The driver opened the car door, Lin Yiqing sat on it, but still looked at Feng Qinghan reluctantly, but was this the figure from the back who noticed him hurried upstairs?

Even though there were all kinds of dissatisfaction in her heart, Lin Yiqing still persuaded herself, after all, the other party was Feng Qinghan?Feng Qinghan is the kind of person who will still be devoted to her no matter who betrays her?As the car slowly left the villa, Lin Yiqing suddenly felt that there seemed to be some chrome feet under her feet?She leaned over to pick it up, and saw under the street lights that it was a bracelet that only women would wear?

Suddenly, her heart tightened, and she looked at the driver with a cold expression on her face, Lin Yiqing asked without hesitation: "Now there is a good way to make you double your salary at once, as long as you can call Ms. Ben a question , this sum of money will appear on your card soon, how about it?"

Lin Yiqing believes that everyone in this world can be bought with money!After all, if it is not for money, everyone will not come out to work hard.

However, when her attractive conditions were placed in front of the driver, didn't she see how surprised the driver was?Just when she was surprised, the driver's voice slowly came from the driving seat: "Shao Feng's salary is quite generous, and it is enough to support the wife and children at home. Thank you Miss Lin for your appreciation, but the subordinates cannot betray Feng Shao , Of course, if there is anything I can help you with, I will definitely do my best."

The driver rejected her offer to buy him with money?This made Lin Yiqing feel very unbelievable, did not expect that there would be such a loyal driver beside Feng Qinghan?

She only felt that her cheeks were blue and white, but she didn't waste time, but directly threw the bracelet to the driver, and asked: "I know Feng Qinghan's character somewhat, and he definitely has many new and old loves outside, but this The car is exclusive to him, and it seems that he has never used this car to drive other women except me, but what about this bracelet? Who else has been in this car besides me? "

This person must be very special to Feng Qinghan, right?Otherwise, how could he allow her to sit in his car?The driver glanced at the bracelet and frowned slightly. It seems that Xiao Kui accidentally left it on the car in the evening?
The driver didn't speak, but put the bracelet in his pocket silently, and then said to Lin Yiqing through the rearview mirror: "It's a pity that my subordinates can't answer this question. Ms. Lin, please don't embarrass my subordinates."

"Hehe, is that right? Even you can't answer, are you worried that if you answer, it will be bad for your master?" Lin Yiqing suddenly felt very funny, why did life treat her so much when she seemed to have a glamorous appearance? joke?The men she likes actually have other women in their hearts?On the surface, she is gentle to her, but in fact, is this kindness distributed to all women?Who can explain this clearly?

Tears rolled in Lin Yiqing's eyes. She was really hurt this time. She thought that if there was wind and cold, there would be a way out, but was the sincerity he expressed countless times before serious?Who can guarantee it?

It seems that men in this world are indeed untrustworthy, right?

Naturally, Feng Qinghan didn't know about the bracelet, so he quickly came to the room where Xiao Kui was. At this moment, she was lying in the dark room, her clothes had been taken off by the maid, and her white body was covered by Wrapped in a quilt, she breathed evenly, and her flushed cheeks calmed down a lot, making her look even more beautiful under the moonlight.

Feng Qinghan pushed open the room and saw this scene, his heartbeat couldn't help beating even more violently, it turned out that not only the awake Xiao Kui would make his heart beat faster, but also the sleeping Xiao Kui unconsciously possessed such power?

He stepped forward, leaned close to her who was sleeping, stretched out his hand to caress her beautiful cheeks, and tested her gentle body temperature, his eyes were no longer domineering and cold, but gentler, and his mood seemed to be infected by her sleep It seemed that all the unhappiness accumulated in my heart during the day disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"What kind of existence are you? Stupid? Simple?" For the first time, he felt as if he couldn't understand a woman at all. He stroked her fair neck, and she seemed to feel itching even in her sleep, so she curled up , with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his smile, Feng Qinghan couldn't control his brain anymore, and leaned over to kiss her lips!But at this moment, a strange man's voice suddenly came from the hall?He seems to have forced his way in. What is he arguing with the maid at this moment?
In fact, it was none other than Pingxiang who broke into Feng Qinghan's villa!Ever since he knew that the mysterious man who played Xiao Kui's rhythm on the night of the class reunion was not really Cheng Xuanyang, but Feng Qinghan, he ran all the way to the place where Feng Qinghan could appear, but he couldn't find anyone in the end, so he could only The target was locked in this villa. Coincidentally, he overheard the news that today is Feng Qinghan's birthday?I still remember that the guard of the Lan Family Villa told him that Xiao Kui was very well-dressed. Could it be that Feng Qinghan used his birthday to invite Xiao Kui, who was still kept in the dark, to participate?
So he rushed directly to the villa regardless of the guards and maids' obstruction, and then looked around for Xiao Kui?But he couldn't find anyone. The maid blocked his way, and she was a little puzzled by the man who suddenly appeared, "Sir, no matter who you are? You are definitely not the guest Feng Shao invited today, please Can you leave the villa? Otherwise we will call the police!"

"That bastard Feng Qinghan did all kinds of bad things, and even deceived people who shouldn't be deceived. Even if we call the police, who is the prisoner that the police should arrest?" Did Qing Han and Xiao Kui really have something that shouldn't have happened?So he was almost yelling at the maid in front of him.

And the maid seems to have gradually realized the reason why Pingxiang came here, but because of Feng Qinghan, she couldn't reveal Xiao Kui's exact location, so she could only persuade with a distressed face: "That lady is not Feng Shao. He was cheated, but he was willing to be with us Feng Shao, this gentleman, please stop messing around, okay?"

The maid thought that this man and the previous Xiao Kui were in a relationship?Otherwise, why would you be so nervous?But his beloved girlfriend actually took the initiative to throw herself into another man's arms?No wonder Pingxiang couldn't accept it, it would be difficult for any man to accept it, right?

The maid's words inadvertently made Ping Xiang more convinced of his inner doubts, so Xiao Kui is really in this villa?
After being convinced of this point, Pingxiang doesn't care whether he will be arrested by the police or not?Go upstairs and downstairs and call Xiao Kui's name!

"Xiao Kui? Xiao Kui, are you somewhere here? I'm Ping Xiang, and I'm here to pick you up. Don't be fooled by Feng Qinghan, a hypocritical man! The real Cheng Xuanyang has passed away. , I specifically asked the professor at the time, the news is definitely not wrong, the current Cheng Xuanyang is actually Feng Qinghan pretending to deceive you, Xiao Kui, where are you?"

"Sir? Sir, please don't do this, okay?" Seeing that she could not stop Pingxiang with her own strength, the maid hurriedly greeted the guards and said, "Come on quickly? Please hurry up and invite this gentleman out of the villa, please?" "

However, just as the guard and Ping Xiang were chattering, a domineering yet dangerous voice suddenly came from the corridor on the second floor: "Master Ping? You came to this young man's villa without sleep in the middle of the night to mess around. What does that mean?"

Following the prestige, I saw Feng Qinghan standing there in light blue pajamas. Although he was not complemented by a suit or leather shoes, his innate aura of king still surprised the maids and guards present.

The orange light hit his indifferent cheeks, but unfortunately, it couldn't bring him any gentle breath. The domineering and coldness exuding from his whole body already shocked the hearts of everyone present...

At this time, Pingxiang also saw Feng Qinghan coming out of the room?I also vaguely saw which room he came out of just now?Silently remembering it in his heart, then he strode upstairs, and in front of all the maids and guards, he punched Feng Qinghan's handsome face directly?

This action caused the maids present to open their mouths wide in fright. Is there anyone in this world who dares to follow Feng Qinghan's fist?What is his identity?It's too late for everyone to curry favor with him, what's wrong with this man?

However, there was no trace of anger on the face of Feng Qinghan who was beaten. With an evil sneer on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand to wipe the blood that was slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth, and then he still had that gloomy expression, teasing Pingxiang , Said: "Master Ping, could it be that he really sleepwalked and came to this young master? Fortunately, this young master is in a good mood tonight, with a beautiful woman to accompany him, so don't worry about it with you, Young master Ping."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the guard downstairs who was still standing still and said, "Why are you standing still? Why aren't you seeing off the guests?"

Only then did the guard come to his senses, and subconsciously went up the stairs, planning to forcibly drag Ping Xiang away?But Pingxiang directly blocked Feng Qinghan's way, his eyes were full of anger, as if he wanted to beat Feng Qinghan to death in this villa!What did he just say?Accompanied by a beautiful woman?Does it mean Xiao Kui's failure?
So he warned angrily: "Feng Qinghan, what have you done to Xiao Kui? Stop pretending to be a gentleman in front of me. Those stupid people may be deceived by you, but I will not! I never I knew how despicable and shameless you were when I was in college? I didn’t expect you to go so far as to deceive the kind Xiao Kui? Are you still pretending to be her college classmate Cheng Xuanyang?"

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