She tried her best to control her nervousness and not to expose it too much. After seeing the sneer and mourning in the eyes of the bar owner, she replied:
"You are right, you are a desperado, but I need enough dignity to survive in this world. In comparison, I am the one who can't afford to lose, but I believe you can dig it out tonight." The trap is waiting for me to come, the purpose is not to humiliate me. Although you are a desperado, you still have a glimmer of hope in life, right? Or, you still have a family member who is worried, or a lover ?”

Xiao Kui boldly guessed the inner thoughts of the bar owner, and it could be seen that he had indeed lost hope in life, but the moment he saw Xiao Kui, he would have joined with those irrational drunks to hurt Xiao Kui. , but the fact that he didn't do this shows that the possibilities Xiao Kui guessed exist. In this case, Xiao Kui has the hope of saving himself.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Kui finished speaking, he saw that the bar owner's eyes seemed to have become a little dazed?Especially when she said the word 'lover', the bar owner's expression became even more tense. He looked at Xiao Kui in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that the little woman under him could see through his Like in his heart, but soon, a self-deprecating sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the movement of restraining Xiao Kui's wrist was stronger than before, as if he wanted to squeeze Xiao Kui's wrist abruptly...

This kind of bone-breaking strength made Xiao Kui almost faint from the pain, but she reminded herself that she must not faint now, otherwise the rest of her life would really be out of control!
In fact, the reason why the owner of the bar suddenly changed his face suddenly told Xiao Kui. He bit his lips tightly and looked at Xiao Kui as if he saw another woman. Same, approach me when I have money, and kick away when I have no money! Turn to another man, even if the other man is an old man who struggles to walk, you don’t dislike it, do you? Do you think you women deserve to die?"

Xiao Kui kept frowning because of the pain, the violent aura of the bar owner in front of her made her almost suffocate, her body was trembling, but even so, Xiao Kui still tried to guess the tragic story that happened to him, maybe, after getting When Zhifeng Qinghan announced that he was going to marry Xiao Kui, did the bar owner fall out with the woman he loves?Just because she couldn't continue to gain benefits from Feng Qinghan, the other party thought that the bar owner could not continue to provide her with a rich life, so she broke up cruelly, and soon found another old man who was good enough to be her grandfather?
If this is the case, then the bar owner is also a poor man trapped by love, no wonder he regards Xiao Kui as an enemy. In his opinion, it was Xiao Kui who caused him to lose all his previous glory, including his beloved, so How could he control himself not to seek revenge on Xiao Kui?

At this moment, Xiao Kui was no longer full of fear for the bar owner, but began to have some sympathy. She sighed and persuaded: "Have you thought about it? If someone really loves you, he will never care about how much money you have. , will only put all your thoughts on taking care of the lives of the two of you, and give you enough comfort and tolerance after you work hard all day and come home, and you will not treat her badly because you have no money. Concerned about gains and losses, true love does not care about the other party's background, if the lady you talk about can change your feelings for you so easily, then I can only wonder if what you met was not true love? But you are wrong Did you give your feelings?"

"What do you know? Just talking nonsense here? We used to have a good relationship. She is very gentle and knows how to dress herself up. With her, she can completely read my mind. Such a smart woman is What I want most in this life!"

The expression of the bar owner immediately changed from the nervousness before to the panic now, as if someone had seen through his small thoughts. Those words that constantly emphasized true love were nothing more than the most pitiful pleas to Xiao Kui.

No wonder he trapped himself in this relationship, maybe he already knew that the other person didn't really love him, but just loved his money, sadly, he mistook these for true love , so you can't get out, right?
However, the more the bar owner denied it, the more Xiao Kui pointed out emphatically: "Then it is to convince me, do you dare to call her now, and say that Feng Qinghan will give you a considerable sum in order to compensate you?" Let’s see if she will return to you immediately after hearing this sentence? Even the tone of her speech is 100 million times gentler than when she first found out that you are bankrupt?”

Since Xiao Kui's words can't be approved by the bar owner, then he can only find a way to let him prove all this. I hope to get out of this relationship, realize that the other party is not really suitable for his bar owner, and finally let go of my heart For Xiao Kui's hostility, don't make mistakes again and again, right?
However, after hearing Xiao Kui's proposal, the bar owner seemed very unconfident. He frowned, and finally moved his eyes away from Xiao Kui's face, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "You women need material things in the first place. life, we have been together for so many years, she will never have no feelings for me, I don't believe she will, I don't believe it!"

"Did you forget what you said to me just now? You said that after she heard that you had no money, she had already turned to another old man's arms. Don't dislike him. He is so old that he can't stand up. Such a woman, you But he said he still has feelings for you? I'm afraid you can't convince yourself, right?" Xiao Kui looked at the phone on the other side, with a hint of malice in his eyes, and said emphatically:
"Don't you really want to solve this doubt earlier in your heart? Do you want to live a life of such contradictions? Is she affectionate or unintentional towards you? Don't you care about these?"

I don't know if it was influenced by Xiao Kui's words?Or does the bar owner also want to prove through facts that the other party still has feelings for him?He finally let go of Xiao Kui's slender arm, and then sat on the sofa beside him, but his whole person didn't look as evil as before, instead, he looked like a deflated ball, so fragile that it made people feel distressed.

He put his head in his hands, and murmured in pain, "You're right, some doubts have to be resolved. Okay, I can make this call."

Although when he said these words, the bar owner still sounded a bit stubborn. After all, he didn't know anything about the other party's feelings. If he guessed wrong, wouldn't it be a waste of joy?However, he took a look at Xiao Kui, who had a calm face beside him, and grabbed the phone on the other side. Even without looking at the address book, he was able to recite the number fluently at the first time, and he could tell the feelings of the past few years, whether the woman on the other side had really?Xiao Kui didn't know, but at least the bar owner treated him with sincerity, right?

After the phone rang a lot, it was finally connected by the other party, "Who is it? Calling my mother in the middle of the night? It affects my mother's rest, do you know?"

It is understandable that the other party fell asleep at this time. No wonder it took so many rings to get connected, and the tone sounded extra impatient. The bar owner looked at Xiao Kui with a slightly embarrassed expression, and then spoke very gently to Xiao Kui. The woman on the phone said, "Honey, are you asleep? I'm Ah Wei?"

"Awei?" After hearing the bar owner's self-reported name, the other party's tone was obviously more impatient than before, and he almost cursed: "Why is it you?"

After the other party received the call from the bar owner Ah Wei, he seemed very impatient, and kept sarcastically saying: "Didn't I always warn you, a poor man, not to call me again? Why did you choose to be in the bar?" Calling in the middle of the night? Hmph! You don't know the power of my new boyfriend, do you?"

When the word "new boyfriend" was mentioned, the woman seemed to talk about it, as if the other party was powerful enough to protect her, give her a rich life, and help her get rid of the entanglement of her ex-boyfriend, and kept warning Ah Wei not to Continue to entangle, otherwise the new boyfriend will definitely take revenge on Ah Wei.

However, Ah Wei seemed a little cautious in front of this vicious woman, perhaps because he wanted to save this relationship too much, so he would rather even speak in the tone of the other party. He frowned, lowered his voice to persuade the woman, and said: "Mei Mei , do you have to be so indifferent to me? Could it be that you have forgotten the relationship between us for so many years so quickly? Don't do this, think about the days we were together, don't you treat me..."

"Stop it!" Before Ah Wei could finish speaking, Meimei interrupted him directly, and felt that it was ridiculous for A Wei to try to remember the past and miss this relationship, she snorted coldly with disdain: " You want to ask me if I still miss you, right? I can tell you clearly, not at all! I was with you at the beginning because of your money. In the past few years, under the banner of falling in love with me, you have completely Cut off my contact with other men, and instead I have an unclear relationship with those women in the bar. I have endured all this. If you still have money, I still have the confidence to turn a blind eye to you Yan, but you are so poor now that you actually want to use your former feelings to save me? Don't be ridiculous!"

Meimei used the most vicious language, as if hoping to completely cut off contact with Ah Wei, which made Ah Wei very sad. He knew that during the time they were together, he had indeed kept secrets with different women outside. I thought Meimei wouldn't find out, no wonder her attitude was so decisive when we broke up.

Thinking of this, Ah Wei completely lowered his posture, and said to the cynical Mei Mei on the other end of the phone.

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