After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 200 The Right Person

In response to the shareholders' doubts, he responded lightly: "Your suspicions are correct. In order to allow my husband to recuperate with peace of mind, I have quietly taken over the Lanjia Group since two years ago. I also had to get up early every day and spend two hours putting on makeup and pretending, but I did not disappoint my husband after all, the achievements of the Lan Family Group in the past two years are obvious to all."

"Absurd, it's ridiculous! The young lady is desperate to make up a joke, thinking that we will believe it, right? Tell this story to three-year-old children, and they may not believe it. The young lady is clearly a How can a woman pretend to be a man and live for two full years? Not even half a mistake in the middle?"

The leading shareholder still raised doubts bluntly, although other people seemed to have believed Xiao Kui's words, but he was unwilling to believe it. He Ningyuan believed that all this was deliberately fabricated by Xiao Kui.

However, Xiao Kui still unhurriedly took out a photo from his purse and placed it in front of the shareholders. The photo was taken by Lan Feng and Xiao Kui, who was disguised as a man. Taking a photo in this form once, it is not difficult for a discerning person to see that when these two people stand together, they are no different from twin brothers.

Even the leading shareholder is speechless. With such strong evidence in front of him, what else can he say?

Shareholders no longer dare to instigate a general meeting of shareholders to elect a new candidate to replace Lan Feng. If what Xiao Kui said is true, in order to preserve the reputation of the Lan Family Group, she would rather sacrifice herself and pretend to be Lan Feng. The stock price group will also be vigorously organized, so there is probably no more suitable candidate for the person who will continue to take over Lan Feng's position except her.

The secretary who was standing in the wrong line by the side collapsed completely after hearing all this, and the documents he held in his arms fell to the ground, his face was ashen.

The meeting was dissolved amid embarrassment, and Xiao Kui sent the shareholders off one by one with a smile. She already had confidence in her heart that after this incident, no one from the shareholders would question her ability anymore. For these, she still has another group of people who need to manage them well.

When passing by the still stunned secretary, Xiao Kui's sneer sneered, she seemed to be able to imagine the secretary's remorse at the moment?She said: "If you can be smarter this time, the position of head of the secretary is yours. What excellent conditions will they promise to give you? It is nothing more than a promotion and salary increase, but congratulations, my Lanjia Group is too small , I can’t keep you as a god, please find another place to make a living!”

The implication is that the secretary was fired?Looking at the back of Xiao Kui turning and leaving in a cool manner, the secretary suddenly realized his stupidity. He clearly had a chance to become famous, but he just listened to the instigation of those shareholders and betrayed Xiao Kui?But now?After everyone witnessed Xiao Kui's ability, those shareholders who were still vowing to drive Xiao Kui out of the head of the family completely became dumb, and turned around and left in despair. No one paid any attention to the secretary's situation... …

After realizing this, the secretary rushed to Xiao Kui in a hurry, knelt down on the ground without saying a word, and begged in front of other passing employees: "This subordinate is too stupid to see Mount Tai, sir. Ma'am, I really can't lose this job, the old people in the family are relying on my salary to support me, for the sake of my first mistake, young lady, please forgive me, I promise that I will..."

"Put away your hypocrisy!" Xiao Kui could even imagine how the secretary would express his determination next?But she was not interested in hearing this, and looked at the secretary's pleading indifferently, and she snorted coldly: "A man has gold under his knees, if you don't beg me in this way, maybe I will give you another chance, for you Arrange an inconspicuous position in the Lan Family Group, so that you can continue to support your family, but now you don't even want your dignity. My Lan Family Group cannot continue to keep people like you. I didn't say that you are in the same industry. Before you get banned, pack up your things and leave by yourself!"

It's not that Xiao Kui is too cruel, but that too many traitors have appeared around her in such a short period of time, and now she can no longer tolerate the existence of traitors, even if it is a first-time offender, Xiao Kui does not want to Be careful of your secretary at all times, if so, Xiao Kui would rather be fired, out of sight is out of mind!

Moreover, she always believed that both men and women should be upright, so she knelt down and begged at every turn?This is definitely not what a man should do, let alone in front of so many employees?If Xiao Kui chooses to forgive this time, then the news will inevitably leak out as quickly as possible. If any employee makes a mistake, they will kneel down and cry in front of Xiao Kui, and Xiao Kui will forgive him?
In this way, the appointment of the secretary has become a certainty, and the secretary has finally changed from a high position to a stranger who has nothing to do with the Lan Family Group in an instant, and all this is his own fault, no wonder others!
When passing by other departments along the way, I still saw the employees talking and pointing at Xiao Kui at the same time?Doesn't seem to be working seriously as an internationally renowned company?

She finally stopped impatiently, stood in the corridor, summoned the supervisors of all departments, and reprimanded in front of the employees:
"I pay you a high salary every month. It is absolutely not for you to gossip casually during working hours. If you supervisors are incapable of managing the people under you, then hand in your resignation letter. I will never Retain! Also, starting today, I will give you a power, that is, if any employee chats about other things during working hours, which have nothing to do with work, you can fire them directly without my signature!"

After these words, those employees who were still pointing fingers at Xiao Kui finally closed their mouths knowingly, although they don't know how Xiao Kui persuaded the staid shareholders?But now it seems that Xiao Kui has won an unexpected victory in this battle for the head of the Lan Family Group, so she is now qualified to give orders here, but the executives have to bite the bullet and listen to the reprimand, right?

However, this method is also effective. After all, it successfully blocked the mouths of some employees, allowing them to take some care even when discussing privately. Keep an eye on the employees in your department, afraid that because of them, you will lose your job because of them?

After this battle, Xiao Kui became the well-deserved hostess of the Lan Family Group. No one dared to oppose her. After all, she did not want to be just a beautiful vase as rumored, but a complete king. Low-key, but a king who has to be admired!
Fengjia Group.

In Feng Qinghan's office, Yihan knocked on the door and entered, and put a few documents on Feng Qinghan's desk. Seeing his tired face, Yihan was a little worried, but she knew her identity well and dared not do it. Extraordinary behavior.

See Yihan didn't leave after putting down the file?Feng Qinghan looked at Yihan impatiently with indifferent eyes, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Young Master Feng, I heard that Xiao Kui has officially gone to work in the Lan Family Group today as the young wife of the Lan Family." Yi Han was thinking, maybe Feng Qinghan would be interested in Xiao Kui's news?After all, he likes Xiao Kui so much, and since Susan passed away, Feng Qinghan's behavior has become very strange, he has started to work day and night, even in order to gain the approval of shareholders, Feng Qinghan has never been so crazy , Yihan knew Susan's identity, and guessed that maybe Feng Qinghan chose to work hard to anesthetize himself because of the pain of losing a loved one?

But unexpectedly, when Yihan told Feng Qinghan the news, his eyes did not have any light. Instead, he continued to lower his head without any expression, and said, "So what? This is Xiao Kui and the Lan Family Group. What kind of relationship do you have to do with Master Ben? From now on, you don’t need to tell Master about Xiao Kui’s unimportant matters.”

"It's Young Master Feng, I remember." Yihan wondered why Feng Qinghan's attitude towards Xiao Kui changed so much?After all, after knowing that Xiao Kui was going to marry Lan Feng, Feng Qinghan couldn't let her go. However, when Xiao Kui was mentioned now, Feng Qinghan's eyes were full of indifference. Have you let go?

Just when Yihan was lost in thought, Feng Qinghan's voice sounded like a messenger from hell, and rang in Yihan's ear again: "Yiqing should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, right? There must be many media reporters in Rou's family who have been ambushing for a long time. Let's send someone to take Yi Qing to Feng's villa for a while."

"But?" Yihan's eyes widened. She obviously did not expect Feng Qinghan to make such a request. Yihan could tell that Feng Qinghan had no feelings for Lin Yiqing, but now she is willing to take Lin Yiqing into Feng's villa , isn't this tantamount to telling the world that Lin Yiqing is the future hostess of the Fengjia Group?
"Do you have an opinion?" Facing Yihan's astonishment, Feng Qinghan's eyes were full of indifference and provocation, he is such a strong existence, once he made a decision, he would never allow it to be changed casually!
"Yihan dare not." Not daring to go head-to-head with Feng Qinghan, she hastily lowered her head, and believed in a man like Feng Qinghan, no matter what decision he made?It's all well thought out, right?Feng Qinghan should have a reason for ordering Lin Yiqing to build the Fengjia villa this time, and Yihan is not qualified to give any opinions!

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