I can't be rushing

Chapter 141 Apocalypse

Wu Sheng and the others lived in their hometown for a while, helping Wu Lao San with some physical work, and then they decided to go home and stayed here for more than half a month.

It has to be said that there are also benefits in the mountains. The fresh air is especially suitable for expanding thinking. Wu Sheng also found his own new theme, which is the future eschatology.

This kind of subject matter is relatively difficult to write about and requires a lot of trust. Wu Sheng spent so long in the mountains just thinking about some acceptable settings. It took him half a month to barely finish the outline.

When he glanced at his more than 5-word outline, he also fell into deep thought. This is just some rough settings, and there are still [-]-word main articles that have not yet been written. If this is finished, he will modify the outline. It went directly to [-] words.

Wu Sheng thought about it for a while and decided to talk to the editor and ask the editor to wait a while. Since Wu Sheng finished writing "Coffee Detective", he has not released any new works, and his fan traffic is also constantly losing. His editor was also worried about what to do if Wu Sheng was about to close his pen.

Wu Sheng is a little god they have cultivated with great difficulty. If they want to join other companies, or are about to close their pens, it will definitely be a big blow to their company.

That's why the editor has been talking to Wu Sheng recently, wanting to take a closer look at Wu Sheng's intentions. If it's about money, they can discuss it. If it's about closing the pen, they have to persuade them.

This kind of situation has not never happened in the past. When the author's book has reached its peak, he feels that it is impossible for the book he wrote to surpass this book, and he will basically choose to close the pen.

The advantage of doing this is that he can retain the reputation he deserves. Of course he can change to another trumpet and continue to write, but at that time the company will have to spend time to cultivate it, and a famous pen name is the most important thing.

Seeing his editor chatting with him constantly every day, he felt that this editor had too little work. Generally, an editor must have at least a hundred writers under him. Just asking this question is enough for this editor to bear.

In addition, he has to check the submissions of some mailboxes in person. Unlike his own editor, who comes to ask him every two or three minutes, he is a bit silly.

However, he also feels that he has indeed become famous in writing books. In the past, he may not be able to pay attention to editors if he finds editors, but now he can let editors come to him with his own efforts. I have to say that this is also a good story. .

"Send me the outline! I'll give you some advice first, your fans have already started to drop, you must hurry up and release new books to bring back the flow of people!"

Le Ziqin was also worried about her job. She had just passed the interview and was arranged to contact Wu Sheng. The order from above was to urge Wu Sheng to open a new book as soon as possible. When Wu Sheng opened a new book, she could become a full-time editor like other editors.

"All right!"

Wu Sheng sent the [-]-character outline that he worked so hard to code, and then Wu Sheng got on the plane. After a few hours' journey, Wu Sheng could also enjoy the peace.

Wu was afraid that there would be too many people on the return ticket, so he still bought a business class ticket, and he would not choose to buy a first class ticket. After all, 10,000+ a ticket is a bit too expensive. For ordinary people like him, it is enough to sit in business class.

"Ah, I'm back in Lingxi City again!"

"Ding ding ding... ding!"

As soon as Wu Sheng got off the plane and took a breath of fresh air in Lingxi City, he heard a bunch of messages coming from his mobile phone, which directly increased the heat of the mobile phone a lot.

His mobile phone was an anti-reconnaissance mobile phone before, and some of the hardware in it was indeed a bit old. After being messed with by the information, it directly crashed.

"Fuck! I have to change my phone again!"

Wu Sheng complained helplessly, but fortunately, this mobile phone has been with him for a relatively long time. The few mobile phones he had before were basically scrapped in less than three months.

"Ah, I don't know who sent me the message just now. When my new phone arrives, I will definitely make him lose money!"

Wu Sheng went directly to the dimensional space and went directly to the dark net. He bought a new type of anti-reconnaissance mobile phone from the buyer last time. It will arrive in the afternoon, but it is very inconvenient without the mobile phone.

At least now he uses WeChat and Alipay on his mobile phone to pay when he goes out, so he can't use Didi Taxi, and he doesn't have much cash with him, so he has no choice but to let Wu Tao take care of it first.

Fortunately, he can basically scan his face when buying things in the supermarket, which also relieved him a lot of burden. The new mobile phone was also delivered in time before two o'clock in the afternoon, and Wu Sheng registered his information on it.

"Hurry up and update Chapter 1, our review has passed, and now your novel has been placed at the top of the new book list."

"The signing news has been sent to your writer's zone, you wait and sign directly and we will quickly pass the review."

"Also, there happened to be an event about the Essay on the End of the World recently. Remember to participate in it for a while, so that your income can also increase a little."

"Hey! Hello! Are you still there!"

"Is anyone home? Come back later without me!"


The following are all messages from Wu Sheng's editor, Le Ziqin. Wu Sheng is also a little speechless. He seems to be a bit too busy as an editor. He must make complaints at the next annual meeting.

Every year, the website holds an annual conference, and countless well-known authors will attend. Last year, Wu Sheng's "Coffee Detective" hadn't started to catch fire, and he wasn't considered a character, but now he is eligible to participate in the annual conference.

Wu Sheng directly set a do-not-disturb setting for this editor, and he was able to calm down and code. When he came to his Qianshengzhuomeng, he also posted a notice on the door that he was closed.

When he went home for the Chinese New Year, he either ground all the coffee beans into coffee powder and gave them away, or dumped them. He usually doesn’t order much coffee, and basically supplies them once a week.

In this way, the original taste of the coffee can be maintained. During the few days when I was away, the supply of coffee beans also stopped, and I had to wait until Wu Sheng called in person.

Sitting in front of his computer, Wu Sheng calculated the annual bills of Qiansheng Zhuomeng. He spent more than 30 yuan on the coffee shop alone, and his income was only about 70 yuan. The money is probably more than 20 yuan.

Of course, he didn't invite those Internet celebrities to check in to increase the flow of people, otherwise this year's turnover would have to be in the millions, but this is not bad, at least he can earn more than 20 a year, which is enough for him up.

After finishing all these, Wu Sheng is also ready to start writing the beginning of his Chapter 1.

In 2060, the large continuous eruption of solar flares...

Wu Sheng stretched his waist, and it took him more than three hours to finally finish writing Chapter 1. Each chapter has [-] words a day. This is the rule he set for himself, and he will not break it at will.

When it was put on the shelf before, the editor also wanted him to come more, but unfortunately he didn't care at all, after all, it's all the same, unless there are many people who watch it, you can make money, and it doesn't make much sense if you don't see more people.

After he checked his Chapter 1 manuscript and there was no problem, he also clicked to publish it directly. Before he knew it, it was getting dark, and it was time for him to clean up and go home for dinner.

Since Ye Xiaoling and Li Yao had all returned to their hometowns, they basically hadn't come back yet. Su Xiaoyun also rarely chose to take a year's leave, and chose to go home and have a look.

The three of them were the first to return to Lingxi City. He was also responsible for cleaning the store, and Wu Tao had to catch a flight back to the imperial capital, so they separated at the airport.

Of course, Wu Tao also wanted to stay for a while, but as an elite security guard of China's No. [-] Security Company's watchman, there were bids to hire him every day, mainly because some big families wanted to win him over.

But Wu Tao naturally has his own ideas. In his words, he wants to help Wu Ran prepare the dowry, and he has to work hard to earn some money. Otherwise, when Wu Ran gets married in the future, others will look down on their family.

But in this way, the task of cooking was taken over by Wu Ran. Of course, Wu Sheng thought about Wu Ran's cooking experience when he was a child. He still thought it was good to eat outside, but he looked at Wu Ran's lovely and pitiful eyes. , he had no choice but to let Wu Ran operate.

"Brother, you're finally back. My dishes are all cooked! You'll be cold if you don't come back."

"Isn't this back? I happen to be hungry too, and I can probably eat three big bowls!"

Seeing Wu Ran's unhappy face, Wu Sheng also said something to make her happy, but when he thought of Wu Ran's often cooking dark dishes when he was a child, he felt a little sick to his stomach.

I still remember that during the Chinese New Year, this little girl wanted to cook a dish of roasted beef with potatoes, but Wu Sheng couldn’t tell whether it was beef or potatoes because of the old smoker, and the taste was too salty.

He still hasn't forgotten the scene when he held the faucet to fill the water. From then on, Wu Ran was not allowed to cook in the family, and he basically did it.

"It looks pretty good!"

“Tastes even better!”

Wu Sheng looked at the colorful food and heard his stomach growling instantly. After smelling the food, he felt that it was still within his acceptable range, so he took a bite directly.

After one bite, Wu Sheng almost didn't spit it out. There must have been too much vinegar in the shredded potatoes. He made Wu Sheng feel uncomfortable all over, and his expression was almost deformed due to the sourness.

"How does it taste?" Wu Ran sat opposite to Wu Sheng, looking like she was waiting for a compliment.

"The taste is not bad, it's quite good to eat, but the vinegar may be put in a bit too much, and the taste is a little bit heavy, but it's still acceptable!"

"Really? I just let it go a little bit as I remember!"

Wu Ran directly picked up a large piece and put it in his mouth, it was too late for Wu Sheng to stop it.

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