"Miss, turn your head and look at the car at the door. Anyone who comes to our store is not short of money. What is your identity, miss? Can you make them willingly line up behind you for styling?"

"This?" Xiao Kui didn't know how to respond?Yeah, what right does she have to skip the hard line and let a stylist dress her up?

But just when she was distressed and didn't know what to do, a cold-looking woman suddenly appeared in front of her?And with a faint smile, he greeted and said, "Miss Xiao Kui? I don't know if you still remember me?"

Following the prestige, before Xiao Kui could speak, the waiter, who was still arrogant towards her just now, bowed respectfully after seeing the woman's appearance: "Boss? Why did you come out? "

boss?Xiao Kui frowned slightly, and finally remembered the identity of a woman, and immediately said with a pleasant face, "Aren't you the one who helped me with styling last time?"

"That's right, Ms. Xiao Kui has a good memory. I was afraid that you wouldn't remember me when we meet again." The glamorous woman wore a tight skirt, revealing her good figure. Her tall figure was paired with stiletto shoes, which made her look even more enchanting. Then the glamorous woman seemed not to see the waiter at all, but still said to Xiao Kui in a friendly tone; "Actually, I am not only a stylist, I am also Susan, the owner of this stylist. I was resting in the office, but I saw Miss Xiao Kui coming on the monitor, so I came out."

After saying hello to Xiao Kui, did Susan remember the waiter who was upset with Xiao Kui just now?So she said with a warning face: "How dare you speak presumptuously to such a distinguished guest, Miss Xiao Kui just now? Do you know who she is? She is the second lady of the Lan Family Group! How dare you stop her? You don't want to stay here Does it work here?"

"No, Sister Susan, that's not what I meant." The waiter immediately spit at the word Lanjia Group, and his body seemed to start to tremble a little. Looking at Xiao Kui, the waiter quickly apologized and said, "I'm really sorry. Miss Xiao Kui, you are so young that you don’t know Taishan, you just said some exaggerated things, miss, please don’t take it to your heart, I won’t dare to do it again next time.”

Susan just wanted to fire the waiter to show Xiao Kui's nobility, but Xiao Kui stopped her. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said to Susan: "Forget it, since he already knew he was wrong, then don't I'll pursue it further, and I'm the one who didn't declare his family background at the beginning, so it's no wonder he is the one."

"Okay, since Miss Xiao Kui has already said so, then I just have to do it." Susan's tone to Xiao Kui was gentle, but when she turned to the waiter, she was a little impatient, "Thank you soon Miss Xiao Kui's forgiveness? Next time, if you can't tell the difference between superiority and inferiority, don't blame me for firing you!"

The waiter apologized again and again, so that the matter was over, but Xiao Kui felt a little uncomfortable with Susan's sentence of "can't tell the difference between superiority and inferiority". Is it true that in this society, superiority and inferiority are really so important?People with high status will be respected, but poor people can only be looked down upon?Just like when she first came to the styling shop, was the waiter's dismissive attitude towards her?
Susan invited her to her special dressing room, and while gently wiping her face, as if applying foundation or something, chatted with her without saying a word, Xiao Kui was very surprised by Susan's Memory, she only came here once, and it was brought by Lin Yiqing, Susan can remember her identity all at once?It is also very powerful.

"Miss Susan?" She hesitated, wondering whether she should say what she was holding back in her heart.

But Susan saw her hesitation, a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she replied: "Miss Xiao Kui, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Susan, I'm just the owner of a small beauty shop, how dare I Let the second lady of the Lan Family Group use the honorific title?"

"No, seeing that you are probably a little older than me, then I will call you Miss Susan just like the waiter just now." This address can not only express politeness to Susan, but also make Xiao Kui feel comfortable. Some, she is a little different from those famous daughters, she doesn't need to be served like a queen by others, as long as she gets along more comfortably is enough.

"Miss Lin Yiqing is the most honored VIP in our shop. Of course, she is also the hardest customer to serve." Susan didn't say this to make Xiao Kui happy. On the contrary, maybe she just felt that Xiao Kui and other daughters Miss is different, that's why you dare to tell the truth occasionally in front of her, right?

It's just that Xiao Kui didn't answer what she said. Susan was definitely not the first person to experience Lin Yiqing's arrogance and arrogance, as she was just tricked by Lin Yiqing a few nights ago.

Looking at Susan's face in the mirror, Xiao Kui asked, "With all due respect, why does Miss Susan's store only accept rich customers? Does it mean that people without money have no right to love beauty?" Is it? Sorry, I may be a little too straightforward..."

"In Ms. Xiao Kui's opinion, is that so?" Frowning, the smile on the corner of Susan's mouth was slightly bitter, "But what should I do? I don't want to receive them, so I turned them away."

Of course the poor also have the right to love beauty, but since this is the store opened by Susan, they naturally have the right to choose their own customers, and no one else has the right to dictate.

Thinking of this, Xiao Kui didn't intend to say anything else, this was to feel sorry for the beautiful girls who came to Susan's shop, but what Susan said later surprised her a little.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Susan seemed to know what she was thinking?He was not angry, but continued with a gentle tone: "The consumption of this kind of store is difficult for ordinary people to bear. Even though some women who love beauty would rather spend a month's salary to spend a day in beauty, but this kind of dedication and sacrifice is very important to me. It is really hard to understand, why not use the hard-earned money in a more appropriate place? So Ms. Xiao Kui thought that I refused to accept poor customers just to make money for the store and look down on them. In my opinion Quite the opposite."

Xiao Kui was surprised by Susan's exit. She refused to accept the poor because of their wallets and livelihood?
Inadvertently looking at the women who are constantly looking at the styling shop from the window, their dress is indeed a bit rustic, but if you want to compare this extreme consumption method, they can find a way that is more suitable for their monthly salary. Susan's approach is also Reminding them in a disguised form, the difference between the wealthy and the poor, and helping them recognize the reality by the way?
Looking at Susan in the mirror, she suddenly felt that her temperament was more radiant and dazzling. After realizing that she had misunderstood Susan, Xiao Kui only felt a little blushing, so she hurriedly apologized with embarrassment, "I'm really sorry Miss Susan, I don't Stick to your decision."

"It doesn't matter, Miss Xiao Kui is definitely not the first person to have such doubts anyway, but you are the only one who dares to speak out." Susan and Xiao Kui have no communication, but looking at this face A quiet, calm woman who doesn't panic when things happen, but also has some inexplicable love in her heart.

In fact, although Susan is called "sister" by others, she is actually nearly 40 years old. It's just that she usually dresses up rather glamorously, and she has her own style in dressing, so it's hard for ordinary people to guess Show her real grade, right?

Not only does Susan like Xiao Kui, Xiao Kui himself also likes to chat with Susan. Seeing her, there is an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if meeting a friend who has not seen each other for many years. Both of them feel very cordial .

About an hour later, Xiao Kui standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror seemed to be a different person. Her white dress set off her graceful waist, and the simple but delicate makeup on her face made people feel pity. Most people might think that short hair It is difficult to have a beautiful shape, but under Susan's skillful dressing, her short hair is also very delicate. In short, she has completely changed her face now.

"Looking at how hard you are dressing up, you probably want to meet someone important, right? A man?" There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Susan's mouth, but it wasn't that she guessed what Xiao Kui was thinking, on the contrary, Susan also When she was young, she was determined to pursue love at all costs. Seeing Xiao Kui now, she seemed to be completely understandable.

However, Xiao Kui's cheeks flushed unnaturally after hearing the phrase "important person" she said. Is Cheng Xuanyang an important person in her life?
Smiling gratefully at Susan, Xiao Kui couldn't wait to leave the styling shop.

But after her figure disappeared into the vast crowd, Susan looked at the gradually blurred back, with a bitter smile on her mouth: "Have we finally met? Xiao Kui, you know how hard I have worked so hard to get close to you all these years." ? If you finally take the initiative to get close to me, hehe, God’s will?"

Xiao Kui first returned to Lan's villa, and Cheng Xuanyang said that he would send a car to pick her up, so her heart was full of longing and anticipation.

Soon a white luxury car parked outside the gate. The guards didn't like to see Xiao Kui before, but after what happened during the day, the attitude of the servants towards Xiao Kui seems to be much more friendly?
When the guard saw her, he would take the initiative to bow and help open the door, "Is Second Miss going out?"

"Yes." Xiao Kui still didn't know what happened during the day, but she was not used to the sudden change of attitude of the servants, so she responded with some embarrassment, then stepped on her high heels and approached the luxury car sent by Cheng Xuanyang.

When the driver saw her approaching, he immediately got out of the car and opened the door. It was the driver who kidnapped her into the car after reuniting with Cheng Xuanyang.

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