Since she wholeheartedly protects the Lan family, but no one protects her, then let the housekeeper play the role of protecting Xiao Kui.

"I see. I'll go to the hall after I change my clothes." With the butler's comfort, Xiao Kui immediately felt a lot better inside.

After the butler comforted Xiao Kui, when he returned to the hall, he saw Feng Qinghan sitting on the sofa drinking tea with a smile on his lips?The maids around him were all peeping at him. After all, he was the most handsome man in the business world as rumored, and it was reasonable to have some obsessive objects following him around anytime and anywhere.

The butler deliberately coughed a few times, as if he wanted to attract the attention of the maids. Sure enough, after seeing the butler walking in from the outside, the maids hurriedly dispersed one after another, but they were reluctant to watch the wind before leaving. Qinghan glanced at it, after all, they had only bought magazines with Feng Qinghan's photos before, but this was the first time a real person had seen them.

After hearing the butler's cough, Feng Qinghan also followed the prestige. Seeing Feng Qinghan for the first time, the butler's reaction was also surprising. Didn't expect this world to be so gentle to Feng Qinghan?Grant him such a perfect and impeccable face?It's a pity that he is the enemy of the Lan Family Group, otherwise, if he and Xiao Kui can have a good relationship, it would probably be something to be happy about, right?

I don't know if he noticed the surprise in the butler's eyes when he looked at him?Or did the butler's actions just now deliberately scare away the onlookers' maids, making Feng Qinghan find it very interesting?In short, he laughed out loud with a 'puchi', the corner of his mouth was raised like a cunning fox, Feng Qinghan joked:
"It seems that the housekeeper was sick this morning and forgot to take his medicine, right? Otherwise, why would he cough so many times inexplicably? Even this young master was taken aback."

"It's my fault for scaring Feng Shao." This is the first time the housekeeper confronted Feng Qinghan, but the first time the two people were thinking about each other had a conversation, the housekeeper began to admire Feng Qinghan's insight, she frowned and asked : "But if I remember correctly, Feng Shao should have seen me for the first time, and he deduced that I was the housekeeper of this villa all of a sudden? Feng Shao really has good eyesight."

The butler's praise did not bring Feng Qinghan any elation. On the contrary, after seeing the butler slowly approaching, Feng Qinghan raised his eyebrows, and responded seemingly casually: "Is it difficult to guess? The maid of this villa They are all young women, except for you, the housekeeper, who is old and has a stern look on your face. The little maids are extra cautious when they see you, as if they are afraid that they will lose their jobs if they offend you. If you don't say that much, the housekeeper should no longer have doubts in his heart, right?"

"Young Master Feng is absurd." The butler lowered his head, but there was no respect in his expression. He watched Feng Qinghan enjoying the tea with relish, but his eyes were still looking at the position of the entrance of the hall, as if he was looking forward to Xiao Kui's appearance soon. , the butler continued: "Second Miss is not feeling well, but after hearing that Young Master Feng is coming, she decided to take a bath and wash up and come here. Please be safe and calm, Young Master Feng."

"Not feeling well? Didn't you feel fine last night?" In fact, not only was the housekeeper displeased with Feng Qinghan, but even Feng Qinghan didn't have a good impression of the housekeeper who spoke bitterly when they met for the first time. Heard a lot of rumors about Xiao Kui being unpopular in Lan's villa, mixed together, Feng Qinghan's tone suddenly became a lot colder, and took advantage of the opportunity to put down the tea in his hand, and said sinisterly:
"Could it be that Xiao Kui's treatment in Lan's villa is really the same as the rumors? If so, it seems that this young master will marry Xiao Kui into the gate of our Feng family earlier, otherwise, we will stay here forever." In your Lan family's villa, won't this young man's fiancée have to be tossed about and get sick from time to time?"

Feng Qinghan's words did not bring any face to Lan Feng or the Lan family. On the contrary, they seemed to blame the Lan family for not taking good care of Xiao Kui. After the butler heard these words, he was not in a hurry to get angry. He smiled politely, and then responded slowly:

"I'm afraid that there is too little wind to worry about. The second lady's physical discomfort is only because she didn't have a good rest last night. How reliable are the rumors from the outside world? Others can't figure it out. Misunderstood? The young master loved the second lady since he was a child, and the deceased master and wife also loved the second lady very much. If anyone in this villa dared to disrespect the second lady, they would have been kicked out of the villa long ago and would not stay here. Now."

"Oh? Really? But just based on your words, why should I trust you, a housekeeper who works for others?" Even though the housekeeper's explanation was perfect, people couldn't pick out any flaws, but Feng Qinghan There was still suspicion in his eyes.

Just at this time, a voice came from the entrance of the hall, the voice was not loud, but the stubbornness and disdain in the tone made Feng Qinghan admire:
"Master Feng is here today, so he didn't mean to say these nonsensical things on purpose to cause people to misunderstand me, right?"

Looking at the reputation, I saw Xiao Kui standing in the sun in a long black dress. Black would give people a cold and mysterious feeling, but when wearing it on Xiao Kui who is thin and thin, Feng Qinghan was a little fascinated. I can't take my eyes away. Although she doesn't have much flesh on her body, she has to be said to be a natural clothes hanger. Whether it's a mature style or a simple style, there is no sense of disobedience when she wears it.

After seeing Xiao Kui appearing, Feng Qinghan's attitude immediately changed a lot. He no longer had the cynicism and sarcasm when he faced the butler before. He stood up from the sofa, walked to Xiao Kui's side as if naturally, pulled Lifting her hand, the smile on the corner of her mouth was much gentler:
"I heard that you didn't have a good rest last night. I was still worried. Your face is indeed a little pale now. I will send some supplements to you tomorrow. Seeing your thin and weak body, it is time to take a good supplement." gone."

tonic?Although Feng Qinghan's attitude towards Xiao Kui has been extremely ambiguous since last night, even if there were reporters around to take pictures and put on a show, this is the Lan's villa, and it is impossible for uninterested reporters to specialize in the story. came here, but Feng Qinghan's attitude is still the same as last night?No, even more caring for her than last night?This made Xiao Kui very surprised.

Noticing the housekeeper's gaze, which was staring at the hands held by the two, Xiao Kui subconsciously broke away from Feng Qinghan's hand, and pretended that nothing happened, pointed at the glass of Feng Qinghan and took a sip. He ordered the maid: "The tea is already cold, go and get a cup for Master Feng."

Then Xiao Kui smiled at the corner of his mouth, and continued to say to Feng Qinghan behind him: "Feng Shao came to our Lan family villa, but you are a rare guest among rare guests, but I don't know which gust of wind brought you here today?"

"I'll come and see my fiancée, is there anyone who dares to object?" Feng Qinghan didn't realize that Xiao Kui was deliberately drawing a line with him, but he didn't care, just glanced at the butler, and said deliberately: "In the rest of the time, I want to have some secret whispers with my fiancée, so you don't need to be there, right?"

However, when Feng Qinghan said this, the housekeeper didn't intend to leave, as if he was afraid that if she left, Feng Qinghan would take advantage of Xiao Kui by virtue of his stature.

Xiao Kui also saw what the housekeeper meant, so she looked at Feng Qinghan who didn't have a good impression of the housekeeper with a smile on her face, and explained for the housekeeper: "Young Master Feng is so confused. This is the housekeeper of the Lan Family Villa. The usual scope of work is It's in this villa, especially the hall, if she didn't lead the maids to clean up the sanitation, or make all the preparations, I'm afraid the eldest brother will blame her when he comes back from work."

"Get off work? Didn't Young Master Lan not go to work today?" Feng Qinghan felt a little strange when he heard Xiao Kui say that. His news about Feng Qinghan was always accurate. When someone told him today that Lan Feng skipped work, In fact, he was also very surprised personally. Is the fate with Lan Feng a bad fate?He skipped work today, and Lan Feng actually slipped away with him?

The most important thing is that the people in the villa didn't seem to know that Lan Feng didn't go to work at all. After hearing what Feng Qinghan said, Xiao Kui's face suddenly became a little ugly...

Fortunately, the butler on the other side had quick eyes and quick hands, and hurriedly winked at Xiao Kui, and then echoed, "Second Miss is not feeling well today, so I didn't report to you about the young master's itinerary. The young master has other things to do, so today Didn't go to work."

"I see." Xiao Kui had to admire the butler's shrewdness. After mentioning Lan Feng, Xiao Kui didn't even know how to deal with it.The butler gave the best explanation with a face of disapproval?Now, Feng Qinghan won't be suspicious, will he?
But the butler changed the subject, and then looked at Feng Qinghan indifferently, and said with some warning: "It's just that Young Master Feng seems to be a little too concerned about the whereabouts of the young master, right? Although it is good to know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles, but Young Master Feng The method seems to be a bit harsh, if the person under surveillance is Feng Shao, how do you feel now?"

The butler's words were obviously unacceptable to Feng Qinghan, who has always been in a high position. His eyes began to become vaguely indifferent. Looking at the butler, his eyes were full of warning.

Feng Qinghan is an unscrupulous person, and he is quite ruthless. At this moment, the butler's words are obviously challenging his bottom line of patience. Xiao Kui didn't want the butler to be in danger, so he hurriedly rounded up the situation in the middle and said, "Now the air is getting colder. , but the quilts in many rooms of the villa haven’t been replaced with thick ones, so go and help the maid change some clean quilts first.”

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