"You stand up first, and I will solve this matter." Not only was William, who was kneeling on the ground and crying constantly, very pitiful, but Xiao Kui, as a woman, also knew what losing a child meant to a mother?Especially Lisa, a mother who values ​​her children so much!
She stepped forward and slapped a man in black hard. Seeing his indifference, Xiao Kui snorted angrily and said, "Whose order did you come here? Why don't you stop me quickly? If Lisa mother and son If there is any accident, I will definitely let you be buried with me! Do you understand?"

"Young Madam, have you been frightened into a fool? We are saving the Young Madam. Why does the Young Madam not resent the person who kidnapped you, but us as the benefactor?" Not only that, the arrogant and unreasonable expression on his face also made Xiao Kui very worried. They don't look like members of the Lan Family Group. If they were, they would definitely not ignore Xiao Kui like this, and Never remembered that the bodyguards of the Lan Family Group had such ruthless characters?
Seeing that Lisa was about to die, Xiao Kui simply pushed away the bodyguards and used his own body to protect Lisa?But even so, the man in black still showed no mercy, and even punched Xiao Kui a few times together?Xiao Kui suddenly felt that his body was in severe pain every time. He couldn't imagine such a fist. How did Lisa support it?
When the three were beaten to almost half their lives, finally the man in black was under whose order?Anyway, it stopped in a very tacit understanding. Xiao Kui was picked up and taken away. As for William and Lisa, Xiao Kui only listened to the men in black whispering to each other before fainting, as if they were passing someone's order. They said, "The higher-ups have told me to bury these two stupid thieves alive."

Buried alive?When this word appeared in Xiao Kui's mind, she seemed to feel that her inner world had collapsed, and she hurriedly struggled to get up from the arms of the man in black?But the strength of the man in black is astonishing, she is injured now, there is no comparison at all!Not only that, but her pleading was of no avail?

"Don't do this. They just couldn't think about doing something wrong for a while, and it's not to the point that they can't change it. Who are you? Why did you do this to them? Whose orders did you follow?"

"Young Madam, you should rest in peace for a while. We still have a long way to go. Now that the family of three has been dealt with, it will be your turn, Young Madam."

Hearing the eerie voice of the man in black, Xiao Kui realized that the danger has not disappeared, but has always existed?It doesn't look like this group of men in black are here to save her, but the real kidnappers?Her heart seemed to have forgotten to beat, and she just felt as if she had fallen into a bigger trap, and she couldn't even climb up...

After that, she could only helplessly watch William and Lisa being taken away, but she could do nothing. In fact, she was really helpless, after all, she was not safe. God knows that these men in black will take her away. Where to go?Xiao Kui was annoyed that she didn't even know the identity of the murderer behind the scenes, and subconsciously remembered the locator that the bodyguard gave her before?But after searching every corner of her body quietly, she couldn't find it. She was a little desperate. When did she lose the locator?And she, can't she really escape this time?
On the other side, Paul was still going out with Xiao Kui's bodyguards to find Xiao Kui's trace?But on the way, he received a call from Cindy, saying that he had received a blackmail letter?So Paul hurried back to the castle. When he saw the handwriting on the letter, he frowned and blurted out: "Why does this handwriting look so familiar? It seems to be Xiao Kui's handwriting?"

"I have sent the photo to the housekeeper to see, and the housekeeper also compared the documents reviewed by the young lady before, and confirmed that it was indeed written by the young lady. The damn criminal actually asked the young lady to write this blackmail letter herself?" Bodyguard He went forward and reported the matter truthfully to Paul, but he hated it so much.

Cindy was also a little worried. After all, Xiao Kui's identity was special, and he was still missing in the castle. If the news got out and the Lan Family Group came to ask for someone, wouldn't she have to provoke him? Needless to bother?
Only then did she realize the seriousness of the matter, she frowned tightly, and said to Paul: "I originally thought that the young lady went back to the hotel to rest alone because of a bad mood, but I never expected that at my son's wedding, there would be a Kidnapper? This is really terrible. We must quickly investigate who is the kidnapper of the young lady? Otherwise, it will only bring a lot of trouble to our family. I believe media reporters will come to the door soon interview."

Although Cindy was also very worried about Xiao Kui, the reason was more because he was worried about the reports written by the media, which would bring shame to the family. Paul on the other side frowned when he heard it, but he suddenly remembered something, so He hurried forward and asked, "Mum, who signed for this letter? Do you know who sent it?"

"I was in a hurry, but I forgot about it. This letter was sent by the postman. He said that I must open it with my own hands, so it was delivered to me. I believe that the postman has not gone far. Yes." Cindy also felt that this matter was a bit strange, shouldn't ordinary blackmail letters appear mysteriously, or in the form of emails and text messages?But the behavior of this kidnapper is very strange, even the world was given to the postman?Or is this simply a conspiracy?

When Cindy said that the blackmail letter was sent by the postman?Paul and the bodyguard looked at each other, and they both felt very strange, feeling that this did not conform to the normal process at all.

However, just in case, Paul still sent someone to 'invite' the postman back and arrange him to sit on the sofa, but Paul, Cindy, and the bodyguard all stood up, as if they were questioning the postman. , Paul first stepped forward and asked: "Is it you who sent this blackmail letter?"

"Extortion letter?" The postman was a young man, just a little thin and wearing a postman's uniform, but after hearing Paul say that what he just delivered to Cindy turned out to be a blackmail letter, The young man immediately knelt on the ground, took off his hat, and continued to explain nervously:

"Ms. Cindy, Mr. Paul, please listen to my explanation. I really don't know what's going on? How could it be a blackmail letter that I just sent? It's because I'm in charge of sending this piece of mail. , so the other postmen handed it to me, saying that the person who sent the letter had instructed that it must be handed over to Mrs. Cindy, so that I would come to deliver the letter. I really didn’t know that it was a blackmail letter? I'm fine, Mrs. Cindy, Mr. Paul, please believe me!"

Although it is not yet known who the kidnapped person is?But to make a huge family like Cindy and Paul worry, I believe that the identity of that person must not be simple, right?And the postman boy didn't bother to ask what was going on?Quickly explain, hoping to remove his suspicion, he is just delivering letters for others, and generally doesn't know about other things.

"Don't be nervous, since you said that this letter was delivered to you by another postman, then if you ask your colleagues, you will definitely find the sender's address, or his appearance and life, right?" Paul still Reasonable, even though the bodyguard wanted to use violence several times to ask where Xiao Kui was hiding?But they were all stopped by Paul. He thinks that violence is not necessary now. After all, this Youchao looks very kind and simple. It doesn’t seem like he would do something like kidnap someone. Did people take advantage of it?
After hearing Paul's words, Xiaohuo, the postman, seemed to feel a little relieved. He nodded, and then said to the people present: "Although terrible things are not suitable for me, I also understand the truth of empty words. I am willing to Take you to my colleagues in the branch, they must know a lot more information about this blackmail letter than me."

Cindy and Paul are well-known nobles in the local area. The person they are looking for will definitely be delivered to them in the shortest time. The postman who first received the blackmail letter was also one of them. When he knelt down in front of Di, although the postman had a look of panic, he was also a little puzzled, as if he didn't understand why he was brought here.

As the head of the family, Cindy got up from the sofa and came to the postman, her cold voice was cold and full of danger, and she asked, "You sent the blackmail letter?"

"Blackmail letter? Mrs. Cindy is wronged. What does the lady mean? What blackmail letter?" The postman was trembling, and then he glanced at the colleague who had been brought here a long time ago, as if he wanted to find the answer in the eyes of the colleague. Yes, and the colleague also looked terrified, then lowered his voice, reminded the postman, and said:
"It's the letter you gave me. It's actually a blackmail letter. Quickly think about who gave you this letter? Then tell Mrs. Cindy the truth, or we'll all get into trouble!"

"A blackmail letter? How is this possible? It was given to me by Mr. William, the poorest man in this city. It is said that he paid for the postage with the only money he had in his body. Mr. William is honest and honest, how could he kidnap someone?" After a postman's explanation, he blurted out almost without thinking.

After all, in anyone's eyes, William's image is honest and honest. Although he is poor, he never steals or robs.

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