I can't be rushing

Chapter 111 Open Your Own Cafe

Su Xiaoyun had just returned from her night shift and saw a pile of shoes placed in her empty home. She knew that Ye Xiaoling and others might have come back to live there, so she didn't pay too much attention.

But at a glance, the appearance of a pair of men's shoes cheered her up a bit. Most of the people living in this villa were girls, and there shouldn't be such things as men's shoes.

But soon she relaxed her vigilance, maybe Ye Xiaoling and the others brought their partner back to live, she didn't pay too much attention to it, after a busy night, she was already tired.

Going to the kitchen on the first floor, preparing a simple breakfast, and having a good night's sleep after eating, when she walked to the door, she heard movement in the kitchen.

She didn't care and went straight to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator to look for the sandwiches she had made, but she couldn't find them after searching up and down several times.

"Wu Sheng, have you seen my sandwich?"

After Su Xiaoyun rummaged through the box and did not find it, she turned her head and looked at the person who was making breakfast. Since she hadn't slept all night, her brain was a little numb.

"I poured those things down, they are all broken!"

When Wu Sheng checked the kitchen in the morning, he saw sandwiches in the refrigerator and took a bite. He found that the taste was also very wrong. He was sure that these sandwiches were bad.

So he threw away all the sandwiches in the refrigerator. He knew that it would be bad if someone else ate them, so even if he blamed them, he could just make some more and give them back to her.

"Okay! What are you going to do? Can you share some with me?"

Su Xiaoyun is also really hungry. The only thing that keeps her awake now is the feeling of hunger. She hasn't eaten much all night, and if she doesn't eat in the morning, it won't be good for her body.

Now that she is on duty at night, basically she can only eat one meal a day. The place where she is on duty is also in the wilderness, and there is no place to sell food. Of course, she can bring something to eat by herself.

But if she didn't eat all night, if she didn't eat enough, she would only be in a state of getting hungry more and more, so she basically didn't bring anything to eat, so she would feel better that way.

"No problem, just sit outside and wait!"

Wu Sheng was also a little surprised. Su Xiaoyun didn't show any surprise when he came back, but after thinking about Su Xiaoyun being a policeman, his thought disappeared.

Maybe when he first arrived in Lingxi City, Su Xiaoyun already knew his whereabouts through his colleagues in the police station, and Wu Sheng recalled the embarrassing situation last night, Su Xiaoyun is still in good condition.

Last night except for Sui Shaoyun, Ye Xiaoling, Li Yao, and Wu Ran hugged him and told their hearts full of sadness, so that the sweepers on the street thought he was a mess and wanted to give him a broom Go up like this.

Su Xiaoyun was sitting on the chair, her eyes opened and closed like this, she was too tired, if there was nothing to do in a day or two, she would have been up for more than a month this month, and her daily routine was completely disrupted.

If she had been on duty before, she would not have been on duty for so long. Staying up late for a month is the most fatal to human skin. A tedious job like hers sometimes makes her sleep well every day.

In fact, this was just her way of blaming herself. Wu Sheng's departure had something to do with her. If she hadn't chosen to chase that speeding car, Wu Sheng wouldn't have disappeared for so long.

Now that she is working so conscientiously to stand guard, she is actually atoning for her own sins. She feels that she is sorry for Wu Sheng. When Wu Sheng disappeared, he still had such a fatal wound on his body.

So she secretly felt that Wu Sheng had actually disappeared in this world. Others didn't know it, but she knew it very well. Any recurrence of those injuries on Wu Sheng's body would be fatal.

Wu Sheng brought a bowl of hot porridge to Su Xiaoyun and fried a few poached eggs. He could see that Su Xiaoyun was very tired, so he decided to give Su Xiaoyun a supplement.

But the ingredients in the refrigerator were limited, so he felt that he had to go shopping today and filled the refrigerator. Since time was limited, he made such a breakfast for Su Xiaoyun.


Su Xiaoyun took a sip of the porridge with a little green vegetable leaves. She originally thought the porridge was very bland, but the taste exceeded her expectations. The salted egg was moderate, which was very suitable for his appetite.

"Please wash the dishes."

Su Xiaoyun picked up the bowl and threw it in, then quickly finished the two poached eggs, stood up and went back to her room to sleep. She was too tired.

After Wu Sheng finished his porridge, he cleared the table, turned on the computer and began to search for suitable stores. He decided to open another cafe by himself. After all, Wangyou Cafe belonged to Sui Shaoyun.

Of course, the two of them don't distinguish between you and me now, but it always feels weird. He thought of the two employees he reprimanded yesterday, and now he reacts and feels wrong. They are all Sui Shaoyun's employees, not his. staff.

And now that he has money in his hand, if he doesn't make something to do it, he will feel a little uncomfortable, mainly because he feels that the salary that Sui Shaoyun paid is a bit unnecessary now.

This matter has not been mentioned to Sui Shaoyun yet, and he doesn't know how to say it. It hurts feelings to say this kind of thing, and it is naturally unwilling for a person like him who pays attention to emotions.

"Brother Sheng, take me to the club!"

Li Yao also woke up, and saw Wu Sheng downstairs early in the morning, which made her feel that what happened yesterday was not a dream, and the two of them could be the same as before.

"it is good!"

Wu Sheng didn't talk nonsense, after all, he also agreed to it last night, and he also had to go to the car market today, and he had to buy a car to travel in Lingxi City.

The bj80 he had in Shanghai was given to Wu Tao, but that kid changed that bj80 into a Mercedes-Benz big G that day, which made him a little speechless.

He didn't have a qualified scooter in Lingxi City yet, and he would still need it to send his sister to school in the future. He also went to the second-hand car market to take a look at the second-hand car market when he sent Li Yao to the club.

Of course, with the money he has now, he can buy a brand new one, but he doesn't have that idea at all now. After all, he has already asked someone to buy a Wuling Hongguang on the dark web.

Of course, it is definitely not the ordinary Wuling Hongguang, but the one that has undergone multiple modifications. The dealer assured him that it will definitely run faster than any sports car on the market, and the tires are all bulletproof.

The price is naturally high, about [-] RMB. When Wu Sheng thinks that he will drive Wuling Hongguang, he will overtake many luxury cars on the mountain roads, so that those luxury cars can't even see his own taillights. .

Thinking of this, he felt excited even thinking about it. A sports car was actually no match for a Wuling Hongguang. At that time, it probably made people itch.

"I remember we used to squeeze the bus together to go to work!"

Sitting in the co-pilot, Li Yao thought of all the things she had with Wu Sheng before, and the most vivid image was undoubtedly the two of them getting up early and rushing to work together on the bus.

And when Wu Sheng rode a bike with her for the first time, the feeling seemed to be all back now. She enjoyed this kind of life very much at that time, of course if people like Ye Xiaoling hadn't appeared.

"Yeah, life during that time was carefree!"

Wu Sheng remembered that when he was first recruited by Sui Shaoyun, the monthly salary of 1 yuan a month directly shocked his heart, and he almost wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Sui Shaoyun at that time.

But now when he really went out to do these big things, he realized that he was the real frog in the bottom of the well. It turns out that as long as he has enough ability, making money is simply a piece of cake.

But high income also comes with high risks. If he were asked to choose now, he would definitely choose this quiet life, where no one would disturb him, and he wouldn't have to worry about scheming every day.

"Will you leave again when you come back this time?"

Li Yao asked the question she was most worried about. Wu Sheng's departure last time brought her a big blow. It directly made her fall out of the starting team, and even the training was stopped by the coach.

She had just recovered during this period. If Wu Sheng left again, she would not be able to guarantee her own level. The coaching staff clearly told her that if something like this happened again, she would be kicked out. This team.

Even though she worked hard during this period and became the captain of the psychic team, this does not mean that she can show her temper. After all, the coaching staff is the biggest.

"I'm not leaving. I plan to open my own coffee shop, and then just make coffee like this, and then find a wife to enjoy my old age, but definitely not now."

Wu Sheng also expressed his thoughts. Of course, he told Li Yao by the way that it is not acceptable to fall in love with him now, because he has never had a good understanding of people like Li Yao.

"That's good too!"

Li Yao naturally understood the meaning of the words, but she didn't say anything more. Wu Sheng said like this, which also proved that other people have no chance now.

Then she can also go after Wu Sheng after fulfilling her dream. As long as Wu Sheng doesn't leave here, she still has the chance to hold him in her hands.

"So have you decided where to open your shop?"

"I haven't thought about this yet. I'll go to various places to investigate later. I will open a coffee shop in the place with the most people!"

Just kidding, what is the purpose of opening a coffee shop? It is to make money. If you don’t find a place with many people, who will help him pay for it when he loses money.

"He has indeed not changed!" Li Yao secretly smiled in her heart. Wu Sheng is still the same person as before, the same person enslaved by money, but Wu Sheng is the kind of gentleman who loves money and takes it in a wise way. This is Li Yao. Reasons to like him.

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