Under the eyes of everyone, Yihan was taken into a police car by the police in the most upright manner, and the colleagues behind her who were already jealous because of Feng Qinghan's usual care for Yihan, and because the two walked closer, There were smug sneers on their lips one by one, laughing at the meaningful ending.

"Hmph! Look at her, relying on herself as Feng Shao's female secretary, she doesn't pay attention to us all day long, and she looks like she's being dragged away by Feng Shao. Isn't she abandoned by Feng Shao and is about to be taken away by the police?"

"Speaking of which, I really don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick. If it were us, it is already a dream to be valued by Feng Shao. How could we leak company secrets in a whimsical way and let Feng Shao fall into crisis? I heard that because of those few With a loss of tens of billions, several of our company's overseas branches have temporarily announced the suspension of operations, all of which are caused by that crazy woman in Yixi, and it is really harmful!"

Looking at Yihan being taken into the police car from the floor-to-ceiling glass, and being pointed at and ridiculed by colleagues at the same time, I don't know why?Even if the wind is so cold, you still can't feel happy?It felt as if someone had pressed a big rock on his chest. This almost suffocating feeling made him not even want to work?
He picked up his coat, ready to go for a drive?As soon as you opened the door of the office, you heard a lot of discussion about Yihan outside the door?He suddenly felt that his mood was even worse, so he showed up directly in a big stride, and came in front of those employees who were still recklessly continuing to say mean things?

Even if the staff didn't turn their heads, they still felt the aura of indifference emanating from Feng Qinghan?Suddenly feel a burst of creeps?Then Feng Qinghan's voice, like a demon from hell, exploded in their ears:
"I hired you not to gossip about who, but to work hard to create benefits for me, but you only care about laughing at others here? Believe it or not, I have enough ability and means to make you a second favorite." Han? What? Want to try what it's like to be in prison?"

"Young Master Feng, we did something wrong, please forgive me." The employees looked at each other, and they dared not speak any more, but hurriedly apologized, for fear that Feng Qinghan would really fire them in a fit of anger?
Fortunately, Feng Qinghan hadn't lost his mind because of this incident, he snorted coldly, and left the Fengjia Group building, while the employees behind him patted their chests, looking overly frightened They looked very interesting, but they didn't dare to continue to say anything aboveboard. Instead, after exchanging a look with each other, they immediately returned to their jobs.

At the same time, Lin Yiqing didn't stay in the Fengjia Villa boringly during the day shift, facing the maids who saw her as if a mouse met a cat?Instead, he drove to the downstairs of the apartment in the community where Susan lived before?
Because Lin Yiqing often came here before, the residents of the community are already familiar with her, but today is different. After all, Susan has passed away, and the cause of death is also related to Lin Yiqing. Too conspicuous?Lin Yiqing purposely put on a mask and sunglasses, avoided everyone's eyes as much as possible and went upstairs, then took out a spare key from her pocket and opened the door of Susan's house.

Susan is an extremely cautious person, and there is always only one key. As for this one, Lin Yiqing secretly assigned it when she was not on guard. She was extra careful, but she did not expect it to be handed out today. use?
As soon as she entered the room, even though it had already been cleaned, Lin Yiqing still felt a guilty smell of blood?Especially after looking at the place where Susan died before, he felt an inexplicable creep in broad daylight?She shivered, frowned, and cursed:
"Damn old woman, didn't you bully me enough when you were alive? Now that you're dead, you think I'm still afraid of you? This lady doesn't believe in this evil. There are no ghosts and gods in the world. If there are, old woman, please show up Let Miss Ben take a look! Is there anything else Miss Ben wants to ask you?"

Lin Yiqing, who broke into Susan's former residence alone, was extremely courageous. In fact, it was not because she felt guilty about Susan, but because she still remembered that Susan had cheated her of 1000 million before she was alive. In order to get the money out, Lin Yiqing Qing had to take advantage of the fact that the police had unsealed the line of defense here, and quickly came to look for it.

But after searching every drawer in and out of the house, even under the pillow, the pocket of the coat that Susan wore before her death, still can't find the whereabouts of the 1000 million check?
Lin Yiqing muttered angrily: "Where did the damned woman hide my money? She was so despicable in life, and she even tried to harm people after death! She really deserves her life!"

After slamming a drawer in Susan's bedroom to the ground, Lin Yiqing put her hands on her hips. Just as she was about to continue searching, she suddenly heard someone open the door?
Her spirit immediately became tense, because she clearly heard that the person outside was not trying to pry open the door, but seemed to be skillfully using a key to open the door?Her body shuddered suddenly.

As we knew about Susan before, she was a very cautious and villainous person. Apart from herself, she almost regarded everyone around her as a possible target to murder her?So she never trusts others easily, even Lin Yiqing, she is dubious, because she feels that Lin Yiqing has been caught by him too much, and she can make good use of it, so she relaxes her vigilance a little bit, but she doesn't Thinking that he would die in the hands of this most despised person in the end?

Among the people Lin Yiqing knew, there was absolutely no one who could reassure Susan, so how could someone outside the door have the key to Susan's house?

At this moment, I suddenly felt that the surrounding environment seemed to be covered with a strange atmosphere?A picture that only appeared in horror movies suddenly appeared in her mind, that is, the dead person left because he was unwilling to leave like this, so after the death came back to life, he returned to the place where he originally lived, and went to find the person who killed her. , the one who caused her to lose her life?
Lin Yiqing's legs were so weak that she almost fell to the ground?She murmured in her heart: "Could it be so evil? Are there really ghosts in this world?"

However, when Lin Yiqing was talking to herself, the door had been opened smoothly from the outside, and then footsteps came towards the bedroom. Because Lin Yiqing was looking for the 1000 million check, Never thought that there would be a second person in this house?So when I was looking for it, I also had some thoughts of destroying it. The whole living room had been destroyed beyond recognition, and obviously people outside had already noticed this. After seeing the bedroom door half-opened, this Will you come to find out what happened?

Lin Yiqing's heartbeat became more and more obvious. Even in this room, it seemed particularly abrupt. She clasped her hands together. Although she didn't believe in evil before, after all, now that the facts were in front of her, she silently prayed: "God! Bless you, don't let that ghost in."

"Is there anyone inside?" Did God hear Lin Yiqing's prayer?Or did the people outside the door hear Lin Yiqing's voice from the bedroom?It was not Suzanne's weird voice that floated in, but a strange man's voice?

Since it was a man, Lin Yiqing suddenly felt relieved. After hesitating for a while, he opened the door and saw a vaguely familiar face. Where have we met?But after looking at the man opposite, Lin Yiqing still frowned, and asked without curiosity:

"You don't look like an ordinary thief. If you were a thief, it is absolutely impossible to have the key to this house. Are you the landlord? Or are you a relative of Aunt Shan?"

No, Feng Qinghan, Susan's relative, has long heard that people in Feng Qinghan's grandmother's family are dying and scattered. A well-known family seems to have been cursed, and it has been dilapidated in just a few years. Now, will there really be such close relatives who have the keys to Susan's house?

However, the other party did not directly answer Lin Yiqing's question, but looked at this well-dressed woman covered in famous brands, and the man's voice sounded gentle but with a hint of seriousness, "You are Lin Yiqing." Miss Qinglin, right?I have long heard that before Susan's death, Ms. Lin would often visit her. This time, I came to pay my respects to Susan. I didn't expect to meet Ms. Lin just in time? '

Lin Yiqing looked at the man and felt vaguely familiar, so it shouldn't be the first time the two met?Moreover, the man called out Lin Yiqing's name grandly, which not only made Lin Yiqing more sure of her inner guess.

Gradually, she pictured the scene of meeting this man for the first time in her mind, as if at that reception, when Lin Yiqing was bullied by the bald old man, she secretly saw Susan talking to this man named Ou Xueming's man talked, and the two of them didn't know why?It seems that the conversation is not very pleasant, but judging from the facial expressions of the two, they are not just friends, but like people who have known each other for many years?
I still remember that because of this suspicion, Lin Yiqing once photographed a private detective to find a way to investigate Ou Xueming, but the information that the private detective could investigate was very little, except that Ou Xueming's family was in trouble before, and she and Susan were childhood sweethearts together Good friends who grew up, and even almost entered the marriage hall, these few irrelevant things.

Unexpectedly, as Lin Yiqing guessed, the private relationship between Ou Xueming and Susan was really good, and he even got the key to Susan's house?

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