I can't be rushing

Chapter 1 Writer Simulator

In the autumn of November 2018, a roadside in Lingxi City, Qizhou Province.

Wu Sheng stood on the side of the road in a trance, just 1 minute ago, he lost all his jobs.

The torn jeans and rusty top were enough to show his loneliness.

That's right, he was an unpretentious migrant worker a minute ago, but now he's completely reduced to a jobless vagrant.

Congenitally lacking vocal cords, he came to Lingxi City at the age of 18 to seek opportunities because there are many opportunities in big cities.

Even if Wu Sheng showed all kinds of good habits and upbringing, no one would be willing to use a mute.

It has been two years since he came to Lingxi City. The first year was very hard, but he did not give up just like that. Finally, he waited for the dawn of hope in the second year, but fate always likes to play tricks on people.

The novel he wrote had just been rejected by many websites, and today he himself was told that the contractor was going home, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Now the only two organizations that are willing to accept him have all abandoned him, which made him a little overwhelmed for a while, and he didn't know what to do next.

Wu Sheng sat on the curb until dark, stood up helplessly and began to go to the place he called home. It took Wu Sheng a while to travel four kilometers.

Wu Sheng's stomach growled, and he walked another four kilometers after finishing work on the construction site. Naturally, he was hungry and thirsty. After looking at the almost closed street, only one small restaurant was still open.

This restaurant seemed to be the same as himself, it seemed out of place with the surroundings, and Wu Sheng felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

As soon as the heart is hard, the teeth are gritted!
When Wu Sheng walked in, he also needed to be presumptuous occasionally. Looking at the salary just paid today, he also planned to go all out.

He ordered three dishes, two meat and one vegetable, and a bottle of the old village chief. Someone once told him that wine can relieve a thousand worries, so he wanted to try it today.

Wu Sheng poured himself a glass, and then took a big gulp, almost choking him to death, but he didn't vomit. After all, the bottle of wine only cost more than ten yuan.

The hot feeling coming from his throat just now made him a little timid about the white wine in front of him, and he couldn't return it even after opening the bottle. Remembering that the wine can be mixed and drunk, he ordered another bottle of Sprite.

Wu Sheng was eating while watching the live broadcast, when an advertisement popped up to attract his attention.

Do you want to experience the writer's life?Do you also want to write a book to enshrine the gods?Then download the writer simulator experience now!
Seeing the old-fashioned advertisement, Wu Sheng accidentally clicked on it, and even downloaded it by the way. He didn't know that this action would bring about a huge change in his life.

He didn't open it at the first time, but watched some anchors' cooking operations, and he didn't let them stop the mixture of alcohol and Sprite, and drank them all in one gulp.

With the blessing of Sprite, the spiciness of the old village chief was masked by the sweetness, and Wu Sheng dared to drink freely.

When Wu Sheng walked out of the restaurant, when the evening wind blew, he instantly felt a little overwhelmed.

He didn't know that alcohol would be more easily absorbed after adding Sprite, and the cold wind would promote blood circulation, which made him feel a little erratic.

Fortunately, his home was relatively close, so Wu Sheng opened the door unsteadily and returned to his room. The fatigue of the day and the effects of alcohol made him unable to keep his eyes open.

He didn't know why, so he opened the writer simulator.


identification number:
Looking at the verification information that popped up, he also filled it out without hesitation. Now he has to fill in these things when playing games, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong.

pen name:


Wu Sheng used the pen name he has been using all the time, Wu Sheng, and he just chose the title of his work "I will never rush to the street".

After filling these, the originally dark room suddenly became bright with stars, and there was an unexpected sound.

"Start retrieval..."

"Wu Sheng's family is poor and has congenital defects. He is currently in a state of severe alcoholism. If he is not treated in time, he will die."

"All the data meet the standards, the next-generation system is turned on, and the host Wu Sheng has been automatically bound."

Wu Sheng looked at the bright galaxy, he thought he was already in a dream.

"Hello, system 9527 is at your service!" Another voice came from the bright starry sky.

"Who is that! What about you! Don't look, this space is just the two of us!"

Wu Sheng was startled by the sudden manly voice. Just now, a gentle young lady was speaking. Wu Sheng pointed at himself and then looked at the endless starry sky, as if to confirm.

"Yes! It's you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Wu Sheng said to the starry sky, "Wait, can I talk?" He was a little surprised, he really heard his own voice just now.

"Hey, what a fuss! This is a dimensional space, you can do whatever you want here!"

"Dimensional space?" Wu Sheng has read a lot of novels and naturally knows the meaning of dimensional space.

The time situation in the dimensional space is different from the time in the real world. A year may pass here, but a day may pass outside.

"Who are you?" Wu Sheng asked cautiously. If this is really a dimensional space, then the person who just spoke could easily take his life.

"I won't tell you the system system! Did you listen carefully again! So, let me tell you at the end, I am the system, and you are my host. My purpose is to change your life and let you go on the road from now on. The pinnacle of life, you understand!"

"Listen... I understand..." Wu Sheng was completely taken aback by the rough voice.

"I can't hear you! You still want to control me with such a low voice! Louder!"

"Understood!" Wu Sheng was so frightened that he stood at attention and came out, short of saluting.

"Give me a code name first, otherwise it will hurt your ears to hear the system!"

"You are such a social person, why don't I call you boss?" Wu Sheng thought about the bosses in the movies, all of whom have similar voices to this system.

"It's not bad, it's called this. According to the usual system setting practice in the past, I should introduce my settings to you, but I'm lazy and I will send you the operation guide later. You can read it yourself!"

After speaking, an operation guide appeared out of thin air in Wu Sheng's hand, and he was a little stunned, wondering why the systems in other novels were all young ladies with nice voices, while his own was pure men with rough voices.

"Oh! Let me tell you something, don't call me if you have nothing to do! Play mahjong!"

Then there is no more.

Wu Sheng stood there alone in a daze, watching the operation manual in his hand begin to open, and began to read carefully.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Wu Sheng woke up and felt his stomach churning. He rushed to the bathroom and started throwing up. After vomiting, he felt much better.

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