Even if he found her like this, maybe Xiao Kui would have turned into a pile of bones long ago, right?So the person that comes to mind is Paul. He was born and bred in England, and he is obviously more suitable for this task than Feng Qinghan!

But after hearing that it was Feng Qinghan who called, Paul's tone sounded even more impatient. He was the one who witnessed the historical past between Feng Qinghan and Xiao Kui, and he is also understanding about the things between them. However, the news of Xiao Kui's kidnapping must be spreading all over the country. Call at this time?Not for ridicule, but what else?
"Young master Feng would call me? It's really strange, but I still have important things to deal with right now. I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with Young master Feng. If there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up first."

But just when Paul was about to hang up the phone, Feng Qinghan's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone again: "Young Master, I have already heard about Xiao Kui, and I just got some news, and I want to tell you Ping Xiang, Regarding the information about the kidnappers, this young master has already sent people to investigate."

"Are you serious?" Upon hearing the news about the kidnappers, Paul seemed to have completely forgotten that he was in a hurry to hang up the phone just now?Quickly squeezed the phone, and urged Feng Qinghan on the other end of the phone: "Tell me everything you know."

Led by the postman, Paul has successfully arrived at the church where William and Lisa lived temporarily. He thought he could see Xiao Kui's shadow here?However, according to the information provided by the weak William, it was true that they tied Xiao Kui here before, but then a group of men in black who did not know their identities rushed in, and after beating the couple, they forcibly took Xiao Kui. Kui was taken away, but it is worth mentioning that the men in black that William said took Xiao Kui away were also of yellow race?
This made Paul even more confused. At the same time, Xiao Kui's bodyguards also hurriedly called the country and told the details of the incident here, but no one was shocked. They thought it was the British who kidnapped Xiao Kui. , but now by mistake, it turned out that the Chinese kidnapped Xiao Kui instead?
After noticing Paul's worried voice on the other end of the phone, Feng Qinghan suddenly realized that his concern for Xiao Kui might not be comparable to Paul's. Accept that Xiao Kui, who has already been married once, can't put down his work and rush to the rescue knowing that he is in danger?

Slowly realizing the fundamental difference between her and Paul, Feng Qinghan smiled helplessly, and then slowly said: "It seems to be a special organization, kidnapping Xiao Kui is not just for money, you go to let people If you carefully investigate the recent major kidnapping cases in the world, you may be able to find clues about them."

"A major international kidnapping case?" Paul never expected that the kidnappers who kidnapped Xiao Kui would have such an identity?However, Paul was very curious about Feng Qinghan who was far away in China knowing the secret of the kidnapper's identity, so he didn't give Feng Qinghan any chance to breathe, and continued to ask: "It's just that Feng Shao would also do this I am very surprised to pay attention to Xiao Kui's matter. I don't know how could Feng Shao have the opportunity to get in touch with the secret that even I, a local, have not investigated? Could it be that Feng Shao's side also has something to do with this matter? related people?"

Paul began to doubt Feng Qinghan. After all, in this small town, outsiders did not appear often, but with Xiao Kui coming to the wedding, people of the yellow race began to appear frequently. In China, they have always competed with Xiao Kui in terms of career. There is only Feng Qinghan alone, and it cannot be ruled out that Feng Qinghan deliberately finds someone to kidnap in order to let the Fengjia Group successfully squeeze out the Lanjia Group. Everyone in the industry knows that Feng Qinghan does things by hook or by crook. Kidnapping is a matter for her , it should be a breeze, right?
Feng Qinghan noticed that Paul had doubted himself?But he did not defend himself, but replied coldly to Paul on the other end of the phone: "I hope this young master's reminder can help you, and the rest is to wish you good luck. I don't want to see Xiao Kui get into trouble." , she is the only opponent that this Young Master considers, and the fun without him is unimaginable for most people."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinghan hung up the phone, regardless of whether Paul still regarded himself as the criminal who kidnapped Xiao Kui?These are irrelevant, he put the red wine into his mouth, then got up and looked at the night scene outside the window, maybe this is the sorrow of the rich?Behind the seemingly glamorous appearance is actually just a series of conspiratorial transactions. He can't say that Lin Yiqing is a heinous woman, and she is just using her own means to keep the important man around her. It's just the wrong way. That's all.

On the other side, Paul saw that William and Lisa were rescued by some mysterious people, especially Lisa, who had fallen into a coma. The doctor shook helplessly when he saw the blood flowing from between his legs. Shaking his head, it seems to imply the news of the death of a baby who was not born in time?
Wei Li'an is still a little sober, he knows what the doctor's shaking his head indicates?So he broke through the obstruction of the crowd, knelt down in front of the doctor and kept pleading: "Doctor, please save our child? This child is the only hope of our husband and wife. We are the ones who did wrong things, not the child. The child is innocent." Yes, please doctor, save him, shall we?"

"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you this news." The doctor also felt unbearable when he saw William kneeling on the ground, but as a doctor, he had to make a rational judgment and tell William frankly, saying: "Your wife and the child in your womb have been attacked like never before. Your wife, who was already in poor physical condition, couldn't bear it. As a result, you lost your child. I feel very sorry for this. I hope you can give birth to a new one in the future. life comes."

Although the doctor was called later, he vaguely knew what happened between William and Lisa?What he said was just to comfort William, who was emotionally broken. In fact, the best place for the two kidnappers was prison, but how long was the sentence?This is unknown, and the doctor can't tell if they can still have their own children after they get out of prison?It can only be said that people who do bad things, no matter what the starting point is?Everyone will get retribution in the end, and William and Lisa are the best examples.

William has completely collapsed now. He can't accept the fact that he lost his child. Looking at Lisa who is still lying unconscious on the ground, William stepped forward to hold Lisa's hand in pain, and apologized tremblingly: "My dear, It's all my fault. If I could stand up like a man and deny your actions, maybe our life will be much poorer now, but at least you and your children are safe and sound. How can I tell you? This painful fact? The child used to be the only ray of light for my tender yearning for the future life, but now that the light has disappeared, I am really worried that you will not be able to hold on..."

William knows the importance of this child to Lisa better than anyone else, but such an important person is lost forever. What will happen to Lisa in the future?William is not sure about this, and he doesn't even want to think about it?
At this time, Paul became a little impatient to hear William's crying. He frowned and stepped forward, grabbing William's collar unceremoniously. Those eyes seemed to be bursting with fierce flames, which even the bodyguards had never seen before. ever such a terrible Paul?But then Paul still angrily questioned the tearful man, saying:

"Your children are atoning for the evil things you have done, but you still haven't come to your senses? Let me ask you, do you remember any other characteristics besides those men in black who are all yellow? Or do they What did you say? Where do you want to take Xiao Kui? Since the disaster is caused by you, is it fair to Xiao Kui that you are crying and crying just because of your dead child?"

"Mr. Paul, I really can't remember anything. When I was beaten, I just wanted to protect Lisa and her mother, but I didn't even do that. I..." William kept begging for mercy. Wrong, from the very beginning, he shouldn't have extended his evil hands to Xiao Kui, but the retribution he got now will make him regret it for the rest of his life!
But just when William was only begging for mercy, trembling and unable to utter a word, Lisa, who was weak on one side, suddenly woke up and spoke with all her strength?

"Mr. Paul, please stop embarrassing my husband. At that time, he only cared about protecting our mother and son, so how could he hear other things? But my husband didn't hear it, but I heard it clearly. While playing, I vaguely heard a man in black say to Ms. Xiao that someone spent money to kill her, and chose the location by the seaside, but I don’t know which seaside it is? I’m sorry. Mr. Paul, that's all I can do to help you."

Lisa originally hated Xiao Kui, but she gradually felt the kindness from Xiao Kui. She stretched out her hand to caress her belly that was still in severe pain, but she seemed to forget the pain, because The heartache has long surpassed everything, and her tears are slowly flowing down her cheeks. The pain of losing a child is unimaginable for a mother. Originally, the child was her only hope for survival, but now this hope is gone. However, Lisa can only accept the reality painfully, but cannot make any changes!

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