But Lin Yiqing really couldn't feel happy because of this, why didn't she recognize the opportunity to chat calmly, but now?

Her face was still full of embarrassing smiles, and she reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She sat on the sofa and wanted to sit with Feng Qinghan, but because of timidity, she chose a place to sit away from Feng Qinghan. A little further away, and then replied perfunctorily: "Qinghan, what else do you want to know? Just ask, and I will definitely answer frankly."

That night was the most difficult night for Lin Yiqing. She had to find a way to prove her innocence and break away from the things she was suspected of, and she also had to find a way to prevent Feng Qinghan from seeing her embarrassment. , this is a very difficult test for her acting skills, but in order to stay by Feng Qinghan's side, she still has to do...

Afterwards, Lin Yiqing looked at Feng Qinghan's indifferent eyes that made her dare not approach them, and asked with some hesitation: "Qinghan, maybe if it wasn't for that woman Xiao Kui who leaked important documents back then, the Feng Family Group and the Feng Family Group were killed." You are all in danger, and I secretly sell Lin's shares to help you, without telling the truth to my second uncle, if something like this happens, will you still choose to stand by me?"

"No." Facing Lin Yiqing's question, Feng Qinghan calmly responded to his own voice.

And this answer, although Lin Yiqing knew it a long time ago, but now hearing it from Feng Qinghan's mouth, it is another kind of heartache. Her tears burst out, and she couldn't stop it. Are you regretting asking such a silly question?Or maybe she started to regret it gradually.

It turned out that what Feng Qinghan wanted to protect from the beginning to the end was not Lin Yiqing, but Lin Yiqing's property, because Lin Yiqing once wanted to help him at all costs, although Feng Qinghan couldn't use the same madness to pay , but at least she will reach out a hand when she faces difficulties.

Standing up, Feng Qinghan looked at Lin Yiqing with no trust in his eyes, as if he was looking at a child who always likes to lie, without a trace of affection, "You can rest assured, since this young master must marry you If so, then this young master will absolutely not allow others to hurt my future wife, but Yiqing, I have something to say, you better be mentally prepared, that is, if everything has nothing to do with you, you are just being wronged If so, Ben Shao will naturally help you uphold justice, and will never let others touch your hair, but if you really participate in it, or do something that surprises Ben Shao, then Ben Shaogang will not continue to help you. What are you?"

After Feng Qinghan was about to leave, Lin Yiqing looked at her back, the tears in her eyes were full of traces of bitterness, she also stood up from the sofa suddenly, and asked as if she lost her mind: "What if there is a relationship between us?" Without Xiao Kui, wouldn’t it be like this today? Qinghan, do you know why I hate Xiao Kui so much? It’s because I know that the person you love in your heart is actually her, I’m jealous! Why? I can't? Am I much worse than him? She can become the love of your heart, can't I? "

This is the first time Lin Yiqing has admitted that she has done something to hurt Xiao Kui before?Feng Qinghan's footsteps stopped in place, he didn't look back, he didn't want to look at Lin Yiqing's hypocritical face anymore, so with his back turned to her, Feng Qinghan responded indifferently:

"Xiao Kui is in the past tense. She seems to have become the hostess of the Lan Family Group. Even if my heart is still attached to her, I'm afraid she won't even take a look at her. So don't talk to Xiao Kui from now on. Kui is an enemy, and her means, if she really wants to embarrass you, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you, so you can do it yourself."

The door of the ward was slammed shut from the outside, and Feng Qinghan's anger could be seen, even if she didn't lose her temper with Lin Yiqing, but for Lin Yiqing, she would rather Feng Qinghan could lose her mind and lose her mind Getting angry once, at least it can prove that Lin Yiqing still has a little place in her heart, but what about now?He would rather use the action of slamming the door to vent his inner emotions than say a word to Lin Yiqing. This is the scariest thing, right?
After Feng Qinghan left, Lin Yiqing fell to the ground and cried, thinking that what she had done during this period of time was just to win Feng Qinghan's heart, so she did this unscrupulously, but in the end, her plan was still In vain, even in her current distress, Feng Qinghan didn't want to protect her out of love, but just because of Lin Yiqing's self-sacrifice because of him before?
Tears spread silently on her cheeks, and she suddenly didn't know why she did so many wrong things.Is it worth it?Starting from wanting to cause Xiao Kui to follow the trend of the exhibition's eternal misunderstanding, he pulled out Lan Feng's oxygen tube against his conscience, and blamed the leak of important information of the Fengjia Group on Xiao Kui. He killed the bald old man, of course he deserved to die, but he dared to put medicine in her wine to make her unable to resist the bullying of the bald old man?However, she personally put the gold bracelet given to her by the bald old man on Susan's hand. I heard that during Susan's funeral, the bald old man's wife used to brainstorm about the funeral and told everyone about Susan. Evil and despicable, because she also suspected that the person who was with the bald old man on the night of his death was Susan?
All in all, the result she wanted never happened. Although Feng Qinghan said that he had completely given up on Xiao Kui?But she still couldn't forget it in her heart, and Lin Yiqing was willing to sacrifice her whole life just to be with such a man...

The feeling of powerlessness is constantly spreading in the body. It is an indescribable feeling. Yes, she regrets it. This is the first time she has this feeling. She thought she could tell herself with confidence that she would never I would regret those things, but after being exposed to Feng Qinghan's indifferent attitude, all the previous confidence disappeared.

What should I do?Lin Yiqing spent most of the night on the ground, and finally she looked in the mirror, her eyes were already swollen from crying, and she suddenly felt that she couldn't make her life continue to be miserable?So she reached out to wipe away her tears, and said to herself to the embarrassed woman in the mirror:
"Remember, you were definitely not born to be trampled under your feet and bullied casually. Those who have bullied you and given you despair, don't you want to take revenge with your own hands? Xiao Kui, one day you will definitely be ruined. It's in my hand, and Feng Qinghan, you will definitely fall in love with me without regard for your own safety, just like you fell in love with Xiao Kui before, for sure!"

Although it was already late at night in China, it was already early morning in a castle abroad.

Ping Xiang, who is wearing a gorgeous costume, is hiding in a flower bush at the moment. While the maids are passing by, he is quietly preparing to escape from the castle?

However, before he had gone far, he was discovered by the guards, and then he was brought to a dignified woman, a seemingly majestic and beautiful woman with long golden hair and blue eyes. Just sitting there without saying a word can make people feel nervous.

Beside the dignified woman, there is another woman with the same blond hair and blue eyes, but much younger. She is Christina, and she is also one of the nobles in England. But he kept procrastinating again and again, and finally even chose to stay in China, unwilling to return to the UK, and used this method to escape.

But despite this, Christina did not give up her love for Pingxiang. She stepped forward with a smile on her face, told the guards to let Pingxiang go, and said softly: "Paul, this castle is your home. Why do you still sneak around the door? How bad would it be if the guards and maids found out?"

"Don't worry about my affairs." Pingxiang, that is, the real British nobleman, Paul is actually his real name. As for "Pingxiang", it was just a temporary choice for the convenience of activities in the country. It's just a name, but after so many years, Paul found that he liked the name 'Ping Xiang' more and more. On the contrary, he lost any familiarity with Paul's real name?

This is not the first time that Paul has been indifferent to Christina. Since he was a child, he has rejected the marriage of the two countless times, and he has clearly stated in front of his family that he hopes that marriage will be based on love, not on the basis of love. Marriage for the benefit of the two families?
However, Paul's mother, Cindy, the dignified woman sitting on a chair enjoying black tea, turned a deaf ear to Paul's refusal, and it was the same this time. Christina?

So after seeing Paul's indifferent attitude towards Christina, Cindy finally put down the black tea in her hand, looked up at Paul who was dressed in casual clothes, and reprimanded sharply: "Paul, don't tell me you've lived in China for a few years Do you really think that you are a genuine Chinese? Do you want to be like your father, who keeps saying you love me, but leaves me persistently? Have you forgotten that you are my only hope? If If even you leave me, what is the meaning of my life?"

"Mom, I am no longer a child. In China, I have the power to make my own decisions. But I am still like a child. I am bound by my mother. I don't want to stay here. China still has I have nothing to deal with, I have to go back right away, mom, you know!"

Paul tried his best to help him find an excuse to leave, and he had already heard the news of Xiao Kui's release from prison on the TV news.

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