"Isn't it true that you saw the intimate scene between the two of you? Everyone in Fengjia Villa should know the secret between you now, right?"

If Lin Yiqing could really say a few random words and it would really come true, maybe she had already made a wish to make Xiao Kui disappear from this world, so that she would not be allowed to occupy the hearts of two outstanding men at the same time, right?

Xiao Kui managed to break free from Lin Yiqing's grasp. Seeing her messy hair in the mirror, she felt a splitting headache in her head. humiliating situation?
"Whether Lin Yiqing believes it or not, everything tonight was just a misunderstanding. Nothing happened between me and Feng Qinghan. When you saw it, it was just his intention to cheat on me. I clearly Are you struggling, can't you see all of this?"

The explanation this time is not for Lin Yiqing, but for Lan Feng who is behind her on purpose. I hope her words can convince Lan Feng that although she is not from the Lan family, she never thought of betraying the Lan family. It's the same this time, but it's just Lin Yiqing's one-sided words, there's no need to believe it at all!
"Misunderstanding? Xiao Kui, is it too late for you to use this excuse? Don't you forget that when the housekeeper was injured, I kept telling you that it was just a misunderstanding. How did you deal with me?" Lin Yiqing couldn't help feeling a little Funny, he also hoped that everything was just a misunderstanding, but it just wasn't, so what could she do?

The double love of Feng Qinghan and Lan Feng is not an honor that any woman can obtain. I thought that if this kind of luck had to befall the same woman, then that lucky woman must be Lin Yiqing, yes, Because there are not many women in China who can follow Feng Qinghan and Lan Feng in the same family, have profound knowledge and have grown up with a good education, and Lin Yiqing happens to be lucky enough to have close ties with both of them at the same time. However, things developed so suddenly that even Lin Yiqing didn't realize that this position was inexplicably snatched away by Xiao Kui who suddenly appeared?

No, maybe this position belonged to Xiao Kui from the very beginning. After all, more than ten years ago, the person who made Feng Qinghan fall in love at first sight was originally Xiao Kui, not her Lin Yiqing. Kui has been with Lan Feng for more than 20 years. The two have no blood relationship at all, and after the adult passed away, the two depended on each other, barely surviving in this society, and taking care of the voice of the Lan Family Group. It's not hard to understand why Xiao Kui had strange feelings, right?

However, although Lin Yiqing was aware of this, she was unwilling to admit it in her heart. She only thought that this position was taken away by Xiao Kui, otherwise, she might not even have the last bit of dignity anymore, right?

Looking at Xiao Kui, she seemed worried that Lan Feng would misunderstand her relationship with Feng Qinghan, so Lin Yiqing tightly grasped Xiao Kui's sore spots, and spoke nonsense in front of Lan Feng as much as possible, saying: "You can Patting his chest, he assured Lan Shao that the man Feng Qinghan likes is not you? Oh, I almost forgot to mention one thing, Feng Qinghan has been secretly in love with you for more than ten years, just because he didn’t know your love back then. identity, so he transferred this feeling to me, and now he knows it’s you, so your relationship must be like a thunderbolt, and it’s out of control, right?"

Sure enough, after Lin Yiqing finished speaking, Lan Feng sat on the chair like a rag doll who had lost all strength, as if the last bit of strength had been taken away from her body, her eyes were full of tears. Looking at Xiao Kui weakly, the feeling of paleness made people feel distressed.

Xiao Kui ignored Lin Yiqing who continued to sarcastic, and ran directly to Lan Feng's side, patted his back to smooth his breath, and muttered skillfully: "Brother, don't be nervous, breathe in, take your time, Empty your mind, everything will be fine, no matter what, I will definitely be by my brother's side."

Pushed aside by Xiao Kui, Lin Yiqing happened to yell at her, but she turned around and saw Lan Feng's pale face?This scene frightened Lin Yiqing. The Lan Feng she saw before was healthy, why did he look sick tonight?
She immediately stepped forward cautiously, seeing Lan Feng struggling to breathe, and Xiao Kui helping him, Lin Yiqing quickly grabbed Lan Feng's arm and asked in a low voice: "Young Master Lan? What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your body? The doctor seems to have not gone far, so I will ask the maid to call them back now? Just wait a moment!"

"Wait!" Lan Feng frowned, and did not allow Lin Yiqing to leave the study for half a step. He glanced at Xiao Kui. Although he was very weak, it seemed that he was conveying his heart to Xiao Kui.

Xiao Kui frowned and took a deep breath. Although she really didn't want to continue to pay attention to Lin Yiqing, a crazy woman, but since it was Lan Feng's order, and his worry was not without reason, Xiao Kui had no choice but to let go of what was in her heart. Obsessed, looking at Lin Yiqing who also looked a little anxious on one side, said:
"The reason why big brother didn't go to work today is that he is on vacation in the pretense of being on vacation. In fact, he is just not feeling well. He has already seen a doctor. The doctor said that there is no serious problem. It is a complication caused by too much work. Naturally, after a good rest, there will be no major incidents. Of course, I also ask Miss Lin to be careful when speaking in front of the elder brother. The elder brother is overworked in the Lan family group, so he often needs to rest in the study room, and Miss Lin has a big fight tonight. You made a big fuss, obviously you couldn't let the elder brother rest well, Miss Lin, now do you know why the housekeeper and the maid stopped you from disturbing the elder brother?"

"Complications from overwork?" Lin Yiqing looked at Lan Feng's unsightly expression and difficult breathing, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Is it possible? Why does Lan Shao seem to have difficulty breathing and some heart problems? I have heard that Lan Feng The former chairman of the Home Group died of a heart problem. This disease seems to be a problem with the Lan family's genetics. Could it be that the rumors are true, and Lan Shao also has this disease?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yiqing deliberately moved her arms away from Lan Feng's body, as if at that moment, Lan Feng had become some kind of disgusting bacteria, and anyone who got close would be infected naturally. So Lin Yiqing's eyes were full of fear, she was no longer bound to see Lan Feng's appearance even if she was blocked by the housekeeper and maid...

Lin Yiqing's actions made Xiao Kui furious. He didn't like this woman at first, but now seeing Lan Feng sick, he treats her with fear?Haven't you considered Lan Feng's feelings at all?
Xiao Kui comforted Lan Feng, letting him breathe slowly and smoothly, while continuing to sarcastically said to Lin Yiqing: "The outside world is still rumoring that Lin Yiqing, the heir of the Lin family, is a lazy person who relies on being the daughter of the Lin family. , the future mistress of the Lan Family Group is showing off her power outside and bullying the weak, does Miss Lin hope that these words can also be believed by the eldest brother?"

"That's not what I meant." Probably seeing Xiao Kui's angry eyes, Lin Yiqing also realized that her reaction just now was indeed too intense, but who can deal with such a thing quietly?
It is said that the Lanjia Group has a secret and unknown genetic disease, although I don't know if this disease has a chance of being contagious?But what if there is?Lin Yiqing thinks that she is still very young, if an unlucky person is infected, wouldn't this young life be wasted?She doesn't want this.

Soon Lan Feng recovered his breathing, and his face gradually turned rosy. He glanced at Xiao Kui, then stood up from his chair, sighed, and looked at the person in front of him who was bowing his head, not knowing whether to apologize or What kind of Lin Yiqing, her voice still sounded very gentle, but it made Lin Yiqing feel guilty from the bottom of her heart.

"You have never seen my disease, so it is reasonable to be afraid, but my disease is not contagious, and you only heard that my father has a genetic disease, but you have never heard of it. My mother also died of this illness, right? So Yiqing, I don’t blame you for your actions just now, but seeing that you are afraid of me now, and you don’t even have the courage to face me squarely, it seems that if you live in the future If we are together, it is unavoidable that you will still see me like this, you probably cannot adapt, so let's break up our engagement."

When Lan Feng said these words, his face looked very calm, as if there were no waves. From Lin Yiqing's point of view, it seemed that he had been preparing for a long time, but he was just telling others about his preparations, so naturally he would not have any feelings.

However, Lin Yiqing's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the smiling Lan Feng, as if she couldn't believe her ears, she frowned tightly, and asked again: "Young Master Lan, I can't hear you wrong. Right? What did you say to me just now? You said you want to break off the engagement? Why is that? We're going to have a wedding in a month's time, right?"

Lin Yiqing, who likes to show off, has already told the heroine of this marriage to other friends who like to compare themselves on weekdays. She has also chosen the style of the wedding dress. It is a handmade product by a famous European designer. Even the above Diamonds are worth a lot, but right now, Lan Feng is lightly saying that he wants to break up the engagement?
Thinking that maybe it was because of his previous attitude that Lan Feng was disappointed?So Lin Yiqing quickly put aside the fear in her heart, stepped forward and grabbed Lan Feng's arm, and begged with a blank face: "Shao Lan, I did something wrong, I really did it wrong, because I haven't experienced it before. These things, so when Lan Shao fell ill just now, they disappointed you, right?"

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