"I didn't want you, Young Madam, to be misunderstood by Feng Shao, so I called to remind Young Madam."

"What? That lunatic Feng Qinghan would suspect you?" After hearing Yihan's narration, Xiao Kui was furious. This Feng Qinghan usually looked a little abnormal, but now he is completely insane. Is it okay?Meaning is his personal secretary, who has been diligent and diligent for so many years, who is not good for him to frame casually?What if that person meant meaning?Don't you worry that Yi Han will be sad because of this?

Yihan bit her lips on the other end of the phone, not knowing why?Although it has been reduced to this point now, with Xiao Kui's two sentences, he is obviously scolding Feng Qinghan. As a subordinate, the meaning should be to save Feng Qinghan's face?But at this moment, she felt that her mood was much better than before. She probably felt that Xiao Kui was someone who could be trusted, so she naturally felt much better, right?
Xiao Kui comforted Yihan, she had just come out of prison, so she naturally understood what it was like for a woman to be locked up in a police station alone?She has a special status, so she has always been taken special care of, but the meaning is different, she is just an ordinary person, and before she was arrested, Feng Qinghan kept saying that she stole important secrets from the company?In this way, the policemen probably won't treat Yi Han kindly, so she said:
"Yihan, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to release you on bail. Feng Qinghan is crazy, but I am not. If you really did something wrong to Feng Qinghan, you must have taken this The sum of money went away, how could he return to him and be a diligent female secretary? Someone must be gossiping in front of Feng Qinghan!"

Does Xiao Kui know who this gossip is?I thought that after what happened to Susan, Lin Yiqing would learn the lesson and know how to behave in the future, but I didn't expect that it was only a few days before her birthday?Lin Yiqing couldn't help but come out to sabotage again?This time it was the meaning of the innocent secretary, Xiao Kui really wanted to know, how long will that woman Lin Yiqing be willing to give up?
After listening to Xiao Kui's words, Yihan thanked her repeatedly. She was innocent in the first place, so of course she didn't want to stay in the police station any longer. She hoped that someone could rescue her, so she would be very grateful. I didn't expect God to hear it. Did her prayer make Xiao Kui stretch out his saving hands?

Yihan smiled in the police station. This was the first time she smiled after being arrested. She clutched the microphone tightly. Although she was a little brazen, she still pleaded uneasy:
"Young Madam, I know that what I do may cause you trouble, but apart from you, I really can't think of anyone who can help me now. My grandparents don't know about my being arrested in the police station, and neither do I." Dare to let them know that their condition is not optimistic. If they know that I have gone to prison, the consequences will be disastrous, but they cannot be without my care, so young lady, can I trouble you to find someone to take care of me? Grandparents? And don’t tell them about me? I promise, if one day I can get out of prison as I wish, I will definitely repay your kindness, Young Madam..."

The more she continued, Yi Han's voice began to choke. Never would she have imagined that she, who works so hard, would be brought down to where she is today?

Xiao Kui sighed, she was very pitiful, and knew her loyalty, but it was a pity that this loyalty could not be recognized by Feng Qinghan, and was even framed by others, so Xiao Kui promised: "Don't worry, I will arrange The nurses are going to take care of the two elderly people, if they ask about you, the nurses will tell the two elderly people that you are on a business trip, and I am afraid that you will not be back in a few days."

Yihan thanked her again and again, but when she was about to hang up the phone, Yihan still reminded with some worry: "Young Madam, I am worried that the person did not come for me alone, but included you, Young Madam, otherwise it would be too late." He would not have sent someone to monitor us, and gave Feng Shao wrong guidance, so please be careful, Young Madam."

Yihan curled up in the detention room, holding herself tightly with her arms, as if she hoped that through this method, her body could get a little warmth. She recalled that she had already experienced it since she was a child until now. The warmth and coldness of the world have changed, and I thought I would be able to protect myself when I grow up?But now it seems that everything is still too simple for her.

She grew up as she wished, but she still can't solve it when she encounters troubles, because the hierarchy of this world is too serious, and powerful people can always easily control the lives of ordinary people, but what about ordinary people?Just like kittens and puppies, if they are lucky enough to get their pity, they can eat a few bones, but if they can't, they can only be treated with contempt, just like the meaning of today.

You can’t even see the moon in this detention room, which makes Yihan even more lonely, tears start to come out of her eyes, and her body is also twitching, poorly muttering to herself: "I obviously wish, Shao Feng Why are you unwilling to believe it? Is that woman's one sentence really more effective than my hundred explanations?"

And after Xiao Kui hung up the phone, the bodyguards beside her could easily see her anger from her facial expressions, and then she put on her coat and was about to go out?The bodyguard immediately followed closely and asked cautiously, "Young Madam, the turmoil between our company and the Fengjia Group has finally calmed down. The two wells do not interfere with each other. Does Young Madam really want to meddle in this business?"

"Nosy? The other party has already bullied me, so can it be someone else's nosy?" Xiao Kui will not forget what Yihan said on the phone just now, Feng Qinghan regards her and Yihan as accomplices, and thinks it is Did the combination of the two of them cause huge losses to the Feng Family Group?
But the document she received was clearly just an ordinary report, Xiao Kui hummed indifferently: "Even if there is a limit to being wronged, do I still think I was that idiot who was bullied casually back then? My The face also represents the face of the entire Lan Family Group, Feng Qinghan's outrageous words must have been instigated by that woman Lin Yiqing, I will come to the door today to tear her mouth apart!"

It's not the first time that Lin Yiqing has been let go, but she continues to make trouble for Xiao Kui without getting tired?That being the case, Xiao Kui can't be blamed for being cruel!

The bodyguard nodded, and then continued to remind: "My subordinates have received news that it is said that after Miss Lin Yiqing was discharged from the hospital, she was directly taken into the Feng Family Villa. It seems to be to avoid rumors."

"Live with Feng Qinghan? That's good too. It saves me two places to run errands. Since I can find both of them in one place, it's great! Prepare the car! I'm going to find Lin Yiqing to settle the matter !"

Xiao Kui's domineering side leakage is obvious to all. She has completely transformed from an unrelated adopted daughter into a gorgeous hostess.

The bodyguard obeyed unconditionally and followed her, carefully arranging everything, including going to Feng's villa this time.

And in Feng's villa, when Lin Yiqing returned here in a rage, she was told that Feng Qinghan had also returned long ago?Looking at the time, it's just the end of get off work time, so what does it mean that Feng Qinghan came home early from get off work?
Just hearing Feng Qinghan's name, Lin Yiqing's anger in her life had already subsided a lot, she couldn't wait to step on her high heels upstairs, and knocked on the door of the study, wanting to ask what happened?

But the study was still not opened for a long time. At this time, a little maid happened to pass by. Since Lin Yiqing bullied several people one after another when she moved in yesterday, the first reaction of the servants seeing him was to take a detour. But just when the little maid also remembered the previous lesson and was about to speed up her steps to go downstairs, she was unfortunately stopped by Lin Yiqing:

"Rou, what's Miss Lin's order?" The little maid's body trembled a little. Although she was still asking about Lin Yiqing, her nervous expression almost made her cry...

Of course Lin Yiqing understood why he was so frightened when he saw her?This time I didn't bother to ask knowingly, but pointed to the study door that hadn't been opened for a long time, and asked straight to the point: "Does Young Master Feng often leave work early?"

"No, it didn't happen once before, but recently there have been occasional times, all because of Xiao Qing... I don't know why this time." The biggest taboo of the Feng family villa is that it must never Mention Xiao Kui in front of Lin Yiqing?
But the little maid accidentally touched the bottom line. After answering this question, she hurried downstairs with a hurried expression.

But Lin Yiqing, who was behind her, naturally started to think wildly, staring at the door that hadn't been opened, she was gnashing her teeth angrily, "You're so cool, you clearly promised me that I would never have anything to do with Xiao Kui from now on. It's only been one night, and they started contacting again?I'm your fiancee, how dare you lie to me like this!

In a rage, Lin Yiqing unscrewed the door and walked in stridingly, as if she wanted to question Feng Qinghan, but after entering the door, she was frightened by Feng Qinghan's back inside. Although it was not completely dark, he Already holding a goblet with one hand, swaying the red liquid inside, wondering what was going on in the dazed application?As if Lin Yiqing didn't even notice when she came in?

It was Lin Yiqing who frowned, and stepped forward to ask: "Qinghan, the servants said that you have been back long ago, so I came in to take a look. Your complexion is not very good, and unless there are occasions where you can't evade it, are you worried that you will come back at other times?" Did you seldom drink because of the delay in work? What happened this time? Is it really as rumored among the people outside?"

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