I can't be rushing

Chapter 107 I'm going to take it away today!

"Ah, the air in Lingxi City is better!"

That's right, Wu Sheng just got off the plane, and after more than a year and a half, he finally returned to Lingxi City, and he hasn't breathed the air of Lingxi City for a long time.

Lingxi City is also considered an outstanding place with mountains and rivers. Although it is not as prosperous as the big cities, it also has its own unique charm.

"Old Wu! My siblings were taken away by the Xia family!"

"What! Hold on first! I'll take this flight back now!"

Just 2 minutes after Wu Sheng got off the plane, Jiang Xuan called. This caught Wu Sheng who had just got off the plane off guard, but now he can only accept this result.

Fortunately, there is a flight now, and the price of the air ticket bought now is often extremely expensive, and the seats in the economy class and business class are basically sold out. Got a first class ticket.

Of course, his air ticket was free when he came back. He is a man with a membership, but the flight back is not owned by China Eastern Airlines, so he can only pay for it out of his own pocket.

To be honest, he didn't even think that the Xia family would have a chance to fight back. The original matter was basically over. That night, Xia Ruhua sold all the shares of Xia's Group at a very low price.

Even if the elders of the Xia family were unwilling, there was nothing they could do. Xia Ruhua had an absolute 51% in his hands, so the elders had no choice but to watch the foundation he had worked so hard to build collapse overnight.

Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Wu Sheng bought the nearest air ticket and came back. He was afraid that Xia Ruhua would rely on him, which would be a bit bad, and all that was left was some finishing work.

He is not needed at all, he might as well come back earlier, and the other members of the Gossip Gang also obey Xia Ruhua's orders, basically nothing major will happen.

But now that Xia Ruhua was taken away by Xia's family, it can only be explained that Xia Ruhua entered Xia's family in person, and he couldn't think of other reasons. No one in the Bagua gang should be able to beat them.

Wu Sheng was sitting on the return flight, and several stewardesses kept winking at him. After all, a young and handsome young man like Wu Sheng, no girl would want to get closer.

Wu Sheng is now in a state of anxiety, so he has no time to take care of these stewardesses. He doesn't understand why Xia Ruhua wants to go back to Xia's house now that the plan is over.

After the three-hour flight, Wu Sheng was the first to rush off the plane. Jiang Xuan's car was already waiting for him beside the plane. Wu Sheng got on the co-pilot directly, and Jiang Xuan stepped on the accelerator and walked away. go.

"What's going on now!"

Of course Wu Sheng was extremely anxious. If something happened to Xia Ruhua and he didn't even receive the final payment, then all his efforts for so long would be in vain.

"People have been in for a few hours, and they haven't come out. The opposite side called the police, and our Jiang family came forward, but we still can't know what's going on inside. Now we can only rely on you!"

Jiang Xuan didn't intend to bother Wu Sheng to come back, but now the entire Jiang family mansion has been closed, and there are still a bunch of guards and policemen at the door, there is no chance to break in.

He also asked his family's relationship, Mr. Jiang is also reasonable, after all, Wu Sheng and Xia Ruhua helped the Jiang family a lot, but it was still useless.

They didn't break the law or anything else, and Xia Ruhua walked in voluntarily, so the search warrants and other things couldn't be brought down. Currently, only the evil forces have a chance to fight.

And the largest evil force in Shanghai is the Bagua Gang, but the Xia family is naturally preparing to deal with the Bagua Gang, and you can know what's going on inside by looking at the guards at the door.

"I called some people for you. It is estimated that the only way you can go is to rush in."

Jiang Xuan told Wu Sheng about the general situation, and Wu Sheng's expression became serious. This time it was different, this time the Xia family had police guards.

With police guards, it means that as long as Wu Sheng dares to rush in, he will face the siege of all the policemen in the entire magic city. At that time, facing those policemen with guns will be a big trouble for Wu Sheng .

There is no need to think about sneaking in. If he wants to take Xia Ruhua away, a fight will inevitably break out, and the situation inside is unknown. If there are people inside by then, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to get out of there.

"Call Master Ma, I need his manpower to step up, the price is negotiable!"

Wu Sheng also figured out a way. He could only choose to attack from inside and outside. The Gossip Gang was trained by Wu Sheng himself, so the level of infiltration is naturally very high.

The nineteen members of their gossip gang sneaked in directly, and then caused chaos from the inside, and then let Jiang Xuan and Ma Long's men attack from the outside, and then everything will be messed up.

"It's raining, it seems that entering the night is destined to be a sleepless night!"

Wu Sheng looked at the raindrops floating in the sky, he knew that today must be a fierce battle, surpassing all the battles he had participated in before, he touched the sand eagle in his arms, he knew that tonight might be the first battle It was the first time to do it in China.

"Boss! Big brother!"

All the members of the Gossip Gang wore masks. They had already made it a habit to wear masks, and the masks were also multi-functional. Wu Sheng bought them in the mall at a high price, so he naturally had something special about him.

Wu Sheng put on his exclusive Tai Chi mask, and all the arrangements of the entire Xia family mansion appeared in front of his eyes with a little kiss. Wu Sheng looked at the densely packed heads and smiled.

"Today's battle is different from the past. Someone may be injured or someone may die!" Wu Sheng bit the word "death" very hard. "If you want to leave home, leave by yourself. I won't say anything."

Wu Sheng didn't want these adult children to lose their lives because of his own affairs. He saw that there were many people with guns, so he couldn't force these children to die.

"We won't go! We would die for you!"

Eighteen members of the Bagua Gang also said this with loud voices. They were originally brought out of the orphanage by Wu Sheng. Without Wu Sheng, they would not know where they are now.

Moreover, Wu Sheng has never treated them badly. He paid them wages every month, and would give them more during the holidays. Although they are young, they also know how to be grateful.

"Don't be brave, do you have a bulletproof vest?"

Wu Sheng was somewhat moved when he saw the [-] people who looked at death like home, but he couldn't show it, he wanted to maintain the majesty of a boss.

"Take it!"

Jiang Xuan took out a dozen pieces of bulletproof vests and distributed them to other members of the Bagua Gang. He knew it must be a fierce battle, but Wu Sheng would not let his comrades die in vain.

"The Xia family has a special sewage pipe. We will go in through that. Jiang Xuan, you and Brother Ma will rush in directly when we send out the flare. Then I will find a way to cut off the power to the Xia family. At that time, It’s time for the melee to begin!”

Wu Sheng finished the plan in a nutshell, and now is the time to implement it. Without looking back, Wu Sheng led eighteen people to start walking along the direction of the sewage pipe on the mirror.

After twenty minutes, several people had already sneaked in. Wu Sheng found an unguarded sewer manhole cover through his mask and opened it.

The dozen or so members of the Gossip Gang were all ready to fight. Wu Sheng used the mask's built-in function to search for Xia Ruhua's location, and asked Wu Tao and Ren Shaohua to cut off the power. get ready.

Xia Ruhua's location quickly appeared on the mirror. There were not many guards at Xia Ruhua's location. Wu Sheng guessed that it should be the ancestral hall of Xia's family, so there were no outsiders.

Wu Sheng started walking directly towards Xia Ruhua's position, and he also dealt with all the guards that could be dealt with along the way, and he had to try his best to avoid the guards that could not be dealt with.

Finally, 5 minutes later, Wu Sheng came to the Xia family's ancestral hall. Wu Sheng kicked open the gate without saying a word, and Wu Sheng's expression became cold-blooded when he saw the scene inside the ancestral hall.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xia Houjie kept whipping Xia Ruhua's back with the whip in his hand, Xia Ruhua's clothes were also damaged by Xia Houjie's whipping, and Xia Ruhua's white back was exposed in front of everyone.

Xia Ruhua knelt on the shards of glass, and there was a coffin in front of her. There were many whip marks on her back, which made Wu Sheng furious. He took out the sand eagle in his hand, and before the Xia family and others could respond come over.

With a "bang!" shot, the bullet directly pierced Xia Houjie's head. The sound of the shot completely frightened the crowd, and all the guards at the door began to gather at the ancestral hall.

"I'll take you away!"

Wu Sheng took off his clothes and put them on for Xia Ruhua. The scar on his back was to frighten off the Xia family and others who wanted to sneak attack.

Wu Sheng picked up Xia Ruhua and started walking towards the gate. He fired a flare gun into the sky, and the entire Xia family fell into darkness in an instant.

"Come on!"

"Brothers, don't fall behind!"

Jiang Xuan and Ma Long's men rushed into the Xia Family Manor in an instant. Since the gunshots came from the ancestral hall, the police and guards outside all squeezed in, which exposed Jiang Xuan and his back. Malone et al.

"I'm going to take her away today, let's see who dares to stop me!"

Wu Sheng kicked open the small gate of the courtyard, and instantly hundreds of people surrounded him like this. The expression under the mask showed no fear, and the rainwater dripped on his mask and body like this.

The other members of the Bagua Gang also surrounded him. As the raindrops fell drop by drop, the two gangs also fought together in an instant. The members of the Bagua Gang also tried their best to clear a way for Wu Sheng.

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