But as you can imagine, being reprimanded by a woman would probably be embarrassing for anyone else.

I don't know if the two of them noticed the change in Xiao Kui's breathing?Or did you see her body twist a little bit?They noticed Xiao Kui who had woken up almost at the same time. After looking at each other, they made a "shh" movement, and then they slowly approached her, and slowly lifted the cloth covering her eyes, and they saw Her eyes were sharp, flickering, and she seemed to have no fear at all about these two tattered kidnappers...

"Aren't you afraid?" The man met Xiao Kui's bright eyes and couldn't help feeling guilty.

On the contrary, women are much more courageous than men. Seeing Xiao Kui's calm eyes, she snorted coldly, "Could it be that you are too scared to speak?"

"I'm afraid, are you going to let me go? The fact is that you won't, will you?" Xiao Kui's behavior will be beyond the two's expectations, and even the woman can't help but look at her in surprise. After a long time, he continued to say in disbelief:
"You are our cash cow now, and we still want to make money from you. How can we let you go? Seeing that you were also invited to Mr. Paul's wedding, you must know the bride and groom at the wedding, right?"

Xiao Kui frowned slightly, and his puzzled eyes showed a trace of puzzlement. Could it be that the two just randomly kidnapped someone at the wedding, and they just thought that the people who attended that wedding were rich people, but they didn't understand each other's identity? identity?

Suddenly, he felt that although the two kidnappers kidnapped him, they were really hateful, but there was something cute about them. Xiao Kui smiled, and just looked at the man and woman in front of him quietly, but never said a word.

At this moment, the timid man couldn't bear Xiao Kui's gaze any longer. He secretly tugged at the woman's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "What should we do? She won't recognize us, right? I really don't know." I really don’t want to go to jail, so hurry up and think of a way?”

"Shut your mouth if you don't want to go to jail, or God can't save your stupidity!" The woman was very impatient with the timid man, she slapped the man hard, and then glared at him, as if warning He doesn't want to get in the way.

Seeing that the two had internal strife?Xiao Kui just felt that it was more interesting. She smiled slightly and comforted the man and said, "You can tell that I am Chinese from the color of my skin. I have only been in the UK for a short time this time. I don't know many people, so I don't care about it." I know you guys, don't worry."

"Is this true?" The man seemed to be an obedient child. After hearing what Xiao Kui said, he was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. It was still under the eyes of the woman who rolled his eyes. I hid aside and played with my fingers.

After seeing the man severely reprimanded by the woman, Xiao Kui didn't know what was wrong with him?Have some sympathy for him?It was clear that he was the one who kidnapped him, but now, the victim actually felt sympathy for the kidnapper?This is really outrageous...

But even so, Xiao Kui still kindly persuaded the woman who seemed to have a bad temper, saying: "Actually, you shouldn't treat him so badly. What I said is true. I don't know you, so some kind of In a sense, that gentleman should feel happy, after all, even if I run away now, I won’t be able to reveal your identities when I go to the police station.”

"I won't give that fool a chance to be happy, he's just an idiot." The man and the woman are both white, the man is strong and tall, he looks like a giant, and the woman On the contrary, they are thin and short, and they don't match each other when they stand up, but their personalities complement each other perfectly, there is no doubt about it.

But when the woman heard Xiao Kui's words, she sneered. She stepped forward and tightened the rope binding Xiao Kui's feet and hands, and even tightened her flesh tightly. While frowning, the woman didn't have the slightest sympathy on her face. She just laughed and said, "Do you still think you have a chance to escape? Let me tell you the truth. We don't have the guts to kill people, but during this period of time we are very short." Qian Hua, if you can cooperate a bit and redeem your life with money, we won't hurt a hair of your hair, but if you want to play tricks, then I'll let that fool scratch your pretty little face first, Got it? Smelly woman!"

The woman's cursing words only made Xiao Kui feel a little harsh. She frowned slightly, looked at the provocative eyes of the woman, and said displeasedly: "You have to set a price for how much money you want, right? Just keep talking about yourself Begging for money but not asking for life, but not even asking for money, do you think that if you kidnap me and raise money from me, a victim, I can give it to you? If you want to take it, my hands and feet are too You have to be free first, right?"

I wonder if it was because of Xiao Kui's reminder that the two kidnappers suddenly became enlightened?What's the matter?The man who was playing with his fingers in the corner just now suddenly ran to the woman. It was obvious that the man was afraid of her because the woman was short-tempered, but even so, the man still kindly said beside her:

"Lisa, I think what this lady said is right. Since we are playing kidnapping this time, we should send a kidnapping letter to this lady's family, and write the exact amount on it. Police movies in TV dramas are not Are they all acting like this? We still learned from the above, have you forgotten it?"

The man seemed to forget that he was in a hurry, and accidentally called out the woman's name?This action immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the woman. She frowned and angrily reprimanded: "William, you idiot, how could you teach me my name in front of her? Also, don't make us sound so unprofessional." Is it? We can move her out under the eyes of everyone, it is obvious our ability, your words will only make us look idiots, do you know it?"

Just like that, Xiao Kui had already heard the names of Lisa and William, which always made her not very interested in their names. After all, the two villains who didn't seem to know each other seemed to be evil because of life. If you are forced, you will be forced to come out and do this kind of thing helplessly, right?Even the way of kidnapping is learned from TV dramas?Xiao Kui really felt angry and funny, but she was kidnapped by these two unprofessional people?It's really embarrassing to say the least!
Fortunately, after the quarrel between Lisa and William, it seemed that they finally remembered Xiao Kui who had been left alone. The two hurriedly turned their heads to look at her, frowned, and threatened, "I forgot to tell you, Lisa and William are not the same. It’s not our real name, you know, in our line of business, you must have a code name, but if you take our name and tell others, we will not let you go, you know?”

"In the whole of the UK, there are probably not 8000 but [-] people named Lisa and William. Even if they call the police, the police may not be able to verify them. Isn't it interrogation?" The threat of the two made Xiao Kui feel unbearable, they are stupid, they can't also treat Xiao Kui as a fool, right?
Fortunately, the two felt that Xiao Kui's words made sense. After looking at each other, they acquiesced, but then Lisa remembered something important, and saw Xiao Kui wearing that expensive evening dress. After the dress, he asked curiously: "Is your family really rich? Otherwise, the poor will never be able to afford such an expensive dress. If I ask your family for 100 million, will they give it?"

Although it can be seen that Xiao Kui is very rich, Lisa is also worried that her request of 100 million seems too much, but for children like her and William who were poor since childhood, this 100 million is considered a sky-high price. But even so, Lisa still seemed worried that Xiao Kuipo's family would not be able to pay.

"100 million?" The corner of Xiao Kui's mouth twitched, why didn't he know that she was worth this little money?I thought that if one day she was kidnapped, the kidnapper would definitely ask for hundreds of millions, but I didn't expect that Lisa and William's vision was very short-sighted?
But in any case, being able to leave here is the most important thing right now. She noticed that when Lisa looked at her evening dress, her eyes were full of envy?So she smiled slightly and said: "If your goal is only 100 million, you don't need to write to my family to blackmail at all. This may also expose your specific location by the way. With all due respect, the two of you are really It’s not suitable for this business. My clothes and jewelry are far more than 100 million. Take them away, find a suitable place to sell them, exchange some money, start a small business by yourself, and don’t do this business again in the future. Not only is it dangerous, but it may also put me in prison, for this little money, it is really not worth it."

Lisa and William never dreamed that Xiao Kui would be so generous?Just when the corner of Lisa's mouth was drooling, as if she couldn't wait to change into Xiao Kui's evening dress, William suddenly grabbed Lisa's restless hand a little angrily, and then looked at Xiao Kui's beautiful face, reminded: "Lisa, although we are kidnappers, we can't do what we shouldn't do. We can't let this kind lady have no clothes. Go find your old clothes and give them to her." Miss, please change?"

"When did you become so gentle and considerate?" Lisa saw William, whose temperament had changed drastically, and then looked at Xiao Kui, who had a beautiful face. She seemed a little jealous, tightened her lips, and murmured unconvinced: " You can only show off in front of beautiful women, why haven't you been so considerate to me who has been in front of you for several years?"

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