"At least it is true that I never trade at a loss, so the contract you will see at eight o'clock tomorrow, do you really want to sign it? Or do you think about it after you really see it tomorrow?" Let’s make a decision, and make mental preparations in advance tonight.”

Mental preparation?Xiao Kui was still happy at first. After all, she finally completed the task assigned by Lan Feng and helped the Lan Family Group achieve a big business, but now Feng Qinghan's tone made Xiao Kui feel a little creepy. Of course she knew The man in front of him is someone who will never suffer from being dumb, but what is the reason for his sudden change of mind?
Before Xiao Kui could make too many guesses, Feng Qinghan had already arranged for the driver to take her back. What was even more strange was that Feng Qinghan didn't take the opportunity to send her back without hesitation?

However, along the way, Xiao Kui's heart gradually began to relax. As long as she was not in front of Feng Qinghan, she didn't need to remind her of fear all the time. There is no chance to breathe normally, now it's all right, maybe she can sleep peacefully tonight and have a good dream, right?Although Feng Qinghan's words just now are still lingering in her mind, lingering...

And Lin Yiqing, who had hurriedly left Feng Qinghan's villa before, naturally went not to other places, but to Lan's villa!

However, she underestimated the Lan family villa. Although there was no owner there, the housekeeper who was determined to stand in the united front with Xiao Kui was not a cheap lamp.

When the guard said that she couldn't stop Lin Yiqing who barged in, the housekeeper stepped out in person. After all, she had been the housekeeper in the villa for decades. The maids and guards were a little creepy.

But Lin Yiqing didn't like this, probably relying on her status as the heir of the Rou family and Lan Feng's fiancée?Lin Yiqing came to Lan's villa with ease, and then broke in without saying a word, completely ignoring the guard's warning, and coldly snorted plausibly:
"You are so blind that you don't recognize me? I am Lan Shao's fiancée, the future hostess of this villa. If you dare to stop me casually, I swear that I will not let you have good fruit in the future." Why don't you get out of the way? Don't get in the way!"

"Miss Lin, please come back. It's true that Lan Shao is in the villa now, but he has already ordered that no one should be disturbed. Miss Lin, you have a lot of adults, so don't make it difficult for us."

The guards tried their best to persuade Lin Yiqing, who broke in, even though she was about to enter the hall, but the guards were still trying to stop her as much as possible, but they were single and weak guards after all, and what about Lin Yiqing?It is the famous heir of the Lin family. If he said it seriously, he was worried that he would offend her. After all, it was just like what he said. Now the whole world knows that Lin Yiqing is Lan Feng's fiancée. What if she really married Feng Qinghan in the future? , if they become the hostess of the villa, wouldn't they really have a bad life?

But she said it too lightly, Lin Yiqing didn't seem to be in any pain at all, and she didn't take the guard's embarrassment to heart at all. She would definitely go in and ask Lan Feng for clarification. Although she had lost Feng Qinghan, she was still fine. She has Lan Feng as her fiancé in name only, as long as she hears Lan Feng's promise with her own ears, maybe Lin Yiqing doesn't lose too much, right?
"I'm really too lazy to continue entangled with you useless people. If you are sensible, don't be my way, get out!" Lin Yiqing slapped the guard casually, and then looked irritable, like a hostess .

However, when she turned her head and was about to continue walking into the hall, she bumped into a person?She almost fell to the ground, and without even looking at him, she cursed directly, "You don't have eyes when you walk? You obviously bump into someone when you see someone. Is this how Lan Shao teaches his servants every day?"

I thought I would hear the other party's apology. After all, with her status, how could she apologize to the other party first?However, unexpectedly, a gloomy and majestic female voice suddenly came from the top of my head: "It seems that I am old and dizzy, and I should go to the hospital for a full-body examination, but it is not only the eyes that need to be checked. The ears and the brain should also be checked together, as the butler of the Lan Family Villa, why didn't I know that a new hostess would be here soon?"

After Lin Yiqing heard this voice, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart. I wonder if it was because the other party's tone of voice was too terrifying?Or is she really guilty of this title?A person who has already handed over his body to Feng Qinghan, still insisting that he is Lan Feng's fiancée?It's no wonder that she was in a panic.

When Xunsheng looked up, Lin Yiqing happened to see the butler's face with a smile on it, but she couldn't see a smile at all. She gritted her teeth and retorted unconvincedly: "You There are so many things I haven’t heard of, does it mean that they won’t come true? That’s right, I am indeed just Lan Shao’s fiancée, not an official wife, but we will get married in more than a month. Are you still unwilling to admit that I am the hostess of this villa?"

"Of course not." The housekeeper leaned down slightly, and treated Lin Yiqing with both manners, but what she said afterwards made it difficult for Lin Yiqing to step down in public, because she continued: "But I think that will have to wait until Let's talk about Miss Lin and Shao Lan's official marriage? Shao Lan has always liked gentle and considerate women, but if Miss Lin's actions tonight reach Lan Shao's ears, she will definitely change Miss Lin's behavior. ?”

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Yiqing clenched her fists tightly. How could she not know that Lan Feng likes well-behaved women?If it didn't happen suddenly tonight, and she was eager to know the answer quickly, how could she break into this villa so recklessly?Now you still have to stand outside the hall door and be reprimanded indifferently by a mere housekeeper?

"Threat? I dare not." The corner of the butler's mouth curled up into a sarcastic smile, which was faint but enough to make Lin Yiqing furious. She continued, "Didn't Miss Lin just say that she would be the hostess of this villa soon?" Is it? I'm just a little housekeeper, how dare I threaten you, Miss Lin?"

"You!" Lin Yiqing was so angry that she couldn't speak, but anyway, she made a fuss tonight, and it must have reached Lan Feng's ears sooner or later. Here, she stepped forward and deliberately pushed the housekeeper hard. The housekeeper was unprepared and fell to the ground. In addition, due to her age, her body couldn't react in time, so her forehead hit the ground. On the sharp flower bed, blood flowed out immediately.

After seeing this scene, the maids were obviously terrified, screaming and rushing to the butler, trying to help her up and asking about her condition.

And it was this move that made the people who were at the entrance of the hall disperse. Lin Yiqing finally had the opportunity to rush into the hall and go upstairs. Looking at the butler whose forehead was still bleeding, he deliberately said: "Ah, what happened just now? I just gave you a light push, the butler. I didn't want you to get in the way, but you didn't stand your ground Fell down? It's really pitiful. At such a great age, I am still serving as a housekeeper for others. I must have been useless in the first place. Is this why this happened? But I, Lin Yiqing, am not like that Such an irresponsible person, I will send you a check tomorrow, is it a little comfort for you?"

Lin Yiqing, who deliberately pushed the housekeeper, not only did not apologize, but even looked at the scene. Even if she asked someone to send a check, it was not for apology, but just comfort?

The butler's fall was not light. She was already old, and there was blood on her forehead. However, despite this, the butler still reminded her to keep her brain clear. No matter what, she couldn't let Lin Yiqing get in as she wished. In the study.

Perhaps except for the butler, no one in this villa knows anymore. Now there is no one in the study, and Lan Feng himself is not there. Even Xiao Kui, the substitute, has gone out, but everyone I saw Lan Feng driving into the villa with my own eyes, and no one watched him go out. If Lin Yiqing broke this secret by herself, according to her personality, God knows what would happen?
So she pointed to the maids around her, panting with difficulty, while urging: "Quick, stop Miss Lin, and don't let her have a chance to disturb the young master no matter what, hurry up?"

"Butler, but?" The two maids were obviously frightened by Lin Yiqing's actions just now, and even now they dare not look at Lin Yiqing, so how could they have the guts to stop her?So the two looked at each other, lowered their heads and would rather disobey the butler's order than to be injured by Lin Yiqing's despicable means like the butler!

Seeing this, the butler knew that he couldn't count on the maid, so he had to stand up with the wall, but the forehead that hit him was not treated in time, and because of the excessive bleeding, even if she stood up now, she still couldn't stand up. It was because she was in a daze, even walking was difficult, but even so, she still covered her forehead and said to Lin Yiqing in a trembling voice:
"Miss Lin, please don't continue to be presumptuous, can you? This is Lan's villa, not your Rou's house. You can mess around casually. The young master is resting now, so it's inconvenient to see guests. If Miss Lin, you still want to go your own way, I'm afraid I had to ask the guards to call the police."

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