I can't be rushing

Chapter 125 Producer Career

After Wu Sheng returned to Lingxi City, he was pulled into a wechat group, which were basically faces familiar to Detective Tang. Of course, there were also behind-the-scenes directors who did not appear in front of the public.

"Hello everyone!"

Wu Sheng also greeted these people respectfully. These are all big names in the show business circle. The more big people he knows in these groups, the easier it will be for him to go on the road in the future.

"Hello, producer, you shouldn't kill me, right?" Shang Yuxian also greeted Wu Sheng immediately, who made her the youngest guy in the entire Tang Tan movie.

Her popularity is not as wide as those in the Tang Tan series, so as the youngest coffee, of course she has to please the producer first.

The position of producer is basically filled by famous and powerful people. Obviously, Shang Yuxian thinks that Wu Sheng is a celebrity, and he is also a producer. She is naturally afraid.

The main reason is that she was afraid of giving her a bunch of colorful hair. The blue hair in Tang Taner's time had some bad influence on her, and then she wanted to change her hair color, that hair color Scared her mother.

Then she discussed with director Chen Sicheng to see if she could change her hair color, but unexpectedly, she changed her hair color to a brighter one, which made her a little speechless.

But there was no other way, no matter who made Chen Sicheng the director, she had no choice but to accept this hair color, and she was wondering whether to change it again.

After this lesson, Shang Yuxian has also learned to be smart. Knowing that the influence in the director team is quite strong, it is better for her to be honest.

"Hello, you are KIKO, I'm your fan!"

After Wu Sheng saw Shang Yuxian, he was a little excited. This is the goddess of many people. Since Tang Tan Er, Shang Yuxian's resources have been coming in a steady stream, and naturally his fans have increased.

When it came to Tang Tansan, it immediately attracted a lot of otaku fans, especially the phrase "I have it immediately!" It is still fresh in everyone's memory. The barrage that made Sang Woo Hyun say "I have it right away!"

And one time was not enough, Shang Yuxian was not so angry, he said "I will have it immediately!" thousands of times all night, and finally convinced this group of otaku fans.

Wu Sheng also happened to be bored watching the live broadcast that night. When he saw Shang Yuxian saying so many "I will have it immediately!" without showing any impatience on his face, he felt that this actor is good.

"Wow! Really? Then I will trouble the producer to cover me up!"

Shang Yuxian was also very happy to hear this, at least it seems that Wu Sheng, the producer, is relatively easy to talk to, so she can feel relieved, after all, the show business circle is not in chaos every day or two.

"If I had that strength, I would definitely protect you!"

Wu Sheng also wants to cover it up, but he doesn't have the strength, not to mention that he is not in the entertainment industry, and he doesn't even know a few people in the entertainment industry, how can you let him cover it.

"A little bit!"

Seeing the expression sent by Shang Yuxian, he also smiled helplessly, who made him just a script dealer, not to mention that his script is not the main script of Tang Tansi, it is simply a script of a web drama .

Of course, there is absolutely no need to worry about traffic. Because of Tang Tansan, Tang Tan's web dramas are gradually becoming known to people. You must know that Huaxia has hundreds of millions of young people.

Moreover, the first online drama "Detective Chinatown" received good reviews. The first two cases were both addictive, especially the first case. After watching the first episode, Wu Sheng thought it was a horror movie.

This almost convinced him to quit. After all, staying up late at night and watching such a scary movie can easily lead to insomnia. Of course, many people gave this TV series a low score because of the first episode.

First of all, everyone is an office worker, and they all want to come back one day to catch up with a drama or something. Even detective movies are a little scary, but they are all within their acceptable range.

But the first episode of the Detective Chinatown web series was different. It directly scared everyone who watched it in the middle of the night. Wu Sheng was also shocked at the time. The atmosphere was more terrifying than ghost movies.

You said you should put this thing directly in front of him. Wu Sheng might not be afraid of it, and he might even take a few sips from it. But the more terrifying the environment is in the early stages, the more terrifying it will be when it suddenly appears later. To the adrenaline rush.

However, he felt that the second part of the Detective Chinatown web series adapted from "Coffee Detective" written by him would probably have such an effect. There were a few cases that were simply too bloody. Of course, after his copyright was bought, Chen Sicheng can revise his novel at will.

Of course, Chen Sicheng also discussed it with Wu Sheng, and changed or deleted some content that could not pass the review, and the protagonist's name and personality were also changed. Of course, these are all to adapt to Tang Tanyu. changed.

Naturally, Wu Sheng also agreed. He originally bought it because of his case, but of course director Chen Sicheng told him that he still had an option.

Since Detective Chinatown IV is going to be filmed in London, the protagonist of the novel designed by Wu Sheng is quite in line with the appearance of a British detective, so director Chen Sicheng did not cancel this idea, but kept it.

In order for Detective Chinatown [-] to earn a higher box office, it is also a good choice to add a British Chinese detective, but then they will have to find an actor, and the cost may be even higher at that time.

This is the reason why they hesitated. Adding a Chinese detective is nothing at all, and the protagonist designed by Wu Sheng has a bonus of powerlessness, allowing him to replace the Thai detective.

But the problem is who to play the detective. This must be to find an actor with enough publicity. Those creamy little boys Chen Sicheng don't really want to use it. This time, let Wang Yibo play the Noda Haoer , the response was a bit bad, which directly caused the rating of Detective Chinatown III to drop a lot.

It is definitely enough to find those little fresh meats to promote, but acting skills are a big problem. Most of the current little fresh meats are not born as actors, but more of them dance and sing. This is also the reason why their acting skills are not online.

It's really hard to find an actor with good acting skills and charisma. It's not that there are none, but the price is basically very expensive, not the kind they can afford, especially the pathetic one in Detective Chinatown [-]. For the one that collapsed, the budget given by the investor is also very limited.

Moreover, the joining of Liu Tianwang in Detective Chinatown [-] already cost them a lot of money, let alone spending money to hire a popular and publicity actor.

When Wu Sheng had nothing to do, he would also go around the set. Of course, he would watch silently from behind, or he would just sit behind Director Chen Sicheng and watch how he cursed people.

"Hey, Chief Producer!" Shang Yuxian suddenly appeared from behind Wu Sheng. She doesn't have many roles in this role, so she is very free, and she hasn't played her role yet.

She knew that her role would take a few days at most to finish filming, but the reason why she is still here now is to let her see more about how these professionals act.

Now it is mainly Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran who are playing against each other. The two of them are the leading roles in Detective Chinatown, so naturally there are many scenes, and of course they have to be picked first.

There are naturally many other commercial performances for the two of them, especially Liu Haoran, as a representative of the new generation of actors, naturally there are many films for him to star in, so the time in the crew is also limited.

So they have to finish filming Liu Haoran earlier, so that Liu Haoran can go to other commercial activities and so on. The main thing is that Detective Chinatown [-] has been filmed. At this time, it is really unreasonable to replace the leading actor who has played for three seasons. .

They also have no way to say some other special reasons, so in Tang Tan's crew, Liu Haoran and Wang Baoqiang are relatively privileged, basically they are the ones who say what they say.

"You are doing this, be careful I will confiscate your lunch box!"

Wu Sheng was also a little frightened. He had been observing how director Chen Sicheng made movies just now, and he thought that if he wanted to make movies for himself in the future, he could use these skills. Gotta put on a show.

"You are such a big producer, but you still bully me, a young actor!"

Shang Yuxian didn't think much of it at first, he thought Wu Sheng was an old man or something, but after Wu Sheng came to the crew, she realized that Wu Sheng was actually a cold and handsome guy.

This immediately aroused her interest. Wu Sheng was about the same age as her but could be the producer of Chinatown Detective [-], which made her curious, and then chatted with Wu Sheng for a few more words.

After that, Shang Yuxian felt that Wu Sheng was a good person. Not only was he handsome, but he also had excellent ability.

In particular, every time Wu Sheng came to the crew, he would specially hand-ground coffee for them to drink, which gradually made them a kind of dependence. Now Chen Sicheng wants to have a cup of Wu when he wakes up every morning. The kind of coffee that the doctor brews himself.

However, the number of Wu Sheng's visits is not stable every time. If Chen Sicheng disturbs him when the filming is the most concentrated, even Wu Sheng will turn around and scold him. Of course, it mainly depends on whether Wu Sheng brings coffee or not. .

In this weather, every time Wu Sheng brings iced coffee, which is especially cooling and refreshing. This is Wu Sheng. If this is someone else's coffee, Chen Sicheng probably won't give him a good look.

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