I can't be rushing

Chapter 109 Finale!

"Ah, the air here is still relatively fresh!"

Wu Sheng finally set foot in Lingxi City again. This time there should be nothing stopping him. He could finally live a life of drinking coffee and coding every day.

He took a taxi and prepared to go back to the Wangyou Cafe. Now that he returns to his mansion, he will be surrounded by a group of women and ask him questions.

Now he only hopes that those girls have found their other half, so that he can get out of this situation, and then find a wife after thirty to enjoy his old age.

"I'll go, Lingxi City has developed so much in the past year and a half since I left?"

Wu Sheng sat in the taxi and looked at the scenery outside the window, which was completely different from the scenery in his mind. He remembered that this place was a small bungalow before, but it turned into a high-rise building in a short period of time.

He had to lament the rapid development of society. In this society, as long as the local government is willing to do something, it will definitely get substantial returns. This point Wu Sheng stopped from the car radio.

The radio station was full of boasting about how good the newly appointed mayor was. Wu Sheng didn't believe it at first, thinking that it was just to make a statement for himself.

But when he began to look up the various honors that Lingxi City had won in the past two years, he also believed that the newly appointed mayor, Wen Bin, was a good mayor.

Wu Sheng got out of the taxi and looked at the Wangyou Cafe opposite. He remembered all the interesting things that had happened in this shop. He just didn't know if Sui Shaoyun could still drive a car that paid him 1 yuan a month. Salary.

Of course, he doesn't care about the money now. After all, he is now a rich man worth over [-] million yuan. Of course, those equity shares have to be transferred before they can officially reach his hands.

Wu Sheng pushed open the store door, the familiar figure was no longer in the store, replaced by a young man and woman, Wu Sheng decided to order a cup of coffee and wait for a while.

It's not time for Sui Shaoyun to go to work. Originally, he was on the plane last night, but Jiang Xuan and others insisted on dragging him to have a drink. There was no other way.

However, he went back to the hotel to sleep after drinking until 25 o'clock last night, and refunded the [-] ocean ticket last night, and the [-]% handling fee also made him feel pained for a while.

Wu Sheng just got off the plane at around [-] o'clock in the noon. He hadn't seen his emotions for a long time, which also made him forget his hunger. He just wanted to see Sui Shaoyun and others sooner.

The store is no longer as lively as it used to be. After all, there is no support from Internet celebrities like Wu Sheng. In addition, Sui Shaoyun doesn't take care of things anymore and leaves everything to others.

Wu Sheng ordered a cup of black coffee, which didn't have the same taste as before, and it wasn't even considered pure. He shook his head, this cup of coffee came out a little too fast.

Before he came here, a cup of coffee would take at least 15 minutes to prepare, but within 3 minutes this cup of coffee was served, making Wu Sheng shake his head.

He could taste that it was indeed ground from coffee beans, but it was a pity that it was not the freshly ground kind, it should have been ground long ago and then brewed with hot water later.

Sure enough, time has changed, things have changed, and Wu Sheng drank some not-so-pure coffee and looked at the piano that had accumulated a lot of dust. He recalled the days when he first opened the store.

Unconsciously, he walked to the piano and wiped it lightly with his fingers. The dust on his fingers made him sneer. After all, this is Sui Shaoyun's favorite piano, but now it has been reduced to the point of accumulating dust.

Wu Sheng picked up a tissue and carefully wiped the dust on the piano. The two waiters inside didn't say anything, but just glanced at Wu Sheng.

This piano has been here for such a long time, and they don't know what it is used for, and they don't know how to play the piano. They prefer to play with their mobile phones than play the piano.

Wu Sheng blew on the piano chair, then sat down, opened the piano cover, and stroked the keys on it. He hadn't touched the piano for a long time.

This is the first time he has touched the piano in such a long time. Recalling all the things before, Wu Sheng once again played his famous song "Confession Night"

The beautiful sound of the piano slid across Wu Sheng's fingertips, and Wu Sheng's selfless player played the keys. The beautiful sound of the piano made the two shop assistants a little stunned. This piece was a bit familiar.

The sound of the piano brought them back to the night of Christmas Eve in 2019. A man in a formal suit sat down under the event at Wangda Plaza. The sound of the piano was moving and intimate.

Even God couldn't help but rained a light snow on this man, and under the background of the light snow, everything looked so beautiful, and the man became popular on Douyin when he turned around.

Then the man and his boss opened the Wangyou Cafe. During that time, the business could be described as an explosion. It is said that the daily turnover reached more than [-].

Today was also Sunday, and due to Wu Sheng's beautiful piano sound, this store, which was already unpopular, was actually surrounded by a bunch of customers, which made the two waiters overwhelmed.

After Wu Sheng took a look at the situation, he walked to the bar skillfully and took out his clothes from the cabinet, put them on his body, and began to grind the coffee himself.

"You are the owner of this store before!"

There was an old customer who recognized Wu Sheng at a glance. He used to come here to drink coffee a lot. Naturally, the coffee here changed after Wu Sheng was gone.

Then one afternoon, the shop changed completely, the other owner also left, and the shop was handed over to these two waiters, who haven't been here for coffee since then.

Until today, he accidentally heard a piano sound similar to the one before, and he couldn't help but sit in. When he saw the two clerks directly using the ground coffee powder, he wanted to leave.

Wu Sheng nodded without saying anything. Unexpectedly, some customers could recognize him. He was looking for some of the instruments he had used before. Like the piano, these instruments all had accumulated a little dust.

"If you want to drink, you may have to wait for a while. It will take some time to clean these tools."

Wu Sheng kindly told the old customer in front of him that he was afraid that this old customer would not be able to wait. It would take at least half an hour to wash these utensils, and a lot of things could be done in half an hour.

"Don't worry! Your coffee before is famous for its slowness! It's been a long time since I drank it, so I want to try the authentic Wangyou coffee!"

The regular customers didn't mind either. They had to wait a long time for a cup of coffee at this Wangyou Cafe before, but they were willing to wait for such a long time because the taste of the coffee was something they couldn't forget.

"Stop brewing your coffee for now. Grind all these coffee beans according to the order. I'll use them later!"

Wu Sheng also spoke sternly to the two clerks, and the two clerks did not dare to disobey. Especially after knowing that Wu Sheng was the former deputy store manager, they lost their temper.

After cleaning the tools, Wu Sheng began to brew coffee according to the method Sui Shaoyun taught him. After a while, the aroma of coffee hit his nostrils, and everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath of this aroma.

"Freshly ground coffee beans still retain their aroma. Grind them into powder and brew them. Although this can improve the efficiency a lot, it will slowly dissipate the chess pieces."

Wu Sheng also began to teach the two clerks, Chen Xing and Zhang Tu. He knew that it must be Sui Shaoyun who stopped doing things, so these clerks would start sneaking around.

But now that he's back, he absolutely won't allow this kind of bad coffee to be served in his shop. Chen Xing and Zhang Tu are lighting their heads like chickens.

The salary of this store can be said to be the highest, the starting salary is 5000, if there is still a commission in the future, even if there is no commission, this salary is still a lot for fresh graduates.

There are not too many people today, and they all chose to give up after learning that they would have to wait at least 15 minutes for a cup of coffee. There are seven or eight customers in the huge storefront.

Although he had been shaking the coffee by hand, Wu Sheng was enjoying it, and the customers were also amazed by the coffee. They had heard the name Wangyou Cafe before.

I also came here to drink during this period, but unfortunately they were all persuaded by the taste and price. The price is still the same as before at 50 yuan a cup, but they think it is not worth it.

But today's coffee made them feel that it was worth their money. Especially after the old customer took a sip, he felt a lot more comfortable. This was the taste he had been looking for.

Wu Sheng was also busy until the evening, but he didn't see Sui Shaoyun until the evening. He originally wanted to give him a surprise, but now he had no choice but to give up in this situation.

"Come back to work at one o'clock in the afternoon. You can't pay as much as you want. This habit of making coffee has to be changed. If you think it's okay, you can stay here. If you can't, then quit!"

Wu Sheng actually decided to come back to be the boss, so he must have the aura of a boss. He has treated these two people very well, and these two people are so idle.

If it weren't for the girl, he would have fired these two people long ago. He tore off the original business hours on the door. They used to open the door only in the afternoon.

Wu Sheng took out a key from his pocket, and after pressing the switch, the electric door also moved. At this moment, Wu Sheng also smiled happily, which proved that he was still the manager of the store.

Chen Xing and Zhang Tu were also reluctant, but when they saw that Wu Sheng really had a key to the facade, they had no choice but to accept it. After all, this is really the boss.

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