I can't be rushing

Chapter 183 Being Assassinated Again

Fortunately, with the help of many people, it was easy to make these coffees. The main reason is that Qing Yi hired these people for him, which greatly lightened his burden and made him not as tired as before.

It only takes more than ten seconds to prepare a cup. Of course, it will take a little longer to receive gifts and talk to fans, but it doesn't matter, because the event is not limited to today.

"This time, I must kill you!"

Han Yanyan hid in the crowd. She knew that Wu Sheng was the biggest threat to her, so she practiced her skills hard during this period in order to find the right opportunity to kill Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng's traces are well hidden, and she usually can't find such an opportunity. Only such a large-scale event can lower Wu Sheng's vigilance, and she may succeed in one blow.

The man in front of her was too much of a threat to her. The no antidote that she managed to make before, was unexpectedly found by this man with no difficulty.

Every time she stabs, she leaves after hitting the target with a knife. After all, her knife is poisonous.

But now it can't work. In several missions, she has clearly hit the target, but the final result is that the target is not dead. She also found out the reason later, which is to inject the antidote in time.

After she found out that the antidote was made by Wu Sheng, she once again had murderous intentions towards Wu Sheng. She had already forgotten about it because she, as an assassin, also had a principle, that is, she did not do more than three things.

She has tried to kill Wu Sheng three times, but all failed, so she also gave up the idea of ​​killing Wu Sheng, but fate always brings surprises.

Han Yanyan clenched the dagger in her hand, this time she must kill Wu Sheng successfully, although she could only rely on the small dagger in her hand, but she believed in her own strength.

Han Yanyan also wanted to use her own black knife at the beginning, but it was a pity that Wu Tao was the one who inspected this time, and the inspection was naturally much stricter, not as easy as the previous signing.

So she could only hide a small dagger. If a woman hadn't hindered her last time, Wu Sheng must have been killed by her knife. This time she must kill Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng was still very tired. His hands were constantly making coffee, and his eyes were a little blurry. He couldn't help but yawned. Looking at the long queue, he shook his head helplessly.

"Why do you think I have to push myself to a dead end?"

Wu Sheng's hands were also faintly sore. You must know that the grater just now took a lot of effort from him. Of course, Qing Yi also prepared tools for him at the beginning.

But in order to prove that it was indeed his hand-ground coffee, he shook it vigorously for 10 minutes, which he felt was the most torturous time in his life.

Seeing Wu Sheng yawning, Han Yanyan also knew that his chance had come, the more sleepy Wu Sheng was, the easier it was for him to relax his vigilance, and the more he relaxed his vigilance, the higher his chances of success would be.

"Damn! Come again!"

Wu Sheng's skills are also constantly improving, and his reaction and sixth sense are also beyond ordinary people. He also naturally felt the danger, and immediately took a step back.

He naturally knew who the person who assassinated him was, because he basically had no enmity with anyone except Han Yanyan. Even if he had some enemies occasionally, he was afraid of the forces behind him and dared not do anything.

The only person who dared to kill him was the Han Yanyan in front of him, but he also couldn't understand why he kept chasing and killing him since he didn't provoke her.

"I didn't provoke you, why are you pestering me!"

"Too much bullshit to die!"

Right now, Han Yanyan only has the idea of ​​killing Wu Sheng quickly, because Wu Sheng's surroundings are well prepared this time, and if the battle cannot be resolved within 3 minutes, then it will be very difficult for her to escape.

"Tsk! Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Wu Sheng also immediately fought against Han Yanyan, and he was also surprised to find that Han Yanyan had also become stronger. If he didn't have a handy weapon, he would definitely have dealt with Han Yanyan with a few moves.

It is true that his body recovers very quickly. With one hand in front of so many people, the rapid healing of a freshly opened wound will definitely arouse others' suspicion.

So he could only choose to dodge, and then find an opportunity to fight back. When the fans saw Wu Sheng and Han Yanyan hitting the stage, they naturally thought that this might be a performance today.

The organizer also said that there will be some mysterious programs today, and the fans naturally thought this, but the elite team also found something was wrong, but they can't leave now.

Because they found a bomb, Han Yanyan told them of course, and the bomb was only 5 minutes away, so the elite troops naturally chose to look for the bomb immediately.

Because Wu Sheng's strength is not bad, judging from the current situation, he can withstand Han Yanyan's offensive. There are so many people gathered here in Wang Da Square today, if the bomb really exploded, there must be countless casualties.

So they can only look for the bomb, and Wu Sheng can let Wu Sheng solve it by himself.

"Give up! When my helper comes, it will be over!"

"Do you think I will come alone this time?"

At the same time, Wu Tao, who wanted to support, was also stopped by two masked women. The two were very skilled, and he couldn't even beat the two in front of him.

Fortunately, he still carried a weapon with him, and Wu Tao also wanted to help Wu Sheng solve the trouble as soon as possible, but it was a pity that the two of them still blocked his traveling route.

"In this case, I will show no mercy!"

Wu Sheng mainly cared about the eyes of the fans. If it wasn't for the consideration of the fans, Wu Sheng would have directly counterattacked to take away Han Yanyan, but Wu Sheng's reputation would definitely be affected.

Wu Sheng directly picked up an iron rod, and quickly threw it at Han Yanyan. The dripping of several attacks also caused Han Yanyan to be hit several times. Weapons are of course one inch long and one inch stronger.

Han Yanyan's dagger couldn't touch Wu Sheng at all, on the contrary, she was beaten by Wu Sheng herself, and Han Yanyan knew that she would not be able to kill the man in front of her today.

So he started to run immediately, and if he didn't run, the support would really come after him. Wu Sheng knew that the fans should not be panicked at the moment, after all, there are so many people standing here.

If the fans were panicked, a stampede would easily occur, and countless people would be injured. For the safety of the fans, Wu Sheng naturally did not choose to chase after him.

In the end, he just threw it hard and threw the iron rod in his hand out.


The iron rod also directly pierced Han Yanyan's right arm. She didn't expect Wu Sheng to become stronger and stronger, and her strength was farther and farther away from Wu Sheng. This time, she almost lost her life.

"As long as I don't die, I will hunt you down without sleep!"

Han Yanyan immediately swears a poisonous oath, her eyes are full of killing, Wu Sheng has defeated her more than once, counting today, Wu Sheng has defeated her for the third time.

Except for the first time, when she took advantage, the rest of the times all ended in failure, which also stimulated Han Yanyan's self-esteem even more.

"Brother, are you okay?"

After Wu Tao discovered that the two women had withdrawn, he also quickly came to Wu Sheng's side. Although Wu Sheng had no signs of injury, he still wanted to ask out of concern.

"It's okay, it's her again, every time she chooses this kind of time to assassinate me!"

Wu Sheng was also furious. From now on, whenever he holds any autograph or fan meeting, he has to be more careful, otherwise this crazy woman will definitely find a chance to kill him.

On the other side, the elite troops also found the bomb, and quickly dismantled it, so as not to cause more casualties at the venue. Naturally, Wu Sheng also told everyone about this mysterious program.

The fans in the audience also continued to applaud Wu Sheng, the reason is that Wu Sheng's fighting scenes are so handsome, and many female fans' boyfriends have all turned fans at this moment.

Of course, some people protested fiercely against Wu Sheng's beating of women, but they heard Wu Sheng say, "If the girls don't cooperate, I'm afraid I'll hit too hard!"

After this sentence was finished, the fans immediately remembered Wu Sheng's one punch and one small martial arts thing at that time, and naturally they knew why.

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