"I love you, but you love Xiao Kui. No matter how well I behave, you don't want to look at me. Well, I'm tired of this love game. I don't want to play anymore. I want to quit!"

After finishing speaking, Christina ran here and opened the castle, and Cindy looked at Christina's distressed back, and shouted anxiously behind her: "Miss Tina, listen to my explanation?"

In Cindy's impression, Christina has always been an obedient and good girl. Although Cindy has no blood relationship with her, Christina always regards Cindy as an elder and respects her. He obeyed, but this time, no matter how Cindy called Christina?As if she didn't hear, she kept running out of the castle, to a distance that Cindy couldn't see...

After seeing this situation, Cindy was completely furious. She looked at Xiao Kui with complaints in her eyes, as if it was because of Xiao Kui's appearance that a rift appeared between Paul and Christina. Like the point of repair.

She turned and left angrily without saying a word, while Paul pushed Xiao Kui's wheelchair logically and came to the study that he had mentioned before, just like Paul had introduced before, this study Sure enough, all the facilities are available, and the computer is also top-notch, but Xiao Kui is not in the mood to appreciate these now, frowning, looking at Paul who is smiling, as if nothing happened just now, reminded:
"It may be too late to chase after her. Christina is a good girl. She shouldn't be let down by you like this. She looks sad and crying. Even I, who is also a woman, feel very distressed. How can you fault such a girl? Woolen cloth?"

"If you miss her, you can wait for you, right?" Paul listened to Xiao Kui's words, instead of being in a hurry, he leaned over to kiss her long hair with a playful smile, and couldn't help murmuring: "It's because I know She is a good girl, that's why I can't let him continue to waste time on me, knowing that there will be no ending, but still desperate, this is not a rational approach, but a stupid way, Xiao Kui, don't you think a Is it right for a woman to force herself to smile every day in the face of a husband who will never fall in love with her for the rest of her life?"

Paul’s words made Xiao Kui unable to resist at all. In the final analysis, this was Paul’s and Christina’s own business. Xiao Kui should not have participated in it. She stopped talking, and the videos of the managers of the Lanjia Group were uploaded on the computer screen. Request, without waiting for Xiao Kui to speak, Paul took the initiative to say: "Go ahead, I'll warm up a cup of milk for you."

Paul's behavior made Xiao Kui feel extremely gratified. Leaving aside his aristocratic status, Paul is a mature, stable and good man. Looking at the back of Paul leaving, Xiao Kui sighed helplessly.

On the other side, as soon as Paul left the study, the gentleness on his face disappeared immediately. He strode to the room where Cindy was resting, pushed open the door, and saw her lying on the sofa with a hot towel wrapped around her head, her face pale. It looked very pale and feeble.

"Mommy, is it okay for Christina to ask you not to provoke me anymore? I have expressed my heart more than once. Even if you object, Mommy, this will never change!"

Paul seems to be still brooding over Cindy's cynical attitude towards Xiao Kui just now?So as soon as he left the study, he came directly to Master Xin Dixing to question him.

It's just that Cindy was already giving Paul such a headache, but now he just came here to make a fuss without knocking on the door?Not the slightest bit of gentlemanly demeanor?Cindy immediately got up angrily, without further ado, slapped Paul hard on the face. At that moment, it seemed that Paul in front of him was not his son whom he loved and grew up with, but the one who, for the freedom he yearned for, did not hesitate to give up. A man who ran away from home for decades, abandoned his wife, and showed no mercy?

"Asshole! Do you still take my mommy seriously? For a woman, are you bound to turn this family upside down? Christina is the most suitable marriage partner, and the marriage of the two families is also very important. It will only make us stronger for each other. Didn't I warn you about this before? Today, you really offended Tina completely. Do you know how much manpower and resources I spent, Mommy, in order to bring her back? You How dare you come to me and ask me about your crimes without asking? Who gave you the courage to disobey me casually?"

Cindy suddenly felt a little regretful. She regretted that she chose to marry the man who couldn't keep her heart because of a momentary passion. After he left cruelly, she still stubbornly gave birth to Paul?I thought that this behavior would eventually move that man, but who knew, it turned out to be in vain.

After Paul was beaten, he stroked his cheek, looked at the furious Cindy, and frowned, "Mum, I've always wanted to know that since I was a child, you seemed to dote on me, but in fact you were the one who was restrained. Habit, do you think of me as your son? Or the man who ran away with a heart?"

Paul has wanted to ask Cindy this question for a long time, but every time he sees her face, Paul hesitates, not because he has no idea, or because he is afraid of Cindy, but because he thinks of these years, and he has worked so hard alone in his heart. Raising him by himself, the hard work, made Paul used to tolerate Cindy's dictatorship, but now, all of this can't continue.

As if she didn't expect Paul to ask this question, Cindy didn't know how to answer it for a moment.She took a few steps back, then sat on the sofa as if she was powerless, and tears flowed from her eyes.

"Even at the moment of his death, he is unwilling to return to this castle, and he is unwilling to return to my side. I have reflected on it many times. What did I do wrong? To make him hate me so much ? Men are all so ruthless, they always choose to walk away cruelly after being merciful, haha, but for a person like me, it is hard to let go of him for the rest of my life..."

This is the first time that Cindy has shown her heart in front of Paul. What she didn't tell him is that every time she sees Paul, the shadow of the dead man will appear in front of Cindy's eyes, and a feeling of love and hate emerges. In her heart, it was difficult for Cindy to be gentle to Paul, but she was worried that if she was kind again, she would only get the same hurt as before!

Seeing the crying Cindy, Paul finally softened his heart. He stretched out his hand, hugged Cindy lovingly in his arms, and said comfortingly, "Mommy, it is because I know which man you have suffered from that I swear that I will never I will follow the path of that man. I want to be a mature and responsible man. Tina is a good girl, but I don’t love her. Being together will only hurt her. Mommy, it’s been so long, That man has passed away for so many years, it's time to let go, at least I'm by your side, you can't be bound by hatred forever, seeing you like this, as a son, I keep blaming myself."

Perhaps Cindy is right to insist on love, but love brings people not only happiness, but also pain. When you reach a step where you should not insist, you should learn to let go, but Cindy has not learned it yet.

in the library.

Xiao Kui's face was indifferent and serious, and she gave orders to the managers on the other side of the video rationally, but what she decided to take in the future would not only be defensive, but active offensive.

"Since Feng Qinghan is also interested in that business, then we should increase our bargaining chips immediately! Feng Qinghan offered [-] million yuan, and we only had [-] million yuan. The method of anonymity must not reveal our Lanjia Group's curiosity about this business. ,Understand?"

She gave orders coldly, even through the screen, it still made the managers feel a sense of suffocation. After her order was spoken, the managers looked at each other. Although it might disobey Xiao Kui, but for the entire Lan Family Group Thinking about it, the managers still don't think it's necessary to make a complete enmity with Feng Qinghan just because of a deal?

"Young Madam, please think twice. The value of that business is definitely more than [-] million. If Young Madam insists on competing with the Feng Family Group, it may only cause us losses?"

Feng Qinghan is a veritable titan in the business field. Many people tried to compete with him for business, but the end result was disastrous, and some even declared bankruptcy early on. Because of this, if Xiao Kui's misjudgment caused the Lan Family Group to suffer heavy losses, Feng Qinghan would definitely take advantage of the opportunity to leap forward. At that time, under the pressure of the Feng Family Group, it would be difficult for the Lan Family Group to turn around day?

The managers broke into cold sweats for Xiao Kui's decision, and they said it more clearly. They only felt that Xiao Kui's behavior was more personal. , this is probably absolutely unacceptable to the managers, even though Xiao Kui is now the head of the Lan Family Group, he cannot make such a dictatorial decision!

However, even though she knew the reasons for the managers' objection, Xiao Kui didn't have the slightest intention to change her mind. She raised her eyebrows, looked at the surprised faces of the managers, smiled faintly, and then continued: "Everyone thinks that you understand enough Feng Qinghan? Or do I understand better? Even if you don’t need to emphasize it deliberately, you should never forget that we were engaged before? Don’t you think that I can’t catch the weakness of Feng Qinghan’s character just based on this point?”

Up to now, Xiao Kui doesn't mind bringing up the past, just to convince these old stubborn people, and even if she keeps her mouth shut, it won't change the fact that some people will secretly talk about her past. Love, so she simply took the initiative to give these people a chance to shut up.

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