I can't be rushing

Chapter 247 Hot Air Balloon Ride

Wu Sheng and Ju Junyi played in Bali for a few more days, and their trip to Bali was completely over, and they were going to other countries at the next stop.

But this time the itinerary is a bit romantic, that is, a hot air balloon trip. Of course, hot air balloons cannot cross the border at will, so when they flew to the border with a hot air balloon this time, they flew in a hot air balloon again.

They are going to Deguo, anyway, they want to visit all the nearby countries, and then go back to China to have fun together, and then the filming will be completely over. Of course, there will still be a kissing scene at the last moment.

"Give me your hand and I'll pull you up!"

Wu Sheng was also very gentlemanly and pulled Ju Junyi into the hot air balloon. Naturally, this scene was also photographed. There was also a photographer accompanying him, and other crew members sat in another hot air balloon.

Wu Sheng steered the hot air balloon into the sky slowly, and soon they had a panoramic view of the whole of France. The two of them had food and drink on the hot air balloon.

Of course, this is just a piece of material for shooting. After the material is almost recorded, it flies directly to the ground and rushes directly to the next more famous location, so that the connected clips can be shot in one shot.

And there is no need to really use a hot air balloon to cross the country, which is time-consuming and expensive. If you really want to go like this, it will take seven or eight days to officially complete the flight.

"The scenery up there is not bad! After making so much money, I rarely go abroad!"

Wu Sheng also said with a little emotion that if he was still a migrant worker, he probably would never think of going abroad in his life, and he would not have time to look at the beautiful scenery in those pictures.

Thinking of this, Wu Sheng touched the star pendant on his chest. Today, all of this is because of the "boss". Without the "boss", he would not have lived such a life.

"What is the meaning of this star pendant?"

Ju Junyi watched Wu Sheng touching the star pendant with sparkling tears in his eyes. Naturally, he was curious about the purpose of the star pendant. After all, it was impossible to be without feelings for such a long time.

So she also held a skeptical attitude towards this star pendant. From time to time, an ex-girlfriend of Wu Sheng gave it to him. If so, she would have to think about it.

"A relic of an old friend. He and I used to write novels together, work hard in society together, and work hard together for my so-called dream."

"It's a pity that he didn't make it to the end. Seeing that when I was about to succeed, he completely left the world for some reason, leaving only a star pendant for me as a souvenir."

Wu Sheng naturally talked about the relationship between the "boss" and him from the bottom of his heart. The two really worked hard together, but the car chase hurt him too much.

As a last resort, the "boss" helped Wu Sheng reshape his body without authorization, resulting in the destruction of his entire personality. This was also the saddest thing for him.

"It turned out to be like this. The dead have passed away, and the living will live. We all carry the dreams of many people, so we must stick to it!"

Ju Junyi didn't know what to say at this moment, so she said a few encouraging words. Her knowledge is not that good, but she has learned a lot from Wu Sheng recently.

For example, in English and French, she didn't expect Wu Sheng to be so versatile at first. Of course, the program team also didn't expect it. They even hired a translator for him at the beginning.

But after arriving in France, Wu Sheng's French was directly better than that of the translator, which directly surprised the program crew, and then they were infinitely delighted, because it would be easier for them to shoot without a translator.

"It's okay! As long as I finally realize the dream of the two of us, I think he will see it on the top."

"Well, that's right!"

The two chatted while looking at the scenery until the evening, because there needs to be a night scene in the middle, so they planned to shoot a night scene.

The starry sky was shining at night, and the two people sitting on the hot air balloon looked up at the scenery, and then had an enviable candlelight dinner. The space on the hot air balloon was relatively large.

A small table and a pair of small benches can still be put down. Of course, the food is not so luxurious. The food is some relatively ordinary pulled pork, of course, the cold one, and the drink is naturally the same. wine.


After the two of them clinked glasses, they began to enjoy the delicious food and chat. After 10 minutes, Wu Sheng directly changed into a wolfish attitude. In those big restaurants in France, even if he wolfed down, there was nothing for him to eat.

The price is so expensive that it scares people to death, and the portion is very small. Now, with no outsiders watching, it is natural to eat it. Of course, this shot is naturally a moment, and a picture of two people finishing up is taken later. That's it.

After shooting this, they can go down to find a hotel to sleep and prepare for the shooting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"By the way, it seems that "Longing for Life" has been updated today, would you like to take a look together?"

"Isn't traffic abroad expensive?"

"It's all out to play, so naturally don't care about these things!"

Ju Junyi also held her mobile phone in front of Wu Sheng. Naturally, it is better for two people to watch this thing together. Of course, the two of them made headlines for this.

"Shocked! Ju Junyi is actually the girlfriend introduced by Mr. He to Wu Sheng!!!"

"Ju Junyi terminated the contract with the original company, turned around and signed a contract with Wu Sheng's agent!"

"Let's Fall in Love!" filmed by Wu Sheng and Ju Junyi may come true!"

These headlines soon appeared on the hot search list, "Let's fall in love!" The crew of "was also very happy. They were just about to stir up the heat and were about to release the first issue, but someone immediately helped to fire it up.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's been rumored on the Internet that we're really together, so you're not afraid that it will have a bad influence on you?"

Naturally, Wu Sheng doesn't need to worry, because he has already signed two movies with big IPs. Although his popularity will plummet, he will definitely recover after the two movies are finished.

But Ju Junyi was different. She had just saved money with the company, and now she didn't have any suitable resources on hand. If the scandal spread at this time, it would be easy to lose her connections and resources.

Because gossip in the entertainment circle has both advantages and disadvantages. Once it is considered that they are really in love, then the two people's beauty fans will definitely lose the most seriousness.

Wu Sheng is not afraid, after all, he has the resources in his hands now, and he is not afraid of losing fans at all. At that time, the two films will come back as soon as they are shot. Ju Junyi is different, even "Let's Love Each other!" "The film crew was only paid 800 million yuan, which was far from Wu Sheng's 3000 million yuan.

There is no way around this, because Wu Sheng is now a top traffic niche, while Ju Junyi has been silent for more than half a year, and has long since lost the popularity he had before.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I've already fallen for you, a big boss. If it doesn't work, I'll stick with you for the rest of my life!"

Ju Junyi naturally doesn't care, the company has already decided to give up on her completely, so it doesn't matter if she has no role to play this time, at least "Let's Fall in Love!" "The 800 million yuan given by this program is hers, except for taxes.

There are no companies in the entertainment industry taking commissions from it. With this 800 million, you can open a store of your own, open a live broadcast or something when you have nothing to do, and you can live happily for the rest of your life.

Even if life is hard in the future, there is still Wu Sheng here, his dream is to make a movie of his own, when he joins with zero pay, he can still reappear in the entertainment industry.

So now all she needs to do is hold Wu Sheng's thigh tightly, so that no matter how difficult the road below is, someone will help her, so naturally those scandals don't need to be taken seriously.

Moreover, she still hoped that the scandal would come true, so that she would not have to worry about anything in her life, and it would be nice to honestly be Wu Sheng's housekeeper at home.

"I regret participating in the program "Longing for Life" now!"

Wu Sheng also sighed helplessly, the group of girls before hadn't been dealt with yet, and now there was one more girl, the kind he couldn't stand anymore.

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