I can't be rushing

Chapter 206 Spring Festival Evening

"Brother, I called my dad. They said that the son of the second uncle's family will bring a partner home this year, so he can't leave."

There are only a few days until New Year's Eve, and Wu Sheng still wants to bring his parents over for the New Year's Eve, but he has been busy with rehearsals and has no time to contact, so he asked Wu Ran to help.

Yenching University also had a winter vacation, and Wu Ran also came to live in this courtyard. This is a well-organized courtyard, and there are naturally many rooms in the courtyard.

So Wu Ran just watched Wu Sheng and the others rehearse. However, it was almost New Year's Eve. If her parents came, she would definitely spend the New Year here. But now that Xu Fengxia and two people couldn't come, she would naturally have to go back.

"Okay then, I'll just call and ask Xiaotao to go back with you!"

Although Wu Sheng also wanted to go home for the New Year, but now he was too busy with business to leave, and if he refused this time, he didn't know when he would be able to go to the Spring Festival Gala again.

Their sketch "Blind Date" has also been performed in the theater. Director Zhang Yimou is also very satisfied, and he has guaranteed tickets with him, saying that his show will definitely be on.

The Spring Festival Gala is different from other things. Every minute and every second must be considered. If it is a few minutes late here, then your show will definitely be cancelled.

Because you need to leave 1 minute to count down with other people at the end, so you have to leave two or three minutes. If a show is a few minutes late when it comes on stage, then he has to cancel the following shows.

This is also the most difficult time to accept. A year of hard work has led to today, but the performance is about to be performed, but the performance is canceled. This is unacceptable to anyone.

But fortunately, their show was ranked relatively high, and they could star in after ten o'clock. This was also the happiest thing for Wu Sheng, because in this way he could go home and have New Year's Eve dinner with his parents.

This is of course the military's arrangement. The military has launched a brand new fighter jet, which is said to be very fast, but it is still in the test drive stage, so the military decided to let Wu Sheng accompany it for the test drive.

Who made Wu Sheng just need to go home, although it is a bit dangerous, whoever makes a fighter jet fast with one hand, it takes four or five hours to fly by plane, but if you are a fighter jet, it will be almost within an hour.

"Well, then I'll go back with my second brother first!"

Wu Ran knew that he had disturbed a few people to rehearse these few days, so it was time to meet up now.

"By the way, don't forget to tell your parents to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and let Xiaotao prepare a tracer bomb!"

Since Wu Sheng decided to fly back directly, he must have parachuted sooner, but since it is New Year's Eve, after eating and drinking, there must be fireworks at home.

If he landed just in time and the houses were setting off fireworks, it would be bad if the parachute was damaged, so a tracer bullet was needed to tell the people in the village that there were people in the sky, so don’t shoot randomly.

Two days later, on New Year's Eve, Wu Sheng and hundreds of other actors are here to prepare. More than a year of hard work is for this moment, and Wu Sheng and the others have also prepared for this moment for more than a month, and now it is the test result It's time.

It's past ten o'clock, and it's time for Wu Sheng's show. After the host Dong Qing made an introduction, it was time for them to go on stage. The first one to come on stage was Cai Ming.


"Do you guys know why I'm so happy? Because my son Xiaomi, he was finally demobilized from the army this year, so I'm so happy!"

Cai Ming laughed out loud at the beginning, playing the role of Wu Sheng's mother.

"By the way, this kid stayed in the army for a long time and didn't find a girlfriend. I have to call Sister Wang quickly and ask her to leave all the good resources to my son!"

Then he called Sister Wang. After the call, Teacher Feng Gong also appeared on the scene at this time. He also had a phone in his hand and was calling Sister Wang to ask Sister Wang to introduce a partner to his daughter.

At this time, the scene changed directly to a restaurant, Wu Sheng and Shang Yuxian were also sitting directly opposite each other, and the two of them also started chatting.

"Mom and dad, look, eldest brother is going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

Wu Laosan's family also waited in front of the TV on time, waiting for Wu Sheng to appear. At first they didn't believe it, but now they really saw Wu Sheng.

"Xiaosheng really went to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Great! My son is promising!"

Wu Laosan was also so excited that he burst into tears. He did not expect that Wu Sheng could be so successful and actually appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, which made him unable to help but shed a few tears.

"Why are you crying! It's the joy of the Chinese New Year!"


Seeing Wu Laosan in this state, Xu Fengxia also felt a little helpless. She said she also felt ashamed, and now there are still outsiders watching.

Although Wu Sheng and Shang Yuxian have appeared on the screen, it is not yet the time for them to act together, they are just pretending to talk now, and the right to speak is still with Teacher Cai Ming and Teacher Feng Gong.

"Hey! Isn't this old Feng, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Why don't you let Sister Wang introduce someone to my daughter? Don't worry, so come and have a look!"

"Yo, your daughter doesn't look like you, does she?"

"My daughter definitely looks like me. If she doesn't look like me, then who will she look like?"

"I just want to say, if you are the same as you, you will really wrong your daughter in this life!"

Teacher Cai Ming also complained in a disguised form. After hearing about Teacher Feng Gong's ugliness, the audience in the audience laughed loudly after hearing it, but after the laugh, the lights also gathered to Wu Sheng's side.

"I came out today to deal with the family, and you don't take it too seriously, we just treat it as friends and chat!"

Shang Yuxian is currently playing a female college student who has just graduated. She has not been looking for a job or anything. She has been lying at home for more than half a year, and she came out on a blind date to cope with the family.

"Understood, me too."

Wu Sheng is a soldier who has just come out of the army, so some of his words and deeds have not changed. Wu Sheng also controls these aspects very well.

"Can you stop acting like this!"

Shang Yuxian seemed to have rules in everything she did, which made her unbearable, but there was nothing she could do about it, she knew that Feng Gong would definitely keep it in mind now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so used to being in the army, I almost forgot that I'm not in the army anymore!"

After Wu Shengfan suddenly came to his senses, he immediately began to sweep the food on the table frantically, and even burped after eating. This scene also made the audience laugh for a while.

On the other hand, Shang Yuxian showed a kind of panic. She hadn't tasted these dishes yet, and now they were all eaten up. She was also a little speechless, and there was nothing she could do if she wanted to scold, after all, Feng Gong was also present today.

"You just came out of the army, what are you going to do?"

Shang Yuxian also poured himself a glass of water in no hurry, raised the glass and watched helplessly, if she hadn't followed Feng Gong's order, she would have splashed water on Wu Sheng's face long ago.

Unexpectedly, Wu Sheng was already the eighth person he had a blind date with. The previous ones were dismissed by her. This time, because she was afraid of Feng Gong, she had to chat with Wu Sheng for a while.

"I'm not sure yet. I just retired from the army, so I'm going to find a place to be a security guard first!" Wu Sheng also talked about money vaguely.

"Security guard? How much money can you make as a security guard? It's probably only 3000 yuan or [-] yuan a month!"

"Almost, what they told me was 2 yuan a month!"

"How much? Twenty thousand?"

After hearing this sentence, Shang Yuxian vomited all the water he just drank on Wu Sheng.

"That's right, twenty thousand!"

After Wu Sheng was vomited by Sang Yuxian, instead of being angry, he sent a tissue to Sang Yuxian and then took a tissue to wipe his face. Here he also began to show one of Wu Sheng's qualities as a soldier.

"Brother, I think we can chat for a while longer!"

Shang Yuxian plays the kind of person who wants to work but thinks the salary is low. This is what is common among contemporary college students.

"But I'm just a security guard, not worthy of you!"

From here on, Wu Sheng began to turn against the guest, and the audience in front of the TV watched it with gusto. Of course, some old people may not understand what it means. After all, Wu Sheng and Shang Yuxian’s scripts are aimed at young people, and Feng Gong and Cai Ming are two people. The script is aimed at the elderly people.

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