After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 64: A Suffering Drama

Stepping on high-heeled shoes, the long skirt is elegant, swaying in the breeze like green willows, the clean short hair looks charming under the light, and the obviously well-dressed makeup also makes the women present feel jealous. This woman who has always been low-key now If you really want to dress up, it turns out to be so beautiful and radiant?

Lin Yiqing vaguely sensed that it wasn't just the men in the crowd who were impressed by Xiao Kui's beauty tonight, even Feng Qinghan beside her couldn't move her eyes away when she saw Xiao Kui, and even her eyes were a little cloudy scary?
"Ahem." Lin Yiqing didn't want Feng Qinghan to keep looking at Xiao Kui, so she deliberately coughed a few times and reminded, "Feng Qinghan, don't forget your real purpose today!"

After the words fell, Feng Qinghan glanced at Lin Yiqing, but did not speak. Just at this moment, Xiao Kui had already walked in front of the two of them, and before she could speak, Lin Yiqing heard a sour and mean voice: "Everyone! It's so late, I thought Xiao Kui, you fell asleep at home and wouldn't show up?"

"Let Ms. Lin worry about it. I am really sleepy at this time in normal times, but I can't sleep tonight after tossing and turning. I always think that there is such an excellent man as Feng Shao waiting for me here. If it were Ms. Lin, I would feel at ease. Did you sleep?"

He could clearly hear Lin Yiqing's cynicism, and this time Xiao Kui didn't save Lin Yiqing any face at all. Her sharp verbal attacks showed that she was not easy to be bullied. Feng Qinghan on one side couldn't help but have a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You!" Lin Yiqing was so angry that she couldn't speak, she looked at Feng Qinghan only for help, as if she hoped that Feng Qinghan would stand up and say a few words for her now.

However, I found that Feng Qinghan's eyes seemed to be straight since the moment Xiao Kui appeared, is it the same now?

Lin Yiqing stomped her feet angrily, could only stare back at Xiao Kui, and continued without admitting defeat: "If it was me, I wouldn't let Qinghan waste time waiting, and a woman who can be liked by Qinghan should naturally have a sense of propriety. Excessive pampering and arrogance will only arouse men's disgust!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yiqing hugged Feng Qinghan's arm ambiguously. Even though she clearly saw the suspicious look in Xiao Kui's eyes, she still couldn't get tired of it, as if she couldn't wait to let the whole world know her relationship with Feng Qinghan.

It's a pity that Xiao Kui didn't ask, and finally looked at this handsome man with a strange sneer on the corner of his mouth, who didn't even refuse Lin Yiqing's ambiguous touch, the corners of his lips curled up, "Feng Shao's hobby It's really special. You clearly agreed to propose to me tonight, but you have an ambiguous relationship with my future sister-in-law? Feng Shao is a person who values ​​face. This is a public place, and there are countless cameras and reporters. If tonight's proposal becomes After seeing the chaotic relationship of the wealthy family, I wonder how Feng Shao feels?"

"Well said!" Even Feng Qinghan couldn't help but praise the eloquent Xiao Qingmo. The temperament of this woman leaving the factory is different from before. If he was compared to a simple lamb, then now It's the fox that's just starting to make a difference, right?Feng Qinghan has always disliked women who don't have their own ideas, Xiao Kui in front of him obviously amazes him, if she is not Lan Feng's younger sister, maybe it would be a good choice to keep her by his side to give advice occasionally, right?
Not only did he admire Xiao Kui's clear thinking in his heart, but Feng Qinghan also calmly broke away from Lin Yiqing's constantly entangled arms, and while there was indifference in those eyes, there was also a bit of warning in them.

"Yi Qing, there are many people here. If someone reports that we have a close relationship, then I'm afraid you and I will lose face. You should step aside first. You have nothing to say to Miss Xiao alone."

Even though Lin Yiqing still had every kind of displeasure in her heart, since Feng Qinghan had already said so, if she didn't leave, it might only arouse Feng Qinghan's resentment, so she could only stare at Xiao Kui while slightly backed off a little.

The crowd seemed to be full of expectations for these two wealthy men and women who developed an underground relationship, especially the proposal venue that Feng Qinghan personally sent someone to decorate, which was unheard of before. If every woman can have this kind of favor, That is the greatest luck, right?
After sending Lin Yiqing away, Feng Qinghan took a few steps forward, wanted to hold Xiao Kui's hand, but she refused, Lin Yiqing on the side almost laughed out loud, even the crowd couldn't help but gasp With a breath of air, Xiao Kui actually refused Feng Qinghan's intimate contact?Could it be that she came here tonight not to agree to the marriage proposal and to complete this perfect love story of falling in love like a fairy tale, but to reject it?

There have been voices of discussion in the crowd gradually, but Feng Qinghan, one of the parties involved, has not changed the smile on the corner of his mouth. It seems that Xiao Kui's reaction has long been expected, so he said lightly: "It's only natural for Ms. Xiao to be angry. After all, there were some misunderstandings when we met, but since Ms. Xiao can appear here tonight, don't you also want to forget those misunderstandings?"

"Feng Shao's leisurely ridicule is not a fatal mistake, but a misunderstanding can wipe out Feng Shao's deliberate deception? Feng Shao doesn't think it's an understatement?" Xiao Kui smiled slightly, "And will the plain The two acquaintances deliberately advertised that they are underground lovers who have been in love for a long time, Feng Shao, is this because he usually watches too many love TV dramas? Poisoned?"

"What dissatisfaction is there? Ms. Xiao, why don't you just say it in one breath. I am definitely not the kind of stingy person. I will definitely listen to Ms. Xiao's dissatisfaction before explaining it." Not only did Feng Qinghan not say anything to Xiao Kui I feel disgusted, but I am more and more interested in her. This woman's courage is beyond expectations. If other women have the opportunity to approach him, it will be too late to please him, so why would they chatter about his shortcomings?But Xiao Kui obviously hates those women very differently, this is also one of her charms, right?
When Lin Yiqing saw Feng Qinghan, who was always insidious and domineering, it was rare for her to have a good temper with Xiao Kui?Naturally, she couldn't be more angry, if no one cares about her nonsense, she will definitely step forward and drive Xiao Kui away, and won't give her the chance to continue to fascinate Feng Qinghan!

Xiao Kui also noticed Feng Qinghan's ambiguous eyes. She has been deceived once and experienced the serious consequences. She will never allow herself to be deceived by this man again.

So the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually changed from harmless to cold and cold, "I didn't come tonight to listen to explanations. The news is overwhelming. You have arranged the proposal venue and you want to propose to me? But since it is a proposal If so, shouldn’t it be more romantic? The necessary steps cannot be omitted, after all, there are so many media reporters watching, what do you think, Young Master Feng?”

"Could it be that Ms. Xiao has any special requirements?" Seeing that Xiao Kui's words had another meaning, Feng Qinghan wanted to know what was going on in this articulate woman's mind right now?
Sure enough, what Xiao Kui said in the next second not only surprised Feng Qinghan himself, but even Lin Yiqing couldn't listen anymore!
Regarding the proposal, Xiao Kui was not in a hurry to refuse, but pointed to Feng Qinghan's knee, and said: "Since Feng Shao is fascinated by romantic dramas, I have heard that when the male lead proposed, he stood upright." Why? Why do I vaguely remember kneeling on one knee, being serious and full of love?"

"If this young master does this, will Miss Xiao agree to this young master's marriage proposal?" Very interesting, is this the first time a woman has made such a request in front of Feng Qinghan?That's right, if they really asked for marriage, it would be to kneel down on one knee in a grand and serious manner, but now the purpose of the two people is unknown to others, but they knew it well at the time.

It seems that Xiao Kui hopes that Feng Qinghan will kneel down to propose marriage, and after being photographed by the media reporter, then ruthlessly refuse, in order to retaliate against him for deceiving her before?
Xiao Kui smiled charmingly, "That's not necessarily true, but Feng Shao doesn't even sacrifice this, so how can I trust Feng Shao's sincerity towards me?"

snort!This wind is cold!Since I want to act so much, I will act out a bitter drama in front of everyone!The leader of the dignified Feng family group actually kneeled down to a woman?Or in full view?interesting!Just thinking about the picture is enough to make it interesting!

Feng Qinghan looked at Xiao Kui with a smile on his face, no one knew what he was going to do next?However, Xiao Kui's request has been heard by the surrounding crowd, and they all started to boo. The reporters also raised their cameras high, as if they wanted to be the first to capture this historic scene and publish it in tomorrow's newspaper. headlines!

Although Feng Qinghan was still smiling, her smile was vaguely stiff. Lin Yiqing ignored Feng Qinghan's warning and rushed forward angrily. Without saying a word, she pushed Xiao Kui away and stared at her angrily. As if to kill Xiao Kui.

"You woman is too shameless, right? Qinghan proposes to you, but you still let him kneel down? How can there be such an unreasonable woman like you in the world?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yiqing grabbed Feng Qinghan's arm directly, as if she was Feng Qinghan's real woman, with a posture like a hostess, "Qinghan, you should stop wasting your tongue with this woman, she It is simply impossible to agree to your marriage proposal, but deliberately let you lose face in front of everyone, Qinghan, can you leave here with me? Don't be fooled by this woman again. "

Feng Qinghan didn't make a statement from the beginning to the end, and let Lin Yiqing pull him a few steps. At this time, I only heard Xiao Kui's attitude behind him unchanged, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, "Young Master Feng, even for the woman you love. You can’t even do this little sacrifice, and you still keep saying in front of the media that you have the deepest affection for me? Are you determined?”

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