While talking, Feng Qinghan didn't care whether Xiao Kui was willing or not?He directly took her hand and led her into this warehouse that smelled of mildew...

When he first entered the warehouse, Xiao Kui couldn't fully adapt to the dark environment inside, and he didn't even have a working electric light. Obviously, how long has this warehouse been abandoned?

Looking at Feng Qinghan again, he seems to be very familiar with the environment of this warehouse. In the dark environment, he forced Xiao Kui into a room with faint light. It was clear for a while, but I was completely frightened by the scene in front of me!

Just like what I heard outside the warehouse before, surrounded by several fierce men, a man was lying on the dirty ground covered in blood?Not only that, because the cheeks are also covered with blood, so now Xiao Kui can't tell who this man is at all?
Those vicious men seemed to be Feng Qinghan's subordinates, because after seeing Feng Qinghan's arrival, they immediately stopped beating the men in their hands, and then bowed respectfully, saying: "Young Master Feng, Miss Xiao."

They even recognized Xiao Kui?This is actually not too surprising, after all, after last night, how many people still don't know Xiao Kui?After all, he is Feng Qinghan's fiancée, the envy of countless women...

But Xiao Kui was not in the mood to respond to these vicious men's flattery, but watched Feng Qinghan accidentally let go of her hand, then walked to the blood-stained man, and grabbed her hand unceremoniously. Tousled his hair, made him almost fainted from the beating, and looked at him, and then a wicked sneer bloomed from the corner of his mouth, and said:

"How bold, you dare to tease this young master's woman? Are you impatient? Think that after the incident, if you run away with oil on the soles of your feet, will this young master really not find your hiding place? Offended Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you will definitely find out the person who killed me, and make him pay a heavy price!"

"Feng, Shao Feng, I did something wrong, I know I'm wrong, please spare me, please forgive me?" The man kept begging for mercy, and it could be seen that he had been arrested in this warehouse for a while. There are many scars, and it is definitely not caused by a period of time. Even the blood has gradually solidified, and new blood flows out of the wound?This is obviously a new injury and an old problem. Perhaps this man, whose appearance is so frightening, deliberately tortured this injured man into such a state, right?
It seems that now he can finally gradually understand the meaning of Feng Qinghan's conversation with the bodyguards outside before entering this warehouse. He asked them how the gifts were prepared?He was probably asking, what has this man been tortured to look like?
And the bodyguards responded that the gift was ready, roughly speaking, they were probably responding to Feng Qinghan, the man who offended him had been caught, and there was already a dedicated person to punish him!

Xiao Kui still failed to recognize who this man, who was tormented by Feng Qinghan, was bruised and bruised?

I saw that Feng Qinghan was completely indifferent to the man's begging for mercy, not only that, he also pushed the man to the ground fiercely, seeing his painful appearance, Feng Qinghan took a look at Xiao Kui, and noticed the surprise and uneasiness on her face Finally, Feng Qinghan pointed at the man and said deliberately: "Xiao Kui, your forgetfulness is too great. Have you forgotten who this hypocrite is so quickly? Then I will remind you. Last night, you Was bullied by someone? Didn't you tell me?"

last night?Xiao Kui's memory recalled what happened in that bar last night. The bar owner, A Wei, blamed all the mistakes of breaking up with his girlfriend on Xiao Kui's head, and even tried to cheat on Xiao Kui. ?She kept struggling and resisting, and even injured her wrist, but Ah Wei still brutally retaliated against him. Fortunately, Ping Xiang arrived in time to prevent this danger from happening.

Only then did I recall that Xiao Kui felt the begging voice of the man on the ground was familiar from just now, but now that I recall it, it turned out to be exactly the same as Ah Wei, the owner of the bar?
She suddenly widened her eyes, saw the dangerous aura in Feng Qinghan's eyes, immediately walked forward, stared at Awei for several minutes, then pointed at him, frowned and asked: "Master Feng, what do you mean?" , this man is Ah Wei?"

It might be difficult for Xiao Kui to get this man's name out of his mind, after all, he was the one who gave her a sense of danger and panic, but she thought that after Pingxiang taught Ah Wei a lesson last night, this matter was nothing After all, Awei didn't really bring her any substantial harm, but he didn't expect this incident to reach Feng Qinghan's ears unknowingly?Would you let him, a man who always valued his dignity, send someone to arrest Ah Wei in this warehouse and commit atrocities?

Hearing Awei's name from Xiao Kui's mouth?Feng Qinghan suddenly became jealous, he continued to hand over the scarred Awei to those burly guys, then walked straight to Xiao Kui, grabbed her thin arm, and seemed to question her angrily, he said :
"Is my fiancé just a decoration in your heart? You didn't tell me about such a big thing, and you wanted me to hear it from other people? Xiao Kui, you know that you are doing something like this. In my opinion, is it also a kind of contempt or disrespect? I am your fiance, but someone still bullies you when they know about it? Then you can't blame me for being cruel!"

"But what happened last night was just a misunderstanding. Pingxiang has already taught him a lesson. I think he has been punished enough. Master Feng, Awei is still alive anyway. If there is really something wrong with him, Feng Will the young master be able to feel at ease in this life?" For Ah Wei, in fact, Xiao Kui still has some sympathy, after all, he is also confused by love, so he will do this kind of thing in a daze, and after all, if If Feng Qinghan didn't look for women indiscriminately at the beginning and gave Ah Wei hope, how could Ah Wei now suddenly lose his beloved woman because he was used to the luxurious life before, and radically throw away all his love? Wrong, Xiao Kui is all to blame?

However, although Xiao Kui kept explaining to Ah Wei, Feng Qinghan's character is that once the truth is recognized, the nine cows will not be able to pull it back!
In Feng Qinghan's eyes, Awei's presumptuous actions last night were obviously challenging his own dignity, so for this kind of man, it is very difficult to succeed or escape from Feng Qinghan's grasp!
Feng Qinghan's eyes were red with anger, he pulled Xiao Kui's arm domineeringly, and saw how she pleaded with him for a person who had hurt him before?Feng Qinghan reprimanded: "Ping Xiang's responsibility is naturally to be borne, but I don't have time to pay attention to it now, and when the time comes, Ping Xiang will naturally pay a heavy price!"

"How much do you want to get involved in this matter before you give up?" Xiao Kui's unintentional words made Ping Xiang one of Feng Qinghan's targets?She angrily pulled her arm out of Feng Qinghan's palm, her eyes were also full of anger, "If someone has to be responsible for this matter, then I will take full responsibility!"

"Are you in charge? Why am I willing to do so?" While speaking, Feng Qinghan reached out his arms domineeringly to embrace Xiao Kui's slender waist, and pulled her into his arms forcefully. Afterwards, the smile on the corner of his mouth became sharper and more terrifying. He continued: "But you're right. Someone has to take full responsibility. Either get rid of Ah Wei today, or I'll talk to Ping Xiang in Japan. Choose one."

Feng Qinghan deliberately asked Xiao Kui to choose between Pingxiang and Awei?He clearly knew that she only sympathized with Ah Wei, but Ping Xiang had helped her many times, so Xiao Kui naturally wouldn't want to see him get hurt, so did he make it difficult on purpose?
Thinking of this, the anger in Xiao Kui's eyes became more intense. She wanted to push Feng Qinghan away, but the other party was too strong, and she couldn't escape smoothly again, so she could only watch Awei continue to lie in a pool of blood in his arms Being beaten, she snorted coldly: "I'm not Master Feng, I have no right to decide a person's life or death, but here I just want to remind Master Feng that failing to report knowing is similar to murder, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in Spent in prison."

"What do you mean?" Feng Qinghan frowned, and he suddenly felt that the little woman in his arms was angry in a different way. If other women saw this scene, they would definitely depend on Feng Qinghan in every possible way. After all, he is about to She was going to be executed, but she offended the man who bullied her, but Xiao Kui actually threatened her?
"My meaning is very simple." Xiao Kui raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth looked a little indifferent: "That is, if Master Feng kills someone in front of me today, and if the police interrogate him another day, I will definitely not cover up Master Feng, I will If you tell the truth exactly what you see with your own eyes, then your face, Young Master Feng, will probably be in jeopardy, right?"

"The truth? Do you really want to explain to the police?" In Feng Qinghan's eyes, the previous admiration gradually became ironic. Perhaps Xiao Kui's words really stimulated him?In short, the flames of anger radiated from his whole body now, not only that, even those burly men who were tall and thick couldn't help shivering after seeing Feng Qinghan's appearance.

But Feng Qinghan's anger didn't work on Xiao Kui alone, she still went her own way, nodded in response and said: "Yes, I said it, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison, Feng Shao, so I I would like to advise you, let Ah Wei go, and make a big deal a small one."

"Hehe, interesting, really interesting."

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