I can't be rushing

Chapter 123 Adaptation Rights

Wu Sheng's life has also become more leisurely. He grinds coffee every day and sits in the shop coding when he has nothing to do. His life can be considered a comfortable one.

But what makes him uncomfortable is that more and more people come to drink coffee in his shop recently. The main reason is that the reputation of his shop is slowly rising, and naturally more people come to his shop.

In the past, Wangyou Cafe was considered a relatively remote place, but now that he has opened the shop in Wangda Plaza, the flow of people is naturally different from before.

And because Wangda Plaza is close to the business center in the city, there are a lot of customers who come to buy coffee every afternoon. Of course, they buy dozens or even dozens of cups.

Wu Sheng looked at these orders and he regretted it!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. He needs to shake more than 400 cups of coffee every day, which is already beyond the workload he set for himself every day.

Of course, the main reason is that he is different from before. After exercising in Syria, he found that the speed of shaking his coffee is getting faster and faster. He has begun to gradually reduce the shaking time. Of course, he makes the taste of coffee Still remains the same.

It is precisely because of this that there are continuous customers who come every day. Of course, a large part of them are to see him. It takes him a few minutes to order every time. After scanning the QR code on WeChat, there will be added His friend's.

It took him a lot of time to deal with these aunts every day, but fortunately, sometimes Ye Xiaoling and others would come to help, and at that time, he would be in charge of shaking it himself, thanks to the fact that his small shop is not very big, Otherwise, I would be even more busy every day.

After one or two months, Wu Sheng also checked his account. He actually earned nearly 3 yuan in a month. There are limitations. After a while, his popularity will definitely not be as good as before. At that time, he will be able to relax a lot. He will be satisfied with earning 1 yuan a month.

It's a pity that things don't always go in the direction of his development, because he has become popular on Douyin again, and now he has to line up at his door every day, just like this, every day his door is overcrowded, So the shopkeepers are jealous of his voice.

Of course, it’s not his own fault, it’s that the prices of those shops are a bit outrageous, and a cup of small milk tea sold for more than 30 yuan, which is beyond the scope of normal people’s understanding, and normal people don’t think it’s necessary to buy that small milk tea. A cup of milk tea, and the taste is similar to milk tea powder, they might as well buy three cups of ordinary milk tea, anyway, the result will be the same after drinking for a long time.

But when it comes to coffee, customers will basically choose Qian Sheng Zhuo Meng. The main reason is that they use real coffee beans to grind it, unlike a certain store that always uses coffee powder. The price is still so high. Over time, All the customers came to Wu Sheng's shop.

Whenever he was busy, Wu Sheng sent messages one by one, and sometimes Qing Yi was even pulled over by him. Of course, they don't need to grind or anything, just need them to help take orders.

Occasionally, Wu Sheng would give himself a vacation to pursue his youthful dreams, and to seek justice like a policeman. Of course, he would only have a chance after a case appeared, and this was all temporary.

His "Coffee Detective" has also come to the end, and he is also ready to finish, mainly because he can't think of a new case, and he doesn't like to use the old cases before, and it is easy to lower him. The appreciation of novels.

The director of the Tang Tan series fell in love with the attraction of his cases. What they want are these cases that have not appeared in the public eye. Otherwise, why would they reserve the right to adapt his novels in advance.

This kind of case is undoubtedly the most eye-catching when it is filmed. No one doesn’t like new things. It’s not interesting to watch old cases over and over again.

Today is the day when his novel ends, and it is also the day when he is going to Hengdian. He is going to discuss the issue of adaptation rights with Chen Sicheng, the series director of Tang Tan. Wu Sheng got on the plane to Hengdian with excitement. .

Hengdian is the largest film and television location in China. Basically, there are actors or directors here. Of course, the most important person is the screenwriter. Of course, he is not a screenwriter at present, but an ordinary web writer.

Wu Sheng got on the bus to the film and television city, and the commercials on the side of the road were all recruiting extras, and the wages were all as high as 150 a day, and the box lunch was included. If this was in the past, Wu Sheng would definitely be tempted.

He heard that some extras basically just lie on the ground for a whole day, and then get his wages for a day of hard work, and some crews are even covered, which is undoubtedly the most attractive point.

He knows that these extras all have a common dream, that is to show their faces on the big screen one day, let the people see themselves, and then have the opportunity to get a higher salary.

However, he knows that it is undoubtedly a difficult task for him to become a leading actor from an extra actor. The stars he can see and hear are basically all acting skills trained in school, so he can basically enter the play in a second. Use it on interpersonal relationships.

Of course, there are also some who obviously started as extras and finally entered the public's field of vision. It is already very good to have one such actor in ten years. It is hard for him to say what these extras are doing. Let's not do business.

When extras earn a meager salary, they can’t eat well or sleep well. He heard that some people have to get up at three o’clock in the morning to go to the set, and they don’t finish work until around nine o’clock in the evening. This kind of day In the long run, the human body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Although it was a bit harder for him to move the bricks, he had guaranteed rest time every day, and he could learn some skills from those steel frame workers, so that he could get a higher salary in the future.

He was able to learn steel frame work before, but who knew that he was thrown down in the end like this, and he has never been exposed to the work of these low-level people since then.

"It's really unpredictable!"

Wu Sheng said with emotion that three years ago he was an ordinary person who was worried about eating and drinking, but now he is about to become a bigwig in the Internet literary world. Only if he can be regarded as a figure of the level of a master of Internet literature.

Wu Sheng went to the place and got off the car. When he arrived at the place he and Chen Sicheng agreed on, he ordered a cup of coffee, but the price of this coffee made him somewhat unacceptable. It was as high as more than 500 yuan a cup. .

This is simply stealing money, and the taste of the coffee is much worse than the one he made. After Wu Sheng took a sip, he didn't drink it again. He could tell that the taste of the coffee had begun to change. This coffee powder The time to put it is longer, and it has already tasted.

The store owner probably thought that Wu Sheng didn't know much about goods because of his clothes, so he served him this cup of coffee. Before serving it, he kept telling him how good this coffee was and wanted him to introduce it to others.

"Director Chen, hello, hello!"

When Wu Sheng saw Chen Sicheng, he stood up immediately. He knew that he was at most a third-rate screenwriter, and Chen Sicheng was a great director. It was his honor to work with such a director. I didn't expect to be able to make such a big director.

"Hello, you're welcome! Sit down first!" Chen Sicheng was still quite polite, "The coffee here is not bad, what do you think?" Is a novelist or a top barista.

That's why he chose the other party's favorite occasion to talk about things, and he thought about the price very well, but because of Tang Tansan, although the investor gave a lot of investment this time, the budget was still reasonable. limited.

This time Tang Detective Four is going to start filming in London, and the money spent at that time will naturally be a lot of money, plus the addition of a big-name star, which makes the film's salary alone reach a terrible height, he naturally hopes Save as much as you can, and spend your money wisely, so that you can make movies with higher quality.

"The taste is not bad! It's similar to the coffee I make!" Of course, Wu Sheng said this against his will, but he still chose to accept the place specially selected by Chen Sicheng.

"That's good. What's your expected price for the copyright of your "Coffee Detective" novel?"

After chatting for a few words about gossip, the next question is naturally about the serious business, which naturally needs to be rigorous. Naturally, Chen Sicheng doesn't want to spend more money, and Wu Sheng naturally doesn't want to take less money.

"This is also my first time, Director Chen, please watch and give it to me!"

This is indeed the first time for Wu Sheng to be interested in adapting a novel. When he didn't know how much money he should ask for, it was more appropriate. He also consulted his editor in charge, and his editor in charge told him that the more you want, the better. .

He knows that the more he wants, the more the platform's share will be, and he will be able to bring some benefits to the platform. About this, Wu Sheng and the editor-in-chief can only say "I will try my best!"

"What do you think of the figure of 500 million?"

Chen Sicheng is still relatively conservative. He thinks that the novel "Coffee Detective" needs at least 500 million upwards. Of course, he will start from the bottom and increase upwards. The purpose is to save some money by relying on Wu Sheng's first ignorance. pin.

After hearing this number, Wu Sheng was stunned. It was 500 million. The novel "Coffee Detective" he wrote was actually as high as 500 million, which was beyond his imagination.

At the beginning, at most, he thought that his novels could be worth hundreds of thousands, but he didn't expect his novels to be so valuable.

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