After participating in this film conference, Wu Sheng was also ready to take a good rest for a while, and he also hastily finished the post-apocalyptic essay in order to film.

Of course, the result of doing this is to face complaints from most of the fans, but due to his current popularity, those clamoring to send him blades have all been drowned out.

After attending the "Huaxia Captain 2" press conference, he immediately booked an evening ticket to go back to Lingxi City. It's not because of anything else. Tomorrow is the national college entrance examination.

He was supposed to take the college entrance examination last year, but Wu Ran chose to repeat his studies for another year. This year he has to take the college entrance examination. Wu Sheng is now more anxious than Wu Ran.

He sighed a little regretfully, if he could have met the boss earlier, then now he should be able to have a few closer brothers.

Some people have said that life is not complete without taking the college entrance examination. Now it seems that it may be true. Although there will be other exams in life, such an exam that can kill tens of thousands of people with one point is a bit attractive.

In other words, this is a confrontation between the entire Chinese students. How strong their abilities are. This is a good platform to show their strength.

And Wu Ran will embark on this path tomorrow, even if he can't give her anything as an older brother, he must stay by her side at this time and give her enough confidence.

"Brother, go back to sleep!" Wu Ran looked at Wu Sheng's dark eye circles and felt a little distressed, "I can do it by myself, so don't send me away!" She didn't know what to do, but Wu Sheng appeared Give her great encouragement.

"This can't work, your parents are not by your side, I must take the responsibility of being an older brother!"

It was already morning when Wu Sheng returned to Lingxi City, and he only caught up with Wu Ran for the last time, and he was about to get in the car. He had nothing to give, so he could only give Wu Ran some more money.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ran! You will definitely get good grades and go to the university you like!"

Ye Xiaoling felt a little distressed when she thought of Wu Ran who had been studying until midnight last night. Even if she wasn't with Wu Sheng, she now treated Wu Ran as her own sister.

"Even if you don't get good grades in the exam, you can still join our spiritual team. I'm confident that I can train you to become a professional player!"

Li Yao just didn't want to put too much pressure on Wu Ran, and just wanted to tell her that she wouldn't have to worry about food and drink if she didn't do well in the exam.

"It's okay, if it's really necessary, I don't want to take the exam, come to my company directly as the vice president tomorrow!"

Xia Ruhua didn't care about this matter. Education doesn't mean she's uneducated, and she hasn't been to school, but she doesn't think she's uneducated.

"Have you finished talking? It's time for people to get in the car!"

Su Xiaoyun also came over, she didn't have anything to say this time, she also accepted the escort mission this time, so she will protect Wu Ran well.

"..." Wu Ran didn't know what to say. She felt that these people wanted her to give up. Although there was no problem with what she said, it sounded like it didn't matter if you took the exam or not. They wouldn't starve you to death anyway. of.

"Thank you everyone! I'll get in the car first!"

Wu Ran is not a child anymore, she naturally knows that everyone is worried about her, but she is already an adult and cannot be a burden to others, so she has to work hard on her own.

She wants to repay those who helped her, raised her, and treated her well, especially Wu Sheng. In order to save her tuition, she came out to do physical work at a young age, so she can't become Wu Sheng's Burdened.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Xiao Ran has been here for four years, time flies so fast!" Wu Sheng also sighed a little, he always thought that time passed slowly, especially when he was working on the construction site, he was tired. It was only a few minutes before the death.

But now four years have passed unknowingly. Although he spent two years in Syria and stayed in Shanghai for half a year when he came back, those times passed quickly.

He also realized the truth that good days are always short and fast, while bad days are slow and long, and he began to miss the days when he cried so much.

"That's right! Time flies, if someone doesn't find someone to marry, he's going to be on his way!"

The women looked at each other, and said helplessly, after such a long time, Wu Sheng never thought about falling in love with them.

In other words, even if Wu Sheng is a scumbag, they may accept it. Wu Sheng is the kind who doesn't understand life and death. This may be the reason why they like her.

"Let's be 30 years old! There are still five years to go. After 30 years old, I will have a relationship with each of you for a month. Of course, if you are willing."

Wu Sheng has finally made up his mind, because he feels that his dream is not too far away now, and he can be regarded as a relatively famous screenwriter now.

"One month for one person! That's too short! At least half a year for one person!"

"Half a year alone may be a long time! He probably decided to be alone for a month because he wanted to suffer more and more in the future!"

"Okay, at least he has this intention now, which is already a good improvement, so we just need to wait patiently."

Of course, Ye Xiaoling said this to several other people. She must get closer to Wu Sheng, and she will also take part in a costume drama recently.

At that time, Wu Sheng will be the director taking over as the screenwriter, and he himself will be the lead actor. Thinking about that scene will be exciting or something.

The college entrance examination started, and Wu Ran looked at the questions in front of her that she had already reviewed and began to write quickly. The first test was Chinese. As long as you memorized more and memorized, it was basically not difficult, but only reading comprehension and composition were rare.

It is said that the author himself could not answer the reading comprehension a few years ago, but fortunately, the reading comprehension this time is not too difficult. She has brushed the questions before, so it is easy to do it.

Of course, the most difficult part of Chinese is the composition. Basically, no one can get full marks in the composition, so she can only work hard to get about 30 points, and she dare not expect anything else.

The topic of the composition this time is "Reservation and Inheritance of Customs". Wu Ran looked at the topic and was frantically typing up a draft. Wu Sheng's talent for writing novels was left to her.

Half an hour later, looking at the filled paper, she also wiped the sweat from her forehead. There is still time for her to check it again. She did not take the college entrance examination last year, but she has heard from many friends who took the college entrance examination. , must remember to check the test paper several times.

She really wanted to thank her friends now, and after careful inspection, she still found two mistakes, and she quickly corrected the wrong answers.

As the teacher said, one point means that tens of thousands of people can be wiped out, so she is stricter with herself, and she also wants to benefit her parents and Wu Sheng through her own efforts.

"It is said that the math paper this time was given by the devil teacher of JS, I hope Xiao Ran can withstand it!"

"That Uncle Ge?"

"That's right, it's him, I just checked!"

"Then this time it may be a bit confusing. It is said that the questions asked by this uncle directly lowered the average score of a province by 50% that year. This time it may be really difficult."

Li Yao also quickly searched online, with a bit of embarrassment on her face, she knew this Uncle Ge, and she herself had been tutored by him, and of course the result was scolded bloody.

It's really that Uncle Ge's test papers are so difficult that even the province of JS, which is the most powerful in the college entrance examination, died under his hands, let alone students from other regions like them.

"Xiao Ran, you must hold on!"

Wu Sheng must be worried, this is his own sister, even if he can't pass the college entrance examination, he can afford to support her, but Wu Ran will definitely be depressed for a while, he knows that girl's personality.

Wu Ran in the examination room is also a little nervous now. She can only understand half of the math paper in front of her. In other words, the score she can be sure of is only around [-]%.

She was not sure about the other scores, that's why she was so anxious. Fortunately, she knew that it was Uncle Ge's question, and she also practiced some of the question types of Uncle Ge, so that she could get a seven Ten or so.

Seeing that all the candidates in the examination room did not write, she knew that she had reached her limit in this math test paper, and the rest could only be resigned to fate.

There is basically nothing to worry about in the remaining exams. Wu Ran's foreign language skills are still very good. At least he can communicate with foreigners fluently. This is something Wu Sheng is ashamed of.

Wu Sheng was not too worried about Wen Zong. Wen Zong just needed to memorize more, so he didn't worry anymore. Now he just needs to pray to Wu Ran.

After two days of highly tense college entrance examinations, it was over. Some people were happy and some were crying. Of course, Wu Ran was fine. She had done her best, and the rest was left to fate.

"The most important thing after the exam is not the result, but the carnival of the days before the result, because after the result, it is impossible to be so happy."

As soon as Wu Ran finished the exam, Wu Sheng immediately took Wu Ran to the seaside for vacation. The happiest place in summer is of course the seaside.

Of course, it was also the first time for Wu Sheng to experience the feeling of a private jet during this trip. Xia Ruhua still had a private jet, and Xia's enterprise was now in her hands alone, so the money was naturally innumerable.

"Wow, the scenery on the plane is really good!"

Wu Ran also lamented that she had been on a plane before, but it was the kind of overcrowded passenger plane that couldn't even move. It was not like this kind of private jet with a high degree of freedom.

Drinks and snacks are all eaten casually, and there are special chefs to cook. This feeling is really different.

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