After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 214 Another Attempt

After all, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women looks extraordinarily moving no matter where they go.

When she got to the stairs, she saw Xiao Kui sitting on the sofa drinking tea. She didn't seem surprised by the scene of two people appearing at the same time. She put down the teacup. There was no envy or jealousy in her eyes, even though she clearly noticed Lin Yiqing's A sarcastic sneer on his face?But she still raised her eyebrows lightly and didn't speak.

Lin Yiqing is gnashing her teeth when Xiao Kui is in her heart, but she doesn't show it on the surface. Feng Qinghan looked at Xiao Kui in his eyes, and he no longer held Lin Yiqing's hand with waves of reluctance like before. After walking up and down, Feng Qing coldly introduced and said: "You probably have heard about the relationship between Ben and Yi Qing, we are going to get married soon, this time I heard that you are here, Yi Qing also wants to be together on purpose Come downstairs and say I want to apologize to you face to face."

After saying these words, Feng Qinghan looked at Lin Yiqing, and saw that Lin Yiqing looked at Xiao Kui at this moment, full of guilt and contradiction, she tightened her lips, and Feng Qinghan patted Xiao Kui. After clapping her hands, as if to cheer her up, Lin Yiqing also gave Feng Qinghan a bitter smile, and then walked towards Xiao Kui.

During the whole process, Xiao Kui remained silent, turned a deaf ear to Feng Qinghan's introduction, and even sat on the sofa without changing her movements until Lin Yiqing stepped on her high heels and sneered at her with a proud sneer at the corner of her mouth. After approaching, she hooked the corners of her lips, stood up from the sofa, and then looked at the hypocritical Lin Yiqing. She wanted to see, what kind of ridiculous lies could this woman tell?
Lin Yiqing, who was close to Xiao Kui, had a domineering smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was the biggest winner in life when she finally stood beside Feng Qinghan, and because Feng Qinghan was also there, although she had a sarcastic and sneering face, He apologized sincerely, saying:

"Young Madam, there are many misunderstandings between you and me. In fact, I should have found a chance to explain, but there are always some things that have been entangled and procrastinated until now. It is rare that Madam Young comes to our house as a guest. I just want to take this opportunity to talk to Young Madam. My apology, madam, I hope you can forgive me for my previous mistakes, which have caused you a lot of trouble, and I hope this will not affect the relationship between the Fengjia Group and the Lanjia Group. After all, a win-win situation is always easier to win than a war of intrigue. You get more benefits, don't you?"

our family?Lin Yiqing casually defined the Fengjia villa as her own home, which made Xiao Kui sneer. After hearing this sneer, Lin Yiqing's face unconsciously became a little embarrassed, as if turning around to ask for help. Looking at Feng Qinghan, of course, her acting skills have always been very good. When she turned her head to look at Feng Qinghan, she did not forget to let a trace of pleading and helplessness appear in her eyes, as if she had been bullied by Xiao Kui .

After Feng Qinghan came into contact with this look, he looked at Xiao Kui and became a little impatient. He stepped forward, subconsciously embraced Lin Yiqing into his arms, and then questioned Xiao Kui who was still sneering: "Don't you think Yi Qing's apology is so ridiculous? That's right, I admit that Yi Qing was ignorant before and caused you trouble, but since Yi Qing has truly repented now, you should be more generous and forgive me. Is that enough? Why put Yi Qing in such an embarrassing situation? Xiao Kui, don't go too far, and don't forget that this is the Feng family villa, not your Lan family!"

Feng Qinghan lost his temper, just because Xiao Kui didn't accept Lin Yiqing's apology with a face of gratitude, but faced all this with a sneer?Xiao Kui remembered that just two days ago, Feng Qinghan was still reluctant to part with her. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Feng Qinghan's attitude had undergone a 180-degree change, and even Lin Yiqing began to be taken aback. Angry, can't you get angry?
Although he knew that men were unreliable, Xiao Kui couldn't help sighing secretly: "Feng Qinghan, if I hadn't fought against you in business before, I might have thought you were a magician who changed faces. It just changed. Is this a good tradition of your Fengjia Group? Who stipulated that I must forgive Lin Yiqing for apologizing? Why can’t I remember that we were close before Lin Yiqing said the word sorry? And a friendly bargain?"

"You woman is simply unreasonable! Don't you think that being the head of the Lan Family Group can be so arrogant in front of this young master? Hmph!" After listening to Xiao Kui's words, Feng Qinghan felt that what made him most angry was not Her attitude, but her indifference in speaking?That's right, before Lin Yiqing apologized, they did not reach any agreement, and Xiao Kui also had the freedom to choose, should she forgive Lin Yiqing?However, in front of Lin Yiqing, Xiao Kui didn't save himself a bit of face, which made it hard for Feng Qinghan's self-esteem to bear!
But Lin Yiqing's acting skills are still continuing. When Feng Qinghan was about to get angry, Lin Yiqing hurriedly grabbed her arm, and then when she looked down at her, there was a bitter look in her eyes She shook her head with tears, and whispered with tight lips: "Qing Han, promise me not to be angry, okay? The young lady is right, it is true that I did something wrong first, and it is only natural for the young lady not to forgive me, although my sincere repentance may not have been recognized. The young lady found out? But I will continue to work hard until the day the young lady forgives me, so Qinghan, promise me, can you not add fuel to the fire? Even though I know you are worried about me, love me, your heart I see."

The men and women in front of me sang together in front of me, as if they fit together seamlessly, making it impossible to pick out any flaws?But Xiao Kui just couldn't help but want to sneer.

Seeing Lin Yiqing's 'understanding' look, Feng Qinghan touched her cheek distressedly, and murmured, "I'm really sorry I didn't find out about you a day earlier, and I was even confused by the wrong marriage. Both eyes, it was my fault for giving so much to a woman who didn't need to pay, and I will definitely protect you from now on, and will never give anyone a chance to bully you!"

"Qinghan, thank you." Lin Yiqing also snuggled into Feng Qinghan's arms very cooperatively. The scene of the two embracing each other was a match made in heaven. After all, the combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman is always very dazzling and beautiful.

Of course, when Feng Qinghan said "wrong marriage" again, he looked at Xiao Kui with a hint of sarcasm, which was obviously aimed at her, but Xiao Kui didn't feel the slightest turmoil in her heart. The acquaintance of people is correct, this point was clearly seen as early as when she fell in love with Feng Qinghan for a short time, but had to let go.

Feng Qinghan is not a man worth entrusting for life. Under his seemingly indifferent appearance, he has a heart that is easily seduced by women, especially Lin Yiqing, who has no resistance at all, even if he is not I chose to believe it from the beginning, but at least the final outcome was the same, so Xiao Kui always believed that Feng Qinghan and Lin Yiqing were the most suitable couple, even though Xiao Kui had made up his mind long ago, he would never let Lin Yiqing Qing's dream has come true, want to become the hostess of Fengjia Group?We also have to look at Lin Yiqing and Xiao Kui, who has the toughest wrist between the two!

After showing their affection in front of Xiao Kui, the relationship between Feng Qinghan and Lin Yiqing seemed to get better, so both of them began to feel very dissatisfied with Xiao Kui's sudden appearance. But she couldn't say it openly, for fear that Feng Qinghan would see her personality that had never changed?

On the other hand, Feng Qinghan held Lin Yiqing's slender waist with one arm, and questioned with disdain in his eyes: "Why didn't I think you were such a woman with no eyesight before? This is the time You still come to this young master’s villa, you don’t think you want to lure this young master to remember the previous memories? Ben young master’s taste is not strong enough to like married women, so your dream today may not come true, or Get out of here as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass us all!"

Lin Yiqing was lying in Feng Qinghan's arms, a sneer sneered at the corner of her mouth, as if she thought what Feng Qinghan said was right, and Xiao Kui really came here because she had other plans for Feng Qinghan.

However, facing the ridicule from the two of them in turn, Xiao Kui remained calm. She had already gotten used to the countless ridicules these days, and smiled faintly. Lin Yiqing, who was protected by Feng Qinghan in her arms, said: "I heard that the secretary named Yihan was sent to prison by Feng Qinghan yourself, so I wanted to ask what happened. How did you grasp the meaning? How could you send the secretary who has served you diligently for many years to the place that punishes those who do wrong? Do you know that this is killing a woman's life?"

During the conversation, Xiao Kui's eyes never left Lin Yiqing's body. It seemed that he deliberately tested Lin Yiqing's facial expression to judge whether the ultimate meaning had anything to do with her.

Sure enough, when "meaning" was mentioned again, although Lin Yiqing's face remained unchanged as much as possible, it still vaguely made people feel a kind of embarrassment and escape, and her arms hugging Feng Qinghan gradually tightened, This action was sensitively caught by Xiao Kui, what he expected before was indeed correct, and the whole thing has something to do with Lin Yiqing?

When Feng Qinghan heard Xiao Kui say that his purpose of coming here was not to seduce himself, but for Yi Han, he naturally fantasized in his mind that in the beginning, Xiao Kui and Yi Han teamed up to reveal the secrets of the Feng Family Group , making him almost lose his position as a family member.

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