I can't be rushing

Chapter 266 Recalling the Past

After Wu Sheng confirmed that the person living next door was Sui Shaoyun, he immediately opened the door of Sui Shaoyun's house with the lock-picking skill that came with his mobile phone.

"Ah! I'll go!"

As soon as he entered the door, he could smell the overwhelming smell of alcohol. Wu Sheng hurriedly opened the window of Sui Shaoyun's house, and then ordered a takeaway of hangover pills, which was delivered by the courier brother.

Seeing the mess all over the place, Wu Sheng was also speechless, only the ceiling hadn't been vomited, and most of the other places were traces of being tortured by Sui Shaoyun.

Wu Sheng had no choice but to carry Sui Shaoyun into his own room. Although he seemed to have vomited in his memory, the room was relatively clean and there was no dirt at all.

And Sui Shaoyun's house was already in disrepair, so he had someone come up to clean it, and by the way gave him a little extra tip, after all Sui Shaoyun made his house like this.

After giving Sui Shaoyun the hangover medicine, Wu Sheng threw him directly into the bathroom, within 5 minutes Sui Shaoyun vomited in it, and after vomiting out all the contents in his stomach, he washed his face before coming out wobbly .

"What time is it?"

Sui Shaoyun didn't have a system to help him eliminate alcohol like Wu Sheng. The alcohol was still in his body, so he didn't act sober at all. Fortunately, Wu Sheng not only ordered hangover pills, but also ordered a hangover soup.

"Excellent! It's been a long time since I drank as much as last night!"

After drinking the hangover soup, Sui Shaoyun also began to slowly regain his sobriety. He hasn't indulged like this for a long time. He has been oppressed all this time.

"Okay, get down to business when you wake up, do you still remember who brought us here last night?"

Wu Sheng didn't talk nonsense and started to get into the topic directly. He was curious about who it was and could find the exact location of the two of them, and knew that they were drunk.

"Didn't you send me here?"

Sui Shaoyun was also a little surprised. He vaguely remembered that Wu Sheng told him to drive him home, but Wu Sheng was probably drunk at the time, so he took a taxi and opened a room nearby.

"What the hell! I drank Fragments last night, and I found myself here when I woke up in the morning. I think it's probably because you sent me back."

"I was drunk earlier than you. How could it be that I sent someone to send you off. If it was really me, I would send you home directly!"

"Who would that be?"

"Don't worry about it so much! I'm starving to death, go out and find something to eat!"


Wu Sheng also felt a little hungry. After all, he just vomited so much, he definitely needed something to make up for it, and this mysterious person would contact them sooner or later.

"I'll go to your shop for coffee after dinner, and go to your house for a meat test in the evening. This little life is chattering!"

"You're not going back to take care of the company!"

"Don't worry! There is naturally someone in the company, and you still know this person."

After all, Sui Shaoyun also seemed quite interested. The only old friend Wu Sheng hadn't seen since he came back seemed to be this person, and everyone else had more or less met him.

"I know? Who is it?"

"Just to remind you, the two of you are close friends!"

"Fateful friendship? Why do I have the impression that there is no such person in it?"

Wu Sheng searched quickly in his mind, and there are only a few people with whom he has had life-threatening friendships, and they are all relatively wealthy, so they shouldn't be sent to work under the fence.

"You are thinking, it was before you went to Syria."

"What happened before I went to Syria? I really can't remember."

Wu Sheng also chose to give up. It has been five or six years. Who still remembers what happened at that time, and the people who had a life-and-death relationship with him at that time seemed to be Su Xiaoyun and Sui Shaoyun.

The others didn't seem to have experienced a life-and-death crisis with him, and he remembered this very clearly, so the person Sui Shaoyun spoke of as a life-or-death friend was somewhat mysterious.

"Anyway, I'll let her come to your shop in the afternoon, and you'll know when the time comes!"

Sui Shaoyun also deliberately let it slip, but this person did have a fatal friendship with Wu Sheng. Maybe Wu Sheng had forgotten it, after all, it happened several years ago.

"This store?"

"That's right, it's the former Wangyou Cafe. I sold it when you opened Qianshengzhuomeng. Now it's a relatively famous Sichuan restaurant."

When Wu Sheng returned to Lingxi City, Sui Shaoyun had already started to get in touch with family affairs, so the Wangyou Cafe was left unattended, and it was naturally cold in the end.

So Sui Shaoyun also transferred the storefront to someone else. After all, leaving an empty store would only add to the sentimentality at best. It would be better to have a few bites of food when you have nothing to do like now.

"It's not because I'm afraid that I will steal your business from you, is it?"

Wu Sheng also suddenly thought of this problem. At that time, Wangyou Cafe was considered an Internet celebrity cafe. There were many people drinking coffee every day. It was no problem to earn 1 yuan a month.

However, the taste had changed when he came back, but under his training, it should be back to normal, so maybe the opening of his cafe was really a bit wrong.

"What are you thinking about? I don't have time to go. Besides, without you, I have lost my soul. In the beginning, I just grinded coffee and played the piano alone."

When Sui Shaoyun said this, he remembered the time when he and Wu Sheng worked together. At that time, the two of them were really happy. Although they had to hand-crank coffee until late every day, they always had a good time.

Moreover, one person plays the piano and the other grinds the coffee. The coffee produced in this way has a special flavor when drinking, but since Wu Sheng left, I can't find the feeling.

"It's my fault! I was hit too hard at the time, and I didn't expect that society would not be as beautiful as I thought, so I went to Syria to eliminate my weaknesses."

Wu Sheng didn't expect that the upper class would be like this, and it would destroy human nature in such a way. The people at the bottom would never be able to beat the people at the top. He was very clear about this at the time.

That's why he needs to become stronger, so he went to Syria, and after going through those life and death, he finally got used to it all, and then he came back.

It took more than half a year to establish his reputation in the magic city, and it also made everyone stop underestimating him. He will never regret his original decision now.

If not, he might still be a small employee of Wangyou Cafe, and he still has to live the life of being dependent on others and enter the shop every day.

Wu Shengbian recalled the incident when he was hiding in the shop and beating the dude together with Su Xiaoyun. At that time, he was really close to death, but luckily Sui Shaoyun rushed over in the end.

It was also from that time that he felt that he had to have such a big power, otherwise he would still be bullied wherever he went. That was why he made up his mind to go to Syria after the highway incident.

"But now it seems that your original decision was not wrong. It was worthwhile for you to go. Now even I want to win you over to his military area."

Sui Shaoyun also helplessly spread his hands. The Sui family has military strength, and Wu Sheng knows it. Otherwise, how could he have saved Wu Sheng last time.

"I don't want to go to the military camp. I think it's good now. I should eat and drink, but the Sichuan cuisine here is really good."

"Anyway, it has inherited the legacy of our Wangyou Cafe. If it doesn't taste good, will I bring you here?"

"That's right, Young Master Sui still has vision, you were the one who took me to eat, drink and have fun before."

The two of them ate while responding to the past. The two not only had good memories in Wangyou Cafe, but also painful memories.

So whenever I talked about this with my old friends, the two of them always couldn't listen to their own mouths, and it took more than two hours to finish the meal.

Afterwards, the two of them also went to the main store of Wu Sheng Qian Sheng Zhuo Meng, looking at Wu Sheng's piano in the corner, the two also looked at each other, and started their previous life.

As the beautiful sound of the piano sounded, the coffee shaken in Wu Sheng's hand was naturally indispensable, and the two began to cooperate as before.

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