As soon as Lin Yiqing came in, she sat on the sofa unceremoniously. For the Fengjia Group, she seemed to have no place to stop her, so everything seemed very familiar.

Feng Qinghan glanced at her dotingly, and was not angry at the secretary, but waved his hand and ordered: "Young Master, I know, you can go down first."

Then he sat opposite Lin Yiqing, which seemed to be a subconscious action. After all, if Lin Yiqing came to him before, Feng Qinghan would sit beside her without hesitation, even if it would attract Lin Yiqing's attention. There are many dissatisfaction, but Feng Qinghan never changes his habit, but since last night, this habit seems to have changed?

Lin Yiqing was also aware of this, and thought that the trouble last night was not pleasant, but Feng Qinghan announced in front of the media this morning that she would propose to Xiao Kui tonight?As soon as she comes, maybe Feng Qinghan will immediately surrender and give an explanation?
However, Feng Qinghan's indifferent attitude also surprised Lin Yiqing, as if she had changed from a favored child to an indifferent beggar. Lin Yiqing felt a little uncomfortable.

She was so angry that she even spoke sourly, and asked, "I've read the news reports, do you know that today all the media are covering the whole world, about you getting engaged to Xiao Kui? Qinghan, aren’t you crazy? What’s wrong with Xiao Kui? Even if you want to take advantage of her and defeat Lan Shao, you should think of a better way, right?”

Why just use marriage as a bet?This made Lin Yiqing a little angry, especially thinking of Feng Qinghan's eyes full of tenderness when she looked at Xiao Kui last night, Lin Yiqing couldn't help but become more suspicious. After all, Feng Qinghan was really just using Xiao Kui?Or when did he fall in love with this woman?Didn't he even notice it?

Thinking of this, Lin Yiqing gritted her teeth. The two men she likes must not be destroyed by one woman!She will never allow this to happen!
"You are Lan Feng's fiancée. If there was any way to make him submit to my Fengjia Group, wouldn't you have done it long ago? Would you still be at a loss and wait until now?" Feng Qinghan smiled coldly, reached out and turned off the video display screen, Putting the coffee cup aside, Lin Yiqing was a little surprised by her lazy attitude.

But when Lan Feng was mentioned, Lin Yiqing would think of his hatred for refusing to see her many times, so her face flushed, and she retorted angrily: "I clearly said that I would take refuge in your arms, and I kept saying What did you mention about Lan Feng? Or did you change your mind? You disliked me for being engaged to Lan Feng and loved him, so you started being lukewarm to me, right? "

This is the only reason Lin Yiqing can think of, but if Feng Qinghan dislikes her like this, then she has already been engaged to Lan Feng half a year ago. During this period, Feng Qinghan's attitude towards her has always been pampering. Is there something wrong with drowning?
Seeing Lin Yiqing's injured face, the smile on the corner of Feng Qinghan's mouth became even more sinister, and he replied sharply: "Don't worry, Xiao Kui will absolutely not agree to this young master's marriage proposal tonight."

"Are you so confident? What if the world is unpredictable, and Xiao Kui, that stinky girl, has a hard time living in the Lan family and joins you on a whim, then..."

Where does Feng Qinghan's self-confidence come from?In short, Lin Yiqing feels that everything is not absolute, even the photos of Xiao Kui sleeping in the media are published in the newspapers, even though Lan Feng will definitely use the power of the Lan Family Group to force those magazines that publish the photos to sell The newspaper confiscated it, but it still couldn't change the truth that everyone now recognizes, that is, Feng Qinghan and Xiao Kui are so close that they can take photos casually while they are asleep.

In case Xiao Kui broke the jar and fell on Shangfeng Qinghan, wouldn't she, Lin Yiqing, lose more than she gained?After finally making up her mind to leave Lan Feng, whom she has admired for many years, and fall into Feng Qinghan's arms, if Feng Qinghan is now dominated by Xiao Kui, then what should she do?

Thinking of this, she didn't care about a woman's reserve and her sense of honor as a daughter, she took the initiative to walk to Feng Qinghan's side, sat next to him, leaned her head on Feng Qinghan's shoulder, bit her lips tightly, and begged: "You have mentioned to me more than once that only the combination of you and me is the most perfect, and I will be able to take over Lin's soon. When the time comes to join hands with your Fengjia Group, Lan Feng will naturally not be Opponent, at this critical moment, you must not be swayed by Xiao Kui's cuteness in disguise? Don't forget that I made up my mind to come to you with great difficulty. If you fail me, I really will I will hate you forever!"

It was the first time in more than ten years that Lin Yiqing showed her side as a little woman in front of Feng Qinghan. Feng Qinghan was a little flattered, but she also knew that her plan to kill two birds with one stone had succeeded!
She reached out and stroked Lin Yiqing's shoulder, laid her down on the sofa, kissed the corners of her mouth and neck domineeringly, and slowly unbuttoned her clothes with her slender fingertips, just like treating her with him before. Like all women in his relationship, his movements fascinated women with little experience, trembling all over, as if they had reached a heavenly feeling.

Of course, Feng Qinghan would not tell Lin Yiqing. In fact, when designing Xiao Kui, he also quietly designed Lin Yiqing in the whole plan. The bracelet did not fall from Xiao Kui's arm at all. Instead, Feng Qinghan had ordered the driver to put it there a long time ago, in order to make the competitive Lin Yiqing jealous, so she went back to Feng's villa and saw with her own eyes the scene of Xiao Kui sleeping in his bed.

Naturally, Lin Yiqing would not be affected by this kind of uselessness, and she saw that she couldn't get anything cheap from Lan Feng. A woman like Lin Yiqing would definitely be anxious to find another support for herself. At this time, Feng Qinghan is undoubtedly The best candidate.

I don't know how long the two have been crazy?The female secretary could hear the embarrassing voice even outside the door, and then Feng Qinghan got up and put on her clothes again, and put a blanket on Lin Yiqing who was sleeping on the sofa, he knew that Lin Yiqing had completely become one of her pockets However, looking at the sleeping Lin Yiqing, another woman's face appeared in Feng Qinghan's mind unknowingly. It was a person who would never lose to Lin Yiqing in beauty, and her temperament was even stronger than that of Lin Yiqing. Sunny is a more exciting person.

He watched the news, proudly announcing that he was going to propose to Xiao Kui, and wondered countless times, which smile on the corner of his mouth could really be faked?Or does it just come out naturally when you think of Xiao Kui?

dong dong dong.

The female secretary knocked softly on the door after hearing that there were no more embarrassing voices in the office, and Feng Qinghan took another look at Lin Yiqing who was on the sofa, then sat back at the desk and said to the secretary who knocked on the door: "Come in!" .”

I saw the female secretary holding a phone. Although she noticed Lin Yiqing, who was sleeping under a blanket, she didn't dare to make too much of it, for fear that she would make some wrong move because of her confused thoughts, which would cause her to lose her mind. Handing the phone to Feng Qinghan, the female secretary said respectfully, "It's an overseas call, the manager of a foreign branch."

"Is there something wrong?" After answering the phone, Feng Qinghan squinted his eagle eyes and rubbed his temples tiredly. He had dealt with several different women in one night before, but he had never felt so tired like now , I think it must not be Lin Yiqing's problem, it is probably the first time that my brain spins wildly because of missing a woman, so I am a little tired now, right?

But despite hearing Feng Qinghan's slightly impatient voice, the branch manager on the other end of the phone couldn't hide his excitement, and he said to Feng Qinghan as if asking for credit: "Young Master Feng, the company has just received a few big deals. They were all assigned to be in charge of the Lan Family Group before, but after hearing that Young Master Feng and the Second Miss of the Lan Family were about to tie the knot, they turned to our company one after another. According to visual inspection, only our small branch company is going to be in charge today. It can cause millions of losses to the Lanjia Group, not to mention opening countless branches around the world, as well as a domestic head office."

The tone of the branch manager sounded complacent, as if he had seen the dawn of the Fengjia Group's coming to overthrow the Lanjia Group, but Feng Qinghan was not as simple-minded as he was. He was too happy, but his eyes were more serious than before. He emphasized: "Idiot! Have you thought about it? Since some people think that the Feng family and the Lan family are about to marry and hand over the business to our Feng family group, then the same Naturally, some business that was originally entrusted to our Feng family will be handed over to the Lan family. It only takes one morning. How can we tell who wins and who loses? Humph! What an idiot!"

Feng Qinghan's words seemed to be a blow to the manager of the branch. He must have been too excited, right?That's why he was so eager to tell Feng Qinghan the good news?As everyone knows, they have also forgotten the pros and cons that Feng Qinghan said. Even if the ambiguous relationship between Feng Qinghan and Xiao Kui is made public, it does not mean that the Lan Family Group can close down overnight. Can't tell the difference!

"Yes, Feng Shao is right to teach you a lesson. It is true that your subordinates were negligent." The branch manager quickly apologized.

Even after hanging up the phone, Feng Qinghan's face still looks ugly, even though Lin Yiqing, who has been in love with her for many years, is lying on the sofa not far away, but it doesn't seem to be able to make her happy. On the contrary, she kept saying Xiao Kui, who just wanted to take advantage of her, even just sitting with her and looking at her face could calm his angry heart gradually.

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