. It was different from the first time, this time it felt wonderful.

"But you can't either..."

Wu Sheng touched his lips, and he felt that his dignity as a man was gone.

"Okay, okay, I didn't even say that I suffered a loss, but you, a boy, still care about driving and driving. I'm hungry and want to eat hot pot!"

Ye Xiaoling was naturally very happy to have resolved his concerns, and his whole body became active.

In the end, Ye Xiaoling sent Wu Sheng back to the hotel, and before leaving, he didn't forget to kiss Wu Sheng on the cheek, so scared that Wu Sheng quickly ran upstairs.

All of this was clearly seen by Gong Ying upstairs, her senior brother's "ordinary friends" seemed to have an unusual relationship, as did Yan Zhijie yesterday and Ye Xiaoling today.

Her intuition told her that Wu Sheng might be a legendary sea king. There were many fish in the fish pond, and the "ordinary friends" he called were all his fish.

Gong Ying felt terrible when she thought about it, she must stay away from Wu Sheng in the future.

Wu Sheng went back to his room and lay on the bed, turned on TikTok and started a short video in a bit of boredom, but the first item on the recommendation list was the photo taken by him and Ye Xiaoling.

Because of this, his comma account has exceeded one million fans, and the Douyin official also contacted him, asking him to verify his account, after all, he is now a blogger with millions of fans.

Of course, there are also many brokerage companies who wanted to sign Wu Sheng, but Wu Sheng looked at the contract and rejected them all. His purpose of playing Douyin before was to bring the novel he wrote.

Unexpectedly, the novel is not popular now, but he himself is popular. Of course, all of them survived because of some strange things, such as being beaten, taken into a police car and misunderstood by others.

He already deeply felt that Douyin was a bit too nasty, and now anything put on the Internet would be quickly exposed, so he thought about it and decided to uninstall Douyin.

In this way, he could write novels with peace of mind, and when he was about to delete them, Douyin's official sent him a message.

"You have 15 yuan to collect, please enter your ID number and bank card number."

After Wu Sheng repeatedly confirmed that it was Douyin's official account, he sent his ID number and bank card, and within 3 minutes he received a text message.

"Your bank card account has just been transferred to 15 yuan!"

Wu Sheng couldn't close his eyes, so he quickly found the official of Douyin and asked, after all, how could he get so much money.

Later, people explained that part of it was the reward of millions of fans, and part of it was the gifts he accumulated when he started the live broadcast before. He didn't provide his bank card number so it has been there all the time. Of course, there are many views of his videos. .

Since Wu Sheng didn't sign a contract with any guild, he didn't need to share anything, and the money he got was a lot more.

This made Wu Sheng take back the hand that wanted to uninstall Douyin. After all, who would be troubled by money, and there is still so much money, which is a figure that he can't earn in a year of work.

Wu Sheng hurriedly sent back 5 yuan to his family. After thinking about the 10 yuan, he should go to the city to rent a house, which would be more convenient.

Otherwise, the time spent in the car every day would be enough for him. With money, Wu Sheng hummed a song and got on the plane. There is nothing happier than having money.

"Go to work!"

Wu Sheng returned to Wangyou Cafe and opened the store door. Due to the violent incident with Zhao Ritian last time, almost all the things in the store were smashed.

Today is considered to be a resurrection. Of course, Zhao Ritian's money was spent. After all, the laws in our country are very strict, so why should he be sentenced without compensation.

Looking at the brand-new cafe, Mr. Wu leisurely ordered a cup of coffee for himself. After all, there should be no one coming at this point. Usually, the business in the store will start to pick up at three or four in the afternoon.

After all, people who drink afternoon tea come at this time.

"I go……"

However, Wu Sheng was soon overwhelmed, hesitant about the reason why Wu Sheng became popular on Douyin, Wangyou Cafe has also become an Internet celebrity store, and local Internet celebrities are also crazy to check in.

"Give me a moment and let me in. Thank you!"

Sui Shao felt a little complicated when the door was blocked.

"What kind of team do you want to join! Line up later!"

"Tn's! I'm the boss!"

Sui Shaoyun was pushed out by his ass, and all the places where people could sit in the shop had already been filled, even Sui Shaoyun's piano was fully occupied, but all this Sui Shaoyun could only watch eagerly from the outside.

He still had to queue up, even though he had said countless times that he was the owner of this store, but no one believed him, and they all thought that he jumped in the queue with excuses.

"What did Lao Yun do? Why didn't he come!"

Wu Sheng was not having a good time in there. His shaking hands were numb. People kept taking photos with him, and he had to greet them with a smile.

"I'm the boss and he can prove it!"

Sui Shaoyun finally found an opportunity to rush in, but was grabbed by two hands again, almost dragging him back.

"Come in quickly! It's so busy!"

With the proof of Wu Sheng, Sui Shaoyun finally returned to his exclusive position. Fortunately, because of the reason last time, he enlarged the appearance a little, otherwise the team would have to line up until tomorrow morning.

The two sat with coffee seamlessly in this way, and the coffee beans in the shop were all ground in the afternoon, and there was really no way to open the business, so these local Internet celebrities left.

"My God! I've never been so tired in my life!"

Sui Shaoyun sat slumped on the ground, and the two of them managed to get some time to breathe. Their hands were so hot that they could almost make fire by drilling wood.

"If there were so many people every day, I guess it would be too much for just the two of us!"

Wu Sheng also sat slumped on the ground, he couldn't lift his hands at all, he knew that he had finished grinding this and that, until he had finished grinding all the seven or eight kinds of coffee beans in the shop before he had time to rest.

"Don't talk about it, it's not bad today. The students don't have much vacation. By Sunday, I think I can grind my hands off."

It's only Wednesday, and Sui Shaoyun really can't imagine the number of people on Friday and Saturday, let alone whether the hands of the two are tired, the coffee shop may not be enough for the two of them.

"By the way, today's turnover is so high, why don't you give me a raise?"

Wu Sheng patted Sui Shaoyun on the shoulder and jokingly said to Sui Shaoyun.

"Are you okay to say that?"

Sui Shaoyun's face changed when he heard this.

"If it weren't for you, there would be so many people here. I originally just wanted to be a boss quietly, but now I have become a hard-working employee."

Sui Shaoyun knew the reason. The main reason was that Wu Sheng was too popular on Douyin now, so the recognition was very high. Someone had exposed this store before.

But at that time, Wu Sheng's popularity wasn't too great, but now that Wu Sheng is famous, all the local Internet celebrities, big and small, came to evaluate.

"You think I wanted to, I just took a photo with her, and if she thought of it, she would directly post it on Douyin."

Wu Sheng was also a little helpless, the main reason for this incident was Ye Xiaoling who was far away in the sky, if she hadn't dragged him to take some photo shoots, there would definitely not be such a mess.

The male Internet celebrities are okay, most of them just take a group photo and it’s over. When the female Internet celebrities see him, they will either post them up vigorously, or flirt with him with love words.

But there is also a bad point, that is, the outside world now knows that he has recovered his voice, so he has to find a way to explain it now, if the explanation is not clear, he will definitely be scolded.

"Ahem, hello, everyone. Recently, there has been a lot of noise about me pretending to be dumb. I want to tell you again that when I went to Harbin, I met a master who used qigong to help me cure this problem. The problem, of course I can't say who this master is."

Wu Sheng started to record videos to explain, and now because of his dumbness on the Internet, he has once again been pushed to the forefront of the storm.

"Look, this is the comprehensive physical examination I did when I was hospitalized in January, and the abnormal voice has already been written in it, and this is the physical examination report I did in March, which shows that my voice is normal .”

Fortunately, because of the money, Wu Sheng's two reports are all there, which is enough to prove that he did not pretend to be deaf and dumb before.

Of course, how Wu Sheng regenerated his vocal cords also caused huge turmoil on the Internet, but fortunately, Ye Xiaoling's guild invited a group of sailors to smooth things over.

Of course, Sui Shaoyun also spent a lot of effort on this matter. The Navy also invited wave after wave, and it was not until the end of May that the matter was finally resolved.

Originally, Wu Sheng thought that there would be nothing wrong with this, but he didn't expect that because he could speak, female Internet celebrities and female fans from all over the country would all come here for the spot.

They all talked about marrying him. Of course, Sui Shaoyun, who opened a shop with him, is now a moderate internet celebrity, and naturally there are many female fans.

So now every day the store makes some die-hard fans of Sui Shaoyun and Wu Sheng, who drink coffee every day, and all of them are very rich.

Some even posted a video on Douyin to pursue Wu Sheng, which made Wu Sheng a hot search, because Wu Sheng was making a fuss in Douyin.

Ye Xiaoling was also sent to Lingxi City by the guild, which is equivalent to directly moving his family here.

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