Hearing the words of the two people, Sanben Zhengcun also felt a little bad. He couldn't deal with one Wu Tao, and now that there was one more Wu Sheng, there would be no need to fight.

The bald Chen on the side was very smart, and he had already started to retreat step by step, but he was grabbed back by Wu Sheng with one hand before taking two steps.

Then Wu Sheng spun around and threw Chen Bald head out like a discus. Chen Bald head was also thrown directly into the sea, and then lost consciousness and was washed ashore by the waves.

"Grandpas! Let me go! I'll give you whatever you want!"

This scene directly frightened Sanben Zhengcun to his knees. He saw the strength of the two of them, and when Wu Sheng just threw Bald Chen, he picked it up with one hand and threw it.

This blow completely frightened him into losing his temper. It took a lot of strength to lift a person with one hand, let alone Wu Sheng who directly threw a hundred catties of Bald Chen out with one hand.

"How much did he just give you?"

"500 million! And the kind without blinking an eye!"

"Then how much should I want? Ten million?"

Wu Sheng also pulled Wu Tao aside, now Ming Ba had an opportunity to make money, how could they not seize it, of course the more money the better.

"Think about it, he won't blink his eyes for 500 million. I think you should at least want one, the one that starts at 2000 million."

"I think so too!"


"2000 million, do you think it's worth buying your life?"

"Of course it's worth it, I'll put the money on your card right now!"

Sanben Zhengcun saw that Wu Sheng was willing to let him go, that was really great. Although 2000 million was a bit distressing to him, compared to his own life, money seemed less important.

"Damn! I still want less!"

Seeing the figure of 2000 million, Zheng Cun didn't think about it for three times. Wu Sheng knew that what he wanted this time was a bit small, so he should directly ask for 5000 million.

Seeing that the money had arrived in the account, Wu Sheng let go of Sanben Zhengcun directly, and the money would be enough for him to squander for a while.

"Brother, you blackmail people like this, aren't you afraid that he will find someone to sue you for extortion?"

Wu Ran felt that it was 2000 million after all, and who would be willing to give up 2000 million, unless the 2000 million could be taken back, so she felt that it was probably Sanben Zhengcun's trick to get out first.

"Don't worry! My brother and I have accounts in the most confidential bank. Unless the other party has the strength to compete with this bank, it is impossible for him to call the police."

The purpose of Wu Sheng getting the card at that time was to prevent being stabbed in the back by villains in the future. He also taught this trick to the people of the Bagua Gang, so he was not afraid of such things at all.

"Oh, no wonder!"

Wu Ran finally understood, and this was the first time she saw the martial arts of Wu Sheng and Wu Tao, and it was obviously similar to those kung fu superstars in the movie.

But she didn't want to ask too much, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

"Okay, I have to go back, otherwise my rich lady will probably deduct my salary again when she finds out that I ran out to play!"

After Wu Tao looked at his watch, he immediately ran away. He was still at work. Although the Miss Wang could not see him now, if he was found out, his day's salary would definitely be gone again.

A few people played at the beach for a while, and then went back to the hotel. They were happy all day and everyone was tired, so they went back and took a hot bath to relieve their fatigue.


"Dong dong dong!" The knock on the door disturbed Wu Sheng, who was conceiving. He was about to start a new book recently, but he really wanted one less subject, and he was worried about whether he would be able to write another book later.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but there is a lady who spent money to hold a party, and I sincerely invite you to go down to play, and all expenses will be paid by this lady!"

"Okay, I know!"

Wu Sheng didn't expect such a thing to exist, but he would be a fool not to take advantage of it. He changed into a suit and came to the lobby, where food and music are available.

Wu Sheng didn't care about the banquet, anyway, he came down to fill his stomach, and it was the unlimited seafood, so he couldn't take advantage of it.

After eating and drinking enough, he looked at the empty piano and felt that he couldn't eat others for nothing, so he also decided to send a piece of music to the host of the banquet.

Wu Sheng sat on the piano chair. He hadn't played the piano for a long time, so it was inevitable that his hand felt a little rusty, so he just played a few notes casually.

"Give up your seat if you don't know how to talk, don't disturb our elegance!"

Ma Kongteng was also very upset when he saw Wu Sheng. The reason was that Wu Sheng's clothes were relatively cheap. At first glance, he looked like a person from the lower class, and he was completely different from an upper class person like him.

And he was ready to show his face in front of Wang Jialu tonight, how could he let a brat spoil his good deed.

"I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me!"

Seeing that Wu Sheng didn't pay attention to him, Ma Kongteng was also very angry. Someone dared to despise him. It was purely looking for death, but now there are so many people and it's hard for him to deal with Wu Sheng.

"How about this! You talk about a piece and I talk about a piece, how about we compare who can play better?"

Wu Sheng was quite polite. After all, he just took care of someone today, and he also took 2000 million for nothing and was invited to dinner, so he was in a very good mood.

"Okay! If you lose, let me crawl out of here!"

Ma Kongteng obviously didn't intend to put Wu Sheng in his eyes. As far as Wu Sheng's playing technique just now, it seems that he has not received professional training. .

"Then what if you lose?"

"I lose? If I lose, it's still up to you!"

Ma Kongteng naturally didn't think too much about it. He is a man who has passed the piano test of Grade [-], and his ability in piano can be said to be very high. He doesn't think anyone among the guests tonight can compare to him.
"Miss, do you need to stop them?"

Wu Tao is now standing next to Wang Jialu, he is more or less worried, after all, he has never seen Wu Sheng play the piano, if he loses in front of so many people, it will inevitably be a bit ugly.

So I want to stop the competition between the two, so that such a situation will not happen.

"Don't worry about it, I'd like to see what kind of capital this person has to fight against Ma Kongteng!"

Wang Jialu sat on the side, drinking the wine in the glass, she likes to watch the excitement, of course, she still hopes that Wu Sheng will win the match between Wu Sheng and Ma Kongteng.

After all, Ma Kongteng is really annoying, he follows him wherever he goes, and finally came to Sanya to relax, but this person followed here again.


Although Wu Tao didn't want to watch Wu Sheng make a fool of himself, there was nothing he could do now. Who let his master speak, he had no choice but to obey orders, otherwise he would lose his salary.

"Boy, today I will show you what is the art of piano!"

Ma Kongteng adjusted his position, and then began to sing "Fairy Tale" while playing. This is an old song for a long time, but it has always been ranked high on the major charts.

I forgot how long I haven't heard from you

Tell me about you, my favorite story
I thought about it for a long time, and I started to panic

Did I do something wrong again?

You cried and told me that fairy tales are all lies
I can't be your prince, maybe you won't understand
Since you said you love me, my sky
The stars are all bright, I would like to become a fairy tale

The angel you love spreads its arms and turns into wings to protect you.

He played the piano fairly well, but his singing was a bit embarrassing. However, Ma Kongteng seemed to be very confident in his singing voice, and he sang even more unfeelingly, and the sound was a little bit broken later.

"It's your turn, kid!"

Ma Kongteng also walked down from the chair very self-consciously. Naturally, those who were a little discerning in the arena applauded him. Of course, this was only applauding for his piano skills.

When Wu Sheng was in front of the piano, he felt that he couldn't lose his momentum. Since Ma Kongteng sang while playing, he had to sing while playing, so that the game would be fair.

And the song Wu Sheng played was "The Story of Mercury", and his hands were also slowly dancing on the black and white keys. Seeing Wu Sheng's flying hands, Ma Kongteng felt a little flustered.

But he stabilized immediately. He didn't expect that Wu Sheng could really play the piano, but fortunately Wu Sheng only played the piano, and he still played and sang at the same time. Obviously, it was more difficult for him, but he hadn't waited for the moment. Kong Teng reacted.

Fascinated by your eyes, the galaxy has traces to follow
Through the cracks of time it remains true
draw me track

The most intimate distance in this blink of an eye

Walk through the twisting arms along the texture of your skin
dream for you dream for you

Waiting to see you silver full
Wait until the seasons change

Dare to say addicted

How far is it to get into your heart

How long will it take to get close to you
The person who is so close but can't get close

also waiting to meet you
How can a planet traveling around have you

As Wu Sheng sang slowly, everyone present seemed to have entered that state. He completely closed his eyes, and his fingers only danced on the black and white keys.

This frightened Ma Kongteng into a fool. It was obvious that Wu Sheng had already memorized the score in his heart, but he only managed to play it out just now by looking at the cheat sheet.

Obviously, Wu Sheng's piano sound is more beautiful and fascinating, not to mention his singing voice. During the singing, he ran away in despair.

At the end of the song, when Wu Sheng opened his eyes, Ma Kongteng had already run away, but Wu Sheng didn't care too much.

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