I can't be rushing

Chapter 155: Captain Huaxia 2 Released

Wu Sheng did not explain clearly in the end, and he was helplessly abandoned in Sanya. However, he also happened to have a rare leisure time. It was a good life to dive and see the sea every day.

So Wu Sheng stayed happily in Sanya for half a month. When Wu Sheng went to the front desk to check out, he found that his bill had already been paid.

Since large hotels like Sanya are not afraid of being evaded at all, residents will never call to ask for money as long as they don't check out on their own. This is why it is rated as a five-star hotel.

Of course, there are some who don’t pay the bill and want to run away, but it’s a pity that as long as you buy a ticket with your ID card, you basically cannot do without Sanya.

These hotels are tied to the airport system. If you want to fly away without paying, security will stop you first, so this is why no one can escape the bill.

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time. As an apology, I covered all your expenses in Sanya."

The front desk handed Wu Sheng a note. Looking at the note, Wu Sheng immediately knew that it was written by Wang Jialu, but what shocked him even more was that Wang Jialu was so rich.

During the half month he lived here, the rent alone cost hundreds of thousands. The person who could spend so much money at once must be the eldest lady of a certain family, but what does this have to do with him.

Wu Sheng threw away the piece of paper and bought a flight back to Lingxi City. It was time to go back and open a store honestly. Of course, he had to go back today to congratulate Wu Ran for getting admitted to his favorite school.

"Mr. Wu Sheng, your seat is here!"

"Uh, I bought an economy class ticket?"

Wu Sheng was a little stunned. In order to save some money, he planned to take the economy class this time, but the flight attendant actually led him directly to the first class. What did he mean?

"Due to your previous deeds, all first-class seats on our airline will be available for you."

The flight attendant also showed a sweet smile. Wu Sheng's deeds have long been spread among their major airlines. With him on the plane, there will be an extra insurance, so it is natural to give people the highest level of treatment.

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

Wu Sheng thought that he had nothing to say here, and entered the first-class cabin under the guidance of the stewardess. Sure enough, there was a seat reserved for him, so he sat down directly without going there.

Just flatten your seat and close your eyes. The flight will take five hours, and meals will be included for flights longer than two hours, so the food in Wu Sheng's first class is naturally incomparable with other cabins.

There are freshly fried steaks, but Wu Sheng has no intention of eating them. After all, in Sanya, there is nothing but seafood but steaks.

"Sir, are you not satisfied with the steak?"

"No, I've eaten a lot lately and I don't have much appetite. Please help me eat it!"


Back in Lingxi City, he treated everyone to a good meal in the evening, and he didn't say a word to the girl after that, so he didn't bother to say it. He wasn't temperless, and he wasn't interested in currying favor with these people.

It’s good to do coffee and code in the store every day. Of course, he rarely goes home to sleep. Basically, he only needs to deal with it in the store for one night. Anyway, he can’t sleep for a long time every day.

This situation lasted for more than a month, and in the end the women couldn't hold back any longer and started chatting with Wu Sheng, but Wu Sheng didn't intend to recover at all after taking a look.

He has now entered a state where he no longer has worldly desires. As long as he lives a good life, that's all. Why do he care so much?

Wu Sheng became impatient when he flirted with girls like this, and they started looking for reasons to come to Wu Sheng's shop for coffee or something, but Wu Sheng didn't have the idea of ​​chatting with them, so that was it.

It was like going back to the time when he couldn't speak, and he suddenly realized that it was better to live like this, so he started using the little notebook he had abandoned. Recently, he basically used the little notebook to chat with others.

A few months have passed in such an ordinary life, and a few days before the National Day, Wu Sheng was also invited to participate in the premiere ceremony of "Huaxia Captain 2".

As the protagonist, he naturally wanted to go, so he took a flight overnight and rushed to Shanghai, and then at twelve o'clock on October 10st, he and many Internet celebrities started watching the movie starring him.

There is no way that Douyin is really popular now. Many Internet celebrities have more fans than celebrities, so I invited a bunch of well-known Internet celebrities to help promote the movie.

The movie started, first of all there was the scene of Wu Sheng and Zhang Hanyu talking in the cabin.

"Xiao Wu, this is your first time switching to civil aviation. You can see how we operate it first. When you come back, I will hand over the aircraft to you."

Wu Sheng plays a trainee pilot who has just transferred to civil aviation, and it is the first time to fly a civil aviation plane, but he has driving experience before, so as long as he is familiar with all the procedures, basically there is nothing too big question.

"I understand, Captain, I'm going to go to the bathroom first!"

Wu Sheng walked out of the airport. Last night he celebrated with his companions that he was switching to civil aviation for the first time today, so he drank a little more. As you can imagine, he had a little diarrhea.

While Wu Sheng was going to the bathroom, the plane had just entered level flight. The kidnappers on the plane, led by Randy Orton, also began to move quickly and began to take the flight attendant hostage.

The captain was forced to open the door, and then a massacre began. The captain played by Zhang Hanyu was shot dead by the robbers within 10 minutes.

At this time, Wu Sheng was still in the bathroom. Since he had just entered the state of level flight, the robbers did not choose to check the bathroom, so Wu Sheng was naturally escaped.

It started to be so high in the first half an hour, and Wu Sheng just came out of the bathroom at this time, and when he came out, he found that there were no people in the first class cabin.

In order to facilitate management, the robbers forced everyone to move to the economy class, so the first class and business class were naturally vacant, so Wu Sheng was naturally ignored.

When Wu Sheng came to the cockpit, he could smell blood from afar. He was a soldier who retired from the battlefield, so he was naturally familiar with this smell. He already knew that the crew had miscalculated.

The footsteps of "Knock, click, click!" also made Wu Sheng hide quickly. The following shot is basically a close-up, and Wu Sheng hid in a corner.

Seeing that the robber's gun had been exposed, he was ready to fight.

"Bob! Come here!"

A voice also helped Wu Sheng escape, but now there is obviously no way out, either to fight desperately, or to wait patiently for others to rescue.

The second way is obviously not feasible. Seeing the robbers so leisurely is enough to show that the news of the hijacking of this plane has not been known to others.

The only thing he can do now is to rely on his own strength to save everyone on the plane. After making up his mind, Wu Sheng tiptoed to the back of the cockpit.

The hatch was open, and Wu Sheng looked around and found that there was only one guard playing with his mobile phone. So Wu Sheng acted very decisively and was ready to kill this big man.

Unexpectedly, the blow failed, and then there was a hand-to-hand fight between the two people, which started to involve fists and fists. At the same time, the sound of fighting in the cockpit also aroused the attention of several other robbers.

Then Wu Sheng and the robber exchanged several moves to kill the big man. Of course, the robber's reinforcements also arrived at this time and fired several shots at him. Fortunately, Wu Sheng closed the door in time.

A distress signal was issued afterwards, but the robbers were not a vegetarian. When they knew that the door could not be opened by force, they gave Wu Sheng a message that if he did not open the door for one minute, they would kill someone.

Of course, he could choose to give up the lives of everyone on the plane, but he relented in the end. When the robbers were about to attack a child, he opened the door and was naturally greeted by a heavy blow.

After several robbers ravaged Wu Sheng, they handcuffed him next to a toilet. Wu Sheng was also beaten with blood all over his body, but he obviously pretended to be unconscious.

After all, otherwise, there is no way to save the people on the plane. Enduring the pain, he broke his fingers and got out of the handcuffs, and then pulled them back under the pain.

Seeing the pain on Wu Sheng's face but unable to make a sound, his acting skills were recognized by many audiences in the cinema. Then Wu Sheng picked up the gun and quickly solved a bunch of robbers.

In the end, Randy Orton, the boss of the robbers, was left. The two of them fought back and forth with punches to the flesh. Randy Orton still resorted to his famous stunt RKO.

After using this trick, Randy Orton also thought that Wu Sheng would never stand up again, but he didn't expect Wu Sheng to continue to stand up, and then use the same trick to RKO out Randy Orton.

"Remember to refill next time!"

Wu Sheng picked up a pistol on the ground and fired it at Randy Orton. It was only when he returned to the cockpit that he realized the seriousness of the problem.

The engine oil was almost spilled, the plane was also auto-piloted, and the target was the Pearl of the Orient. For the lives of tens of thousands of people, Wu Sheng had no choice but to make an emergency landing.

"I will never let this plane crash!"

What happened afterwards was the most explosive scene in the film. Wu Sheng began to pilot the plane to make an emergency landing, and close-ups of Wu Sheng's facial expressions also began to be cut.


There was applause at the end of the movie, and Wu Sheng's acting skills still got some recognition.

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