Seeing Xiao Kui like this, Peter seemed to have finally achieved his goal. He paused the playback of the computer, then continued to return to the previous position, tasted the red wine, and continued: "Everyone who comes to this room should Symptoms like yours will appear at the beginning, but it's not just because of the bloody scenes in the video tape, which irritate the stomach, but because the furniture and flowers here are special, so it's okay to put them separately, but if you put them together If you let it go, it will produce toxins that make people have fantasies. These people will die in their own fantasies. Who has never done anything harmful to the world in their life? These toxins will only control your brain, making you want to The forgotten past resurfaces before the eyes, and when a person has no resistance, what he says to others will be like an imperial decree. In order not to continue to think about these things, they will look for various solutions, death, yes The only way to escape, understand?"

It was only then that Xiao Kui realized that she had fallen into a trap from the moment she was keyed into this room?
And the reason why Peter deliberately played so many scary pictures just now and forced her to watch them was not only to tease her, but also because the human body's own sense of fear would make these toxins spread faster, so Xiao Kui now has this kind of nausea and vomiting screen?
Tight lips, Xiao Kui tried to use the pain to keep her brain awake, she didn't want to be a member of that video tape, so she had to work hard on her own, and her method seemed to work, the pain after biting her lips , allowing her brain to recover a little bit of reason, she walked to Peter's side in a desolate way, put her hand on his shoulder, and said with some difficulty in breathing;
"Why do you do this? I have never offended you. Let me go now. You will have one less life in your hands. I can also give you what you want. Just because I rejected you at the beginning, I let you Hatred to this day?"

"Do you know what it feels like when the only possibility is wiped out? I used to experience this feeling from you, so you can still swear that it's because of these three words?" Xiao Kui The moment he put his hand on Peter, the violence in Peter's eyes seemed to be slightly lessened, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was also slightly bitter.

Looking back, looking at the lips that Xiao Kui had already bitten tightly, his eyes tightened suddenly, and then with a force of his wrist, he pulled Xiao Kui into his arms, and then leaned over to kiss her lips ?
But this action was rejected by Xiao Kui. She was still rational, and she was not in a trend that could not be reversed. She refused Peter's kiss, but the whole person hugged her body, and the heavy breathing made Peter His eyes were unprecedentedly indifferent, like an iceberg.

"I will definitely not let your plot succeed." Xiao Kui whispered in Peter's ear, like a warning, but also like a provocation.

She felt very strange, why all the people who had been in this room were poisoned, but Peter was alone?Could it be that Peter himself is resistant to all drugs?No wonder even Peter's subordinates are reluctant to enter this room, probably because they have known the horror of this room for a long time, and they did so to save their lives, right?

But Xiao Kui absolutely does not believe that Peter is a person who is invulnerable to all viruses, so if he wants to prove whether he really has the ability to resist viruses, there is only one best way...

"You said that you are not afraid of the harm of ether or the toxin of the poisonous flowers in this room? I think you are lying to you. You must have drunk the antidote before entering this room, right? "

"The antidote? Do you want me to give it to you? It's difficult. After all, you are my prey. I want to kill you. How can there be an owner who feeds the prey? Are you right?" Peter frowned slightly Suddenly, I feel that Xiao Kui five years later is more attractive than five years later?

For the past five years, Peter has only been able to see news about Xiao Kui on the Internet or on TV. Although there are very few news about Xiao Kui, recently he has kept away from him more and more. Peter has already heard about the reasons. Xiao Kui Kui married an unrelated elder brother, and later took over the Lan Family Group from that person, which is what made him what it is today, but Peter was a little annoyed, why was the sick man the one who got Xiao Kui?

That's why he accepted Lin Yiqing's job, but Peter has a rule every time he accepts business, that is, he will never take the order by himself, but arrange his subordinates, for example, with Lin Yiqing Qing contacted a man and a woman. Of course, as the person who received the order, he was not qualified to know Peter's real appearance, name, or even his age. They were only responsible for the negotiation work in this area.

Because he knew it was Xiao Kui, so after Peter took over the unconscious Xiao Kui from his subordinates, many ways to torture people to death immediately flashed in his mind, which were more cruel and bloody than those in the video tape. Peter hated Xiao Kui. Aoi, hate him for rejecting her, but accepting another man?So we must let her die even more miserably!
However, to Peter's surprise, when Xiao Kui, who was lying on her shoulder, heard his words, a strange sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth?She approached his ear, and when she still had a trace of consciousness, she said weakly: "You don't need to give me the antidote, you think I have found the location where the antidote is hidden, thank you for giving me this opportunity. "

"What are you talking about, how could I..." Peter was about to sneer and deny that he had done this before, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck?He didn't even have time to struggle, he just felt that Xiao Kui seemed like a baby suddenly, sucking the blood slowly flowing from his neck with relish, even though it was really painful in comparison, he couldn't bear to just do it like this Push her away?
At that moment, Peter seemed to finally understand what Xiao Kui meant by the so-called 'antidote'?He frowned slightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, then reached out and patted Xiao Kui's back, without saying a word.

In fact, he should have thought earlier that Xiao Kui is not an ordinary stupid woman. She is obviously much smarter than them. For example, she accurately judged that Peter was as mysterious as he said to himself from time to time. She took a specific antidote before entering this room. Not only that, she also understands some medical principles, but after taking the medicine, there must be residues in the blood within the interval, and she only needs to bite Peter A certain part of the body, after drinking his blood, will also produce certain antibodies in the body?

Xiao Kui, who drank several sips of blood in a row, finally stopped, but now the whole mouth is filled with the unique stench of blood, not only that, but also a feeling of wanting to vomit?Thinking that she, Xiao Kui, was not a vampire at all, but now she did such an unbelievable thing in order to survive?

Stretching out his hand to wipe the bright red blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Kui felt that his brain was a little clearer, then he walked away from Peter's shoulder, looked at his slightly pale face, raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't I say that earlier?" But have I found the location of the antidote?"

"You are indeed more interesting than I imagined, Xiao Kui, today you have impressed me again. You are not only the girl with excellent academic performance, but also a very smart woman. This is also taught by your husband Lan Feng. Yours?" When mentioning Lan Feng, Peter was very jealous, even if it was just because Xiao Kui's eyes trembled slightly?This can make Peter's sanity disappear for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Kui rejected Peter's question. She answered Peter's question with a very protective atmosphere, and said, "Lan Feng is not someone who would instigate me to do such a thing. He is an excellent and Good man."

Speaking of Lan Feng, Xiao Kui really didn't want such a bloody incident to have anything to do with Lan Feng?Even if Peter is just joking, it's not allowed!
However, these words also aroused Peter's desire to win. He reached out and pinched Xiao Kui's chin, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even crueler than before, "Lan Feng is a kind and good person, then I am an evil demon No? Xiao Kui, do you really think that drinking a few mouthfuls of my blood will save your life? To tell you the truth, as long as you haven’t left this room, the toxin will continue to penetrate your skin and make you fearful Illusion, today is destined to be your death day!"

"I'm dead, and you'll be buried with me. That's pretty good." After finishing speaking, Xiao Kui pointed to the wound on Peter's neck, where blood was still slowly oozing, and his lips had gradually turned into a wound due to the invasion of toxins. purple, but Peter's complexion on the opposite side is no better than Xiao Kui's?Although it was true that he had taken the antidote in advance, after Xiao Kui bit his neck premeditatedly, a large amount of toxin had already penetrated into his skin. What's worse, because Peter's wound was bigger, so The penetration of the toxin was several times faster than that of Xiao Kui, and the components of the antidote might soon be taken over by the toxin. In other words, the first person to go to hell is Peter!
After realizing Xiao Kui's plan, Peter's expression changed drastically. He pushed Xiao Kui away from his body, then stood up from the chair, took a few steps back, covered the wound on his neck, and said tremblingly, "You have already Predicted all of this? Just want me to go to hell with you?"

"Didn't I say it a long time ago? It's not rude to come and go. It's impossible to let Peter have the upper hand all the time. Don't forget that I am no longer the silly girl who only knows how to study. I am now the Lanjia Group. Mistress, if you have to protect so many employees by yourself, do you think I will be easy to bully?"

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