I can't be rushing

Chapter 354 Wedding

Wu Sheng and his party rode a big horse and arrived at a new house where Xia Ruhua lived, and it was also the new residence of Wu Sheng and Xia Ruhua.

Since Xia Ruhua has always lived in Wu Sheng's villa, and Wu Sheng lives next door, if this happens, then the wedding will be meaningless.

After getting married, it is naturally impossible to live with other people, so the two of them immediately decided to buy a new house, so now they are in that place.

A net had already been set up at the door, waiting for Wu Sheng to bring his best man to break in, but it wasn't too much, it was just some custom.

The first level is naturally a question-and-answer game. For example, the question of what Xia Ruhua likes to eat, Wu Sheng naturally answered it very simply, and led the best man team into the next round.

At the second level, it is naturally a wine that everyone is afraid of. Just smelling it will make you drunk. Look at the many glasses on the ground and the huge big bowl on the table. Look at the best men. Look at me and I look at you.

Immediately, he also made the most tactful choice, that is to drink up the cup on the ground, and then leave the biggest bowl in the middle for Wu Sheng.

"They are all my good brothers!"

After Wu Sheng saw this scene, he was also a little moved, especially Jiang Xuan drank the most violently. After all, Wu Sheng suffered a lot for him when he was in Shanghai.

"Brother, I can't do it anymore, I'll leave it to you!"

After the people on the ground finished drinking, they all started to pretend to be dead. First, Wu Tao said that he couldn't do it, then fell down, and then one by one became more outrageous.

Looking at the large bowl in front of him, Wu Sheng's keen sense of smell discovered that this thing did not seem to be wine. The smell of alcohol from so many glasses in front of him masked the taste of this large bowl.

After Wu Sheng thought for a while, he picked up the big bowl by himself, and then began to sip it. While drinking, he found that it was just ordinary water.

This was just to punish them, but it also made Wu Sheng see what Er and others were saying, and then naturally came to the third level, which was blocked by girlfriends.

Of course, money is required for this, so after Wu Sheng sincerely gave each person a big red envelope, he finally let Wu Sheng in.



After entering the door, several people looked at it a little bit. Today's Xia Ruhua is definitely a fairy who is as beautiful as a fairy, so everyone can't help but admire.

Wu Sheng also unreasonably walked directly to Xia Ruhua's side, took off a mask on his face, told her that he was here, and then unreasonably picked her up directly.

Quickly ran out of the gate, then hugged Xia Ruhua to discuss the horse, and started to run wildly towards today's meeting place, and the others naturally did the same.

At 10:30, I arrived at the venue on time. Xia Ruhua also went to the dressing room to mend some clothes, and then naturally the emcee appeared.

The master of ceremonies this time is also different. Xue Zhizhu, who has a lot of experience as a host, is in charge. At eleven o'clock, everyone is basically ready, and everything in the venue has been set up.

"Let's invite today's groom, Wu Sheng!"

As the BGM gradually sounded, accompanied by the roar of war horses, Wu Sheng came to the field wearing a mask, accompanied by Wu Tao and four other people, all five of whom were wearing armor.

There was quite a killing spirit, and then a few people also started to practice a set of marksmanship, which was naturally an opening performance. You must know that the martial arts of these people were all masters except for Bai Chen, who was a bit weak.

But performance programs are not that difficult, so Bai Chen managed to make it to the end.

"Okay, please take off your mask!"

Then Wu Sheng took off the mask again, and let the mask cover half of his face. There was an alarm clock feeling that he was still holding a pipa and half covering his face, which also made the girls present scream continuously.

After talking a lot more, it was time for Xia Ruhua to appear. With the sound of a phoenix, a queen also walked over from the aisle, with a phoenix worth tens of millions hovering above her.

The skirt behind her was tugged at by eight children. Under such a special effect, Xia Ruhua seemed to have become a queen of the world, and everyone knelt down under her skirt.

After Xia Ruhua came out, the two naturally stood side by side, like a mighty general meeting a female emperor.

"How should I put it, you should have saved the galaxy in your last life!"

At this time, Xue Zhizhi also said with a little envy, after that, the wedding was carried out step by step, and the exchange of glasses of wine and the change of words were all completed very smoothly.

The next thing was to drink. Xia Ruhua took Wu Sheng's arm and poured wine table by table. After eating and drinking like this, the wedding officially ended at two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the evening, I was inviting those who helped me to dinner. Of course, the option of having a bridal chamber was eliminated, but Wu Sheng couldn't escape being drunk.

Wu Sheng was being fed by the bottle tonight, but he was not afraid at all, after all, the boss had already returned, and ordering a drink was just a matter of a moment.

So Wu Sheng didn't finish drinking until after ten o'clock. The main reason is that today is not the end, and there is a wedding to attend tomorrow, so it's not too late to drink after it's over.

"I am back!"

Wu Sheng also returned to his new house. At this time, Xia Ruhua was already waiting for him in the room. After looking at each other like this, the two turned off the lights and went to bed.

Wu Tao's wedding on the second day was not as prosperous as Wu Sheng and Xia Ruhua's, but it was not bad. Everyone ate and drank to their heart's content, and the gift money that should be recovered was also received.

Of course, because it is a Western-style wedding, there are not so many special effects bonuses, so it saves a lot of money compared to Wu Sheng's wedding, and also recovers a lot of capital.

Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that Wu Sheng got married first, which made those who feel that the two brothers should be treated equally, so the gift money given this time is the same as the gift money given to Wu Sheng.

But Wu Sheng's wedding had a lot of special effects, so naturally it was not so interesting, but in the end everyone naturally ended happily.

Wu Sheng’s beautiful wedding also topped the hot search list. Many people feel that their youth is over. After all, Wu Sheng got married. Many people think that Wu Sheng will be like a male god like Hu Ge , to make people worry about marriage.

But they didn't expect that Wu Sheng was already married, so Wu Sheng took advantage of this enthusiasm to tell everyone that he was going to make the last movie in his life.

After the filming of this movie, it will be announced that it will withdraw from the entertainment circle indefinitely. This will instantly detonate the Internet, and many entertainment companies are asking Wu Sheng for confirmation.

Of course, Wu Sheng also invited a notary to respond, so under the reluctance of everyone, Wu Sheng's "Silence is Better than Sound" started filming. This drama is about himself.

Every major event in life is written in it, and Wu Sheng also invites the people he meets at each stage of his life to star in this movie.

Of course, the salary is also very good. After all, he has already married Xia Ruhua, a rich woman. Naturally, he doesn't have to worry about money. In addition, the income from one of his TV series has reached more than one billion, so he is not short of money at all. .

This film has been filmed for three months, and it has finally been completely completed. It is also expected to release this "Silence is Better than Sound" on the National Day file. Since it is a masterpiece of Wu Sheng, it also attracted many people to go. watch.

After reading it, I naturally gave Wu Sheng a fairly good score. After all, this is the story of Wu Sheng's life, so it is not as easy to understand as other scripts.

However, since it was Wu Sheng's last film, this year's Golden Rooster Awards did not treat Wu Sheng badly, and he won all the awards he deserved.

The award that he didn't get was also nominated. Since then, Wu Sheng has withdrawn from the entertainment circle, and he rarely stepped into the entertainment circle in his life.

Even if he appeared, it was as a screenwriter. Wu Sheng also used his identity as a novelist to complete a path that other novelists would never dare to think of in their lifetime.

It also opened up a unique path for novelists of later generations.

Since then, this novel has come to an end, thank you for your support!

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