After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 185 Important Documents

The two looked at each other, but they both had their own plans in their hearts, but Lin Yiqing was even more ruthless. A sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then she stretched out her hand to hold Susan, who was about to leave The hand that was left on her neck gradually exerted force, causing her voice to be hoarse and trembling, and she begged Feng Qinghan outside the door: "Qinghan save me, save me quickly? Aunt Shan, Aunt Shan, she is crazy She's actually going to kill me? Qinghan, hurry up and save me, ahem, I feel so hard to breathe, Qinghan..."

Lin Yiqing's conspiracy obviously caught Susan by surprise, and she couldn't react for a while, but she only heard Lin Yiqing raised her voice and begged her for mercy: "Aunt Shan, please let me go, please? Even for the sake of Qinghan? If you do something wrong, as long as you sincerely repent, I believe Xiao Kui will forgive you. The most terrible thing is knowing your mistakes and making mistakes. I promise you that I will come to Xiao Kui in person I explained to you in front of you that you killed Xiao Kui's mother and personally delivered poison to Qing Han's mother. I only knew these two things by accident. I really didn't intend to investigate you. Aunt Shan, please believe me. Let me go, okay?"

Feng Qinghan outside the door stopped knocking on the door immediately after hearing Lin Yiqing's words. Even without looking at Feng Qinghan's current facial expression, it's not difficult to guess how shocked he is now.

What did Lin Yiqing say just now?He actually said that Susan had something to do with the death of Xiao Kui and his mother?How can this be?Weren't the three of them best friends when they were young?How could Susan do this?However, just when Feng Qinghan was flustered, he could only hear Lin Yiqing's voice sounded weaker in the room separated by a door, as if someone was strangling her neck, it was difficult to breathe, and she was in great pain.

Feng Qinghan was worried that if she continued to dawdle, what kind of accident would really happen to Lin Yiqing?At that time, even if he wants to know the whole truth, he will have no chance, right?So he started banging on the door with his body, again and again, trying to save Lin Yiqing?
And Susan inside the door obviously understood Feng Qinghan's intentions, knowing that he would do this because of what Lin Yiqing yelled just now?So Susan hurriedly reached out to cover Lin Yiqing's mouth, her eyes were full of hatred and anger, she questioned: "You did it on purpose, right? Are you deliberately trying to make Qinghan suspect me? Lin Yiqing, you It’s really despicable, you just said to discuss it, and now you betray me? I’m going to die, and you don’t even want to live, do you hear me?”

There is no need for Lin Yiqing to press Susan's arm, Susan also gritted her teeth and wanted to strangle Lin Yiqing to death, at least before she died, she had to solve the big trouble of Lin Yiqing first!
However, Lin Yiqing did not resist this time. A sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. Facing Susan's hatred, she murmured cruelly: "It was Aunt Shan who didn't give me a chance. Protect yourself? Hmph, stop daydreaming, who do you think you are? I, Lin Yiqing, would make such a big sacrifice for you?"

Lin Yiqing finally spoke her mind. She is a person who needs to be sacrificed by others, but she meets the more brazen Susan?Lin Yiqing cursed and said: "Go to hell, Aunt Shan! I will definitely remember the anniversary of your death next year and burn some Ming coins for you! Hmph! As for my secrets that you know, I will also bring them into hell together." Bar!"

Almost all the situations happened in an instant, Feng Qinghan finally broke in, but only saw an image in the room, and Lin Yiqing kicked Susan, who was strangling her neck, to the ground with a look of panic on her face. On the ground, in order to protect herself, the force was too strong, causing the back of Susan's head to hit the sharp corner of the table?As a result, a large pool of blood spread from the back of Susan's head.

When Feng Qinghan entered the room, she saw Lin Yiqing screaming and immediately half-fainted on the sofa. There were still tears in her eyes, which made people feel distressed. After seeing Feng Qinghan, she quickly reached out and hugged him. With his body still trembling, he explained to Feng Qinghan tremblingly: "Qinghan, I, I didn't do it on purpose, it was Aunt Shan who wanted to kill me, and I accidentally pushed her down, no, if I didn't If you overthrow Aunt Shan, Aunt Shan may really kill me, Qinghan, you have to believe me, you have to believe me?"

"This young master doesn't believe anyone, this young master only believes what he sees before his eyes." Facing Lin Yiqing's crying, Feng Qinghan didn't say a word. He approached Su who was still lying on the floor with his eyes wide open and had stopped breathing. Shan frowned tightly, "You haven't explained clearly to me, whether the death of Xiao Kui's mother, Xiao Mei, and my mother has anything to do with you? Now that you are dead, are those secrets going to come together?" Into the coffin?"

However, Feng Qinghan's words could no longer get Susan's response. Susan, who was arrogant all her life and never willing to give in to any link in her life, finally died at the hands of the person she thought was the easiest to be bullied. Maybe she won't understand until the moment she dies, it's not that he plotted against Lin Yiqing, but Lin Yiqing plotted against her...

When the police took Susan's body away, and the doctor took Lin Yiqing, who was a little confused, to the hospital, the moment they passed each other, Lin Yiqing found that Feng Qinghan looked at him with only cold eyes, not A little bit of tenderness and sympathy?Lin Yiqing was heartbroken, but she still held Feng Qinghan's hand with a pale face, as if pleading, muttering:

"Even if you saw Qinghan with your own eyes, it was hard for you to believe my helplessness and innocence. How could those policemen believe it? But Qinghan, I love you. Based on my love for you, you shouldn't treat me Do you have doubts? Aunt Shan is a villain full of evil, I just don’t want her to have the opportunity to hurt you, just like hurting Xiao Kui!"

Although Lin Yiqing was judged by the police to have killed Susan by mistake, Feng Qinghan's eyes were full of doubts about Lin Yiqing. He is a very smart person and knows that there are very few things that are too coincidental in this world. The matter of putting Xiao Kuizheng in prison, and Susan's recordings as evidence, proved that Lin Yiqing was also one of the participants in this matter, but now that Susan is dead, there is no proof of her death, and I am afraid that even the police are right. Lin Yiqing was helpless, right?

Although Lin Yiqing's eyes were full of pleading and reluctance at the moment, Feng Qinghan still indifferently pulled his hand out of Lin Yiqing's palm, there was no warmth in his eyes, looking at Lin Yiqing was like looking at Like the first stranger he had never met before, he said coldly: "Aunt Shan's death, I don't want to argue with you, but what is the meaning of your dispute in the room? What are Aunt Shan and Aunt Mei? Does it have something to do with my mother's death? Lin Yiqing, don't try to hide this from Young Master, you seem to know a lot of inside information that Young Master Ben doesn't!"

Feng Qinghan can let go of other things for the time being, but the only thing that worries about the cause of his mother's death is that Feng Qinghan's mother died of poison because of Feng Jian's dissolute nature and entangled relationships with outside women. Yes, because of this reason, Feng Qinghan didn't show up until Feng Jian's death, but because of Feng Jian's fault, Feng Qinghan lost his mother who loved him the most since he was a child?

And these years, Feng Qinghan has never had any doubts about the cause of his mother's death, but it was not until he heard the dispute between Susan and Lin Yiqing at the door just now that Feng Qinghan became completely nervous , Could it be said that the truth of the matter back then was not that the mother hated the father and committed suicide by taking poison in despair, but was there really something else hidden?
Just when Lin Yiqing was hesitating, not knowing whether she should answer Feng Qinghan's question, the nurse on the side suddenly reminded gently: "I'm really sorry Feng Shao, Miss Yiqing was shocked a lot, and her pulse condition has not been stable. Stable, Yisheng will go back to treat her, and the police also said that they will go to the hospital to record a statement for Miss Yi Qing, so..."

After all, this is not the best place for the two to gossip, especially the living room is still filled with the bloody smell of Susan's blood. If it is late at night, the scenes here may be more frightening than those in horror movies. ?

Feng Qinghan didn't stop her anymore, but took two steps back to let Lin Yiqing and the nurse leave, but Lin Yiqing didn't go far, she turned her head suddenly, looked at the silent Feng Qinghan, and said: "Give me one night, please? Qinghan, I promise that I will tell you the whole thing in the morning tomorrow without any reservations."

Feng Qinghan didn't answer, and he didn't even look at Lin Yiqing. Now his mind was full of the influence of Susan's words, and his already stern face made people dare not approach her even more.

Lan's villa.

"Young Madam, this is the tea you want." The butler personally delivered the tea to the study on the second floor.

This place was originally where Xiao Kui locked the door for the convenience of pretending to be Lan Feng, but since Lan Feng passed away, it is not as mysterious as before, and there are occasional maids who come in and out to clean it, even if Xiao Kui saw it, he would not say anything .

When she just came out of the prison, she dealt with the documents accumulated during this period of time. What she was looking at now was said to be sent by Yihan, the female secretary of Feng Qinghan. The so-called important documents?
But Xiao Kui flipped through several pages, but couldn't find any secrets that needed to be kept secret?The so-called 'important documents' are just general business summary sheets?When she was frowning and thinking, the butler knocked on the door and came in, put the ginseng tea beside Xiao Kui, seeing her serious face, the butler reminded:
"I just received the news that Susan tried to strangle Lin Yiqing to death at home, but unexpectedly, she was careless for a while. Lin Yiqing pushed her to the corner of the table and died of excessive bleeding."

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