"Okay, don't pretend to be dead, give it to me when you have money!"

Ye Xiaoling was a little speechless watching Wu Sheng lie down and pretend to be dead, but fortunately, the video of taking care of Wu Sheng has gained a lot of fans in the past few days.

"By the way, what did you do! Why did you suffer such a serious injury suddenly? The doctor said that you had already started to lose temperature when you arrived, and also said that your arm seemed to have cut an artery."

Ye Xiaoling was quite puzzled about this point, he looked at Wu Sheng and didn't think he was a gangster, so how could he be injured so badly.

"I had a big deal with a friend, but he disappeared, and I don't know who to turn to for money."

Wu Sheng thought about it, but you, Sui Shaoyun, paid the medical expenses anyway.

But what Wu Sheng didn't know was that Sui Shaoyun was squatting and shivering in the detention center.

Sui Shaoyun also wanted to scold the street a little bit, the detention center didn't even have an air conditioner, he didn't wear much clothes, and he didn't cuddle with him to keep warm.

The detention center usually locks people up for 24 hours before releasing them, but Sui Shaoyun has no way to convict him, nor can he prove his innocence, so he can only stay in the detention center for a while.

The key point is that the detention center is not like a prison. At least there are beds and quilts in the prison to rest. In the detention center, there are only three walls and an iron railing. He has to be arrested and interrogated every day, which almost broke Sui Shaoyun.

After another three days or so, Wu Sheng was finally at ease. He was about to pack up his things and leave the hospital when he was stopped by a policewoman.

"Are you Wu Sheng?"

Su Xiaoyun looked at Wu Sheng in front of her. If she remembered correctly, he was the one Sui Shaoyun was holding that night. Wu Sheng knew what happened that night.

Wu Sheng nodded. He saw Su Xiaoyun in front of him a little nervous. After all, he had never done anything illegal. The only time he seemed to be racing with Sui Shaoyun.

"Your friend Sui Shaoyun has been involved in some criminal cases. We have no way to determine whether he broke the law or was forced to commit a crime because he saved you."

She will not be able to convict Sui Shaoyun for a while, even if Sui Shaoyun did it out of the idea of ​​saving people, but the extent of the damage to the Ferrari has to be taken seriously by Su Xiaoyun.

Wu Sheng was the only one who knew what happened at that time, so they had to take Wu Sheng back to ask for clarification.

"Come with us!"

After speaking, Su Xiaoyun grabbed Wu Sheng's hand and walked out.

"What! What!"

Ye Xiaoling saw that Su Xiaoyun was going to forcibly take Wu Sheng away just after completing the discharge procedures, so she naturally couldn't let her go.

Let's not say that she and Wu Sheng are friends, just say that Wu Sheng's medical expenses in the past few days are paid by her. If Su Xiaoyun takes Wu Sheng away, who will he ask for money.

"He needs to go back with us to do an investigation, please understand!"

Su Xiaoyun was stopped by Ye Xiaoling, and immediately explained without talking nonsense.

"It's okay to do research, but I want to follow!"

Ye Xiaoling couldn't just let Wu Sheng run away, just the video of her taking care of Wu Sheng was posted on Douyin in the past few days, and every like was over [-].

Of course, the CP fans of two people are also swiping 99 below. She has also accepted a lot of endorsements in the past few days, and the manager is very happy.

"No! You have nothing to do with the case, I can't take you with you."

Su Xiaoyun's tone of voice also turned cold. This case has been going on for a week, and the higher authorities have already let her go.

As soon as Sui Shaoyun was arrested, the Sui family received the news and immediately used their connections to order Su Xiaoyun to release him, but Su Xiaoyun kept saying that the case had not been investigated clearly and was dragging on.

Wu Sheng is the only person who knows what happened in this case, so he must investigate through Wu Sheng to find out what the truth is like.

"Then I can't let you take away a wounded person. I can tell you that Xiaoshengzi is wounded. Just the one you just pulled might make his wound collapse!"

Of course, Ye Xiaoling said this to scare Su Xiaoyun. With Wu Sheng's physical fitness, the injury on his right arm had already scarred, and the needle and thread could be removed.

"Okay! You can follow!"

Su Xiaoyun knew that if Ye Xiaoling was not allowed to follow, Ye Xiaoling would definitely still be messy.

Wu Sheng got into a police car. This was his first time building a police car. He was somewhat excited. After all, he had fantasized about being a policeman when he was a child.

However, the congenital defect caused him to be so far away from every dream. In the end, when he had nowhere to go, he willingly became a migrant worker.

"Wu Sheng, what did you and Sui Shaoyun do that night, you will be injured so badly."

The car had only driven a few steps when Su Xiaoyu's cross-examination began.

"Comrade policeman, don't you know that he is a voiceless person? How do you ask him to answer you?"

Ye Xiaoling replied to Su Xiaoyun, you are driving a car, don't you still want Wu Sheng to show you a note.

The police car drove to the Lingxi City Detention Center.

Wu Sheng was first brought into a room and began to question. Su Xiaoyun was afraid that it would be bad for Sui Shaoyun and Wu Sheng to get on the same number.

In order to prevent Wu Sheng from lying, Su Xiaoyun also brought that kind of lie detector, which made Wu Sheng look stupid.

The more complete the preparation, the greater the mistake he made. Fortunately, he didn't wear the sterling silver bracelet now, so there is still room for redemption.

"Why did you go to Lingshan that night?"

Su Xiaoyun became serious and stared at Wu Sheng with very sharp eyes.

"Just went around and watched the night scene."

Wu Sheng knew that he definitely couldn't say he was going to race cars, and he would definitely kill himself.

"Looking at the night scene? Can the car look like that when watching the night scene? You will be injured so badly? Are you really a fool to me!"

Su Xiaoyun patted the table and stood up, she was just trying to scare Wu Sheng.

For an honest person like Wu Sheng, if he was a little frightened, he would basically confess everything.

"It's really just watching the night view!"

Wu Sheng couldn't tell the truth now, and he didn't drive the car. Even if it was finally found out, he was just sitting in Sui Shaoyun's car watching the night scene.

"Then what happened to that GTR? Don't you guys go racing!"

Facing Su Xiaoyun's fierce offensive, Wu Sheng's brain as a writer finally started to move.

Wu Sheng began to count. He felt that Su Shaoyun hadn't shown up for so long, maybe he didn't run away, but was caught in the detention center. Otherwise, why didn't Su Xiaoyun handcuff him.

He thought for a moment that he was knocked unconscious when Sui Shaoyun crossed the line at the end, and he vaguely remembered that the car had stopped at that time.

If Cao Yong hadn't wanted to hit them behind, Sui Shaoyun wouldn't have been allowed to use this emergency avoidance method.

Wu Sheng recited "Boss" silently and entered the dimensional space, his brain began to work rapidly, and he wanted to clear everything up.

First of all, he heard the nurse say that he was brought here by a man, and that he was taken away by the police after the delivery. Wu Sheng only knew this when he was discharged from the hospital.

The person who sent him here should be Sui Shaoyun, which means that Sui Shaoyun was arrested only after sending him to the hospital, and the first hospital in Lingxi City is still tens of kilometers away from Lingshan.

Then there was the condition of Sui Shaoyun's Ferrari. He remembered that only the rear and right wing were damaged at that time, but the front of the car was obviously damaged when he saw it just now.

This shows that this was the injury he received after he was unconscious. According to Sui Shaoyun's driving skills, he should not have hit any other cars, and it can be seen from the front of the car that it should be caused by two cars.

As for the GTR in Su Xiaoyun's mouth, what Wu Sheng guessed was that Sui Shaoyun wanted to put all the blame on Cao Yong. What he needs to do now is to integrate these things, and then answer the question according to Sui Shaoyun's idea.

After thinking for another 10 minutes, Wu Sheng finally figured it out, picked up the pen and began to write on the paper.

"I can only briefly recall what happened that night. Sui Shaoyun and I went up the mountain to see the night view. When we went down the mountain, we met that GTR. He saw our car was good and insisted on racing against us."

"You mean that GTR you met on the way down the mountain?"

Su Xiaoyun saw that the news written by Wu Sheng on the paper was different from what Sui Shaoyun said. What Sui Shaoyun said was that he met the GTR when he went up the mountain.

After Wu Sheng heard Su Xiaoyun's words, he felt that these words must be different from what Sui Shaoyun said, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Go ahead!"

Wu Sheng's lying side also appeared on the polygraph, and Su Xiaoyun secretly took note of this.

"In the end, the GTR hit us like crazy, causing our car to lose balance. We were forced to hit the wall, and I passed out. I don't know the rest."

This time, the lie detector also showed normal results. In fact, none of those things happened in reality, but some details were slightly changed.

"Okay, I understand everything, you go out first."

Su Xiaoyun frowned. Sui Shaoyun and Wu Sheng said the same things, except that there was a difference between going up the mountain and going down the mountain.

In fact, the reason why Sui Shaoyun was locked for so long was not only that Sui Shaoyun was speeding, but also that drugs were found on the GTR near Lingshan!

In Su Xiaoyun's view, it was Sui Shaoyun and Wu Sheng who met GTR on the way up the mountain, and then they overtook them, and then GTR kept chasing after them.

Most of the owners of the GTR were on drugs, and Sui Shaoyun forced him to attack them, which directly caused Wu Sheng's coma and the damage to his Ferrari.

The main reason is that there is no camera on the mountain, so it is impossible to determine whether the two have been racing. Moreover, both Sui Shaoyun and Wu Sheng have passed the urine test, and they have no habit of taking drugs, so their statement should be correct.

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